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4967619 No.4967619 [Reply] [Original]


>He isn't all in IOTA

>> No.4967678

iota is dead ..

>> No.4967714

Search the official partners for azure and IoTA is literally not listed

>> No.4967736

>February 2016

>> No.4967759

>29 February, 2016

That's literally 200 years in crypto terms

>> No.4967857

Iota is crypto dogshit

>> No.4967877

Microsoft, fujitsu, Volkswagen, Samsung all looking to make a deal with IOTA. The value will spike then media attention will make it spike even more

>> No.4967889

lol MS was literally adding shitcoins every week to "Azure as a service"

>> No.4967921

Iota is 3rd gen crypto. ETH is 2nd gen. Once people realize what the tech is all about it'll explode.

>> No.4967946

Iota has no transaction fees through the tangle blockchain. which is the biggest down fall of ETH LTC and BTC. You'd be stupid not to put money into this while its sitting at $4

>> No.4967980

$800 mill of transactions in the November alone through IOTA and no platform eve offers a direct USD to IOTA exchange. Once a common platform offers a USD to IOTA exchange that shit is gonna pop off

>> No.4967987
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>IOTA is like the laderdisc to VHS
>No one wants a broken wallet and shitty devs or a video disc the size of a record

>> No.4967997

IOTA will dominate the World, Inshāʾa llāh. Allahu Ackbar!

>> No.4968007

Echange ETH for IOTA now and thank me later

>> No.4968041

The fact that there's so much money in this useless shit makes me hopeful that I can still make a killing off of stupid people in this market.

>> No.4968047

Ex-IOTA enthousiast here.

Believe me guys just leave IOTA I don't want my fellow ex-brethren go down with the ship. It's hopeless, RaiBlocks competitor of IOTA is gaining momentum while IOTA loses.

Just leave everything behind and start anew

I believe in you guys

>> No.4968052

Those partnerships are not real.

>> No.4968810

Siemens BOSCH and more

>> No.4968824

Those are not partnerships but just companies looking into iota

>> No.4968854

another victim of fraudful marketing

>> No.4968873

lol stay poor
>you sold at 1$ ?

>> No.4968899

>0 transaction fees
>can't send iota

Wow really makes you think

And partnership through azure is a fkin joke lel, fkin newblood retards

>> No.4968936
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You are literally too dumb to insult.

>> No.4969367


>> No.4969697
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enjoy trying to sell when iota plummets back to 20 cents and you cant move your iota out of your wallet


>> No.4969898

Do you even know what fucking mizrosoft Azure is you dipshit?

Syscoin already 'partnered' with it 3 years ago, literally every coin can be partnered with azure you fucking stupid dumbfuck inbred motherfucker.

>> No.4969986

IOTA dev will say it's a 'feature'

>> No.4970161

From Tuesday dumbshit

>> No.4970190

Weren’t you the one to look st their site and look for partnership to begin with? Dumbfuck

>> No.4970222

I thought spam speeds up the tangle, or is that more bullshit

>> No.4970405
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Wow, after 2 years of development its still broken? How about more shit from this weekend, or is anything older than 24 hours invalid?

This shithead believes in his product so much he is willing to buy iota back at 22 cents when market price is around $4, epic!

Makes fun of people when they ask him whats wrong with the network - SAD!

>> No.4970483

The amount of FUDding in the last few days is off the charts. Based on that, how high will this moon?

>> No.4970487

Is that IOTA dev or just some random IOTA shills?

>> No.4970545

founder of iota

>> No.4970584

what the fuck

>> No.4970657

Is this real? Fuck this guy.

>> No.4970688

he also supports white genocide, wish i was kidding

>> No.4970705

fuck him, now spamming IOTA network will be my mission, just you watch. What a fucking asshole.

>> No.4970743
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this guy is a fucking clown power tripping that his scam coin got traction, browse his reddit account and you can see all the shit he posts.

this took me like 3 seconds to find since it was one one of his most recent posts

>> No.4970791

once iota launches your spam will speed up the network

thanks for your support

>> No.4970830

Man, imagine what got him power tripping. Clearly can't be all the negativity he faces on online messaging boards right? Hmm, where else would he get such a bloated ego... Who could possibly confirm his views?

