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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49739628 No.49739628 [Reply] [Original]

Lack of diversity is a significant player in why the markets are going pearshaped.

>Markets remain deathly pale despite studies showing that non-white folks are good investors. This lack of inclusion and diversity is why your 401k is now tanking.

It's actually making a lot of good points. If Black folks are educated on how to invest, they will enter the market and lift up asset prices. And if the government creates even a quarter of the programs suggested, the marginalized will have a lot more money to invest in our markets - benefiting us.

I also like the focus on fresh thinking, and tech generally. They suggest a black version of robinhood, and even give a shout out to Blizzard's diversity calculator.

>> No.49739692

>unprecedented diversity hires in literally every field
>"the stock market rejected diversity!!!!"

This is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen posted on this board. Go back.

>> No.49739749

The stats show this is not the case at all, especially in finance, and double especially in crypto.

>> No.49739800

these faggots need to kill themselves immediately

>> No.49739807
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>> No.49739865

Blame their fathers for never teaching them about the value of money.

>> No.49739899

How do these schizophrenics get into positions of authority and power to be able to write these baseless schizo articles and have them read by millions of people?

>> No.49739923

>Black folks
>They suggest a black version of robinhood
What of in sherwood forst robbing the rich to give to the poor?

The niggerhood version would be robbing the poor to buy branded trainers and meth.

>> No.49739936

It amazes me how normies don't see how insanely racist these sort of articles are, then talk about how we all just need to get along.

Browns and blacks don't want to get along, they fucking hate you. Even the "based" one at your office would side with others over you if asked every single time.

>> No.49739940

>How do these schizophrenics get into positions of authority and power to be able to write these baseless schizo articles and have them read by millions of people?
supplying drugs socially and in the workplace.

>> No.49739968


>> No.49739969

>no, I refuse to take your money because you are a nigger

Is this how journalists think the market works?

>> No.49739970
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>> No.49740002

And right now you'd be saying there need to be regulations to protect the most vulnerable people (minorities) from their bags dumping 95%

>> No.49740031

Stop microdosing so much. The market is pear shaped because American democracy has fallen.

>> No.49740064

it's dumping because it was overprized, like 1000x in the past nigger would just buy at top and sell at the bottom and kvetch about whales keeping him down.

oh wait it's ashkually /biz/

>> No.49740074

I agree the finance and crypto industries have a huge diversity problem, the amount of jewish over representation is astounding. I mean come on these people are only 2% of the USA but are far more than 2% of top positions in both finance and crypto.

>> No.49740128


>> No.49740145

i hit my lifetime quota of reading retarded articles like this

>> No.49740156

Good points - diversity of ethnicity brings forth diversity of ideas and thoughts.

>> No.49740165
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>someone pays this person to write articles
the amount of retarded wagies out there is baffling, yet the thought of working and failing at it paralyses me with anxiety

>> No.49740169

at one point we have to admit these articles are written by AIs in which they input something bad and tell the AI to explain it through lack of diversity

>> No.49740183
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really makes you think

>> No.49740203

Bottom will get a scholarship to oxford for inventing his own language and top will get killed in an unprovoked assault in peckham and police won't press charges.

>> No.49740205

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.49740217


>> No.49740292

Well anon, you cant force a nigger to learn or want to do something. Anybody can do it. Look at all the jeets and shitcoins. You don't hear them crying about race.
Black people just want shit handed to them. They can keep away. Because once their bags are heavy, they will just cry and bitch again. Then the real mainstream regulations begin because the US government is a soft cuck for niggers.

>> No.49740378

>into positions of authority and power
anon, that's just a stupid blog read by nobody

>> No.49741022

Simplistic analysis. Racism is systemic and explains everything dumping all at once.

>> No.49741443

Spam your parody outrage porn on 4channel.

>> No.49741536

spot on.

>> No.49741561

>far more diversity hiring and diversity promotion in the last couple of years than a few years ago
>stock market tanks anyway

According to your retarded reasoning the stock market should have been tanking years ago when there was much fewer BLM diversity initiatives in corporate America .
In reality diversity hiring has negligible impact on the market’s economic performance , or if anything it has a negative impact since you’re pressuring the market to be inefficient and hire people based on them being black rather than just hiring whoever has the greatest ability and will be the most productive .

