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4975454 No.4975454 [Reply] [Original]

This should be an easy question. I created a coinbase account more than a year ago. Only used to store it a small btc on an unverified account with no real name, it was a really small quantity at the time and I usually prefer to not put my real name on internet related stuff.

Later on wanted to buy/sell some of it, but I found out that this needed my ID and bank info, so I created ANOTHER account but for reasons that are not relevant, went just as far as verifying my ID but not my bank info.

This leaves me with:
Account a: Has btc but no ID
Account b: Empty (never used) but verified ID, no bank info, same phone number but different email.

What should I do in order to have my btc on a verified account? Should I close the one that's already verified and then update the one that has the btc on it? Should I just transfer between them and eat the fees? Did a bit of a search and found out that coinbase doesn't allow users to have two accounts, I'm a bit concerned and don't want to lose my shit.

>> No.4975712

how much could the fees be
just transfer the bitcoins from one wallet to the other

or if youre scared for some reason contact coinbase support and explain everything to them and ask them to help merge the accounts

>> No.4975745 [DELETED] 


Literally retarded. Use your real name on coinbase. Jesus christ man, you only live once. The FBI isn't going to snuff you out because you decided to trade crypto.

>> No.4976657
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>contact coinbase support