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File: 32 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49760977 No.49760977 [Reply] [Original]

Why billionaires don't spend a billion of their multiple billion dollars to do cool shit like feeding poor people, giving free healthcare to poor people, protecting the forests, taking care from stray pets.

Or hell, do cool shit like funding massive churches like notre dame but cooler?
Or just fund a totally AAA game and just open source it in the end, about whatever shit you want?
Or hire an anime studio to make you an anime?
Or hire hundreds of poor faggots artists to do art about whatever you want?
Or just fund a massive AI company to properly create something that translates between japanese and english better than a professional human translator?

I mean, that would be likely the shit I would spend my money if I were multiple billionaire.

>> No.49760991

Dumb frogposter

>> No.49761023

I will literally fund the living of thousands of poor people to work as my servants in some random place.


>> No.49761082

billionaires dont become billionaires by spending money on stupid shit

>> No.49761104

They literally do

>> No.49761105

who was the richest man in american history?

>> No.49761118

Rich people do all of that already retard.

>> No.49761122

having billions is lame if you don't do cool shit.

I would fund the living of thousands of very poor people, and make them living in some random far away town where I will literally force them to use medieval dresses and make the towns like middle age shit town and just make them my little feudal serf region and force their kids to learn some centuries old as fuck version of middle ages spanish.

>> No.49761215
File: 115 KB, 1460x1220, Africa_Population_Growth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you functionally retarted?

Bill Gates leads a HUGE philanthropic organization that is feeding and immunizing Africans like crazy.
The population of Africa is EXPLODING.
And you want MORE of this!??

>> No.49761223

sterilizing *

>> No.49761283

I don't know what Bill Gates intentions for Africa are, but they're not good. He used to be obsessed with circumcising Africans so it's probably simple Zionism.

>> No.49761378
File: 32 KB, 793x558, African_Population_2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sterilizing *

African population is EXPLODING... some projections have 4 BILLION more Africans in less than 80 years.
There were less than 4 billion people on the entire planet in 1970.

>> No.49761397

cope. 60% of the population by 2080 will be asians.

>> No.49761428

tony stark

>> No.49761465
File: 289 KB, 866x878, More_Africans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


40% of the world will be African by 2100 up from about 5% in 2000

>> No.49761474


>> No.49761477

If that were true then why does he make so many chudcels seethe?

>> No.49761495

he wants to kill 95% of the population or at least sterilize them.

>> No.49761534

because the poor will stay poor no matter how much money you give them. it is a mentality problem not a financial one. the same way as 80% of the lottery winners lose it all after 3 years and are worse off that before. it is in the head, if you are poor you will be poor forever even if they currently have money, wheil the rich will always be rich even if they currently don't have money. most people don't want to help themselves and that is the biggest problem.

>> No.49761535
File: 83 KB, 640x665, South_African_Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Things are NOT looking good for Africa.
Expect HUGE slums and warlords fighting endless wars.
Notice that major companies do NOT do manufacturing in Africa.. it is a lesson in frustration trying to get anything done in Africa.

>> No.49761537

wow asians and niggers are lowering our IQ's

>> No.49761543

why don't grizzly bears be nice and go vegan for a year and not kill any animals? because nature. same thing with billionaires. it's nature.

>> No.49761559

So he's your average chudcel?
And where's your proof?
Why waste time with his philanthropy which is literally boosting life expectancy if the plan is to kill everyone off?

>> No.49761569

They're billionaires for a reason anon

>> No.49761584
File: 218 KB, 453x410, CR_main.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very likely their black queens will be breed by high IQ chinese incels, making a superior BLASIAN elite race in africa.

>> No.49761609

Think about it in terms of cashflow. If you have $1bil, and you make say $40 mil on average from your investments. You can give $20mil/year to charities and still have $20mil for living a fuck-you rich lifestyle. Then when you can die you can give like 100m to your kids, and $900mil to charity on top of the hundreds of mill you already gave through your life. If you think like this its actually more given to charity.

