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49755304 No.49755304 [Reply] [Original]

>created a new wallet on ETH
>transfered 2k worth of LINK to it
>made sure there is zero ETH on it for gas fees
>run a script that instantly sends ETH that arrives to my wallet to another one of my wallets
>fall on purpose on obvious scams that ask for your seed phrase
>pajeets send tons of ETH to it trying to steal my LINK
>ETH gets drained by my script instantly
Funniest part is they sometimes try it multiple times, it's the funniest shit in the world

>> No.49755592

You're an absolute genius. I love scambaiting.

>> No.49755678

Do they seriously send eth for gas

>> No.49755745

kek pretty hilarious if true. good job OP

>> No.49755785

Lol. Lets coordinate an attack at scammers. Upload the script.

>> No.49755817

>0 proof

>> No.49755829


>> No.49755840

Which loudhouse would you fuck

>> No.49755864

They can use a flashbot to send ETH and withdraw LINK in the same transaction.

>> No.49755891

nice try pradeep, not giving you my seed words.

>> No.49755954

Give us the script so we can punish crypto-scammers too

>> No.49755984

I had to go and get a PhD in hieroglyphics just to interpret your post your English is that bad
If you don't show the wallet then you can live with the sad reality that you're pathetic

>> No.49756062
File: 8 KB, 213x250, 1467671316152s1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are scamming scammers, youre technically also committing a crime, since your also scamming someone.

Reported to the FBI. Have fun in jail nigger

>> No.49756090

Makes zero sense, the jeet seed phrase scammers just ask you to give them your seed phrase, they don't first send you ETH, they can't even pay ETH gas lmao

>> No.49756135

I understood first time

>> No.49756161
File: 6 KB, 229x220, 1628887502548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a stupid nigger. How can you be too stupid to understand what OP means?

If a pajeet has OP's seed phrase, he will access his wallet and try to send his coins to his own wallet. But if the wallet has no ETH for gas, the pajeet will send some ETH to the wallet so he can send the coins to his own wallet. But before the jeet can steal his coins, OP has a script set up that sends the ETH to another of his own wallets, basically stealing the pajeets ETH

>> No.49756168

they send ETH to the wallet after they get your passphrase so they can pay gas to get the LINK out

>> No.49756245

And what with the 2K LINK on the wallet?

>> No.49756257
File: 27 KB, 551x604, 1623112849213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with his english
consider cutting back on your substance use

but op should post wallet

>> No.49756276
File: 45 KB, 640x718, 1603160192310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he isn't technically scamming them because they are voluntarily sending money to his account

>> No.49756286

Why would they send more Eth than needed for the single transfer? And if they only send that much, you won't be able to send the Eth away, since all of it would be needed for transfer fees. I haven't looked into multisigs too much, but you could try creating one that requires 2 out of 3 keys to do the transfer. Then "leak" the other key and watch scammers sending eth. Only works if it's not possible to deduce the multisig-ness though.

>> No.49756308

I'm a big fan of the technicalities. More on gas for idiots like me who had to look it up:


Set your script to auto send the funds to the IRS. If the scammer wants the money back, he can ask them

>> No.49756315

Who cares? If they can even get in at this point, all the ETH has been accumulating. What if they get in and take his LINK? Oh no, he's only $48,000 profit instead of $50,000! The horror!

>> No.49756382

when(ethWallet > 0)
transfer(ETH, address);

got the building blocks done for you, good luck

>> No.49756385

You stupid retard. You can't just send LINK without having some ETH to pay for gas

>> No.49756386

wait, i see a few problems with it now
nothing major, just a "to" and an "on" that should be different
maybe put a dollar sign before "2k worth of LINK"

>> No.49756388
File: 3.34 MB, 300x168, seriously-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Set your script to auto send the funds to the IRS.

>> No.49756398

I guess jeets are that retarded then. I'd expect the other party to have a similar script where it insta transfers all the LINK the moment he sends ETH to the address.

>> No.49756405

>he isn't technically scamming them because they are voluntarily sending money to his account
By that logic, these pajeets that make youtube videos and say "send me 1 ETH, I send 2 ETH back" aren't scammers too

>> No.49756406


>> No.49756441
File: 205 KB, 443x449, 1650247915523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe put a dollar sign before "2k worth of LINK

>> No.49756443

no shit >>49756398

>> No.49756446

they cant take the link because op is too fast. FYI this is a great way to store tokens: wallets without eth, run script for extra security. or hell, throw it all into a contract that only your wallet can execute. nobody can read contracts and your address will look empty.

>> No.49756470
File: 8 KB, 245x206, agr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok thanks
My unknowledge is much deeper tho kek, i have no idea how to apply a script to a wallet

>> No.49756479
File: 425 KB, 285x190, wobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess jeets are that retarded then.
Yes. They aren't the code gurus they pose as. Most of the shit they do is very simple scripts that a high schooler can accomplish, or outsource for a script. Even their "HR" is this way, they just read off scripts and when forced to go off it they chimp out like a nigger.

>> No.49756480

he's not scamming them, he never asked them to send ETH to his wallet

>> No.49756493

My love of staying on the correct side of clearly defined lines is such that it's a legit suggestion.

His plan ultimately involves him having dark income/assets which may or may not be taxable or illegal for him to have.

Meanwhile, the IRS will pay you between 15-30% of the total amount that the scammer has scammed others for (at least the part of the illegal income they didn't pay on their taxes).

So instead of (to make it easier) $60k that he has to keep hiding; he's got $20k that is so clean and proper he could buy a church with it.

If OP is telling the truth, and is this good at catching scammers, the dude could get a million dollar check from the IRS, all tax free, all clean as the driven snow.


>> No.49756521

wrong because they are promising a lie. op just gives his seed out without a single word.

>> No.49756528

i love lori she seems like she would do hard drugs and fuck all day

>> No.49756547

run geth and rpc to it with a script

>> No.49756552

i'm assuming it's $2000 in value denominated in LINK, otherwise that's a lot of link on the line
someone might get clever

>> No.49756594

Thanks i might do this if i have time

>> No.49756599

Bigger bait attracts bigger fish. Regardless what happens OP is at least 48k in profit since the ETH is stored on a separate wallet from this one.

>> No.49756607

Actually yeah this is a good idea.

>> No.49756626


>> No.49756654

> FYI this is a great way to store tokens: wallets without eth
Bullshit, if you don't know what youre doing its more likely you fuck something up and lose access to your coins

Just have a hardware wallet and have your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and not somewhere online is better and safer and easier than the shit you posted nigger

>> No.49756704

Post the contract, I always assumed these scams had a bot ready to swipe any private keys, if your claims are not lies then its just jeets manually sending coins and tokens to other wallets.

>> No.49756728

This is revolutionary tech OP. You need to create a service for this ASAP now that you've made your idea public. We can significantly attack these scammers with relatively very little funds at risk.

>> No.49756747


>> No.49756760

the actual OP is scam is this and posting from other id's >>49755785
convincing anons to try the same trick

>> No.49756761

people often think that scammers are geniuses who are literally "hacking" people when in fact nearly all of it is confidence scams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cC1LFC0KFSw
this is long but very good, shows the type of person that people are up against

>> No.49756849
File: 591 KB, 600x906, 60c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one encounter these jeet scammers OP?

>> No.49756984

if that works like described, congratulations!

>> No.49757189

OP post script

>> No.49757357

Yeah can't you just do an atomic tx to wipe in one go?

>> No.49757597

How to create new wallet on eth?

>> No.49758001
