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File: 161 KB, 469x252, boomer_yt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49738396 No.49738396 [Reply] [Original]

Spoiler: yes

>> No.49738405

This guy is retarded by the way, don't listen to him. Doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.49738420

>boomers all die off in the next 10-20 years
>greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen
>'why are the newer generations all of a sudden behaving exactly like boomers?'

>> No.49738435

>>greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen
>hasn't read any papers on this topic or even watched the video

>> No.49738440

>boomers bad boomers bad
Boomers couldn't have been this way if the silent generation hadn't raised them like that

>> No.49738471

how about you pick yourself by the bootstraps instead of blaming others for your personal failures ? huh ?

>> No.49738479

He teaches highschool econ to zoomers he probably knows more than everyone here kek.

>> No.49738503

>What is inheritance tax

>> No.49738510

>teaches highschool econ to zoomers
That explains it, he repeats governments lies as if they're true, that's what a teacher does for a living. Never questions the data he should be questioning

>> No.49738543
File: 474 KB, 839x768, 43D46EEA-419D-4841-B06E-112D5C5AA2C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take some heckin responsibility for your actions

>> No.49738588

>Take some heckin responsibility
impossible when boomers vote for policies that only benefit them at the expense of everyone else.

>> No.49739243
File: 348 KB, 1536x1893, 1654211611798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you mean, boomers did steal everyone's future. When every generation that comes after you uniquely hates specifically your generation, then maybe it's time to start considering that you're the problem.

>> No.49739305

I love boomers for making zoomers seethe

>> No.49739311

They just didn't notice and were beaten down by daddy's WW2 stories.

>> No.49739326

That person has never used a shovel before in their life.

>> No.49739339

Stop sperging out, I'm talking about his videos in general. The man just repeats MSM propaganda, might as well watch the official federal reserve youtube channel for your market analysis, see how that works out for you

>> No.49739362

>That person has never used a shovel before in their life.
Of course not, he wasn't given a license to own one by the boomer created system.

>> No.49739384

Jews push this meme to divide generations while they continue to gut us and you took the hook and sinker.

>> No.49739455

U want to take back what belongs to u from boomers? Buy in value stocks (and etfs) now when the market is down >30% .

>> No.49739526

>divide generations while they continue to gut us
Boomers offered future generations to the kikes as a sacrifice for their own material comforts. They've earned every bit of the hate they get themselves, and it's why zoomers will laugh while the elderly are beaten to death in the multicultural retirement homes of their making by the same niggers they allowed to take over.

>> No.49739547

>>greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen
implying they didn't spend it all

implying there's not a giant mountain of debt because boomer politicians decided to protect themselves at all cost from a minor coof virus

>> No.49739551
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And who do you think that wealth is likely to transfer to?

>stock market being obliterated
>predatory reverse mortgages left and right
>massive medical bills
>boomer targeting scams and marketing left and right, designed to suck as much BoomerCash out of the golden calves before they croak.
>and not to mention - boomers deliberately pissing away all their money on hedonism before they die.

I guarantee you that less than half of all the Boomers’ money will be inherited by their children/beneficiaries.

Fuck Boomers. Between massive lead poisoning in their developmental years and now complete systemic breakdown thanks to as many Coof Shots as they can get - as a generation they should all be declared mentally unfit and viable for euthanasia.

>> No.49739556

>he doesn't know about reverse mortgages
Boomers aren't leaving you anything anon, not even your family home.

>> No.49739593

Like you offer now yet don't know it

>> No.49739662

This thread is dildoes.
Zoomers don't want to work and can't understand why they have to

>> No.49739666


Cant offer what they’ve already taken.

>> No.49739675

This. They're the most selfish people to ever exist. They "have to" drive fancy new cars all the time, they "have to" go on vacations yearly or more. I watched my dad piss through an opportunity to establish generational wealth with his business. Instead it was 20k family vacations and I didn't understand the impact. It was 20k studio recording sessions to inflate his own ego about his music career in his youth. It was audi convertibles instead of investments. Then he and my mother divorced and sold my childhood home and they've pretty much pissed through that already.
The only thing I'm expecting is the house he's planning on building but even then that might bankrupt him.