This is why I think its retarded for anyone who isn't rich already to give anything to charity. You are better off saving it up and becoming financially independent then volunteering and given extra income you have when you're already rich to charity. You can give much more this way over the course of your life.

>> No.49761619

they just can't justify full genocide and expect not consequences after nazis got BTFO in WW2.

>> No.49761628
File: 942 KB, 1459x1111, Africa_Liberia_exam_Failure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians and niggers are lowering our IQ's

No Asians are decreasing in number...
hmmm.. try again.. think REAL HARD and the answer will come to you

>> No.49761653

they only need to be CHINKED by the incel chinese male surplus.

not an issue.

>> No.49761654

>doesn't know Asian populations have mostly peaked and is too lazy and gay to use google

>> No.49761676

China and India won run out of people for a couple centuries.

China had 200 million babies in 2020.

>> No.49761745
File: 689 KB, 2048x1365, BLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Americans has been interbreeding with slaves for literally hundreds of years... still the nigger is ignorant and violent... good only for menial labor and entertainment

>> No.49761749

If you think any semblance of civilization could survive on a 40% (lmao ngh) negroid planet then you are truly ignorant. Once America crumbles under the weight of our diversity the entire world will see book of revelation tier violence

>> No.49761771

Get a load of this fucking retard. The poor are poor because society needs them to function. That's it. If everyone was smart, intelligent, educated, and had a good job, no one would clean the shit you leave at the stalls. This is so basic that the only people who don't understand this are actually mental midgets.

>> No.49761787
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 27be297a498e1106d4d5aa1193ae7d39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a chance a blasian to be born with chinese IQ and black height and strenght.

>> No.49761811

Currently Elon Musk who is spending billions to go to Mars, putting computer chips in people's skulls, making the world's fastest cars, fazing out our dependence on oil, lowering utility bills, creating a free speech platform, and ending traffic. He also promotes Dogecoin.

>> No.49761831

That’s how you create a society of niggers.

>> No.49761840
File: 2.31 MB, 1303x4720, Teaching_Black_Students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a chance a blasian to be born with chinese IQ and black height and strenght.

We have the incredibly uniquely rare "Obama" too.
They are slightly more common than unicorns.

>> No.49761916

>what is asian high IQ genes

>> No.49762031

no you fucking retard. not everyone can be the best , but not because there is some magic keeping you down, it is because people are lazy and there will always be a majority of them. pareto tells us this much 80% of productivity will always come from 20% of the society and therefore 20% will live good lives and the rest will struggle but you can move to the 20% if you want it is hard but you can. the problem is your own brain. everyone's brain wants to do everything with least resistance, and only 20% are able to force it the other way. this is human nature there where always rich and poor people even when we where hunters and gatherers.

>> No.49762041
File: 232 KB, 750x1186, Forever_Falling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asian high IQ genes

That is a complete lie.
Asian nations only record IQ of the 'best' students, European and Americans record the IQ of everyone (and fucking hell those niggers DRAG the IQ down)

>> No.49762060

Go back faggot.
Billionaires are kinda retarded if they don't do this: (they probably do)
>pay 1000 women (10/10 prime age and genetic females) 10 million $ each (that's 10 billions) to each have 2 of your kids
>the 10 mil $ will be enough for a rich life and a good education etc and the woman wins by never having to work again and you win because if you're Elon you can afford to dump stocks and spend 10 billion $ for 2000 children, aka replicating your dna an average of 1000 times, which basically is the definition of alpha behavior even if you act like a total sperg

>> No.49762098

You can probably pay them 1 million each for 2 kids to have 20 000 kids.
The 10 millions you leave it for >130 IQ tall beautifu virgin women

>> No.49762109
File: 8 KB, 238x192, c4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, let me hear my redpilled and high IQ Mensa plans.

Incels are usually above average IQ, right?

ok, hear my plan.
What if, what if, we give each asian and white and non black incel, a black queen to breed babies in black countries?

