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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49733135 No.49733135 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking to buy some smartphones without 5G since all new ones already have that and you can't remove it, in the future every smartphone it's going be 5G
How profitable would be? I mean ofcourse theres has to be ppl that don't want 5G. Maybe it's a short-mid term investment bc i'm sure there will be some company in the future that will especially in non-5G smartphones but not the major ones like samsung. They are pushing 5G hard. Sooner or later i will end up with a linux smartphone like Purism or some shit.

>> No.49733326
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No? Rare apu then

>> No.49733864

Trump lost so get vaxxed already chud, don't forget to take your meds as well.
Also if I remember correctly 3G towers were being dismantled recently in Germany, do with information as you will

>> No.49734015

I just disabled 5g in the settings I prefer 4g since it has an even number

>> No.49734182

It’s not enough, they already impress demonic sigils with the circuits in the microprocessors to begin with. Technology (specifically smartphones) is the unfounded loophole for demonic entities to break into the physical realm with no pact binding them.

>> No.49734507

>take your meds to become a non-functioning drug addict like me

>> No.49734684

Any pic or link?
I recall seeing some of that in /x/ but they were sigils from india or some east shit

>> No.49734736

Based autistic but they are going to switch to 5G meaning they are going to dismantle 3g and 4g towers eventually.
Only 3world countries will be free of it

>> No.49735261

My 4g phone stopped working as a phone and was data only when my network moved to 5g. So...

>> No.49736665

I made this pepe