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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49708261 No.49708261 [Reply] [Original]

I hope some C.Sci or ECE fags are browsing /biz/.
Is being a stem fag outside of the US just a big meme (especially in Europe)?

Pic related is considered as end game and ceiling for stem people (well, the good ones and even then only like 15% can reach this) in Germany, everyone else earns around 60-75k€ until they retire.
Renting a 50-60m2 flat costs you 1200-1500€ per month in big cities and only there you get proper jobs.
Take a look at this:
Doctors or lawyers make atleast double, more likely triple of that.

Cannot win with stocks, cannot win with crypto, cannot buy real estate.
Cannot do anything even as a top earner at MANGA/FAGMAN.
>no tariff
>workload more than 40h/w although you are paid only for 40h
>it's expected that you are reachable 24/7 and to work on the weekend
>managment decisions are all done in the US
>although hire&fire is not possible in Europe, the mentality stays the same and pip culture makes your life hell
>located mostly in the most expensive cities in Europe (Dublin, London, Munich, Zurich) and COL + taxes + housing market will fuck you up
>same shit pay as local companies
>only advantages RSU and other stock options get destroyed by European socialism tax

What am I supposed to do?
Consume and waste my money?

You parents should have forced you to swallow the med or law pill.
TFW you will never make it in Europe without being born into old money.

>> No.49708358

There is a reason why they say is better to be poor in the commonwealth countries, and rich in the US.

>> No.49708525

Stop obsessing over money and material things. Embrace Christ.

>> No.49708598

stop being selfish and think of the migrants and minorities
your tax money is great help to those who truly needed, this the european way

>> No.49708781

Arzt in München, verdiene mit 7 Nachtdiensten im Schichtbetrieb 80k brutto im 4. Weiterbildungsjahr. Für 7 Jahre Studium, 6 Jahre Facharztausbildung und rumgezicke in einem frauendominierten Beruf. Gg

>> No.49708831

Du darfst einfach nicht single sein uns viel verdienen, denn dann hast du die höchste Steuerbelastung der Welt und lässt dir nicht vom Sozialstaat den Arsch pudern wie die restliche Brut.

>> No.49709932

sounds like a nightmare.
don't feel so bad about my wagie job anymore.

>> No.49710089

würdest du das alles nochmal machen? USA als alternative nach dem Studium?

>> No.49710594

You're still a nazi though

>> No.49710655
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Yo dumbass. Do you think the term Yuropoor is a joke. Compared to us you are POOR. yuroPOOR.

This isn't hard...

>> No.49710693

You're supposed to get free school in Europe, and then rugpull your country by moving to the US and working there. Then, optionally retiring to a developing/low cost country.

>> No.49710791

I thought Zurich has low taxes and high wages and isn’t europoor.

>> No.49710883

You're a non-white nation of degenerates.

>> No.49710943

Everything is a meme except for:

1. Be born into a rich family
2. Start your own business and become rich

>> No.49711076

>born in Europe where there are safety nets
>doesn't have to work a menial labour job
Sounds like you already made it king.

>> No.49711157

still whiter than you muhammad

>> No.49711175

Kek, this

>> No.49711742

Yes but it is also more expensive than New York

>> No.49711780

Why don't you talk to the other German anon that was talking about how his 200k/y job offer got 0 applicants

>> No.49712397

Same for italy but multiply all those number buy 2/3 for your average endgame Gehalt.
I live in Switzerland but all the problems you describe are pretty much present here, I have an engineering job and I'm priced out of any serious real estate. I'm thinking going full frugal 1 bedroom shitpartement and then fucking off to some low cost almost third world country like Poortugal or Cyprus after 10 years or so if the real estate market doesn't get any better.

>> No.49712769

Stop being a fucking victim pussy, you got the education 90% dreams about and still are a fucking faggot. Your negative mentality will continue to cuck you the rest of your life.

>> No.49712847

Said the turk lol

>> No.49713532

This post is really stupid, well done

>> No.49713741

starting your own business and being an entrepreneur is the biggest meme and only possible by being born into a rich family or being connected to rich people (a bank loan is just a middleman between you and rich people with insane fees which rich people don't pay).

>> No.49713913

>US is degenerates
>coming from the countries where women don't even shave their musky rotten bush pubes
Wew lad

>> No.49713985

university and tertiary education is a meme in general

>> No.49714021

>t. pablo goldberg-sanchez
>women don't even shave
Absolutely based. Hairy bush is very hot.

>> No.49714219

Du bist ein Arzt? Was machst du dann hier in diesem Forum? Hast du nichts besseres zu tun?

