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File: 244 KB, 271x475, Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 16-00-00 The Big Short 2 trailer just dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49726032 No.49726032 [Reply] [Original]

I have no words.. Housing Crash

>> No.49726120

I'm looking for a way to put some money to shorting these absolute assclowns

>> No.49726183
File: 248 KB, 278x481, Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 16-04-30 The Big Short 2 trailer just dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49726500



>> No.49726523

>inb4 its just a gully

>> No.49726792


>> No.49726998
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>talks about number of rentals and total value
>cash flow from rentals not mentioned
>debt amount and type not mentioned

Really activates the almonds.

>> No.49727179

Who loaned these people money? How did they get this level of access to capital?

>> No.49727279
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for me, its ben mallah


>> No.49727281
File: 262 KB, 269x480, Screenshot 2022-06-16 at 16-04-16 The Big Short 2 trailer just dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are using collateral from inventors and seller financed. They are doing a really shitty deals that are leveraged to the moon. It's creative financing that will blow up in their face with house vales plummet.

>> No.49727316


But real estate only goes up.

>> No.49727367

They leverage one house to buy another

>> No.49727429


lmao what is this wizardry? Do banks not check when you use a home as collateral when you don't actually own that home?

>> No.49727443
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Um, sweetie, there will be no crash. See pic related.

>> No.49727467


>> No.49727469


these guys don't use banks

>> No.49727475

Almonds you say?

>> No.49727479

What a fag haircut

>> No.49727498

until it goes down

>> No.49727538

doesn't mean anything tho, literally everyone is on a fixed-rate mortgage now: no ARMs, no sketchy traunching, and no more no-doc liar loans. the crash won't cause a crisis.

>> No.49727573

What are the margins of being an absentee land lord for apartment units worth 100k each..

>> No.49727577
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>financial bear

>> No.49727658


But you never answered the question. Where do they get this kind of access to capital?

>> No.49727740

imagine caring what a woman has to say

>> No.49727796


>> No.49727799


Watch this video and you will understand. No w2, no tax report, no income verification. etc..

>> No.49727801

they use the accumulated principal on the house for the downpayment of another. In a rising market this allows them to extract the difference between the value of their current mortgage and the market value to buy another property.

>> No.49727826


>> No.49727827

No one. None of this shit exists and if it did he wouldn't have time to fuck around on tiktok.

>> No.49727840


the other guy mentioned a few ways, seller financing, hard money loans. they might be using banks in a refinancing scheme, the standards are less strict once you already own the property and have shown income from tenants


depends hugely on the area, i could find some 10%-15% near me a few years back but prices have gone faster than rents here so its down to 5%-7%

>> No.49727889


Holy shit. That only works if the market is continuously rising. The fucking split second your cash flow stops and you can't offload properties at a profit it all fucking falls down.

These niggas about to get JUSTed

>> No.49727913
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George Gammon Talking about investors backing out of Real Estate Deals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKhBAiySoSU

Investors are giving up their guaranteed down payment that equal to over $1million dollars to back out of deals right now because of future cash flow.

>> No.49727923

>repeat of 2008 banking crisis
>not betting against financials

>> No.49728323
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>dustin rosenberg
reality really is clown world
I found the FNAF reference entertaining, strange how it's literally fazbear

>> No.49728385


Of course it's shitskins trying to game the system into collapse.

>> No.49728411
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>tfw sold my house along with all my stocks and crypto in december

>> No.49728515

Lol I have watched so many videos of this guy. Almost have to admire him for being such an utterly shamless turbokike slumlord

>> No.49728591

>market crash would be bad for buyers
Love laugh love, we are all in this together. If it goes down it's bad for you, because.
Jfc female brain incapable of basic rational tjought

>> No.49728795

The weird take is
Eviction moratoriums were actually introduced to protect real estate. To avoid a domino effect crash.
If all rentcucks suddenly moved out during covid it would cause a gigacrash.
With current property taxes and skyrocketing utility bills, the landlords would get absolutely JUSTd after few vacant months.
> t. Both rentcuck and rentlord

>> No.49728817


he is the real deal unlike these tiktok larpers

>> No.49729659
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I can't wait until these shitheads are living out of tents

>> No.49729807

>muh low inventory
>muh immigrant population boom
>muh this time it's different
It's going to be way worse this time

>> No.49729843


The weirdest part is that boomers and other shitheads will keep denying it even after it's completely obvious that it's happening.

