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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49719848 No.49719848 [Reply] [Original]

>you can't have more government regulations or programs or welfare or increased taxes for the rich, that's socialism!
Government regulations are just laws. If "adding laws" is socialism then every country on the planet is socialist by definition, making your definition of socialism functionally meaningless since literally everything is socialism then.

Government programs in America have existed as arguably far back as the civil war for vets. Social Security has existed since the 30s. Medicare since the 60s. And programs like this exist in virtually every developed country. If this is socialism, then once again, virtually everything is socialism, and you have to admit that the best periods of American history (post-WW2) were socialist.

>you can't redistribute wealth, that'll make people lazy!
Capitalism never cared about hard you worked, it only cares if you own something there is demand for. There are people who make profit simply for owning assets, regardless of whether or not they actually worked to create or maintain that asset. If "hard work" was actually the most important thing then Marx and the labor theory of value would be right, the value of goods would be dependent on the labor put into them and managers are just middlemen who jack up prices to seize profit for doing no work. However he's wrong, many of the most labor intensive industries are not necessarily the most profitable. This is how you get celebrities who make millions from 30 second ads while most people will spend their entire life working trying to make even a fraction of that. Modern society as we know it doesn't care about how hard you work anyways so this is an irrelevant point.

>> No.49719895


>> No.49719973

>be mentally ill furfaggot
>molested as a child
>make low IQ bait threads as an excuse to spam furfag art
do you get a pit in your stomach when you think of your father fingerfucking your asshole raw?

>> No.49719979
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this is a capitalism board, gtfo

>> No.49720021

Why do you care what americans think?

>> No.49720028

Why are furries so fucking retarded?

>> No.49720144

The irony of a nazi larping as a "communist" lmao. It is also always so obvious cause you never say communism and always say socialism and also how you always pivot the discussion to some irrelevant point usually about celebrities and influencers. This allows you then to easily plug in your schizo conspiracies about how da jooz control the media and brainwash the people into "degeneracy". Coincidentally parasites like you always leave landlords, cops, soldiers, bosses and other ACTUAL parasites unlike some rando actor or influencer who actually works.

But that is what you always do, you lie and pretend because you are weak insecure little manbabies. I wont lie it is a good trick which is why hitler used it. And i personally dont care. You can use it again. Anything to accelarate the process of nazi heads being stomped again

>> No.49720147
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Socialism is when the working class democratically control the productive forces of society and democratically plan and manage the productive out put of society as a whole.

This is in contrast to the anarchic productive output of capitalist society in which labor (and everything else) is treated as nothing more than a commodity intended to produce a greater return than was invested (profit)

Americans refuse to accept this cause, well, it's inconvenient to the powers that be.

>> No.49720257
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I don't
I created this thread because I was curious what kind of replies I would get
I copied it from >>>/his/13475096
Because I said so

>> No.49720264

The US has one of the most progressive tax structures in the world. The bottom 50% of income earners pay basically zero federal income tax.

>> No.49720318

if there is no reason to work then no work will be done
you can play socialism all you want, until you run out of everything

>> No.49720515

Is there porn of this guy

>> No.49720623

OP is poor and stupid

>> No.49720682
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im middle class
I own my own ranch
Do you?
Oh you don't?
ye cause ur poor

>> No.49720781

>advocating socialism
>too lazy to even write your own thread, just copy paste it from another anon

>> No.49720804

OP is worse than that. Op is vapid, dishonest, crippled in the head and an attention whore.

>> No.49720872
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>> No.49720952

>muh liberal socialism
Patriotic, infrared socialism here. Fuck your redistribution

>> No.49721042

How much money have you paid for Telegram sticker commissions of your OC?

>> No.49721080
File: 121 KB, 512x512, 1631414244802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate socialism so much
I was just curious what others would say on here.
>attention whore.
then stop giving me attention. Lmao you retards
About tree fiddy

>> No.49721144
File: 48 KB, 749x388, 3475687439652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody with a brain explain to me Hegel's definition of work?