Deutschland finanziert halt wirklich viel viel scheiss mit. Die zahlen alles. Überproportional viel in die EU, UNO, WHO. Pumpen alles zur scheiß Ukraine. Ein drecks korruptes und bitterarmes Land. Wozu? Die haben genau null zu bieten. Geben das ganze teure Militärsgeräte für dieses korrupte Oligarchen Suff aus. Entwicklungshilfe, dämlicher Energiewende (aufgabe aller Kernkraftwerke) ... vieles ist einfach selbstverschuldet .

>> No.49714448

komische umschreibung für jüdisch besetzt.

>> No.49715212
File: 79 KB, 377x561, verdachtsmomente.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noch nicht mal das kriegste mehr.
Das ist IGM Tarif in der höchsten Stufe, selbst OEMs wie Daimler vergeben maximal Stufe 15 für Ingenieure.
Wenn es nur irgendwie geht, in die USA - Deutschland hat fertig für Fachkräfte.
Und freu dich auf die grünen Reichensteuer ab 80k, irgendwer muss die ganzen Musel, Ukrainer und die verkackten Südländer finanzieren nach Corona/Krieg/Klimaparanoia.

Ist doch alles bekannt, schaff die ersten Jahre bis zur eigenen Praxis und dann fängt das angenehme Leben an.
Das Studium der Medizin (und zum Teil Jura) sind die einzige Möglichkeiten in Deutschland der Mittelklasse entkommen zu können.

Zuruch has SCV level salaries, but also same col.
Also the Swiss are racists on stereoids.

So you never want a family or start one once you are older than 40 years old? good luck with that

>Deutschland finanziert halt wirklich viel viel scheiss mit. Die zahlen alles. Überproportional viel in die EU, UNO, WHO. Pumpen alles zur scheiß Ukraine. Ein drecks korruptes und bitterarmes Land. Wozu? Die haben genau null zu bieten. Geben das ganze teure Militärsgeräte für dieses korrupte Oligarchen Suff aus. Entwicklungshilfe, dämlicher Energiewende (aufgabe aller Kernkraftwerke) ... vieles ist einfach selbstverschuldet .
Nein nein nein, es darf nicht sein, was nicht sein darf. Du bist bestimmt ein rechter Spinner, der die AFD wählt.

Europe is a meme for everyone who has some talent, is hardworking and has above average IQ.

>> No.49715389
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to this day I dont understand why companies just have to have offices in the worst places.
like, they dont pay more or provide housing, no they expect you to find something in a place filled with big companies (munich alone has apple, intel, nvidia, ibm, bmw, microsoft, bosch, siemens and many more) and gladly pay stupid amounts of money for their office palaces.
apple alone invested 1 billion $ into a new office in the MIDDLE OF THE CITY.
remote no.
office in a more quiet and cheaper place no.
wasting tons of money?

not only Europe is to blame here, companies are also fucking retarded.

>> No.49715641

just convert to Islam and collect gibs

>> No.49715671


>1. Be born into a rich family
>Don't see any money from the family

also a meme

>> No.49715737

Unfortunately, the `hustle and the bustle' meme is very close to reality. The people working for those multinationals usually want to live there, and don't mind paying for it.

>> No.49715872

I know lawyers and they don't make a lot of money. You are mixing up employees with entrepreneurs. A doctor or lawyer with his own practice will always make more than a wagie because he doesn't have a master that steals half of his profit.the downside is that he's risking his own money and also it takes years to acquire the clientele.

>> No.49715899

>Doesn't have to work a menial labor job

They may have to soon if the energy crisis remains permanent. Economies are going to have to shift into an 1880's model to stay functioning if there's very little gas and only some electricity.

>All the nouveau riche are going to become peasants.

>> No.49716256

>workload more than 40h/w although you are paid only for 40h
>it's expected that you are reachable 24/7 and to work on the weekend

that's what a fucking salary is, they own you for the whole month. you don't have an hourly wage like tradies. yes, responsibilities follow you home. fucking idiot.

>> No.49716421

I know you mutts like to take it in the ass but it's not how it's supposed to work in europe

>> No.49716483

you literally don't have an hourly wage, you can't say "i'm paid for 40 hours but have to work more"
do you even know the difference between a salary and a wage you pig ESL?

>> No.49716534

I don't really understand how burgers can't save up for college, 4years of work in europoor and i saved up 70k which is enough for a mid tier College which is still in the top 100 of your subject.
I may have to add that i never moved out, and invested my rent money.

>> No.49716606

for Switzerland standards Zürich has kinda high taxes, take the Zug to Zug and live in Zug and pay at least a third less.

>> No.49716645

Invent ransomware. Governments pay if there's data loss.