>> No.49729994

These guys are leveraged to the fucking tits lmfao

>> No.49730076

>No one learned absolutely anything from 2008 except for the fucking banks
Is this an argument against democracy?

>> No.49730136

>Structuring your investments like a game of domino toppling

>> No.49730222
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How bad is this one going to be boys?

>> No.49730236


Its not gonna crash anon. Keep wishing it did. You will be outpriced forever. Housing market won't crash.

>> No.49730297

>housing climbing faster than wages
>wages buying less necessities than ever
>it's different this time
kek. soon.

>> No.49730422

I love how he makes fun of his mexican wife who he met when she was 12 lmao

>> No.49730547


>> No.49730931


Its different this time. Enjoy being outpriced.

>> No.49731487

Strong top signal

>> No.49731669


Quick rundown?

>> No.49731778

Smart, sold my rental then as well

>> No.49732062


They're basically creating a self-perpetuating cycle by taking a loan out for a rental property, and then using the verification of income from that property as collateral to get another loan for another rental property. From what these guys are saying they're doing it into the hundreds of millions.

You can rapidly acquire a huge amount of property but you are so highly leveraged that ANY shift in the market exposes you to an immediate collapse of everything.

>> No.49732126

>You can rapidly acquire a huge amount of property but you are so highly leveraged that ANY shift in the market exposes you to an immediate collapse of everything.
So it's like a game of chicken to see who can time the top basically? Or do they not even realize there are tops that will liquidate them if variable rates go up?
Actually if they have fixed rates isn't this totally fine as long as tenants continue paying rent?

>> No.49732196

He’s based and sleazecore pilled

>> No.49732316

Hard money, cash out refis, HELOCs, loans against stocks, there’s lots of ways to get leveraged and hard money doesn’t show up on a credit report.

>> No.49732338


Sure in theory. But any failure for a tenant creates a domino effect.

>> No.49732372

Well you'd be insulated from them failing to pay due to a necessary rent increase because you wouldn't have to raise the rent.

>> No.49732525

>Stay Humble
>Stay Hungry
I won’t be satisfied until this douche is living in a box and actually starving.

>> No.49732532

but how does one come up with 332 million dollars to own 4000+ properties? how the fuck does that work? i can't even get access to a single one

>> No.49732633

leveraging aka magic

>> No.49732974

Prob using 1030 exchanges which allow you to sell a property tax free and defer the payment of taxes by rolling all the profits into another deal.
Just google 1030 x or 1030 exchange

>> No.49733150
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every time

>> No.49733224

So delusional. These are the types of people who sip their wine and wish to rearranged the deck chairs after the Titanic hits the iceberg.

>> No.49733283

imagine the kind of person that takes a womans advice on the market lol

>> No.49733433
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Seeing shit like this almost makes me await the coming age of blood and iron happily. Not because I think I’ll last long or “succeed” within it, but that I’ll have the brief opportunity to watch kike girlbosses physically suffer and get what they fucking deserve.
Too many have gotten away with too much for too long without ever paying any consequences for their actions. And I wish them a grand summer of ‘20 floyd nigger parade on steroids to come and burn them alive inside their bloated, rent-hacked, inflated McMansions when the rot of this third world country in disguise finally exposes itself.

>> No.49733620
File: 259 KB, 600x1080, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously based

>> No.49733878

I highly doubt he has 332M paid off equity. More like he is just BRRRing 5% down 30 year mortgages using existing rental income as proof of income.

