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49760519 No.49760519 [Reply] [Original]

>Completely risk adverse to any investment other than muh Mutual Fund 401K and real estate
>Thinks Crypto is a joke
>Believes the real estate market will not correct at all ever when people can't afford mortgages cause "No Supply"
>Taking out a loan for a car/house/school is the actual devil and buying a hooptee for cash that breaks down every two weeks is the epitome of financial wellness to him
>Fat as fuck, probably never had to live on rice and beans in his life yet preaches it.
>Daughter who experienced no financial hardship in her entire life shilling the same bullshit as her dad telling people to get second jobs and eat rice and beans while being raised on the silver spoon

Does anybody actually take this cult seriously?

>> No.49760649

His advice is unironically a good fit for 90% of the population (read: retards)

>> No.49760652


Housing market will never crash again.

>> No.49760682

>be OP
>be poor
>be seething
>be coping
>be jelly of balb boomer fuck
>make thread

annnnnddd that's a SAGE


>verification not required

>*toasting pepe*


>> No.49761295


His advice on basic personal financial austerity is fine because boomers are absolute fucking idiots that put shit they don't need on credit cards.

He's wrong about pretty much everything else though. And he's shilling that the market won't crash because he's deep into real estate investment.

Why would he spread fud about a market that would hurt his bottom line?

>> No.49761447

>posts videos saying the market is only down 20% on the day when we have reached 40% below ATH

>> No.49761591
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Sounds like your priced out bro. Prices will go up over the next 5 years, so the best time to buy is now. It's also the best time to sell. Call one of their Endorsed Local Providers and get in before rates go to 10% (will have no impact on prices even tho demand is murdered).

>> No.49761701


That's my point exactly. He's so invested into the market that telling everyone that it's going to crash would be extremely bad for his business. But when interest rates are up it has doubled the monthly payment for the same price of home. Fucking no one is able to afford a mortgage right now with prices that have already hit astronomical highs.

Boom boom doesn't want to eat a loss so he's trying to sucker people so he can exit.

>> No.49761780

Go to bed Dave

I would say 90% of his advice is basic common sense but I guess that's not the case with the majority of the population. He also contradicts himself telling some people to wait on buying but also "now is the best time to buy" to others.

>> No.49761830

1. No, I don't think anyone takes this cult seriously.
2. I completely disagree with the statements above. I think that people should be completely risk adverse to any investment other than a 401K and real estate. I also believe that crypto is a joke and that the real estate market will not correct at all.
3. I think that taking out a loan for a car/house/school is the actual devil and buying a hooptee for cash that breaks down every two weeks is the epitome of financial wellness to him.
4. I think that fat as fuck, probably never had to live on rice and beans in his life yet preaches it. I also think that his daughter, who experienced no financial hardship in her entire life, is shilling the same bullshit as her dad and telling people to get second jobs and eat rice and beans while being raised on the silver spoon.

>> No.49761871
File: 1.18 MB, 1225x717, uhoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK found this today. Tell me again that real estate hasn't peaked.

>> No.49761902

>Tell me again that real estate hasn't peaked.

God I fucking hope it has.

>> No.49761918

>buying a hooptee for cash that breaks down every two weeks
never owned a car, huh? you'll get there, lad.

>> No.49761982


It has to. I feel like I've gone crazy having to explain to people that interest rate hikes have effectively doubled their monthly payment amount and we're heading into a recession. We're still probably 2 years out from maximum pain though.

>> No.49762022

house negros are coping but we have definitely peaked, you're seeing more and more price reductions in even the hottest markets

>> No.49762058

I've owned many. All paid in cash. But this man will preach to people who are living paycheck to paycheck to sell their dependable car to avoid a car payment and buy a 4k shitter on wheels. You can't get to work to make income if you can't get there.

Every car I've owned for less 10k (years ago) cost me more in maintenance/repairs than the interest on a newer used car loan ever would.

>> No.49762114

We listen to dave about saving money, not investing. He is just insecure because his primary investment is real estate.

> Fat as fuck, probably never had to live on rice and beans in his life yet preaches it.

He has been bankrupt before.

>> No.49762150

what are you talking about ? This is 1year salary for middle class, price looks pretty all right

>> No.49762181

Gott strafe die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika

>> No.49762204


The median income in Phoenix is 31k. That house is also in the fucking ghetto. So what that price history means is that it was overpriced in 2019 and someone tried to flip and sell in 2022 at the absurd recent prices but no one is taking the bait. Now it's still not moving despite a 20% cut.

>> No.49762268

>This is 1year salary for middle class
>quarter million for 1000sqft in inner city phoenix, 800 feet away from a trailer park in an industrial zone
If you look at crime rate maps it is also in a 'moderate-high' zone according to the Phoenix police department.

>> No.49762312
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The only people who take his advice are actual desperate NPCs.

He is a fat old fucking boomer who thinks:
If you want to Work From Home you deserved to get fired
That you can not be poor by only eating beans and rice for the rest of your life
Brought a loaded gun to one of his meetings because he believed one of his workers was "telling lies"
That you shouldn't pay interns

He is a hypocrite who doesn't follow his own advice, in fact he got his wealth from real estate because his family was rich and already established.
I wish this fat fuck would keel over so his shitty cult can collapse.

