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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49738051 No.49738051 [Reply] [Original]

Just ban all "crypto nostradamuses" posts: i.e. "price will go to X"(long side) or "price will go to Y"(short side) posts with reason "do not predict prices".
They're not just stupid; they're also boring and repetitive; and most of them do it to shill their long or short they just opened in desperation.
I.e. they're other stupid or boring or shill posts anyway.

>> No.49738085

Good day OP, just popping for a friendly reminder.
You are a faggot.
Have a nice day, faggot.

>> No.49738089

More crypto!

>> No.49738115

This would literaly improve the quality of the board 100x

>> No.49738118

I honestly agree, people are just spamming the board with lame "it's gonna go under/over X!" posts to the point that like 80 percent of the threads at any one time are just different flavors of that exact post.

>> No.49738141

You are already down 4%, niggerfaggot.

>> No.49738143

And since it's not funny, there's only one logical explanation why most of them do it. They just opened a long or short and try to shill it in desperation.

>> No.49738172

flags first

>> No.49738226
File: 31 KB, 413x425, 44C5B681-9D7C-4810-9755-210BB40D2DA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but in a society like this you do that by setting the example and being a leader

>> No.49738246


>> No.49738257

plus one.

>> No.49738262

I'm thinking it might be cool to have CONTINENT flags in this case, i.e. North American and South America and Asia and Europe and Africa (perhaps also middle east as a group.

Since this is not /int/ or /pol/: it might less sense to have every flag but whole regions make a lot of sense; they have similar time zones too; and similar economies.

>> No.49738270

This. I want to know if I'm talking to an Indian or a German....

>> No.49738469

Good idea desu.
poo in loo bongoloid yuropoor amerifat based japan leaf shitpostralia

>> No.49738483

wtf did mootykinz go to jail?

>> No.49738536

What the point when they can just use VPN?

>> No.49738620

Keeps most retarded shitters from lying, occurs additional costs on the part of shill farms and creates a constant game of cat and mouse. Biz needs flags yesterday as well as the addition of "this post belongs on pol" as a reportable offense for individual comments and not just threads
>hurr that's against freedom of speech
You're free to go to pol and say whatever off-topic shit you like. It has no place here, and furthermore everyone could stand to be a lot more low-key about the fact the entire world is in the midst of massive economic and cold warfare lest it turn hot. Fucking sucks dick when my two favorite boards on here are inundated with glows and shills and psyop boys from every major country with half a pot to piss in.

>> No.49740521
File: 16 KB, 734x457, How-digital-signatures-are-created-in-blockchain-and-their-role-in-confidentiality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wage slaving for the past 13 years, and finally it's over. Since 2020 I've made
the financial decisions w/ cryptocurrency to accumulate in the upward 7 figures. I've been pretty comfortable lately - and that's why I'm giving this information to you bros.

TRUEChain - The next lambo moon mission. Right now you can accumulate pretty hard, or arbitrage.
They're going for ~0.000008 ETH on FORKDELTA, and they're going RIGHT now for ~0.00001969 ETH on OKeX. Do I need to do this math for you? Huge arbitrage chance here boys.

This is the exchange


You can figure out OKeX exchange on your own. The KYC is a fucking JOKE - I literally googled "Korean ID" and used a random google image to submit and was verified within the hour.
If you're wanting to jump on the arbitrage train on forkdelta then once you're on there you will despot your Ethereum onto the websites exchange, and then it'll allow you to either put buy orders, or just skip depositing and buy the sell orders.
Not working? Use more gas. Order taking too long? Use more gas. Laggy orders, not showing up? (((SAVE))) your seed word phrase w/ metamask, and reinstall.

If you're oblivious to decen idex exchanges then maybe stick w/ the actual regulated exchanges. It's cheaper on forkdelta by a decent amount allowing easy cross exchange shorts and will allow anyone with a high IQ to make a lot of money.
Better thank me for this /biz/ because I didn't have to share this information enjoy the rest of your 2022.