>> No.49741630

>we need exit liquidity
>I know, use the black people!

>> No.49741665

DEATHLY pale, pal.

>> No.49741736

Hey, thats antisemitic!

>> No.49741753

Oy vey, the goyim know.

>> No.49741976

if you don't see this as the perfect opportunity to repeat the no-doc scam that helped trigger the 2008 GFC and take subscription money from nonwhites while getting them into the market equivalent of homes they can't ever afford, you just can't be helped.
lemme run them pockets boy

>> No.49742007


>> No.49742070

Ok retard, so you think there was more 'diversity and inclusion' of niggers, faggots, and women in the financial sectors during previous years? Kill yourself.
It's called anyone can start a website and write an article. It's some literally who tier publication not that any of them have significant credibility these days.

>> No.49742071

They probably make more money and have better benefits than me, too.

>> No.49742124
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>an economy that's designed to benefit only a small group of pale, male, straight, cis people.
Why do they always leave the long noses and small hats out of the description?

>> No.49742123

How is the world still functioning? holy fuck

>> No.49742128

Pareto's principle applies to production as well. 20% of the people are doing 80% of the work. The rest are just a waste of space and distraction.

>> No.49742160

And? That means niggers aren't interested.

>> No.49742200

The article is probably written by some sheboon or white woman

>> No.49742208

How would hiring criminals improve a companies performance? Anyone who's worth hiring has already been hired.

>> No.49742240

Any time major publications start trying to get women and minorities to invest, you know it's the top.

>> No.49742289

Na, I genuinely believe it's hedge-fund sanctioned propaganda to get them to invest in the top right before the rugpull. It is always a huge bear flag when you see a lot of these articles.

>> No.49742339

>The new Kantar Inclusion Index shows that health/pharma ranks as the most inclusive industry, while tech lags behind.
Nursing homes are always staffed with niggers and medical assistants are always staffed w/ spics. I guess that explains it. The chemistry requirement for nursing programs seems to be the great filter for advanced health care work.
Tech seems self explanatory
>deez computers is raycis n shiet dey needa make em mo easier ta use nahmsayin? den we cud alls be programmin n shit
Finanace is in the top 5 for 'diversity' but does that metric expand to fit Asians because it's pretty obvious that Asians make up the majority of quants.

>> No.49742365

Idk ask all the CEOs that were charged by the SEC
>anyone who's worth hiring has already been hired

>> No.49742368

LAAAAARRRRRYYYYY. OHHHhhhhh LAAAAARRRRYYYYYYYY! Hey Larry. None one is falling for your ESG score BS this time Larry. You single handedly tainted all the brands Larry. None one wants the current brands and people that run them anymore Larry. Everyone thinks everyone else hates their guts thanks to you Larry. Larry, media won't do it for you this time Larry, last time you at least could fool the right with your Fox puppet, now parties over. Larry its time for your dues Larry. You owe a debt to society Larry. People are fingering you Larry. People are starting to get hungry Larry. People know your name Larry. Oh LARRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYY!

>> No.49742372

genuinely astronomical bait 10/10 you should be proud of this OP

>> No.49742431


The financial industry also makes you take licensing exams. Being low IQ most nogs get filtered by this and you end up with a bunch of whites and Asians filling those roles because they're the only people that can hack it. There's no racism in fact they bend over backwards to accommodate blacks but they're either too stupid to understand the material or too lazy to study for the exams. So it ends up not being my problem.

>> No.49742432

Go ahead. Find me intelligent people who haven't gotten good jobs yet. I'll contact them on LinkedIn and try to help them get higher salaries.

>> No.49742483

>non-white folks are good investors
buying a dodge charger with a 20% loan and splurging gibs on KFC and weed doesn't make you a good investor.

>> No.49742553
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People love to talk about the "worker shortage." There is no shortage of people. But as society decays and immigration increases the amount of low IQ people it means that roles for skilled and intelligent people will be in enormous demand.

Talk to anyone trying to hire. The percentage of people that are not drug addicts, do not have a police record, and can show up on time is less than 50% of the population of working age adults. The education system is a smoking ruined disaster and we're selectively breeding the dumbest and most useless human beings through welfare programs.

