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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49739660 No.49739660 [Reply] [Original]

What's our next move? I'm thinking of making a switch to SEO and affiliate marketing. I've done it before, so seems like the best option. How about you?

>> No.49739804
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I'm pic related

>> No.49739828

I'm still waiting for the right time to scoop.
Top 3 coins for me
1. xmr
2. bat
3. I don't know yet lol

>> No.49739840

>I don't know yet
It's ICP retard

>> No.49739866

Chinese State Bonds.

>> No.49739888

Nigga who tf calls their coin after insane clown posse

>> No.49739973

pressure washing company.

>> No.49740015

the metaverse

>> No.49740121

>I'm thinking of making a switch to SEO and affiliate marketing.

Can one still rank sites? Seems like search engines are now just filled with mainstream news sites. I used to do SEO ten years ago.

>> No.49740196

Definitely much harder than it used to be, but yeah. It's about search intent, in-depth content, high quality backlinks, EAT etc. You can forget about PBNs and old spam bullshit, none of it works anymore

>> No.49740231

im looking for a few partners to start scheming with. Build revenue generating assets etc.

you down?

>> No.49741202
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I really think that the metaverse is a thing and seem like we have similar interest on what next to do, although I am pitching my tent towards connecting with my favourite athletes of all time like Jordan Stewart, Romelu Lukaku etc and will be attending training sessions by Amanda Nunes on how to fight in immersive 3D. I need to have some fun anon. What metaverse are you looking at? Entertainment, music, finance or what ?

>> No.49741232

If you think there is money left in SEO you're so far out of the loop you're NGMI.

>> No.49741267

Have we all tried learning a useful skillset and getting employed, or are we still doing get rich quick schemes?

>> No.49741292
File: 595 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20220615-195009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boys...

>> No.49741360

It's funny though, even though the spam bs doesn't work anymore websites are 10x worse than they use to be and search engines suffer from that. Finding a site that has the answer your looking for is nearly impossible without finding a 20 paragraph blog about the issue and every single related keyword to the issue. Not only does this methodology of creating websites increase buzzwords for the search engine but forces you to stay on the page for longer to resolve your issue, something the search engine sees as good. Search engines and modern internet is so trash rn. Ddg is legit a better search engine just because it's less used and therefore the results are less specifically optimized for it, so you end up getting less crap and more answers. Google is bloat. I hope alphabet stock plummets to zero and my shorts make millions.
Forgot I'm not on /g/

>> No.49743587

PBNs and spams still work if you’re good at it.
Not the blast off spam thouh.

>> No.49743859

I finally bit the bullet and began the learn to code meme. I spend the few 5-6 hours on mon-fri I have to myself after I get off of work to do it. Sat-Sun is spent studying for certs.