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File: 587 KB, 3318x492, Screen Shot 2021-10-25 at 5.06.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49753362 No.49753362 [Reply] [Original]

yellen discusssing unrealized gains tax. check
powell dicussing stablecoins/CBDCs. check
link pump. imminent

>> No.49753397

why link?

>> No.49753472

I still can't believe how the discord tranny mob managed to completely hide LINK from newfags simply by repeating ad nauseum the dumbest possible fud.
It really makes it hard to feel bad for you guys.

>> No.49753505

The Chainlink token is not utilized

>> No.49753537

did you read the pic?

>> No.49753539

As long as it came with a full tax refund/credit for losses it seems like it wouldn't be that terrible no?

>> No.49753570

Are people still trying to shill shitcoins?

>> No.49753599

So I'm a mouthbreathing moron here.
How in the actual fuck does unrealized gains taxing work?
They can't possibly just look at someones investments each year and say 'well if you had sold this tax season you would have made X gains so were taxing you on that' and then do it again each year, right?
Please tell me I'm retarded.

>> No.49753632
File: 317 KB, 1000x1002, laughcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massive LINK run
>near the end of Q1 2022

>> No.49753661

Are you really that fucking dumb? I will give you a credit at the end of the tax year, while you give me money you dont have right now. Oh you have to sell to pay for it? Thatll be capital gains taxed too. Literally shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.49753673

this reads like XRP shizo.

>> No.49753700

>"I don't know how high it's going, or specifically when it will happen"

>> No.49753737

>so it says here that at the top you were worth $10 million
>now it crashed and you’re at $100k
>too bad you’ll get taxed 50% for the top that you should’ve sold
>oh you have to sell even that $100K in order to gather the money ?
>that’ll be an additional 50% tax on capital gains
>what do you mean you can’t pay ?
>off to jail with your tax evasion ass then

>> No.49753746

they can say whatever the fuck they want. I've paid on my cashed out gains which is already fucking retarded. But this is where I draw the line. Will not comply. GET FUCKED KIKES

>> No.49753751

Sounds like you'd have to lock in gains at the end of the year instead of holding into the dirt, I hadn't even thought of that point

>> No.49753844

>too bad you’ll get taxed 50% for the top that you should’ve sold
Yeah see that's the part I can't come to terms with.
Like, nobody will go along with this, there are very powerful financial institutions with serious pull in Washington that would lose outrageous amounts of money and it is unfathomable to me that they won't do everything to stop it.

>> No.49753870

So, if you didn't want normal people making tons of money on LINK, wouldnt you pump it to price out the normies and then when the normies that hold sell it, pump it more until they cant afford it? Price suppression just makes it easy to accumulate. I think its counter productive.

>> No.49753885

What about unrealized loss refunds?

>> No.49753914

normies do not think like this anon. they buy things where number go up

>> No.49753973

The catch is, as always the big shots will find a way to bypass it while the average joe won’t

>> No.49754019

Literally the same logic as the GME schizos.
>they don't want us to become millionaires!!!

>> No.49754093

This has nothing to do with link, if anything CBDC’s would run on private networks, blockchain wouldn’t even be needed. Why the fuck would link be used?

>> No.49754304

interoperability. that's all i'm spoonfeeding you faggot

>> No.49754842
File: 165 KB, 500x442, soexcited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God im so excited for your crazy kids!

>> No.49754898

Link hasn't ever been good. Anyone who has bought link has lost shit tons of money. Only an actual newfags would buy link.

>> No.49755255
File: 278 KB, 1242x1399, linkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that linkies actually believe this shit just goes to show what a joke of a token it really is

>> No.49755471

>unrealized gains tax.
This is retarded and won't happen
End of thread

>> No.49755519


>> No.49755676

>simply by repeating ad nauseum the dumbest possible fud.
Riddle me this shill, what is a black cartoon character which Spotemgottem and pooh shiesty keep but is without purpose?

>> No.49755702

should have went with "need" instead of "purpose".. got dammit.

>> No.49755749
File: 29 KB, 577x516, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unrealized gains tax

>> No.49755799

STOP IT!!! LINK is fucking trash and I won't let you scam newfrens! Anyone who read the whitepaper knows that LINK was only ever meant to cost the price of a cup of coffee (a couple of dollars). It's massively overvalued and you know it.

>> No.49755804

linkies resorting to xrp schizos level of schizo cope

>> No.49756003

I’m an accountant (not American) and this shitpost made me look into the proposed unrealised capital gains policy.

It’s for households with >$100m net worth and would require them to pay minimum 20% tax on “expanded income” which will include unrealised gains. You will get taxed on the unrealised gains until you’ve paid the 20%. Basically means you could be paying CGT every year whether you sell the asset or not.

Sounds retarded desu and genuinely quite unfair, not that I have sympathy for the mega rich that it actually applies too.

>> No.49756178

Some countries already have a wealth tax. It's a sneaky way of punishing us little people who hold a little bit in assets. Does not even have to be complicated like x% at y snapshot of networth. You can punish good people well enough with a flat tax. Anyone deemed to be middle class gets assessed a $50k tax to ensure everyone pays their fair share. Middle class will be subjective and they will need entire departments dedicated to saying who is and isn't considered middle class. You have to remember this is America we are talking about here, we have no freedoms. Many third worlders live better lives than us by virtue of their similarly totalitarian government's incompetence.

>> No.49756231

People used to think $1m was mega rich at one time. Tax brackets and definitions have never been adjusted for inflation.

>> No.49756323

They've been talking about those things for a year now, this isn't new

>> No.49756402
File: 42 KB, 492x419, 1495870188270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh JQ

>> No.49757266


>> No.49757793

>Q1 2022
May as well post a big dogg screenshot.

>> No.49757981

Vague enough for his LARP to be believable

>> No.49758077

i understand now. 2 more quarters

>> No.49758092


i bought link for .12c and sold for .24c

>> No.49760035

You should have drawn the line at giving the kikes anything full stop

>> No.49760156
File: 1.47 MB, 236x250, 1652892883293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellen discusssing unrealized gains tax. check
>powell dicussing stablecoins/CBDCs. check
Are these supposed to be mind-blowing predictions? In October of 2021? These people have been floating unrealized gains taxes and crypto regulations on-again and off-again for years, you dumb ape.

I'm holding LINK. I'm buying more. I think it's going places and will give BIG returns. But this schizo hopium is just bizarre.

>> No.49760250

LINK baggies really have veered into desperation schizo posting akin to XRP fags. Its just sad.

>> No.49760340

Its newfag cope for baggies who bought above $20.

>> No.49760590

>JUST ruin my country lmao

>> No.49761432

>they don't want us to become millionaires
GME will have a moass, and LINK will follow in the aftermath