>> No.49762406

his tips are GREAT If you have a negative net worth and can't figure out how to bail yourself out. But his investment advice is garbage once you hit a positive net worth. If you're still worried you should definitely stick to things like mutual funds and 401k. I still think it's where you should have a large portion of your currency. But man you should have more in riskier assets like crypto at a certain point.

I keep six months of cash in the bank (well right now it's like 2-3 months but only because i have 100kin stables) so i can justify tossing EVERYTHING into the market. I think his advice sucks for single people in their 20s who have a decent income.

>> No.49762412

I think he browses here and most of what he says and does is for the /biz/ memes, no-one can be this much of a fatfuck yank boomer stereotype

>> No.49762518

I am not surprised Leafs aren't always chiming in whenever RE prices are mentioned.

Back around 2011 in Toronto and Vancouver mostly a bunch of chinks came in and overpaid for all of the shitty real estate they could get their grubby claws on and the Leafs laughed until prices kept going up and up while most stupid Canadians continued to rent and rent.

Basically Canada is a land of lemmings so if one of those faggots says "Oh we wait for the prices to come back down." Every other Canuck will parrot the same shit.

WWEEELLLL...here we are now. Canadians are all rentoids bc that house they sold for $200k CAD is now worth 1.2 million and the slanty eyed gooks aren't even living in it just hiding money from the Chinese govt.

As a result, nearly half of Canadians are rentoids and their landlords are chinks. You literally couldn't have planned it any better for these rice eaters.

Bottom line, these gooks are working on the US now in full force since Canada is basically sucked dry. They were focusing on comercial real estate prior to COVID but have since switched to the same plan they started in Toronto in 2011. Since then prices have skyrocket and Amerimutts are saying and praying the same chick the stupid Leafs said.

Prices climb and plateau then climb some more. Rinse and repeat. There may be a crash at some point but prob not until 2029

>> No.49762550

Housing is a good investment for retards because its essentially forced savings

>> No.49762920

Hi Xan!

>> No.49763896

this is the most insightful statement I have seen on this board in years

>> No.49764143

already down 20% in ontario, the most overvalued real estate market in the world

>> No.49764654

Most of it sounds about right. You retards hoping for cheap housing will be disappointed.

>> No.49764699


>> No.49764728

You forgot to mention that he is a Jewish shill.

>> No.49764741

I will tell you that there are many vacant properties off the market that are owned by people in their 80's and 90's who are impossible to track down and have no interest in selling when they are tracked down. Supply will increase massively in next ten years as people drop dead.

>> No.49765036

Good way of putting it.

>> No.49765066

You know i think there is something to that. A lot of elderly people i know own multiple homes and they dont do anything with them other than visiting them occasionally.

>> No.49765125
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>>Thinks Crypto is a joke

>> No.49765236
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You want the real blackpill?
Nobody gives good advice.
Do you know why?
Because if they were any good at what they do, they would spend their time doing it, not teaching you.
Alternatively, if they were any good at what they do, they would actively be trying to take your fucking money.

The only way you get good advice is if you form a meaningful relationship with somebody skilled so they gain happiness from your success, or if you randomly stumble across a skilled person who is bored, lonely, and autistic enough to post some random one-off shit on the internet on a whim -- which is usually in response to some dumb shit that somebody said that triggered some form of emotional reaction.

The first one is entirely beyond your grasp, and the second one is difficult to distinguish from the nearly infinite drunken ravings of barely sentient idiots on the internet.

All "advice" you can get from shit like shows, seminars, and podcasts is actual shit, and books only teach you entry-level mechanics. Only an absolute fool would ever listen to a mainstream "authority" on markets/trading.

>> No.49765240

>his ATM doesn't accept ether

>> No.49765295

A lot of average joes bought shit at rock bottom prices after 08 for cash and they don't ever want to sell for double or triple money.

>> No.49765356

The Chinese lack the capital and sheer boots on the ground to do the same to America sans part of the west coast. There's just too many niggers and too many people in America as a whole. It was much easier on Australia and Canada because their population centers are immensely centralized compared to America (e.g., Ohio has 11 million fucking people and infinite shitty real estate)

>> No.49765651

>Brought a loaded gun to one of his meetings because he believed one of his workers was "telling lies"

>> No.49766136

You’re just retarded. I drive 2002 Honda CRV and am unironically a multi millionaire. I spent $800 last year to fix the AC and routine maintenance. The car seats and stroller in the car probably cost the same as the car.

>> No.49766387

"mess with the Boom, get the tomb"

>> No.49766844

Kek, why do people keep on listening to this faggots. Crypto a joke? he is out of his mind.
If I were you just follow some micro-KOLs so you can keep up to date with new projects that can potentially pump in the next bull run as KOLnet is helping them gain a higher engagement rate.

>> No.49766875

Oh, so you can get a slightly overpriced house instead of a massively overpriced house?