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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49735013 No.49735013 [Reply] [Original]

Your just working and making peanuts while your boss makes the diamonds

>> No.49735060

What is there to even work for?
Youre priced out of housing, cars are expensive as shit and moving towards luxury, having kids would be great but then you need both + huge amounts of cash to actually have them educated and in the end theyre just going to end up living in some shitty multicultural crime ridden shithole anyway

>> No.49735089


>> No.49735130

You described the problem most 20 somethings and zoomers are facing right now

>> No.49735133
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>About Slavery & Civilization

>> No.49735144

If you don’t own your own business, you’re a slave to your employer.
If you do own your own business, you’re a slave to your customers.
If you’re retired, you’re a slave to your own body, the laws of physics, etc.
And everyone is a slave to the government.

>> No.49735147
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There isn’t any

>> No.49735188

The trick is that they are both the same except in name and also the fact that slaves in the past actually had more free time and days off and also could support a family with shit tons of kids running around. Modern day wage cucks can't even do that but at least they are free ;^)

>> No.49735200

We're shifting from the carrot economy boomers had to the stick economy zoomies will get to know.
Third worlders will gladly take the jobs zoomies dont want. With the destruction of social nets via inflation zoomies will have to work for peanuts and be happy or starve.

>> No.49735242

where is that pic from kek

>> No.49735259

Does anyone have the answer to this

t.21 year old zoomer

>> No.49735297

The blackpill is that most of the west is done. Get out

>> No.49735325

I am well aware and have been for years

>Get out
to where

>> No.49735367

Im 21 so thats mostly why im even asking this question, I see millenials around me putting themselves in 30+ year debts to buy apartments and cars and they have a 15 year head start to me and with inflation and rising cost of living, most of my paycheck goes to paying the bills, if I didnt inherit a property I would probably have barely any money at the end of the month
same age brother, just entered the workforce and seeing just how pointless it all is just makes me want to give up on the conventional idea of what “success” is

>> No.49735473

Modern (or at least safe) low cost of living countries. Google can help you out. The key is finding a WFH job. Those jobs are your golden ticket. Good luck

>> No.49735480

are you a white american by chance

>I see millenials around me putting themselves in 30+ year debts to buy apartments and cars and they have a 15 year head start to me and with inflation and rising cost of living, most of my paycheck goes to paying the bills, if I didnt inherit a property I would probably have barely any money at the end of the month
I hate to generalize but millennials are genuinely retarded. My sister and cousins are perfect examples. So is every other one I have ever met. The memes are not just memes, they are rooted in reality. Not saying zoomers are any different, I just believe the polarization and apathy is greater in our generation. In the millennials they still think they are the special generation.

>> No.49735503

>Modern (or at least safe)
>low cost of living countries.
pick one

Why try to give advice when your advice is garbage?

>> No.49735527
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No one here will tell you this, but, actually back in the Victorian era most people saw the rise of industrialization and prolitarianization of labor as being no different than slavery and, infact, violently opposed the expansion of industrial capital even right here in the united states and places like Texas.

Of course you aren't supposed to know those things because it's dangerous to the powers that be....

>> No.49735550

Answer? He's right.

>> No.49735582

>Spoon-feed me daddy

Hungary for example is modern, safe and cheap as fuck.

>> No.49735603

You can quit your job

>> No.49735611

I went to a public school in one of the most left wing areas in my country. All teachers were marxists. I remember how they used to talk about the tithe like one of the examples of how evil the church was. TFW, we pay more nowadays and they don't promise us eternal salvation. They just ruin your entire country and flood it with 3rd word violent immigrants like fucking pakis, brazilians or mexicans.

>> No.49735628
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Yeah no shit, I swear to god you 4chan niggers are retarded, I need to get off of this website. I meant, is there anything else to work for? Are there any other ways to make sense of it all, any alternatives?

You have never been to hungary

>> No.49735639

nope, white yes but in the EU, so were even poorer and more taxed than muricans
and yes, I agree, being around millenials all day at work is just a bizzare experience

>> No.49735655

Holy fuck I thought that was marge Simpson

>> No.49735671
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Live in a van. Only work part time. Spend the rest of your time pursuing hobbies.

>> No.49735674

>You have never been to hungary
My dad is from there and we visit the place every year lmao

>> No.49735721

1. larp
2. if not larp, you are still called europoors for a reason. give me a better option.

>> No.49735741

you will be seen as a peon of society and die alone if you go that route

>> No.49735762
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>> No.49735777

The only one larping is you. Larping that you have a brain. Countries like Hungary are god-tier on a western paycheck. You sound American.