And we just spawn a massive goverment funded program to breed black queens with incels?

Basically we could solve the low black IQ issue and the incel issue at the same time.

>> No.49762128
File: 114 KB, 844x1024, Saudi_Slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah they want a normal family.
Few people want 87 kids all crying that they want to spend time with daddy.
For sex they just hire the hottest whores and enjoy it.

>> No.49762132

because you don't become rich by having the habit of giving away your money brainlet

>> No.49762151
File: 89 KB, 600x600, Black_American_Woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a black queen

There are SOME but not many black women that you would WANT to breed with.

>> No.49762184

this is a gay ass thread and everyone above me posting gay shit about race that no one cares about need to have sex

>> No.49762193

Go back

>> No.49762208

some black girls are hot, specially in africa.

>> No.49762280
File: 110 KB, 820x1024, Black_Breeder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes... 1 in every 100000 is VERY attractive

>> No.49762299

there's billions of african girls.

>> No.49762333
File: 503 KB, 550x1600, Japanese_Aid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's billions of african girls.

That is the problem!

>> No.49762359

you only need enough asian male surplus population to breed an elite blasian caste like latinoamerica.

>> No.49762491

that's unironically the job of the government and why we allowed the 16th to pass. instead of moving it to billionaires, and only billionaires you, a citizen now accommodate what ADDITIONAL money they collect from you. Billionaires also have to deal with the fact that their ownership of a company is where the majority of their money comes from, and by cashing out they are no longer the main stake holders.

>> No.49762836
File: 670 KB, 1920x960, world population 2100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeding poor people
Because that would cause pic related to happen

>> No.49762857
File: 86 KB, 1234x852, world's most important graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49762883

we must promote asian+black racemixing.

>> No.49762979
File: 78 KB, 620x443, 656fd-1dj8ri2yxvy7y_ylbdw6ida.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the money in that?
What you communists don't understand is that if you did something like
>feeding poor people
then it will propagate the poor creating more problems.
Minorities in the USA are given massive handouts and they still are the number one cause of violent crime, rape, shitty culture, etc.

>> No.49763075

What's the point of giving charity, friend? Let's say you are a multibillionare, you give food, water, clothes and shelter to Africans. They'll have a comfortable life and begin having sex because they're to low iq, and each family will spawn a lot more African children. Once you die and nobody is there to help them all you did was saving a few dozen of thousands to doom millions in the future. Better for them to die, if they don't have resources, water, food, etc is more likely than they'll die in less then a month and all their potential offspring until the end of times won't exist and won't be there to suffer. That's the real human thing to do, let them die. It's about seeing the whole forest instead of a few trees

>> No.49763091


>> No.49763158
File: 25 KB, 439x411, Have_Nine_Kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49763183

>having kids is bad
maybe blacks are the high IQ ones after all.

>> No.49763197

American version would be "we waz kings" button .

>> No.49763212
File: 1.60 MB, 1545x1440, 1653407839553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't the government spend billions of dollars to feed all of the poor people, instead of spending it on munitions and guns to kill people in Ukraine?

>> No.49763282

Except all population explosions eventually halt drastically once life expectancy and education improve.

I'd say that prediction is a cucks wishful thinking

>> No.49763291
File: 309 KB, 402x617, This_Ended_Man_In_Space.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to feed all of the poor people

Give poor people food, you end up with MORE poor people.

>> No.49763308


>> No.49763339
File: 1.99 MB, 697x8479, Observing_Africans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once life expectancy and education improve.

Do you honestly think MORE Africans is going to make for a longer average life and a more educated population for Africa???!!!

>> No.49763384

>Except all population explosions eventually halt drastically once life expectancy and education improve.

The reason that happens is because people who have low time preference _read: non-blacks) can control their impulses and realize that raising children costs money. Blacks don't have the IQ or the time horizon necessary for that to be true, you fucking mongoloid. Humans races are not equal.