>> No.4970831
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>this is what IOTA Delusional bagholder believe

>> No.4970834

there is just no way, fuck. Unironically selling IOTA, why didnt yall post this shit sooner.
I know of the "white genocide" meme shit but looked over it because thats kinda what press would want to hear but holy shit

>> No.4970844

DavidSonstebo 23 points 18 hours ago
When I announced IOTA in the fall of 2015 I was told the exact same thing 100 times. I realize that to the inexperienced eye it might look like the founders of IOTA are too rough around the edges, however if you take another look you might see that this has created one of the most focused and chill communities in the cryptosphere. Everyone can speak to anyone, there is no pretentious hierarchy. Scammers, trolls, sexists, racists, homophobes and fudsters are excluded instantly. The founders and core devs interact with the community on a daily basis, sure that is very unorthodox for a multi-billion dollar project, but that is IOTA. Most absolutely love it, some (yourself included) think it's too unorthodox, but that is the epitome of IOTA. We do everything differently. We went beyond blockchain, which was considered mentally insane because blockchain was cutting edge. We took scalable quantum computation threat seriously while everyone was still calling QC scifi, we setup the non-profit IOTA Foundation in Germany with tokens, this is something everyone considered 100% impossible due to how strict Germany is. We didn't pre-allocate ANY funds for ourselves, as founder I had to buy on the same terms as a random 18 year old student learning of IOTA the first time. Yes, we are unorthodox and I will never apologize for it.

>> No.4970938

I fucked Adriana Lima, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Cara Delevingne... Prove me wrong

>> No.4970945

Anyway, you guys are absolutely retarded if you think this fudding will have any substantial impact. The only thing you're doing is throwing your own gains out of the window. IOTA is backed by almost all big IoT players and will see MAD mooning possibly even more this year, definitely next year.

>inb4 bagholder
I 12x'd my initial investment and could throw it all at bitcoin or some shit. Won't do it though as I like my free money.

>> No.4971082

Hes such a egotistical fag that he won't even say sorry for how he acts

Calling his supporters delusional druggies, telling them to sftu, calling them stupid...yes he is so hipster and "unorthodox"

Im happy he "does everything differently" like managing IOTA's public image so well

>> No.4971103

IOTA dev seems like a walking time bomb but if you got in under $2 you might as well hold a bit longer

>> No.4971116
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Just a reminder to all the Mother FUDers out there...

IOTA brothers & sisters HODL THE LINE!!!

>> No.4971218

Anons, did you literally ignore all the FUD that was unresolved and think everyone was just memeing? FUD needs to get BTFO otherwise it's a shit investment.

IDFK how you only now realizing this.

>> No.4971228

stay poor, snowflake

>> No.4971253

even longer in DOGE years

>> No.4971262

>haha brainlets, spamming actually speeds up the network

>> No.4971275


This. I'm slowly cashing out IOTA but not selling that much at all; just diversifying into other mooning coins ATM. That way no matter what my profit is accounted for and in other coins ready to blow up again.

>> No.4971278 [DELETED] 

get your best updates here discord.gg/dwBNmtD

>> No.4971288


>CEO of Fujitsu Europe publicly announces
>fake partnership

>> No.4971291

All ive ever seen posted from the guy is the "whtie genocide" meme which, was a bit stupid claiming smart cities for temporary inhabitants but I didnt think what he said somehow hurt IOTA as an investment for the general audience.
Hes now literally yelling at his own supporters and investors like. Fuck.

>> No.4971303

what happened to Vizards old discord?

>> No.4971312
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And for all of you idiots trashing David (IOTA Founder) for being a jerk, let me just remind you of another Dev who was known for rubbing people the wrong way from time to time:

When Gawker's Ryan Tate wrote an e-mail to Steve Jobs asking why he denied developers the "freedom" to create what they wanted on the iPad, it kicked off a heated exchange of e-mails.

Jobs got the final word:

“By the way, what have you done that’s so great? Do you create anything, or just criticize others’ work and belittle their motivations?” he wrote.

Hmmmm.... this sounds familiar now, doesn't it? Stay poor FUDers.

>> No.4971323

This lmao

>> No.4971375

>fake partnerships

>fake partnerships

>fake partnerships


>> No.4971396

He's done this since IOTA was limited to BTCtalk forum.

Here's some more quality FUD since you actually seem interested and less delusional then the rest:


Addtionally, it's pretty easy to verify the devs have 0 answers to the issues when you check the comments on these articles and read them getting BTFO by literal whos, and check their BTCftalk and reddit accounts.

It could continue going up in price, but long term this is not a sustainable at any market cap.

>> No.4971416

2/10 pump. David has no Woz

>> No.4971425

>make the network so shitty the early adopters can't dump their coins when it moons
Holy shit, it's fucking genius

>> No.4971438

It's like you didn't even read these articles and evaluate your sources. Ask yourself what partnership really means in those links. David, the lead dev, confirms they're fake on reddit, openly and honestly (for a change).

>> No.4971451

>price is $4.33
Yeah, definitely looks dead to me

>> No.4971457

>literally a video of the CDO of VW talking about IOTA

>still doesn't believe

>> No.4971462
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>search the street for toilets and toilets are literally not there
>shit anyway

>> No.4971468
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well shit
i thought i did my research. guess it wasnt thorough enough.