>> No.49735784

For a job you need to find a flat yourself while slavery it's comprised in the package

>> No.49735789
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80% of us on 4Chan are peons already... it's over...

>> No.49735796

If you love with parents, you can build a cash position, cross your fingers, and maybe luck out. I lost over 200k so I fucked up. In another state, I could have bought a home in cash. Now I only have 11k not counting what's in my bank.

>> No.49735813

Working is just choosing your master. It's still slavery.

>> No.49735816

You be the boss then if it's so easy.

>> No.49735826



>> No.49735845

Cock gurglers

>> No.49735863


>People bitching about being slaves (((based)))

>People telling you to be free or be your own boss (((cringe)))

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.49735871
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Boomers literally robbed their kids and grandkids to fund their retirements and degenerate lazy lifestyles. They are literally an entire generation of moronic leeches sucking the lifeblood from everyone through social security, medicare, and the huge gap in investment created from all of that useless spending. Most boomers are dumber than actual 12 year olds of today and it isn't entirely their fault because their brains are destroyed from huffing leaded gasoline. Millennials actually were one of the first mostly unfucked generations in a long time but none of that matters because old people in power collectively decided to shut them out as long as physically possible.

You see they view millennials and gen z not as their kids and future citizens but as an immediate threat to their stranglehold on political and economic power. They know that as soon as these people get into positions of influence its over for them. They are betting they can run out the clock before this happens on a big enough scale to mean anything. They are hoping that they can extend this con all the way until they die of natural old age. They will then leave a mountain of debt that can never be purchased, children who have no economic future, and a broken husk of a nation that has been bent over, raped, and discarded like a used condom.

This is the most evil generation humanity has ever had to endure. They had total victory and could have shaped the world however they wished, and chose to create a debt prison for their spawn. Imagine the level of inherent evil and narcissism necessary and honestly outright defiance of god to try and upend the natural progression of generations.

>> No.49735873
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>CUNTER-STRIKE Thulêan Offensive! | Let's Play

>Battlefield XIV: Thulêan Conquest! | Let's Play

>> No.49735875
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I suppose we could give it another try. We need a population reduction anyways

>Countries like Hungary are god-tier on a western paycheck.
On a western paycheck you could live like a king all over the shithole that is eastern europe and all of the 3rd world. Hungary seems somewhat good compared to fucking senegal or romania but it's still a shithole and you, sir, are coping.

>> No.49735918
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And they also fucked over their parents of the silent generation by destroying everything these people worked for. Our forefathers literally DIED building this country from the GROUND UP and these fucking evil, entitled, parasites destroyed it in their life times.

God I hate boomers so fucking much.

>> No.49735920

You are the one who started with the europoor shit. It shows you are never going to make it. You will be a slave in your dying country until you die yourself. Priced out of everything. Cope with that lmao

>> No.49735928


Either choose to be free from money as much as you can. Buy a van, work part time and pursue your hobbies otherwise. Be a social pariah, but enjoy your free time. Like I suggested. Or, be your own boss. Start your own buisness. Get people to work for you, so you can make the diamonds. Like >>49735816 suggested.

Alternatively, you can work 50 - 60 hours a week at a job you hate, with no free time for 5 - 6 days a week, begging for Saturday to come every waking moment of your existence. Buy the $250k house, the new $30k car and stay up-to-date with the latest tech/trends and be a slave to your paycheck, knowing if you miss a few weeks of work, you lose everything and all thst time and equity will have been wasted.

>> No.49735937

nice to run into you varg, how are things these days

why don't you do something about it then if you're seething so hard jesus christ get a grip, this is the business section of an anime website, go get a gun and do the needful or shill me the next x100 or shut up

>> No.49735945

Traditionally, slaves are fed and sheltered by their master. You have to buy it yourself

>> No.49735949

You are taken from your home and your people and forced to do whatever the massa wants. You have no choice and you are dependent on the massa for nourishment and shelter
You willingly leave your home and go to a place that you chose to be employed at, hopefully doing work that is suited to you.

Honestly, I get it guys. There is a lot of similarities between slavery and wagecuckery, but there are pros to getting a job. There are no pros to being a slave. Unless your life was somehow so fucking shitty that slavery was a better option for you (people thousands of years ago would literally sell themselves into slavery)

>> No.49735951

ok europoor

>It shows you are never going to make it. You will be a slave in your dying country until you die yourself. Priced out of everything.
Like you already are? Lol

>> No.49735961

I can relate, my inherited wealth is the only thing giving me hope about not dying wageslaving but actually be able to retire early. Maybe.