>> No.49742590

This and OP should be banned for advertising some gay blog.

>> No.49742620

[massive hand rubbing intensifies]

>> No.49742639

>The education system is a smoking ruined disaster and we're selectively breeding the dumbest and most useless human beings through welfare programs.
Add to that people on welfare for life, who get paid by the government to be breeders for new democrat voters. That's basically all welfare is; a jobs-program for Democrat voters.

>> No.49742974

Basketball Americans can't figure out how to download robinhood

>> No.49743806

/pol/s are ignorant and dumb people. They don't understand that articles like this helps their portfolio.

>> No.49744031

OP isn't advertizing it, he's just riling people up. No website wants an influx of 4chan users

>> No.49744056

Microsoft and Pepsi CEO's are indians, so no.

>> No.49744106

oi ˌvā

>> No.49744184

>not shorting blacks while longing asians and jews
>not shorting trannies but longing gays
It's not about diversity, it's about picking the right trading positions.

>> No.49744185

> The stock market rejected diversity—and pays the price
>aka too much white goyim are invested and (((we))) don’t want whites getting rich, we want our brown pets making it instead. So now we got to crash the market and it’s whitey’s fault not ours.

This is what the article is actually saying

>> No.49744196
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>> No.49744235

Be born a Jew

>> No.49744340

twitter, uber the list goes on

>> No.49744393

It's parody aimed at rustling "4chan users". It fuels division so it's not much better than if it was sincere.

>> No.49744394

The black version of Robinhood is also called robbinhood.

>> No.49744433

And that's why I don't trust any advice on /biz/. You're stupid enough to fall for every single clickbait in existence, I'm pretty sure half of you would send money to a Nigerian prince

>> No.49744473

Blacks lift asset prices by throwing their money away on consumerism and trinkets.

>> No.49744542

They're either in school, jail, retired, unemployed, or self-employed (if you count self-employed as hired then just exclude idc about semantics).

>> No.49744545
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Modern White males are they least sexist, racist, homophobic men ever in history, also the most tolerant THIS is why every other group feels totally safe attacking THEM as the problem in their lives

>> No.49744588


>> No.49744595


But this isn't clickbait. Companies have "diversity and inclusion" executives. This is just some gay gaslighting where you try to shame or say "gotcha" to people talking about a real issue backed by ideological nonsense.

Fuck off back to leftypol please.

>> No.49744650


It's this. Too many frugal, investment minded people actually sucks for the people who are investment minded. We need this army of retard consoomers spending every last dollar from their paycheck and pumping our bags.

>> No.49744782

ESG is a nightmare destroying everything good. This specific website is parody.

>> No.49744815


My point is that reality has pushed past this parody already.

>> No.49744855

I hire people. My biggest issues are that I don't control what I can pay someone and therefore I'm left to contend with whatever I can get based on the pay.
Most of our hiring, because it's entry level, is done through job sites like Indeed where a person can apply to a lot of places in one sitting via the click of a button.
This makes it so that there is a lot of time wasted analyzing prospects, talking to people, doing phone screenings, and then ultimately getting ghosted on the interview date.
I really don't understand the mentality of the young generation. Everything is written in the job ad, or gone over during the phone interview.
>I go over every literally everything
>does that work for you or are you not interested?
>that works for me
>great, when is the soonest time you are available for an interview?
I've literally had people not show up, make up a bullshit reason as to why, and then call me to reschedule only for them not to show up to that one.
The only people I can consistently rely on these days are the 3 Serbs I hired.
People say that hispanics are really hard workers but half of them are faggot looking primadonna lazy wannabe thugs.
I need to look into sponsoring J1 visas because it would make my life so much easier to just have a bunch of Eastern Europeans. It seems like the sponsorship process is kind of bullshit and pozzed though. Shocking, I know.

>> No.49744911

>be read by millions of people
At best, they'll be read by a few thousand who see the headline and continue. I'm sure half the traffic will come from here and other sites with similar demos.