>> No.49733935
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checked for based

>> No.49733939

>business and finance forum
>how dare these guys make money!
Ah, the /biz way

>> No.49733969

Thats exactly how people got mega rich with property in the last 20 years

>> No.49734016

It's also exactly how they'll lose it all in two.

>> No.49734063

Another dumber white woman id imagine

>> No.49734067

Literally no one is mad at them we are just pointing out how obvious of a top signal this is and how hard real estate is going to fall due to how many people are in these same situations

>> No.49735441

Rent is still being paid. They bought for 2.5-3.0%. They're in zero trouble.

>> No.49735564


they all look dudebro af

>> No.49735668

Rich parents to start. Then they just keep leveraging more houses to buy more. Capital builds capital

>> No.49735676

>2.5 - 3%
Not if they're commercial deals which is anything over 5 units.

>> No.49735757

but let's just say they owned the properties outright, would a housing crash be so bad? I can't fathom why owning a lot of property could possibly be a bad thing long term.

>> No.49735893

What is realistically stopping someone from serial killing richfag landhoardes?

>> No.49736258

Whoever has a variable mortgage OR is looking for house flips is getting fucked. These people prolly got fixed, and if they rent out it should be fine.

But if they look for buyers, or have variable rent it will be a bloodbath.

>> No.49736279

How many of these gentlemen have foreskins do you think?

>> No.49736334

oy vey

>> No.49736371

Start off with a rich parent giving you a small loan of $1 Million to buy a starter house.

>> No.49736390

How many have hair?

>> No.49737581

Anyone good enough to actually pull it off is probably mega rich themselves from their blood money, already on five watch lists, or glowing.
But with all the kids playing Hitman nowadays, you never know if we'll get that one in a billion autist.

>> No.49737623

there are inverse REITs

>> No.49737715


they arent saying they have that in cash, they are saying that all the property they own costs that much. These guys are likely heavily in debt. 10million bro probably probably 9.5million in debt. 500k cash in liquid and 500k home equity.

>> No.49738148

They're leveraged to the point that if they're not sweating and having constant sleepless nights with the housing market teetering, then they're just retarded. The second their lender hits them with a margin call due to falling values, all that property just becomes liabilities. You also don't get long term fixed rates on the kind of debt they're smoking so the rate increases are going to start eating them alive.

>> No.49739184
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How long until OpenDoor layoffs begin?

>> No.49739314

>Who loaned these people money?
Their local synagogue

>> No.49739343

You can only perform a like kind exchange every 7 years

He is lying

>> No.49739414

owns $78k per average house unit he has
average house unit in US is $374k

This guy is leveraged for 80% of his wealth
he only has 20% collateral for all his houses

>> No.49739471


Is that Mrs. JUST?

>> No.49739572

I'm getting this printed on a poster and put it on the wall

>> No.49739583

> muh demand
niggers like to pretend that there wasn't ALWAYS demand for housing, and that it suddenly shot up in the last 2 years

>> No.49739608

and it won't show up where you're looking
the ponzis of 2022 are not the ponzis of 2008

most bull posters are using the metrics from the 2008 ponzi to say that there is not going to be a crash in the 2022 ponzi

doesn't work that way

>> No.49739627

It's worth losing it all just to watch these pieces of shit getting flushed out.

>> No.49740190

Assuming the tenants can afford the same amount of rent in a big recession.

>> No.49740373

They keep misspelling *owed*?

>> No.49740411

Ding ding ding, it's this

>> No.49740437
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Should I start the process of getting pre-approved for a home loan for when it crashes, /biz/?

>> No.49740483

Okay but what are the chances these guys took out fixed rates? Surely people wouldn't be retarded to get variable? Or is this nothing to even do with that?

>> No.49740499

> loser on childrens cartoon forum has gay revenge fantasy that will never happen, posts it on childrens cartoon forum for some reason. more at 11!

>> No.49740542

Basedness on a level never before seen

>> No.49740990

prob better off getting a loan to buy crypto