>> No.49735974
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>Business and Finance
>Don't talk about the economy

ITT: Seething boomers

Why are boomers so stupid? I don't get it.

>> No.49735981

>you will be seen as a peon of society and die alone if you go that route
i went to a hobo convention and it was like 50 maybe 60% grils

>> No.49735988
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in 20 years you’ll see the largest death of a generation(boomers) sending shockwaves throughout the global economy. People will fight for positions status homes and most importantly

No one knows what’s going to happen next, but the world will keep spinning. Even in the event of a nuclear war.
So that’s /pol verison
the most rational play would be to beef up your soft skills via degrees, social network, and reputation online. Gain access to social clubs, events and network with the local influencers. (((((local)))) not online

Next id move towards being highly highly flexible meaning you can pick up a backpack and relocate without a problem.
Estimaste your budget for this sub 5k to build a BIFL setup running out of a backpack. (roasties won’t know or care)

3rd either commit to becoming like talleyrand (napoleons advisor laughing in private with his whores as he influenced a global leader, escaped death and exile mostly pulling strings from behind the scenes) becoming napoleon himself(set on conquering local area>state>region>world) or profiting off location arbitration( Moving to where you are treated best thru sex money relationship and career.) None of these options come without sacrifice. 99.999% of anons won’t do this but this is imo the best setup all with varying degrees of wealth tho work is required. wont come free(in the beginning)

>> No.49736005

I got my way out lmao. I can adept. You can't. In 30 years you will still be working 55-60 hours a week and living in your rent pod. Don't get ill though. The medical bills might set you back 10 years

>> No.49736039
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I want (You) to listen to this album; https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ZnCc_3LyhmkmZdpn5t6LMieF40w4tgU This man is a multimillionaire, while you slave and bitch. Be like this man. Give up on modernity.

>> No.49736046

career doesn’t matter but focus on that which builds (stem-L, L being Law) so that you can pull the capital to enter the power arena. Though fair warning this is not for the faint of heart. You can’t be a pussy about this, either shut up and accept being a wage slave or step up to the plate. This is where savages come to play

>> No.49736067

Massive bloodshet

>> No.49736088
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Then what?

>> No.49736107

Unfathomable murderfuel

>> No.49736153

kek, those things don't even apply to me but ok. I would reciprocate with some bullshit stereotypes about your shithole country but I know so little about it (because I don't care enough to know) that I don't know what to say. And yet you know so much about us americans eh

>> No.49736200

>kek, those things don't even apply to me but ok.
If your parents are not loaded with cash or assets they will apply to you. Deep inside you know you are fucked lmao

>> No.49736237

38 year old boomer struggling with this rn. Laid off at 36 cause of the coof after working since 18. 2 years of bad thoughts later, still unemployed, still mad, no motivation, most days I feel like necking would be better than getting out of bed.

>> No.49736337

I am loaded with cash/assets though kek

cope and seethe, europoor, cope and seethe. Post a pic of your bedroom if you will be so bold, sir. I want to see how much of a paradise it is over there, and if you do I will follow up with mine. You have my word, good sir.

>> No.49736380

>I am loaded with cash/assets though kek
In that case you have nothing to worry. So nervous posts like this >>49735259 should not be needed

>> No.49736419
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You can thank the 3 generations before Boomers as well you know. The Boomers didn't create the Federal Reserve, they didn't drag us into WW1, WW2, Korea or Vietnam, they didn't take us off the gold standard, they didn't start the war on drugs or the war on poverty, they didn't create Social Security or Medicare, they didn't open our borders to mass 3rd world immigration in the 1960's and 1970's. You can thank ALL of that to the generations before the Boomers. Boomers didn't even start getting serious political power until the late 1980's and 1990's. Did they benefit from all of this bullshit? Yes. But, they didn't start this shit. You can blame Boomers for the '08 global financial crisis and their response to it and you can blame them for the Covid insanity, but don't act like EVERYTHING was their fault. For fucks sake, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi aren't even Boomers, they're fucking older.

BTW, you think Gen-X, Millennials and Zoomers are going to fix anything? You're sadly mistaken. This whole fucking planet is doomed to corruption, destruction and entropy. The people coming into power now in their 30's, 40's and 50's are going to be just as evil, corrupt and retarded as the people before them, probably even worse.

>> No.49736511

Being loaded with cash and assets does not mean you are shielded from all of the bullshit that >>49735060 talks about, specifically the
>in the end theyre just going to end up living in some shitty multicultural crime ridden shithole anyway
part of it.