>> No.49744918

jokes aside there's a lot of niggers and people who love niggers (in the US)
if you ignore niggers your potential earnings will suffer

>> No.49744952

>My biggest issues are that I don't control what I can pay someone and therefore I'm left to contend with whatever I can get based on the pay.
To clarify, I would just hire less people but pay them more so that the people I was hiring would both take the job more serious and so that I could have a better pool of talent.
I could pay 1 good person 75% of what it costs to get 2 retards to do the same job, but worse.

>> No.49744970

deathly pale and proud
i will be rich and these fuckers wont.

>> No.49745057


>I really don't understand the mentality of the young generation.

They didn't get a work ethic or any sort of real values or skills during their "education." They can talk about racism or white privilege but they can't change a tire or know how important it is to be reliable.

And as other people brought up here the boomers have completely nuked the economy and getting an entry level job paying 30k in a city where rents are $2000 per month is just pointless. Through some simple math anyone can tell when the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

>> No.49745078
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Niggers don't know how to invest.

>> No.49745331

I remember when he made that post announcing his trade. To be fair he said it was a complete gamble.

>> No.49745869

So if these people are so amazing at investing their money, what's keeping them from just doing it?
I'm white and I'm not rich by any means and just work hard and invest a part of my paycheck. So are 99%+ of other white people.
I really can't see what's keeping them from doing the same?

>> No.49745985

Lack of inclusivity makes them feel like they're in a hostile environment. People don't put up their savings when they feel under threat.

>> No.49746049

>They don't understand that articles like this helps their portfolio
Black people never win in markets, ever. So getting them to buy, and articles like this, are the clearest indicators of red candles incoming.

>> No.49746087

Arthur Hayes has done quite well for himself. Though, he's actually a supreme outlier of galaxy brain with melanin

>> No.49746150

>pale, male, straight, cis people
Oy vey antisemitism

>> No.49746418

this one kills me every time kek

>> No.49746475

There is literally none of that online though, it's emotionless and contact less. There isn't some white devil pop-up shaking its head at you when you click purchase. These are all just excuses to have shit given to you rather than putting in the time, learning and doing.

>> No.49746524

So does the author of that article have a last name ending in -berg? Or -stein?

>> No.49746610

So they have a mental health disease and need help basically? Idk what to say, kinda sounds like they're not good investors. Since anyone that's a good investor would've invested already.

>> No.49746625

Maybe if blacks were actually taught anything in school instead of being handled with kiddie gloves there would be more blacks in finance. Maybe if they didn't have a culture based around being oppressed, and requesting being treated with kiddie gloves, there would be more blacks in finance.

>> No.49746733


>> No.49746954

And maybe if the monkeys in the zoo wore a crown they'd be the queen of england too.

>> No.49746957

Yeah, definitely maybe. I still suspect the majority of their population have an IQ on the lower end of the bell curve.

>> No.49746972

There wouldn’t because nigger stupidity is genetic

>> No.49747020

Exceptions to the rule exist. Arthur Hayes is a perfect example, but he's on the 0.0001% far right on the races bell curve

>> No.49747067

There is potential for the highly melanated to be highly intelligent, but the bottom 90% of them have to stop breeding

>> No.49747256

>Everything is written in the job ad, or gone over during the phone interview.
For almost all jobs i applied to that i have gotten far into process this has been a lie. Postings are almost universally wrong of qualifications asked. Once i quit a job because i got hired to do python, did a technical and when i actually started working it turned out to not be programming at all, i was pretty much an executive on zoom meetings all day talking with clients about nothing technical, i asked my manager when the programming came in and he said maybe 6 months to a year in the position but even then it was a minimal thing. I quit that same day.

>> No.49747325


If you were an African dictator of one of these high-fertility countries you could mandate the bottom 25% be sterilized every generation even as fertility stays above 4.0 per woman, and within 60 or so years have a much smarter country that could run roughshod over their stupid neighbors

>> No.49747355

This myth needs to die. 0 evidence of this also it’s based on the assumption all members of a race think alike.
Countries like Korea and Japan and most European countries before the 1970s were not diverse and had no problems innovating and creating modern tech.

If this were true Brazil would be a tech superpower since it has 50 shades of brown.

