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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49737436 No.49737436 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there labor shortages everywhere but are wages not increasing? What went wrong?

>> No.49737466

You will live in the pod, you will eat the bugs, and you will own nothing

>> No.49737484

Cool it with the antisemitism bro.

>> No.49737524

You are a crypto bro you literally worship the simulation and the pod. Are you this fucking braindead parasite?

>> No.49737531

quit being antisemitic

>> No.49737606

Fuck off glowie shill

>> No.49737640

Been wondering the same, huge labor shortages in pretty much every sector yet the economy hasn't grown. They are already using this as an excuse to import more third worlders

>> No.49737642

I will find where you live and torture you till you beg for death putrid cancerous temrinally online basement dwelling nazi incel 4chan parasite. If you are brave uberman when why anonymous hiding? Tell me where you live. Why hide? You brave alpha male no? Coward little insecure manchild you have no where to hide and everyone hates your guts IRL soon even your own mother will be done with your bullshit and kick you out of the basement parasite

>> No.49737670

Because politicians and corporations think the best solution to labor shortages isn't raising wages but instead of importing third worlders who will work for low wages.

That's why we need a day of the rope.

>> No.49737686

Keeping the hiring signs up keeps a steady flow of applicants coming in and allows relief loans from government.

>> No.49737758

there are no labor shortages. it is a complete meme.

>> No.49737771

I don't care about crypto, I care about assets that will allow me to afford shelter larger than a pod and nonbug food.

>> No.49737802
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>companies profits are about to get squeezed as inflation rises and their costs increase
>couple this with reduced demand as people as inflation really kicks in
>borrowing money is getting more expensive, so gaps can't be easily filled
>lower growth prospects, hiring freezes about to hit
>Layoffs are about to happen
>reduced investment, reduced productivity
>soon it's going to be between "have a job and get by" or "don't have a job and be homeless"
If you haven't understood that there are mechanisms that make people poorer, you haven't been paying attention. Inflation is high, supply can't be easily modified by policy so they are killing demand, demand is still high due to the amount of money still in the system so they are just going to keep hacking at it until it gets into a manageable position.

Companies are going to shrink for the time being, lots and lots of companies are about to get wiped, they just managed to get one more robbery in before closing doors through corona gibs and mega money printing.

They used an incredibly blunt instrument to try and salvage the economy and delay the pain (((ignore the billions that got "reallocated"))) and now we're all going to see the pain from the coronaomics

>> No.49737803

It's simple, there are no labour shortages, labour is excessive, companies just can't find people with necessary skills. This is specially true in Data field.

>> No.49738701

Maybe companies should pay for training of employees then.

>> No.49738724

get a load of that nigger.

>> No.49738727
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Retard logic. Literally makes no sense
Supply and demand doesn't work with wages. Employers would rather go bankrupt than pay you more. Lol

>> No.49738754

boomers retiring

>> No.49738788

You can't just walk into a job at airport security. There are mandatory background checks etc. that take some time. Many people that got laid of originally found other jobs.

>> No.49738793

It's a game of chicken

>> No.49738832

Schiphol are whining jews. You get minimum wage for dragging suitcases in the heat and rain all day with a bunch of niggers. You can make more + tips in hundreds of bars in Amsterdam.

>> No.49739186

how do you increase wages ? companies don't have money, the shareholders have pocketed everything and theyre not giving a single penny back

>> No.49739266

It’s because the cost of doing business is becoming to high. I cannot raise my prices fast enough to cover material and extraneous state regulatory bullshit that has nothing to do with selling products. Every month it’s another 2 or three thousand dollars in the toilet that is various fines registrations and taxes. On top of it you have all these at least in my state paid leave requirements and safe shelter insurance requirements which thst state mandates abd cost upwards of 10,000.oo a year. On top of that, some big distribution guys may take 100, 160 days to pay for the product so not only are you bleeding money on taxes and regulatory bulls hit, your having your customers ride on your credits. On top of it anytime you want to hire some extra part time help you have useless pissants wanting 30 dollar an hour plus tip plus unlimited sick time for part time warehouse work. It’s just untenable.

>> No.49739272
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There isn't a labour shortage. There are plenty of people who could take the missing jobs but companies refuse to pay the market clearing wage. A labour shortage is when there is not enough people around so companies have to compete with each other by constantly raising wages. That's not what we are seeing.
We are seeing secular stagnation and a cost-of-living crisis which has made working unattractive.
You will never hear the people in charge addmitting that the economy is fucked so they come up with these bullshit narratives to gaslight people. "Labour shortage" is essentially fake news.

>> No.49740105

If there's no labour shortage where are the people to do the labour?

>> No.49740210 [DELETED] 


Did you read my post? There are plenty of people willing to come in to work for the right wage. Employers don't want to pay that wage so that's why people are not working.
What we have is not a shortage of labour, it's a shortage of employeers willing to pay the market clearing wage that would attract staff. That is not the same thing as a labour shortage.
Before 2008 you would see real labour shortages where employeers had to outbid each other to attract staff. That is not the situation today.

>> No.49740232

after they cleaned their pants from pissing them in laughter on Jan 6, your jew overlords started taking challenges who could come up with an even better stunt to humiliate you..

>> No.49740249

They are mexican and indian or come from some other shit hole working for pennies on the dollar.
Essentially the own nothing meme is just an updated meme for techno feudalism

>> No.49740260


Let me give you an example.
There is a need for 200 restaurant workers in an area but only 100 is available. That's a labour shortage.
What we have now is a need for 200 restaurant workers. 400 are available for the right price but nobody wants to pay that price. That's not a labour shortage.

>> No.49740331
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>> No.49740457

post body

>> No.49740474

I normally would have said its scab labour coming in but these reffos don't exactly go country shopping for work

>> No.49740509

I guess they'll have to train them then

>> No.49740517

Feels great not being a consoomer. I have noticed no inflation, no shortages, no lack of goods, no lack of services. Take the minimal pill.

>> No.49740648

Only labor shortages in cities.
I got 30 applications for a general hand job a couple months ago at $12/h.