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49722826 No.49722826 [Reply] [Original]

If we told the American founding father's we would dedicate a month to homosexuality and a day to the blacks (which closes the markets), how do you think they would react?

>> No.49722851

fuck possessive apostrophe fathers i goofed up i admit it before anyone points it out

>> No.49722856

they would explicitly ban lobbies in the constitution

>> No.49722887

Modern US has nothing to do with muh founding fathers, nobody cares

>> No.49722927

Why stop there ? Go see the greeks and tell them about dogecoin, how do you think they would react ?

>> No.49722980

USA was hijacked
It's all over
Time to stay demoralized 4ever

>> No.49723023

who cares?
they would be ashamed that you are faggot looking up to dead figures for their thoughts and opinions. It is not their world anymore, they did the best they can and gifted their world to you. Stop being a victim baby and make something of your life.

>> No.49723137

No one cares you fcking nazi

>> No.49723264
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>Misplaced apostrophe
Opinion discarded fucking loser

>> No.49723362
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I didn't even state an opinion, I asked a question. Get it right you jeet.

>> No.49723529

with such perfect foresight, they would have murdered john hancock, ben franklin, thomas jefferson, samuel adams, they would have invaded french territories and then france itself, and they would have installed alexander hamilton as a regent. they would then have spent the rest of their lives writing detailed plans to avoid england ever being ruled by a queen instead of a king, how to win WWI decisively so that there would be no WWII, and then begin the long haul of turning africa into the newest colonial holding using the full economic power of British North America
hail britannia

>> No.49723535
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>Modern US has nothing to do with muh founding fathers, nobody cares
good principles never die, unlike traitors

>> No.49723596

There aren't a lot of patriots in this thread, bunch of angry brown handed indians not going to even give them a (You)

>> No.49723638

>the constitution
the founding fathers of america started arriving in 1620.
that bullshit came 150 years later.
you're thinking of the constitution's "framers," which is akin to some worthless roastie HR lady giving herself a "funky" title.

>> No.49723762
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>ywn be a 18 year old founding father who just created the most powerful nation in the world
>ywn have access to unlimited slave pussy

>> No.49723827

They would have probably made it worse. They just wanted to be in charge, they're not going to just throw up their hands and say "oh shit maybe this government we're making is actually a really fucking evil idea I guess we'll just NOT collect taxes and NOT impose our will!"

Are they responsible for the current state of affairs or not?