>> No.49739699

>Like you offer now yet don't know it
I'm not a stranger to taking the harder road. Still unjabbed despite the pile of threats to my job and livelihood. Know why? The freedom of the future generations I'd be giving up by complying wasn't worth the "protection" the government was trying to sell me. Check yourself before you think you can attest to anyone else's willpower faggot.

>> No.49740234

No generation is as materialistic as boomers.
Nobody inherita anything from boomers. The medical industry has figured out how to keep them alive and milk them for all their money. My grandpa had over $400k cash when he had a stroke and it costs $5000 a week for him to be at home full time. Inheritance is something that stopped with boomers and before boomers.

>> No.49740264

Zoomers keep fucking up and blaming it on boomers instead of accepting the responsiblity of their own incompetant decisions.

>> No.49740372

Boomers are not our allies, they are parasites in every way. Boomers, niggers and women are all agents of the State and are possessed.

>> No.49740392

I have and I know the regulation is fucking over the top. The level of boomer entitlement is really remarkable. I may hate greeny shit but it was dumbfounding to see the British parliament do a study on green plans and they determined, just about verbatim:
>It would not be fair to tax current taxpayers for something they will not be alive to benefit from.

I have never in all of history seen an example of a generation who was so spiteful to their children and successors. Where they see the whole "Great men build trees they'll never sit under" sentiment that used to underpin generational relations and instead literally viewed it as
>Fuck you I got mine

The two worst generations in the past 150 years were the old fucks who presided over 1914 and the boomers.

>> No.49740413

There are always exceptions to the rule but yes I agree. Few boomers and few nigs are pretty decent

>> No.49740428

>>boomers all die off in the next 10-20 years
>>greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen
Yeah, it's transferred to China, thank you boomers. The west's future is poverty

>> No.49740462
File: 9 KB, 239x232, 1469971604717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>transfer of wealth

>> No.49740582

Western zoomers are the biggest bitches in the history of mankind. You live in time of the greatest prosperity, free education (or access to the best universities in the world), you can even do nothing and live comfortably off neetbux.
Instead you choose to change your gender, drink 1000% margin coffee and get women's perms. Then you cry on the internet with other trannies and tankies at r/antiwork how unfair life is because aboomer that worked for 40 years owns a house.

Yeah keep getting scammed on crypto, you're surely about two make it this time.

>> No.49740673
File: 52 KB, 978x1417, Screenshot_20220606-010145_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer parents tell me i should look into getting a job at UPS
>"Yeah, i got a buddy who worked his way up from truck unloader to truck driver and now he makes good money and owns a house, why don't you just do that, son?"
>get a job as truck unloader
>every single other person there has the exact same goal of working their way up to truck driver
>none of the current truck drivers ever quit
>god knows how long i'll be stuck trying to work my way up to truck driver like everyone else
>get paid minimum wage for physical labor with the pipe dream of maybe some day getting promoted
i think boomers are from a completely different fucking realm of reality.

>> No.49740718

a lot of the time these rules are just ignored they exist to punish people who actually try and do things right which means the only companies that can function are massive ones who can afford to follow the rules and tiny gypsy ones that just ignore them and do shit work
its a terrible system

>> No.49740758

This is bait

>> No.49740994

you mean you inherit their enormous debt, plus taxes, plus inflation.

>> No.49741318

>i think boomers are from a completely different fucking realm of reality.
They are. Times have changed. The situation is drastically different, yet the boomers think they know how it all works because they are older and "experienced"

>> No.49741382

in america most boomer unironically give their wealth away to charities ie. niggers and jews. they use this as a way to repent and cleanse their soul, they dont phrase it that way but its the same thing as renaissance italians commissioning murals for churches so they dont go to hell.

>> No.49741422

I think I figured out what it is why the Boomers despise us so much. It's because we look at them with the same disappointment and disgust that there parents would look at them with.

They are children. They project all their insecurities on everyone else and they never take responsibility for anything. They just cry hoping Mommy and Daddy will come back and fix all their fuck ups. Think of the nasty things boomers say and then look at the boomer and you will ask "Aren't they talking about themselves?"

>> No.49741465

Nah he's kind of right these are the comfiest times in history if you just choose to be comfy

>> No.49741562

Okay wrinkle licker

>> No.49741634

Mald ball lickers

>> No.49741663

End your life

>> No.49741854

>free education
>didnt watch the video

>> No.49741866

yeah greatest transfer of wealth, from boomers to retirement homes lmao
have you seen how much they fucking cost ?
They easily go up to 2k per WEEK

>> No.49741901

that's a really cool link, faggot

>> No.49741934

>Boomertard hands typed this post.
Go suck off another like grandpa, Israel needs your support.

