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File: 175 KB, 874x764, Screenshot 2017-12-11 at 6.57.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4976762 No.4976762 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4976797
File: 258 KB, 1826x734, iotaakbar2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4976859


are there smart refugees?

>> No.4977026

doesn't even know definition of refugee, they are meant to leave again

>> No.4977062

>Monkey Skeleton
>phone posting

>> No.4977091
File: 60 KB, 480x640, IOTA bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>building permanent internet-of-things little Africas throughout Europe
this might be the most reddit thing I've ever read in my life

anyone who still has IOTA needs to sell immediately

>> No.4977110
File: 52 KB, 1000x689, Monkey-Skeletons-Pictures-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4977151

> Did Monkey Skeleton get BTFO by IOTA Founder??
Are you reading the same OP pic as me? I see precisely the opposite.

>> No.4977166

Vitalik is right though. I bet you don't even understand the "discussion".

>> No.4977171

Won't this attract rich neo libs and globalists, thus increasing the price? Why would you guys sell it, seems like a cash cow

>> No.4977188

Former ETH holder here- it's fucking hilarious watching this malnourished Russian crash and burn. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get efficient smart contracts.

>> No.4977233

So we’re watching two guys fight over which one of their shitcoin monopoly internet money is better?

Am I getting that right?

>> No.4977250


read the tweets not the pic...


>> No.4977277


This is why I'm never touching IOTA. Fuck that cuck douche bag.

>> No.4977321

they are both fucking geniuses, why does everyone have to defend their shitty crypto like football teams and drag down other projects

>> No.4977332

is he r-right? vitalik seems scared of him

>> No.4977357

Vitalik is 100% right. So many people in CS are so bad at security...

>> No.4977395
File: 116 KB, 764x551, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this debate but I'm gonna side with Vitalik just because he's way too autistic to be wrong

>> No.4977460

I like IOTA, but they toot their own horn so much that it seems they know that they don't have a decent product that speaks for itself.

>> No.4977541

>they are both fucking geniuses
this is wrong though

>> No.4977556

Yup Vitalik seemed like he got served but who knows that was like the worst fight ever, why ? Because no one knows if either one is right lmao

>> No.4977744

Lmao vitalik got destroyed.

>> No.4977833
File: 553 KB, 2048x2732, 1513005633458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> no one knows if either one is right lmao
Speak for yourself, brainlet.
The discussion wasn't very in-depth.
Sonstebo basically admitted that any hacker could spoof any devices locally (for example, set up your spoofing device to steal IOTA at a road toll point, or worse) but that "it doesn't matter because IOTA wouldn't be globally compromised" by an EM spectrum attack.

The basis of their "refutation" of the claim that you could network attack globally in the first place was based on the idea that you couldn't EM spectrum attack, so all their arguments were torn to shreds.

Sonstebo tries to marginalize the vulnerability for local EM attacks by reasserting a claim about global invulnerability that relied on there not being such a vulnerability to begin with (at least as far as the IOTA side argued).

Sonstebo isn't a genius. He's just "good" at being a shady marketer and hyper. Vitalik has his flaws but he's an actual newton/riemann tier genius and will be remembered as such.

>> No.4977963

>he's an actual newton/riemann tier genius and will be remembered as such
stopped reading there

>> No.4978162

but thats the last sentence

>> No.4978234
File: 1.45 MB, 480x270, 1431059065156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4978276

The IOTA fag's pink wojaks will be so ssevere when IOTA's flaws prove unacceptable in real world usage and it's top 5 market cap too. So many gona get hurt. Serves em.

>> No.4978281

He didn't read the period.

>> No.4978307
File: 47 KB, 570x367, 1358719352369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ here, what the flying fuck did I just read?

>> No.4978379
File: 22 KB, 500x435, 1491521088445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REEEEEEing at refugees
>{{{white genocide}}}
>implying most of the crypto community is /pol/-tier dumb

>> No.4978383
File: 17 KB, 480x318, 5bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4978406

Anyone with a fucking brain would understand the opposite happened.

Thread full of brainlets

>> No.4978466

He's a commie the tangle is a commie peer to peer