>> No.49716814

Unless it's Austria, they're seemingly putting the country at risk, if the ransomware group gathered data of:
>Explosive licenses
>Firearms licenses
>Hunting licenses
An Austrian state (carinthia) has been hacked, yet the won't pay.

>> No.49717345
File: 95 KB, 600x600, kek_gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats spare money for a company like apple.
i've read somewhere, that tim cook wanted a new office in munich nearby the october fest.
top kek, cucking your employees for your own convinience when visiting germany.
shows how out of touch the elites are.

>> No.49717512

So true be a good human

>> No.49717711
File: 175 KB, 800x1200, potato_twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown hands typed this.

>> No.49717785

> Doctors or lawyers make at least double, more likely triple of that.
Maybe the top-tier of those fields, but average doctors and lawyers are about on the same tier as the 60-75k€ range you mentioned.

>> No.49718672
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>Maybe the top-tier of those fields, but average doctors and lawyers are about on the same tier as the 60-75k€ range you mentioned.
where do you live?
sounds like south europe, or even worse, the east.

>> No.49718692

I'm white, look at Duncan Banantine or whatever, boomers don't give their kids shit unless they are arab or jewish

>> No.49718844
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>> No.49718879
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>> No.49718901

Ask hitler for a raise xD

>> No.49718957

Ich mache noch meinen Facharzt und haue dann ab in die Schweizer Pharmaindustrie. Unter 200k arbeite ich dann nicht mehr. Selbstständigkeit wäre natürlich wie immer und weiterhin der Königsweg. Mal sehen.
Ich würde wohl nicht mehr Medizin studieren nein. GIbt bessere Work-life-finance balance alternativen. Wobei man natürlich allgemeinmedizin machen kann, sich in der ersten praxis 120-150 k gewinn holen kann, damit die zweite praxis finanzieren etc. In Ingolstadt Süd stehen aktuell 7 Allgemeinmedizin-Praxen leer und kosten 70k aka geschenkt hehe. Da kann man dann ähnlich wie Vermieterjuden gut leveraged sein und sich seine 5 Praxen als Verbund holen und da osteuropäische Ärzte drin einstellen.

>> No.49719034

You earn Schweizer Franken and buy German real estate with it. Thats my MD in Switzerland Plan B. Still some cities where you can get some cheap appartments to rent out and generate passive cash flow.

>> No.49719105

Bin für die Memes und tw. Cryptoalpha hier. GNS hier entdeckt. Die Zeit habe ich durchaus. Wobei es deutlich bessere Investmentanlaufstellen gibt. habe mehr geld mit Aktien-Subreddits verdient (jaja reddit etc)

>> No.49719312

If you do lots of on-call duty/"Bereitschaftsdienste" you earn more than that in Germany, Switzerland, UK, Netherlands etc. Next year with around 7 on call duties per month I will be closer to 90-95k €. Still not enough for working through the nights but it gives you some capital to invest. Having your own practice or pharma is where the muney is at.

>> No.49719413

A new house in Italy is around 250-300k.

>> No.49719461

if youre not retarded you do an over-average exam in law (2x vollbefriedigend) and enter a major law firm/Großkanzlei. Some friend of mine did (okay he did a PhD and was 32 when he started working) and he started with 120 k € (you have to be a performer though). But clients own your ass and will call you at midnight if they need you to suck them off.

>> No.49719640

I am doing PhD in chemistry in Germany, make 2k netto per month.

Feel very comfy. Work as hard as I want. Eat what I want, eat out as often as I want. Basically, living very comfy. Rent is only 30% of netto salary.

Just shorted SPX for additional 2k euro profit (before taxes though).

So, STEM is doing fine in Germany.

>> No.49720597
File: 76 KB, 500x667, turkroachbegone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a migrant from 3rd world shit hole.
but i guess a clean toilet and access to warm water is a whole new world for you ahmed.

>> No.49720754
File: 4 KB, 249x201, 55D20A75-90FA-426B-B44C-3B8B5B2D533B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gloobenflooben 2,456€
>flerbenderben 3,110€
>shnirstaffen 4,090€
Why even flippindorffen?

>> No.49720755

All work related to CS and ECE happens in US. Europe is more about ME, ChemE and scientific research.

>> No.49720855

How much taxes do I have to pay for renting a house in germany? In italy it's something outrageous like 45%

>> No.49720998

>What am I supposed to do?
I think you should bitch more on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum. That will, at least, make you feel better after having made those shitty choices in life.

>> No.49721478
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>Europe is more about ME, ChemE and scientific research.
nice eu propaganda
>shows how out of touch the elites are
you dont say, the elites are living in their own world, the normal people are just peasants
only the retards are crying
proper kids start working during school to save up money for college