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File: 955 KB, 546x745, 1200 oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49720991 No.49720991 [Reply] [Original]

sound money

>> No.49721085


>> No.49721092

>Can barely move it all
>Sits there
>Take it to a coin shop
>They offer you 75% of its value
"take it or leave it gramps"
>Go to the next coin shop
"We'll give you 60% of what it is worth. Take it or leave it"
>Pack it up in your car again
>Get pulled over
>Get it all taken from you for suspision of it being drug money
>Get arrested
>have to pay for legal fees for your defense.
>Go into the deep negative
>Spend a year in jail because you don't have the paper receipts from when you bought them.
>get out of jail.
>family thinks you still have some
>breaks in and stabs you to death in your sleep so they can steal all your fruit coattail cans thinking they're hidden safes in your pantry.

wow cool

>> No.49721123
File: 53 KB, 640x718, 741874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only problem is you don't get any yield from it. Better to buy a silver mining company if you really love silver.

>> No.49721149

silver, it's about 36k usd worth

>> No.49721190

Kek. This..

>> No.49721281

Ah, nice. Those bars at the bottom looked like copper

>> No.49721310

People sell their silver over spot on eBay all the time lol.

>> No.49721338

And ebay takes 20%

>> No.49721345

Kinesis gives you yields on PM holdings.

>> No.49721370

>(((People))) (((sell))) (((their silver))) (((over spot))) ((((((on eBay all))))))) the time lol.

>> No.49721471

Mines are the biggest meme ever as an investment. They share pretty much nothing in common with holding actual precious metals other than both want the price of precious metals to go up. But precious metals are about preserving wealth with no chance of losing or gaining big while investing in mines is basically a binary gamble of either doubling+ your money or the mine going bankrupt (many such cases)

>> No.49721474

Nigger cops can rob you at any time by the way. If you want to be paranoid look up civil asset forfeiture stories. They take nice cars, houses, petty cast, you name it. And the courts back them up even with zero evidence.

>> No.49721526

>minus fees (13%+)
>minus shipping
>minus getting scammed some portion of the time

>> No.49721596

Is silver too soft to bash over an intruders head?

>> No.49721682

That’s probably toning. It happens with time and has no effect on value. FYI

>> No.49721699
File: 2.26 MB, 1125x2436, A3BF5CE5-FF4A-4448-97F4-6B9F3447F71B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or just find your local chad buying for spot price.

>> No.49721704

nah it's pretty solid, you could smash someones head in with 1kg/2/5kg of silver

>> No.49722180


Waiting on you regards to tell me how I’ll get paid in fake cash or murdered by meeting someone on Craigslist.

>> No.49722207

*Retards lel. New phone, sorry.

>> No.49722214

you can't sell silver anymore as a individual. they changed the terms of service.

>> No.49722234

Don’t buy some meme shit with a Batman logo on it or some political BS. Stick to common and well known rounds/bars/coins and you should be fine. Being offered below spot shouldn’t even be an issue unless you only have 1 dealer within a 500 mile area and they’re trying to take advantage of you.

>> No.49722393

I just bought a graded coin off of some boomer a few months ago on eBay. He wasn’t a dealer or anything. I see people selling custom pieces like Superman, skulls, or some other retarded shit all the time. If true oh well, I wouldn’t sell on eBay anyways unless it was absolute last resort.

>> No.49722435

If you foster a relationship with a coin shop it’s likely that they’ll give you a break when selling some of your stack as well.

>> No.49722476
File: 46 KB, 363x219, cannibal raiders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>it's worthless
>>it's worthless
>>it's worthless
>>police will arrest you because carrying around so much money is sussy
>>your own family will murder you just to get it
Are you being retarded on purpose? You're literally this meme.

>> No.49722599

Based and Doug Casey pilled

>> No.49722744
File: 232 KB, 506x438, 1654890539747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try and put it in a way you can understand cuh,

fr fr carrying silver like venting bruh. No cap aint nobody wanting pay full price fer scrubby click clacks. Dese fools only wanting high proof no milk spots. they real faggots like that. Erotic exotic metal baseball cards at best. No cap its just industrial metal. copper but super extra and cringe. ong

>> No.49722786

Why won’t you reply to me

>> No.49723025

>was in a coin shop buying some dimes recently
>he was selling silver rounds with pop culture shit on them
>had fewer of them than silver dollars
They must be moving alright.
Also most shops will buy for around 5% under spot.

>> No.49723296

Wow! 10 dollars worth of metals!

>> No.49723344

>buy it for $10
>sell it for $1000
>"we'll give you 60% of $1000"
ohhhhh noooooooooooo

>> No.49724706

the fact that that entire pile is worth 36k is cringe

>> No.49724877

lmao at you retards exaggerating the difficulty of selling silver. there are bullion exchanges in every major city that will pay you spot price for silver (or like spot minus 10c per ounce if you're selling 1000oz comex bars).
not even disagreeing with you that silver is a meme investment, but when you come in blatantly lying it makes you seem like shills. there are plenty of truthful things you could say about the idiocy of "investing" in silver but you go for this garbage "hurr hurr you can't even sell it for more than 75% of spot" that makes it seem like you're trying to reverse psychology shill it by fudding it like a lying kike.

>> No.49725014

>pretending you can eyeball the weight.
>assuming none of those have numismatic value

This is anti-Semitic

>> No.49725079
File: 60 KB, 563x1000, 997b08a8d833988619ef9e6cea4233d0-1617554580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is anti-Semitic

>> No.49725108

why are you posting obvious lies

>> No.49725214

>Also most shops will buy for around 5% under spot.
the ones i go to offer spot
this guy is right: >>49724877
except silver is currently a very good investment and if you can't see why you are ngmi

>> No.49725491
File: 234 KB, 1080x810, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not true. They just have a separate guaranteed program for dealers.

>> No.49725656

you should be able to easily get spot considering to buy silver you usually pay a significant premium over spot, rn about 10%