>> No.49742050


Why not get a CDL and then just be a truck driver? If you're getting paid peanuts you have to look at your alternatives.

>> No.49742104

Most zoomers have not been alive for long enough to fuck up yet.

>> No.49742172

>greatest wealth transfer to the billionaires and Filipino gold diggers in history

>> No.49742427

On spot. The money the boomers now got due to selling their houses to black rock will soon be spent to satisfy their hedonistic pleasures while cynically ecouraging their offspring to just work harder to make it.

>> No.49742658

pff unload is pussy shit where they send all the girls

>> No.49742834

>greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen
it's called a reverse mortgage asshat, you vill own nothing, not even your parents house.

>> No.49742892

Jew wanting me to buy his bags.. no thanks my arms are tired from supporting your medicare Ponzi.

>> No.49743561

Boomers and baby boomers are literally the creators of the two most efferate wars in only a short time span (two world wars), they treat the generation next like they are slave.
They have wrote the most egocentric pieces of literature and films, such as alice in wonderland ,matrix , truman show, just to name a few. infact most of the boomers are secretely thinking they are the only one existing and/or the only protagonist.
Their level of delusion is off the top and they literally cant hear when you speak to them (if they let you speak at all).
So to summarize the boomers had :
Made the 2 biggest wars in a span of 20 years.
Are egocentric to the core and think they only are real and others are simply npc.
They lack empathy to everything that doesnt fit their vision.
Also mentioning they have eaten all that there was to eat including their own hands up until the shoulders (financially speaking), considering they have been exploithing the state for personal gains sacrificing freedom for the childrens to come (again egocentric to the core).
The result is : Boomers are literally people without God. They have forgotten Jesus and played a big part on the suffering on this planet and inhabitants. They need to be helped. Always use patience, ask for patience, and use it as your best weapon. Cheers

>> No.49743990

Another good weapon for such case would be glock 17

>> No.49744191
File: 304 KB, 1080x662, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spoiler: yes
Why are young Americans so entitled? don't you see the world is full of opportunities? You just don't want to work hard and fear math

>> No.49745022

You are literally retarded. Boomers wrote all the Holy Scriptures: Mad Magazine, Harry Potter and The Hogwarts Harem, and tomorrow's Daily News. Baby Boomers on the other hand invented all the scientific breakthroughs that progressed humanity, such as fire, water and oh yeah, the wheel. Without them, Lilly Wachowski would never have been crowned the Queen of New Amsterdam and forge the Babbage's Abacus from the flames of Honestly, Nevermind, the sole reason you can even read this on your Kidney Stone Tablet. Have some goddamn respect.

>> No.49745144
File: 11 KB, 174x290, 1655321052556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You can thank the 3 generations before Boomers as well you know. The Boomers didn't create the Federal Reserve, they didn't drag us into WW1, WW2, Korea or Vietnam, they didn't take us off the gold standard, they didn't start the war on drugs or the war on poverty, they didn't create Social Security or Medicare, they didn't open our borders to mass 3rd world immigration in the 1960's and 1970's. You can thank ALL of that to the generations before the Boomers. Boomers didn't even start getting serious political power until the late 1980's and 1990's. Did they benefit from all of this bullshit? Yes. But, they didn't start this shit. You can blame Boomers for the '08 global financial crisis and their response to it and you can blame them for the Covid insanity, but don't act like EVERYTHING was their fault. For fucks sake, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi aren't even Boomers, they're fucking older.

>BTW, you think Gen-X, Millennials and Zoomers are going to fix anything? You're sadly mistaken. This whole fucking planet is doomed to corruption, destruction and entropy. The people coming into power now in their 30's, 40's and 50's are going to be just as evil, corrupt and retarded as the people before them, probably even worse.

>> No.49745174
File: 57 KB, 640x643, 1655411511314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm not an ancap, although I'm glad this image made you seethe. You can't even argue against what I'm saying because I'm objectively correct.