>> No.4971508

Just drop it. You're wasting time arguing about FUD on 4chan. Look at what the devs post on reddit, they don't give two shits about regular people. They have big money on board. It's everyone's decision to go along with them and enjoy the money or to believe some /pol/ hysteria and to stay poor.

>> No.4971513

I'm early in Iota and I just did a transfer from wallet to binance, np

>> No.4971524

Just try to make a habit out of personally dispelling any FUD you come across. You can't go wrong if you can defeat all FUD.

>> No.4971542
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>Can't mine on your own hardware (MUH TANGLE!) so not incentivization for people to give cpu/gpu and electricty to blockchain
>Partners were made up
>Wallets don't work
>Can't cash out

Seems legit to me!

>> No.4971632
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>Founder explicitly stating Microsoft partnership doesn't exist and to not trust the media all the time
>duhh who would you rather trust?

>> No.4971664

Each of your points are provably false, maybe you should try reading about IOTA before regurgitating FUD you've seen on /r/bitcoin

>> No.4971671

>literally a tweet from a VW company ALREADY using IOTA


>still doesn't believe

>> No.4971724



>> No.4971745

from feb 2016? wtf?

>> No.4971799

>biz thinks ChainLink is the best of all cryptos
>biz then hates the most promising technology of all which is still in alpha stage but already ranked #4.

Yes, it doesn't work smoothly because it's a brand fucking new technology not a bitcoin copycat with some extras. They build this shit from scratches and you complain like they say it's already ready for production use. I'm amazed the complete lack of brain cells on biz. They act like humans publicly so what. The tangle will win, no doubts.

>> No.4971814
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>Thinks whitepapers are scientific proof that Tangle actually works (much less under BTC like network loads)
>Also thinks people care about technology like tangle when they buy a coin

Look. The only way you can prove to me tangle actually works is if I could run a node on my own hardware and earn something from it since I'm letting it use my electricity.

Can I do that or not?

>> No.4971817

before any idiots respond with more delusional FUD

this guy is talking about CARPASS, a VW service owned by INNOGY, a VW partnership


stay poor snowflakes

>> No.4971836

Yes he does:

Sergey Ivancheglo aka comefrombeyond (Inventor of Proof-of-Stake & IOTA co-founder)

>> No.4971867


>> No.4971874


How about the head of Fujitsu Europe tweeting and tagging IOTA and Innogy?


>fake partnerships

>> No.4971875
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>> No.4971887

LOL retard detected. IOTA requires specialized hardware, because they made it strictly ternary compatible, because they are special snowflakes.

Many of the parternships were falsified, the founder admits this on /r/IOTA.

If you've ever used the wallet, you'd know it sucks and MANY people have lost money (as in, just fucking vanished, I don't mean a bad trade) with their wallet.

But I'd like you to prove these statements are false, since you think you've read oh so much, faggot.

>> No.4971896


>> No.4971907
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Yeah, but do I get any IOTA blocks for my trouble?

If I wanted to give away my electricity I'd leave my browser open on Pirate Bay all day.

>> No.4971934
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Screw those pajeets, climb aboard the XMR shuttle. Feeling proper comfy here.

>> No.4971951

no one cares about you

literally no one

iota has a bigger picture than your little 10usd gains

>> No.4971955


>On November 27th around 48% of all Iota was claimed by their owners. Until the 4th of February, additional 12% of Iota was claimed for a total of 60%. The number of addresses with a positive balance increased from 472 to 657 (+39%) and the number of addresses with more than 1 Gi increased from 334 to 494 (+48%). The time to claim IOTA ran out before the recent snapshot so that now all tokens are issued – with all unclaimed tokens now being in the sphere of the developers. It is not known how much remained unclaimed, but a good guess could be to add the top two addresses, which are known to belong to the foundation/the devs. This would be 406,834Gi or around 14.6% of total supply.

>The time to claim IOTA ran out before the recent snapshot so that now all tokens are issued – with all unclaimed tokens now being in the sphere of the developers.

>On November 27th around 48% of all Iota was claimed by their owners. Until the 4th of February, additional 12% of Iota was claimed for a total of 60%

>> No.4971960
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>he actually believes what he read on /r/bitcoin

>> No.4971974

Adriana sounds like a dude

>> No.4972068

It all comes straight from the devs mouth man

>> No.4972085


Just one of these tweets 100% wrecks any IOTA FUD no coiners. Ha.

>> No.4972120
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On the news meeting with the CDO of VW

Here's a question for the iota haters. Why do you care? Are you too poor you can't throw some money in, so you're butthurt others can afford to lose money IF it goes wrong, but chances are we're headed to the moon while you're playing in the dirt.

