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49772209 No.49772209 [Reply] [Original]

Over six months
>Meta down 50%
>Amazon down 36%
>Apple 22%
>Netflix down 70%
>Alphabet down 25%
>Microsoft down 22%
>Snap down 72%

Is now the time to go long on fagman and similiar shares?

>> No.49772244


>> No.49772282
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>>Amazon down 36%

>> No.49772286

no keep shorting
the age of tech is over

>> No.49772302
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No this is the Great Reset, it’s only getting started

>> No.49772323

The more corporations restrict Russia the more you lose.
The lie when they say there's no profit from us

>> No.49772332

Yes but replace netflix with NVDA

>> No.49772371
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So, this time is different you say?

>> No.49772391

>population of 100k, most too poor to even use those services
I'm sure it was that and not a fact that meme tech stocks sink in crisus as a rule

>> No.49772412

yep, unironically these are hugely profitable companies.

so oversold atm

>> No.49772424

They will only go back up, bobos never learn

>> No.49772451

they are currently trading at 100x PE

>> No.49772461

>currently trading at 100x PE
literally untrue, except maybe snap.

>> No.49772483

between 10-20 for meta,appl,goog,msft,nflx
amzn like 30

>> No.49772493

Soon to be FAAG

>> No.49772507

meta is a dead project
google leaking "sentient AI" was a dead cat bounce failed attempt to reinvigorate interest. otherwise google search is a potemkin village
tesla is government handouts: the firm
twitter is bot central
netflix is so woke it permanently alienated a whole demographic
apple might still be sort of ok but the china situation is pouring cold water on apple
dead market

>> No.49772552

why did they put netflix up there with the big boys? it's not a tech giant, it's not even a tech company at all

>> No.49772562
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Do you see any CEO buying their shit back? They all started dumping a year and a half ago

>> No.49772590

It was all fake hype because boomer investment fund managers didn't understand the technology. So those companies got lifted to billions, while making fuck all actual money

>> No.49772591

Microsoft and Apple will be fine, the rest are fucked

>> No.49772603

>keep hiring pajeets to shoddily code your products at duct tape tower quality levels while only making it harder for them to fix it down the line
>sell complete and utter junk on a subscription basis in a field that actively tries to oversaturate itself
It's an overdue collapse. Good fucking riddance as well, normalfags getting their filthy hands on the internet was one of the worst things to happen in the 21st century.

>> No.49772609

>quest 2 best selling VR headset of all time
>XR will be adopted like phones once the form factor is the size of glasses

>> No.49772721

being the best seller in a gimmick market for anime coomers doesn't really offset the fact that no one under 25 uses facebook and instagram

>> No.49772743
File: 124 KB, 1390x379, apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buffett likes apple too
probably the best tech bet to make but i doubt he factored in the impact that supply chain issues would have and the impending second shanghai lockdown

>> No.49772751

Honestly it hasn't even started yet. It's going to get crazy. Huge buying opportunities coming.

>> No.49772780

Yeah Apple runs a profit, so they should be fine.

>> No.49772826

oh yea, i can hear all the normies talk about how they are gonna buy a "quest 2"...

>> No.49772860

microsoft will do fine and apple will also be fine they are the cornerstones of tech
alphabet will go nowhere because it is the ecommerce marketer
amazon will also go nowhere because its massive
meta will struggle but survive
netflix is a joke

>> No.49772979

kids are unironically buying quest 2 hard

its the new wii

>> No.49773009

imagine fading this at 12 p/e because you think meta is just facebook

>> No.49773175

>its the new wii
everyone bought a wii but very few people stuck with it
the quest 2 itself isn't being sold for profit though: it's being sold cheaply to get people into the ecosystem
but if, like the wii, there is no retention then this will be a disaster
meta is bigger than people realise since it's a lot more than just facebook
personally, i don't think vr will ever get over the fundamental problems it has to ever supplant games consoles - people don't want to stand up and people don't want to move around
people want to sit on their ass, get high, and play cod
vr will be a novelty that has a hardcore enthusiast market but limited widespread appeal
normal people are never going to sit on the train in vr
ar is another matter but google glasses failed

>> No.49773462

XR is the future the problems are form factor + hardware
Avalanche for Quest has been leaked which is cloud VR. Plutosphere has already shown it’s doable if you’re close to a data center. They’ve already shown a proof of concept for glasses form factor
It’s happening

>> No.49773485

Yeah it should be FAAG

>> No.49773498
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I'm shorting all tech stocks
I'm tired of these chicken necked bastards in their office jobs thinking they're hot shit
Let em burn

>> No.49773507

Oh no! Not under 25 year olds. Their opinions are so informed and important

>> No.49773523

>form factor
it will take something revolutionary to get past this
i think on a very basic level people don't want a box strapped to their face
google glasses failed as well
the wireless issue will easily be solved with 5g if it can't be already
but again, people don't want to sit on the train with a goofy headset on and have the world around them obfuscated particularly when it doesn't accomplish anything your phone can't already do

>> No.49773739

I would suck him dry, ngl

>> No.49774947


They had a 20:1 stock split you fucking retard

>> No.49774994

Big Pharma. Recessions cause shares to skyrocket due to comorbidities and anti depressant sales

>> No.49775058
File: 75 KB, 867x1125, Meta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Meta down 50%
Needs to go lower. Fuck their metaverse bullshit

>> No.49775585

>people don't want to stand up and people don't want to move around
You can use VR while lying on your bed.
In fact that's exactly what meta is, a corporate VRchat. And VRchat is both popular with zoomers and very addictive.

>> No.49776565

Nuh-uh. Apple IS a well run company, with one fatal exception: over 90% of their supply chain is based in China. Not going to end well for them.

>> No.49776639

Netflix is being punished for no season 2 of dark crystal.

>> No.49777104

Netflix is there to make it FAGMAN

>> No.49777204

Netflix is never coming back to where it was

>> No.49777232

>Guys, my pets.com stocks are down 80%, should I slurp the dip?