Futher evidence that you are a coping europoor. You believe economic success alone can solve these problems. They do not. They can alleviate some of them, but solving them is something that is impossible due to the nature of society in 2022

>> No.49736572

Ancaps are infinitely more stupid than boomers

>> No.49736600

>Being loaded with cash and assets does not mean you are shielded from all of the bullshit

It does lmao. Turn your zoomer brain on. Rich people in Brasil for example have been doing it for 40 years. Private gated communities, private education. Living in all white area's in the south. They live in a country within a country. If you are loaded you have no excuses. But you sound a bit scared tho?? Whats up with that

>> No.49736620

Find a better job, or save up money over a couple years, get some skills, and start a business that solves some problem people have.

>> No.49736687
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I'm not an ancap, although I'm glad this image made you seethe. You can't even argue against what I'm saying because I'm objectively correct.

Most people don't get into political power until their 30's, 40's and 50's. Look at all of the things I listed. All of that shit that destroyed this country happened between 1913 and 1971. The oldest Boomers would've been in their mid-20's, with the youngest Boomers being about 6 or 7 years old. Explain to me how all that shit is their fault when half of them couldn't even vote yet and the other half were dying in Vietnam or in college.

>> No.49736711
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Communism has never been tried.
Your glowy propaganda isn't working anymore.

>> No.49736741

And never will be tried, because the version that exists on paper is impossible in practice.

Any attempts in any forseeable future will end up exactly like the past attempts.

>> No.49736750
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Yes I can retard because capitalism is so unstable with out some kind of government intervention that the system literally collapses in half a life time that's why the fed was created in the first place and society has seen a MASSIVE accumulation of wealth since that has all but proven how retarded Hayakian economics really are. Eternally seethingthat youc an't make everything like chili and privatize air.

It doesn't need refuting because it's already well established fact. The rise of unionization and labor protections all of this was a direct result of how fucking brutal and exploitative capitalism was in the Guilded age and you idiots want to return to that, kek. You are a massive fucking retard.

>> No.49736819
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>Le exists on paper

when the human population drops 6bill and civilization collapses you retards will still be saying "COMMUNISM CAN'T WORK" and you have no idea what it entails either. You just believe propaganda about what you have been told communism is with out ever actually reading a book, kek.

So dumb, humanity is so fucked.

There have never been paste attempts.

Communism is the democratic control of the productive forces of society held in common by the workers themselves. The workers who run society and generate everything of value should be the masters of our own fate. That is the only answer it will always be the only answer and no other answer will work.

You know why? Because no one, no one, knows what is best for the working class then the working class themselves. you people are so small minded it's fucking amazing.

But yeah man a system that allows retards like picrel to rise to the top is deff superior to that.

>> No.49736844

have you considered being "the boss" or are you just a NPC worker drone?
not sure if you understand but every company around you was started by someone

>> No.49736855

Jobs are easy and you don't really do any real work 90% of the time

>> No.49736869
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Lmfao, nice schizo rant and you just moved the goalposts so far nobody can see them. You went from blaming Boomers for everything, and now in this rant you don't even mention Boomers and start ranting about Capitalism. Good job Anon. I love smoking people like you in debates because it shows you have 0 foundation for the shit you say. You're all emotion and reaction. No critical thinking or rational whatsoever.

>> No.49736961

If you insist it has never been tried, how do you even know it works?

All the past claimed attempts originally had the exact same goal of getting there, they all just had to face reality at some point. Kinda like that Trump's famous quote "nobody knew health care could be so complicated". But it's easy to promise how you would fix everything when you never have to actually do that.

It's all just cope, you're pinning your hopes on some magic bullet solution, but your life probably wouldn't have been any better under such a system.

You can have a shitty boss in a worker coop too, in fact what is most likely to happen is the existing older workers will team up to get the best deal for themselves and fuck over any possible new entrants.

>> No.49737021

>y-y-you're a slave to physics!
back to cagie wagie

>> No.49737044

so wait i'm confused
do they have brain damage from leaded gasoline or pure clear-eyed malevolence

>> No.49737111

Don't listen to the post-modern cynics in this thread, there's plenty of experience to be had in life outside the narrow vision of these anons. Don't let the pursuit of money dominate your life. Find something you like to do with people you get along with, the rest will fall together.

>> No.49737159



>> No.49737196
File: 180 KB, 744x365, 51B7E946-25C1-4D18-908D-5E32A630748D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live for vengeance

>> No.49737234

Consuming knowledge for the sake of it staves off existancial dread by a good part in my case, learning new things keeps you busy, even if is not practical

>> No.49737283
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My boss is actually a total failure and our business isn't really making any money. I suspect we're a front for something, doesn't make sense how we're still employed otherwise