>Most people don't get into political power until their 30's, 40's and 50's. Look at all of the things I listed. All of that shit that destroyed this country happened between 1913 and 1971. The oldest Boomers would've been in their mid-20's, with the youngest Boomers being about 6 or 7 years old. Explain to me how all that shit is their fault when half of them couldn't even vote yet and the other half were dying in Vietnam or in college.

>> No.49745185

>dude just get scholarships for being brown lmao

>> No.49745284
File: 144 KB, 1200x887, EtMgtr2XAAEsmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did boomers produce so much kino?

>> No.49745290

>things that never happened

>> No.49745363

>transfer of wealth
to nursing homes, health insurance companies, hospitals, and lawyers. you have no idea how expensive end of life care is.

>> No.49745364

Classic divide and conquer. It can't not be malicious intent at this point.

>> No.49745415

A vast majority of Americans are lazy entitled pussies. I am glad I focused on wealth creation from 18 to 25 and not fucking around like a typical cunt.

>> No.49745458

Start of life and end of life businesses are obscenely profitable.

>> No.49745478

Look at where they have to work versus where boomers worked their age and for what wage.

>> No.49745499

>literal recession
>somehow my fault or the millenials' fault

>> No.49745514

>t. boomer
Just fucking die already gramps

>> No.49745529

Who really knows. People could believe it or deny it or us it as motivation. It's easier to blame the Jews or whatever minority for sucking at life.

>> No.49745658

> Boomers offered future generations to the kikes as a sacrifice for their own material comforts
Says the man that is invested in crypto which will bring upon the 4th industrialized revolution NWO hell. hypocrite much?

>> No.49745668

The very oldest zoomer is 25 in the wildest definition of the words you fucking retardo. The real oldest zoomer i barely 20 stupid fuck

>> No.49745686

>have boomer parents
>grandparents paid for their college
>grandparents bought their first car
>grandparents paid the down payment on their first home
>grandparents left them inheritances
>Parents now take multiple international vacations each year
>Retire at 55
>planning on renting a condo in Mexico for retirement
>they're going to sell the family home to fund this
>meanwhile I'm almost 30 and have zero prospects for owning a modest home
Yeah fuck boomers, wish covid had killed more of them

>> No.49745692

The Dutch got insanely assblasted by this guy. You MUST be dutch honestly. Sea level rise can't come soon enough.

>> No.49746004

my brother in law was raised by his boomer grandfather because his mom is a deadbeat. his boomer grandfather free-and-clear gave his mom a house. he also buys her a new car every 5 or so years. boomer grandfather then sold my brother a home for $300k which is probably 25% more than it's worth since boomer grandfather built it in the mid 80s and hasn't put a penny into renovation or updates. this $300k house is on the same plot of land as his deadbeat mom's FREE HOUSE his mom (who didn't raise him) lives in. they also share a septic system and a well. he had to jump through all sorts of hoops to get bank approval because of the shared septic/well.

>> No.49746191

actual theft

>> No.49747398

Boomers were totally alive in 1914 you absolute fucking retard

>> No.49748412

My father dropped out of high school at 15 and he got a job as a literal ditch digger. With that income he bought a house for 60k, which appreciated to almost half a million in about 10 years time. He bought another house, sold it, and another, selling it as well. He didn't even set out to flip houses or become a real estate mogul, he just stumbled from windfall to windfall for his entire life. He retired at 48 worth ~4 million liquid with a 1.2 million dollar house, a pension, and is currently "taking social security for everything it's got". Out of the blue he now identifies as a BLM supporting socialist and rails about "the system" and "the man". I stopped talking to him because he's just fucking insufferable now. The last thing I said to him was
>You're "the man", and you're rich because of "the system".
>If you were born the year I was you would have starved to death by now.
>Also, you live in a white neighborhood now for a reason.
We haven't talked for about a year now and I'm honestly glad for it.

>> No.49749885

>If only people would stop being mean to Boomers
>Then Boomers would help us against the jews
Dream on. Try being friendly to Boomers and redpilling them on the JQ. Just try.

>> No.49749940
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>t. investor in those things.

>> No.49749968

/pol/ has really poisoned this board.

>> No.49750085
File: 12 KB, 306x306, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I dont know, aside from the economy being crap, earning is a lot easier for gen z. Fucking getting paid to just play games. Nothing hectic either. Collectible card games like Cometh battle.

>> No.49750468

Why does he hate his grandchild that he raised so much?