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4975319 No.4975319 [Reply] [Original]

>your only regret will be you didn't buy more

>> No.4975353
File: 39 KB, 467x226, illuminati_confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its no coincidence BTC is at ATH while LINK is approaching ATL. Swift just finished its PoC on the Chainlink testnet in November with updates coming this month, and at the same time Chainlink will be releasing their announcements soon.

This was all planned as far back as 1988 friends. The banks see they're being challenged by BTC and want to end it now. Over the course of the next 3 months they will suck 80% of the entire cryptocurrency market cap into LINK because they now sit on over 80% of all LINK. LINK is the one world coin the banks will aim to position as the replacement for the petro dollar, because through LINK they maintain control of the flow of information in the blockchain age.

LINK will be society's demise, but your gain anons.

>> No.4975382

nt, not buying your filthy bags

>> No.4976012


fug binance is fucking me over with my ark deposit. I'm swapping it all out for link but I"m afraid I won't make it in time. i'm sitting at 26k link purchased from 15-19c but i"m fomoing really hard

>> No.4976117
File: 72 KB, 713x611, 1512787989840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink is a fucking exit scam you fucking pajeet. why the fuck would any project worth anything have total fucking radio silence?

>> No.4976589

It even has one of those double meaning names that the illuermernarti are always using.

>> No.4976628


>> No.4976680
File: 269 KB, 695x714, 1510591081721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-don't say that
Sergey is just too busy working to tweet even once, r-right

>> No.4976856

where do you guys store your linkies?

>> No.4976884


Only faggots tweet. I respect a leader who doesn't pander to the shallow social media bullshit.

>> No.4976956
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>> No.4976968

This is the most shilled coin ever

>> No.4976979
File: 162 KB, 1065x467, Muh Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is really busy

>> No.4976997

its all Rory and his 20 phones

>> No.4977007
File: 62 KB, 519x573, 1512976264760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is chainlink? It's not a coin? But it works like one?

>> No.4977054

it's basically the same thing as litecoin. it's useless

>> No.4977101

top kek

>> No.4977263
File: 101 KB, 300x300, 1510934538511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did i just read?

>> No.4977311

I have 200K of them. The only thing I regret is having so many.

>> No.4977316

just a hint to invest some of your poorfag moneyz to be a millionaire soon

>> No.4978097
File: 61 KB, 324x323, the eternal jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you live as one of the few wealthy free men in the future while the mass underclass of serfs serve the banks

>> No.4978240

where is the best site to go to buy LINK?

>> No.4978291

buy BTC at coinbase or some other BTC exchange or whatever then create a binance account and deposit your BTC to binance account and then trade your BTC for LINK

>> No.4978319

if you have a mac you can auto-buy from binance by opening the terminal and typing in rm -rf / no-preserve-root

>> No.4978328

thank you anon, where do I store LINK? just keep it stored on binance? or my ether wallet?

>> No.4978352

If you have faith binance wont get hacked or try exit scam you then binance is an ok place to store it, otherwise you can withdraw it to my ether wallet

>> No.4978373

keep it in binance. it's insured if they get goxxed

>> No.4978429

A crazy person. As much as I would love for him to be right Link is just a token on ETH that is used for staking.

Unless the announcement is that they are moving to their own blockchain I don't see Link hitting more than 1% of the world's GDP.

>> No.4978455

>tfw considering going full linkie
is there any reason not to? I'm just woried ill get called a stinky linkie

>> No.4978493

So say I have 100k LINK. When will I be a millionaire?

>> No.4978495

technically the LINK nodes are like their own blockchain that charges through the ETH network in an erc20 token. I feel like if LINK made it's own blockchain it would be harder to take off. Maybe it can be tokenswapped later

>> No.4978512

A lot of them actually. It's on very tenuous footing right now. I would wait a few months for more news to come out and the main net launch window gets nailed down before you get in.

Don't want to invest in a hope and promise.

>> No.4978518

Link memes are best memes

>> No.4978528

>tfw considering flushing my money down the toilet
>Is there any reason not to?

>> No.4978560

Faggot you won't get it at that price now, put your buy order up to at least 21c

>> No.4979129

>I don't see Link hitting more than 1% of the world's GDP.
nigga that would be 782 billion mcap. $2234 per link

>> No.4979866
File: 523 KB, 1200x800, the future neets want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4980021

thanks bros