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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49738812 No.49738812 [Reply] [Original]

Ohh wagiiieeee
No vacation for you

>> No.49738823

>labor shortage but also you BETTER not go on vacation you stupid goyim we need to up our shekel stacks before the recession

>> No.49738840

Even in shithole like the UK it's literally illegal to NOT take a 2 MONTH vacation

America is just a wagie punishment chamber

>> No.49738920
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wagie hate thread?

>> No.49738953

Uhh maybe in your cushioned civil service job but in the the real workplace you know where people do things that don't involve paper pushing and box ticking it's very common for holidays to be denied due to staff shortages and you have to either sell your hours or book them on days you're already off.

>> No.49738977

It's almost time for work wagie, have a great day!

>> No.49738987

>Proud wagecuck justifying his lack of agency and power
UHM SWEETIE, did I give you permission to post on 4channel?

>> No.49739011

I always just tell my manager I will not be in the office that day no matter what when I schedule vacation. Falling for that “vacation needs to be approved” bullshit is for the birds. It’s my time and I’ll spend it as I please.

>> No.49739027
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I'm going to Italy tomorrow for 3 weeks.

>> No.49739033

How to get hired in a civil service job?

>> No.49739061

lmao, i remember my old job. I'd schedule a week off like 4 months in advance because you had to. Then my manager, the CEO, the accountant, and HR would literally be confounded where I was when I went on the vacation I scheduled that they approved. While driving down to the beach my phone is getting blown up with calls and text messages
>"Where are you anon? Is everything okay? We need you today."
This job had 6c top secret federal clearance and they're paying me $50k for baby bullshit IT work, and they literally can't remember that they approved of my vacation this week? The company was a joke, and the family who owned it only had the money they did because of their mom's side of the family's connection to Italy from WWII

>> No.49739099
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Oh no time to get paid to get fit and enjoy the glorious weather how will I recover

You're both too autistic to get an office job and too soft to get a physical one. You have no skill. This thread isn't even about pay it's about grown men being shocked at most of the population not being able to take a whole month off in one go. Imagine thinking an entire month off is the norm for anything but school children and pregnant women lmao. Then you Google "the law" and think working age people up and down the country are able to stay home throughout July and August because you're that out of touch and inexperienced. Bless your heart.

>> No.49739124

Take the self-employed pill. I go wherever I want whenever I want.

>> No.49739126

There is a reason why true old money families are extremely rare in this world considering the thousands of years of human history. Old timers build up their wealth and their dumbass incompetent kids or grandkids wash it all away and then the cycle repeats

>> No.49739158

Nice larp, self employed people are even less likely to take 30 consecutive days off because it means someone else will be contracted for the period and the client may never bother switching back lol.

>> No.49739161
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You know you can just go ahead and do your vacation and then suffer the financial consequences of it if you indeed shouldn't have done it, right?

>> No.49739192

I'm a business owner, I'm my own boss. When I go on vacation I give my second in command the keys and tell him not to call me unless it's important lmao

Btw all euros get a month off by law, fat

>> No.49739231

>tfw comfy work from home job where they're paying for me to get a second degree while still getting paid a full time salary and can take holiday any time from my juicy 6 weeks allowance

Working in the public sector in bongland is very comfy

>> No.49739276
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As a yuropoor I'm taking the whole of July off and getting paid to do so.

u jelly amerifats?

>> No.49739292




>> No.49739303

This is why Europe doesn't contribute anything for the rest of us. No, not an American.

>> No.49739317
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I literally own my own machines. This is the digger I have parked at my house whereas the rest are kept in storage. I loan them out or go for jobs myself. In a week I earn the average monthly wage and don't take jobs when I wanna holiday. Take the diggerpill anons, no one owns one so it's always in demand, minidigger, big digger, huge digger, tracked digger or wheeled digger, every single one is useful.

>> No.49739350
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The point isn't to contribute to you. It's to contribute to themselves. Something ameripoors don't get because they live to make money for Israel.

>> No.49739356

>When I go on vacation I give my second in command the keys and tell him not to call me unless it's important lmao
You sound like someone who's only business experience is from watching Hollywood films. Do you have a model as your secretary and an office on a separate floor overlooking the financial district too Mr businessman?

All Euros also have labour laws that are codified in hundreds of books with thousands of articles and different precedents and employment contract options.

>> No.49739364
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Ain't that just swell!

>> No.49739387

Erica Lambeg

Every Single Time

>> No.49739405

I don't give a shit about the rest of you. I want to work as little as possible while living comfy and Europe is great for that.

>> No.49739426

Landscaping company, it's a lot less white collar than you're imagining.