>> No.49747606
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>talk about low average IQ
>some midwit always pipes in that there's high iq blacks even though that's included in the average with people being both above and below the median

>> No.49747774

>It amazes me how normies don't see how insanely racist these sort of articles are, then talk about how we all just need to get along.
>Browns and blacks don't want to get along, they fucking hate you. Even the "based" one at your office would side with others over you if asked every single time.

100% THIS!

>> No.49747794

Quick someone look up the name of the Journalist so we can laugh at how Jewish they are

>> No.49748537

He acknowledged that in his post faggot

>> No.49748545

It’s a shame Finance and Crypto require and ID for licensing and KYC. Black peoples can’t figure out how to get an ID and it really hurts them financially

>> No.49748578

I think the goal is to get rid of 'shareholders' and replace them with 'stakeholders'. Obviously minorities won't be the beneficiaries, but diversity is the cover to cede control of business decisions to the state.

>> No.49748692

investment firms now make investing decisions based on ESG shit (read: more niggers=better valuation) so it's really the complete opposite
I've seen investor reports which dedicate like 1/3 of the entire thing into how much the company loves niggers. Obviously no-one dares question this

>> No.49748781

Good luck, it was posted anonymously from Team Sunshine, the billionaire funded group that runs that project

>> No.49748851

Yes, we need darkies bringing ideas like the most efficient way to boil shrimp in Sunny D and the most productive way to turn 9mm rounds into homocide charges.

>> No.49749116

I have had recruiters literally ghost me, when I schedule for an interview for a screening. I go to ever fucking interview, and yet here I am at the same old job. We can't both be having the opposite experience.

>> No.49749196 [DELETED] 

can you imagine if an article had used the words "spookly dark"?

>> No.49749480
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The trouble is black culture is very much based entirely on looks. They don't want to listen and learn from your honky ass when they've got another "brotha" they can talk to, even though they end up getting fleeced by their own kind even more often than the Jews.

>> No.49749540

>BBC edited this documentary to remove these scenes

>> No.49749612

>when you have an economy that's designed to benefit only a small group of....

Stinky, hook nosed, demon worshipping, child touching....you get the point

>> No.49749643

Oh my fuck, are they inching closer to just saying jews?

>> No.49749684

im a jew and im deathly pale. only niggers would write this

>> No.49749721

>have a 10 trillion conglomerate that forces ESG rating on every company if they want access to investors
>the same conglomerate that effectively took over the economy in 2009 and 2020
>the same conglomerate whose founder was the literal cause of 2008
>money printing and retarded government spending galore for the past 50 years
But no, blame it on ebil white men being racist and transphobic

>> No.49749777
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>> No.49749920

>and another If
breh...... literally a century plus of being spoonfed handouts and opportunities. the experiment has catastrophically failed to produce any improvement.

>> No.49750354

Why are you implying that other people are responsible for their culture? They don't want to try they want cry about everything as if they're the only people in history who bad shit happened to and then they want to do absolutely nothing. Blacks have all the same opportunities, if not way more due to quotas, affirmitive action, ESG, etc as whites do. They have the same phones, the same tech, the same education albeit lower standards, and they still can't do anything with it. That's It's not my problem that niggers care more about Jordans and Hennessey than finance and technology. That's life. Deal with it.

>> No.49750501

What is the appeal of this retarded bitch? There's telegram niggers that are obsessed with her and they're all hyper autistic

>> No.49750528
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Crypto's first rule is diversification, that's why anon. 50% BTC and ETH and 50% a diverse group of alts. P2es like MUST, layer 2s like MATIC etc.

>> No.49750665

Oh booo hoo bitch what am I suppose to do, feel fucking bad for them? If that really is the case, they’re sensitive fucks and need to fucking grow up. The world is cruel to everyone, not just those morons. Also what this guy said >>49746475

>> No.49750789
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Liberals do not blame the students they blame the education system.
The funny thing is that same education system works perfectly well for non-Africans... no education system works with Africans.

>> No.49750829


It's better when it includes his rape charges

>> No.49751020
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>> No.49751191

Jews have the highest IQ, next is Whites then Asians, income statistics correspond.

>reee the Jews have more money than me ITS NOT FAIR
commie hands printed this pamphlet