>> No.4972141

funny how you keep saying this but have yet to post a link

>> No.4972146

>2 years in development
>no working product at all

Yea tangle really works when it is a centralized coordinator doing everything...


>> No.4972191

>IOTA has one potentially true partnership out of hundreds they claimed, surely this will wreck all FUDrs and disprove unrelated events like when the devs rolled their own crypto algo! IOTA is truly supreme and I am an intelligent investor amidst sheep who cannot it is the future!

>> No.4972199

for now, it is. yes. your point?

don't invest if you don't like it, but don't pretend the coordinator is required for the network. if you are making that claim, please prove it.

>> No.4972221

Why the fuck do you care?
Do you think criticism of Iota here will impact it's 12 billion market cap?
>muh FUD muh FUD
Reality is not FUD

>> No.4972231

I told you where to find it, it's not hard, but I'm not going to spoonfeed you. They are posted on this regularly, just pay more attention ya dingus.

You are the one invested in this, not me. So I advise you invest the time into learning about your investments.

>> No.4972237

thought so, made up FUD

stay poor snowflake

>> No.4972281

If you really cannot invest the time to research these things, or even adequately observe them when they are presented to you, it is clear you will be the one staying poor.

>> No.4972287

Oh look at the big picture, how is the iota network going to scale.

It relies on centralized nodes by design, due to its nature to work on IOT
", since the PoW (Proof of Work) is not done on the machine, but outsourced to the IOTA Node."

but there are no coins to mine and there are no fees to give to the people who run these nodes

>le no miner troubles, we're not like btc!!
>surely everyone will run these nodes for nothing in return because they want iota to succeed

Lets assume they ever get the network to work without the coordinator (lmao), and lets assume everyone likes iota and it gets more popular.

What happens when the nodes ran by the iota dev team get congested? Do you really believe people will donate their hardware and electricity for nothing in return? This model wont scale at all

>> No.4972316

>It relies on centralized nodes by design, due to its nature to work on IOT

wrong, nice FUD, try reading the whitepaper

>> No.4972340

I've taken the time, your claim is simply untrue. I read all the devs posts on reddit regularly as I'm invested in IOTA.

try again


>> No.4972388

did you read the article i posted or at least the direct quote i posted? are you for real?

Do you expect IOT (most they are wireless) to waste the little compute power and battery life on PoW algorithms? enjoy when this goes to zero when they exit scam when they admit they can never get it to work

>> No.4972393

>If I wanted to give away my electricity I'd leave my browser open on Pirate Bay all day.

>> No.4972430

All of you are acting like this isnt the Zune of cryptocurrency. Make profit while you can, but dont expect much out of it

>> No.4972445
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You really are butt hurt about your bags aren't you?

Look. If I could mine it, I'd buy it like I did with LTC.

1. No buyer cares about the underling technology as long as it works
2. Unless it pays out for its nodes, its not going to be able keep up with transactions (where is all the CPU processing going to come from?) See 1.
3. Wallets have issues and is being reported on a daily basis everywhere (here, reddit, facebook, and on random blogs of people losing shit) Again see 1. It has to work.

Normally, I love it when people post red wojacks when they lose everything to yet another shit coin, but the shilling gets tiresome.

Like what's your point? Are you trying to get out now? Bags too heavy? If you were really a holder, you'd shut the hell up and buy all you can while its cheap and keep it the knowledge of the undervalued coin to yourself.

>> No.4972485


I bet you bought Neo. I guarantee it.

>> No.4972547

Have you actually not seen David's comments where he gets called out for calling meeting "partnerships"? The screenshot is posted here all the time faggot. I'm starting to think you're dumber than you sound somehow.

>your claim is untrue
So you're saying the rest are true?

>> No.4972611

wrong, try again. I've made it pretty clear I don't buy shitcoins, but what do you have against NEO? Is leagues better than IOTA in terms of dv quality and actually delivering a working product as scheduled.

>> No.4972648

i already posted the picture, this guy is clueless

>> No.4972716

>but what do you have against NEO?

Neo cuck confirmed. Nah don't worry, it'll make you rich. ;)

>> No.4972749
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I'd dont care for NEO but at least you can mine it or get gas.

>> No.4972779

bags heavy LOL
up 300+% past week

>> No.4972817
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hey humans, tangle is a technology from us. embrace it, it's a gift.

>> No.4972819

read it 12 times since you idiots love to spam it here and on reddit, your point?

>> No.4972831

You have 0 arguments and have said nothing of substance during this entire thread. I don't even like NEO but holy fuck man.

>> No.4972910



>> No.4973421

Vitalik why are you shilling IOTA?

>> No.4973895

What is actually the reason for all this fud?? like you care about our bagsss biz