The complexity of the law doesn't change the reality that normal employees for the government or private corporations in EU countries get a month off in most countries. Like maybe temporary employees don't? But you're nitpicking rather than refuting the fact that vacation is law

>> No.49739440

e x p e r t s

>> No.49739441
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>2-week vacation
>extended vacation plans
>muh freedoms

>> No.49739453

Do some Americans really not get any paid time off at all? I work a shit job in the UK and get 7 weeks paid time off a year

>> No.49739465
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hurry up wagie, i ain't got all day

>> No.49739500
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>Experts saaayyyyyy

>> No.49739525

So what you're saying is if every single one of your employees including your "second in command" have enough holiday hours left and they all simultaneously decide to take whatever your busiest month is off there's absolutely nothing you can do about it but suck it up and have your cash flow shat on for the rest of the year?

>> No.49739527

Yeah it's true they don't get weekends either kek. If you live in the US you're lucky if you get time to sleep

>> No.49739617

I don't know about other States, but mine has a minimum of 1 hour sick leave per 30 hours worked.
Sick time is different than vacation. I get 1 day off every paycheck, so basically 26 days off a year. It goes up with tenure, so I think next year I will move up to 28 days a year.
26+ 9 sick = 35 days off a year, not counting Federal holidays (I am off tomorrow for one as a matter of fact).

I honestly don't know what kind of hellhole jobs these "Americans" are working. Seems like "Commiefornia" has it good.
>t. clerk at a law firm

>> No.49739695

America is full of absolute batshit insane people running loose. Our food water and air is basically poisonous. On top of that we’re overworked and overweight and we’re full of violent criminal shit skins. It’s basically hell of Earth.

>> No.49739724

I get six weeks paid vacation and that’s basically the best I’ve ever heard anyone get aside from teachers who get summers off.

>> No.49739835

Anyone remember that Cadillac Super Bowl commercial from about 8 years ago where where a rich douche bag is walking through his mansion talking about how hard working American are, and mocking Europeans for taking month long vacations? It still factor in to my decision when I buy cars. I don't know if it was supposed to controversial for some kind of marketing impact - since it got a lot of attention, or they just straight fucked up.

>> No.49739842

>Mom said you’re not allowed to wear your Mumu in public.

>> No.49739854

Here it is:

>> No.49739909
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>> No.49739933


>> No.49739952

Don’t be late to work today waive or it’s coming out of your next paycheck. Gonna need you to come in Saturday Sunday too.

>> No.49739954


>> No.49739997

Nope, had to look it up, kek: https://youtu.be/gTRj-fp-bP0

>> No.49740036

Well yeah you can't just take off whenever you please

>> No.49740047

>This is why Europe doesn't contribute anything for the rest of us.
what the fuck do you mean ?

>> No.49740057
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I get 18 days, paid + holidays off.

>> No.49740067

>The amount of butthurt in the comments

>> No.49740075

That was motivating anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.49740104

My boss encourages me to take more vacation time since I basically haven't taken any in 3 years. What he doesn't know is that working from home "is" like a vacation for me in that I'm rarely actually doing any work and I leave my monitor just running all the time.

>> No.49740108

I'm going in three weeks, also for 17 days. Death to America.

>> No.49740206

poor mutts always fiinding your heroes among those that destroy you. jews really did a number on you. Or your incessant desire to race mix.

>> No.49740225

Digging is fine work. Good on you, anon.

>> No.49740235


And the mutts own you. So, what does that make you? You're a slave of the slaves. Subhuman really...

>> No.49740283


Europeans are nothing but fuckmeat to be used by the rest of the world. You are nothing... let us enjoy our feast. You can't fight us. Accept your fate...

>> No.49740303

Anon, how do you drive them to places? Do you put them on a flatbed, or can you just jam down the street in one?

>> No.49740348
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Outta college I got a pharmacy job at a retail chain.
GOD FORBID I take vacation. I think I took maybe a week off to go to this musical festival with a friend, and all I heard was "that was the hardest week we've had ever, people are working hard here while you're having fun!"
I quit that job, work for a healthcare company and now they're like "yup, we got a float to fill in for you, enjoy the two weeks off!"

>> No.49740921

what a sad fucking life being a wagie is

>> No.49741210

you are not worth contributing to

>> No.49742273

>died suddenly
must be that climate change

>> No.49742309

Jesus Christ I’m so sick of “experts”

>> No.49742344

Fucking hell are you burgers just fucking slaves?

>> No.49742355

You faggots are neither free nor democratic.

>> No.49742384

McWagie had to take the vax to keep his McWagie job, then he died for no reason.

>> No.49742398

I'm going to Disney World and then Europe

>> No.49742466
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mfw when i am submitting a long vaca request while monitoring this thread

>> No.49742474

Jokes on you op. The benefits of nobody wanting to work; I said I needed 3 days in a row off every week for my imaginary step daughter, or I'll find a new job.
Starts next week. I'm waging but I'm not struggling. All is good.

>> No.49742510

i believe this is an valid & accurate point. care to elaborate even more though??

>> No.49742526

This is what they played during his 21 hamburger salute:

>> No.49742566

I get close to a month off but can only take 1-2 days off at a time because of muh responsibilities. Burgerland waging is such a scam.

>> No.49742769

>owning anything
LEL, did the rabbi ate your foreskin?

>> No.49742842

>but in the the real workplace
Is this bait or do Americans really? The people I noticed who say this the most work some of the most cushy jobs in the US btw

>> No.49742879

Did the government take your AR15? Lol. Imagine not having a suppressed mk18 and dual tube pvs14s

>> No.49742914

>what a sad fucking life being a wagie is
Maybe. But no one is going to know when you die. So he's a step up

>> No.49742933

Republican Senators just agreed on Red Flag laws, enjoy being raided at 3 AM and then they loot your AR15.

>> No.49743000

keep seething wagie, now go back to work and stop posting on a burmese garloid farming forum

>> No.49743137
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clean it up

>> No.49743218
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>> No.49743238


>> No.49743505

> 3rd wordler outsourced worker
> Company takes advantage of country shitty work laws
> No holy days because "anon, American holy days you have to work because here they are not holy days", "anon, you can't take country's holidays because in America they still work normally and clients need you like every other day"
> Only 6 days of vacation per law.
> Anon, you need to inform us of your vacation 6 months beforehand
> Anon you can't take those days because nobody is there to cover for you. Please take one of your vacation days every month

>> No.49743546

my mom worked as a bank teller at a credit union for 10 years. she got like 4 weeks of vacation but she had to schedule her vacation 1 year in advance, not even memeing you. in january of each year they would have to plan out their vacation for the entire year.

>> No.49743588

Who is ”us”? The subhuman (shades of brown) seeds of slums of the world?

>> No.49743606

>2 weeks vacation
>all at once
Didn't know it worked like that in the States.

>> No.49743634

you understand what a canadian flag looks like right?

>> No.49743696

office drones are such fucking cucks. I work in trades and when I want time off I let my company know that this is when I won't available. no negotiations, no requests. just a gentle reminder not to call me for a month.

>> No.49743849

>>died suddenly
>must be that climate change
Underrated post with a high ESG score

>> No.49743867

>This is why Europe doesn't contribute anything for the rest of us. No, not an American.
What is the difference between an Indian curriculum vitae and the moon landing?
The moon landing might have happened.

>> No.49743902

I'm taking a longer vacation because the Jews posted this garbage.

>> No.49743917

> Anon, you have to create a 20 page report with very specific action items so that the people covering for you know what to do when you're out.
> Anon you have to clear your 1000 unread email box before taking a vacation day
> You can't take that day because brown Stacy and bean gay have already asked for those days and someone needs to do their work. Btw, you have to get updated on what they are doing. They forgot to write their 20 page report

>> No.49743939

>Experts say
Fuck out of here, zogs

>> No.49743943

I'm not even sure what to make of this or the comments

>> No.49744437

It's mainly flyovers who will unironically brag about working shit hours for shit pay and shit time off.
I'm in Massachusetts and even at my lower-level accounting job I get 5 weeks of vacation time a year plus 11 holidays plus 2 weeks sick time.

>> No.49745204

>no mask
>doesn't even at least pull his hoodie up
What a retard, enjoy being a cum sleeve in jail.

>> No.49745354

I used to get 5 weeks off per year, but then my company changed the policy to unlimited paid time off. It's a hard life.

>> No.49745413

'unlimited' pto is often a jewish mind trick that employers use to guilt you into not taking your fair share of time off. That said, in companies that implement it in a genuine way, it's p dope.

>> No.49745493

Planning to live? Experts say peasants should just kill themselves.
Tough workplace truths mean reconsidering extending life.

>> No.49746096

>"you'll have little or no vacation days left"
Wagies get two weeks for a whole YEAR in America? What the fuck?!

>> No.49746536
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOkQJm_UGM4 I will not return. I would sooner go completely homeless and lose everything I own. I cannot stomach the thought of working under another ever again. I WON'T DO IT.

>> No.49746600

America is a shithole. Nothing new under the sun. Schizophrenic fat retarded mutts.

>> No.49749664
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I got my job December 2018 and I haven’t taken a vacation day yet, aside from the holidays

>> No.49750075

Laughs in FMLA

>> No.49750097

Erica Lamberg can eat my dick, what a shitty article and Fox News is total trash

>> No.49750295

when you WFH, every day is a vacation

>> No.49750676

thats actually a good idea. can you rent them out to crews coming into town? how much for a small one?