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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4969922 No.4969922 [Reply] [Original]

>”LINK will moon in December”

>> No.4969956
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Would someone really do that....? Go on the internet and tell lies?

>> No.4970413
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It's only the 11th

>> No.4970540

Wait for the news. It will be big suprise for everyone and price will go up like a rocket. I’m not currently even eating, literally all in with link.

I can’t tell you more about the news but wait for the next week. IOTA rocket was nothing compared to upcoming Link rocket.

>> No.4970566


So you're claiming to have inside information? And you're saying it's good?

>> No.4970569

What are you trying to say? That the majority of posters on here are just kids with no idea what they're talking about? That's impossible!

>> No.4970590
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Well they got three weeks left.

>> No.4970623

wouldn't be surprised if the fucking asshats actually wait until Dec 31 just to frustrate everybody even more and have it bleed to 0.15$ all over because the hype wore off. I want to kms for holding this shit still.

>> No.4970638

It was priced in.

>> No.4970675

Yes. It’s not about exchanges, partnerships or mainnet. But it’s huge thing.

Everybody will see it soon.

>> No.4970864


okay thanks anon.

>> No.4970944
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>> No.4971031

omg I hope it goes down to 0.15 again, please dont tease like that

>> No.4971123

lmao. Can't wait for people to sell the news.
I wonder many linkies already kts.

>> No.4971159

what news could be huge besides mainnet or partnerships?

Anyone? Maybe improve the tech?

Make a dedicated blockchain? dosen't seem to important or necessarily

wallet? stacking? what could it be...

>> No.4971246

Have they hired a group of Indian tech supporters?

>> No.4971252

Probably just an update about the development status and the dev team.

>> No.4971296

that ain't huge...

>> No.4971318

For Chainlink, it kind of is..

>> No.4971324

So you believe some random anon? Just like you believed that assblaster guy?
There's no huge news.

>> No.4971512


assblaster was over the top and obviously trolling. This guy seems legit.

>> No.4971559
File: 208 KB, 1440x835, 1507939006955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the announcement will be a nothingburger because:
what assblaster siad may actually be true, Sergey needs to carry himself as a serious guy to do business with (no hyping and comunicating with neets on slack)
also (((SEC))) is watching on every project that hypes themselves, especially regarding the token
Sergey is not stupid he rarely mentiones Chainlink, let alone LINK
I believe there will be no big announcement, but one day they will just update the website with all the freaking partnerships we havent even thought of before, people will be in shock, the market will have a delayed reaction but once everyone realizes what just happened price singularity will materialise itself, /biz/ will swarm lambo realerships, pepe baller from that date on will be hosting the annual neet-millionaire meetup (everyone wearing an uniform accordingly to his rank of course etc)
Just hold tight and be cool, don't let the whaes shake you out, smart money will try to shake you like a small fruit tree, don't let them steal your retirement, remember living 9-5 is the biggest risk, that's the ultimate failure, not losing 1,2,5,20k, that won't change shit in your life long term, Link will.

>> No.4971603

>This guy seems legit.

>> No.4971649


There's not really that much to shake out at this point. 2/3 of the coins are owned by chainlink still, probably like 40% of the circulating coins are owned by the exchanges, and 10 million are owned by signal capital. And if assblaster is right another 100mm are owned by his company and there's like 11500 addresses with it.

We're such an insignificant part of the link universe they probably don't care at all about shaking us out.

>> No.4971702

Rory said that December news have anything to do with exchanges. I'm actually considering the idea of they announcing some sort of short term roadmap leading to tech implementation.

>> No.4971711

>I’m not currently even eating
Well done Sergey. You can beat this addiction

>> No.4971726

no every whale is an early adopter some of them will come late to the party and will want their piece of the cake too, fuck em tho.

>probably like 40% of the circulating coins are owned by the exchanges
how so?

>> No.4971730

>/biz/ will swarm lambo realerships, pepe baller from that date on will be hosting the annual neet-millionaire meetup (everyone wearing an uniform accordingly to his rank of course etc)

Sign me up, can't wait to meet all of you bastards.

>> No.4971763

Who are you and why should anyone believe you?

>> No.4971847

If this nigger is not a larping fagget, my guess is maybe it has something to do with Vitalik somehow. Lulz

>> No.4971854
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>it's not about any of the things that actually matter
>but it's a huge thing

>> No.4971924
File: 521 KB, 589x583, jews chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys need to be more patient. LINK is a comfy hold

>> No.4971977

I said that it will be big surprise for everyone

>> No.4972041

do the riddle anon thing and throw us a bone, what do you lose?

>> No.4972163

How do you know mr larper?

>> No.4972209
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Please say you aren't larping. Please not be a larping faggot.

>> No.4972217

This. LINK will be used by every coin. Very comfy.

>> No.4972227

Oh hey another insider, nobody is buying in anymore and pretty nobody is selling they link at this point so you might as well stop. This is a multiple year hold

>> No.4972258

I'm in the top 2500 holders and these pink wojaks make me smile.

You dumb fucks have no idea what this is. Did you even read the whitepaper?

>> No.4972291

hi rory

>> No.4972304


I wish I had his wallet :(

>> No.4972327

if ur a nigger u can just take it

>> No.4972424

Volume suddenly up 5x again. Rolling sideways, just like before the last increase.

>> No.4972477


lol the number 2500th largest wallet has 9600 LINK.. so you have more than $2500 in LINK.. big deal

>> No.4972542


You mean I'm one of the top 2500 holders.

Holy shit I might make it off this shitcoin

>> No.4972663

I have 40k link, holding until 0$ or an end to wage slavery (~1mm).

>> No.4972692
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I'm in the top 200 holders

and not spaghetti-handed either

>> No.4972700

There can only be a maximum of 35,000 people holding 10,000 LINK right now, technically.
So if you are holding 10,000 LINK, out of 7.6 billion people in the world, you are in the 0.00046052813 percentile in LINK ownership.

>> No.4972824

Cozy. So cozy

>> No.4972899

yeah, now what % of those will be able to hold for 1 year at least?

>> No.4972925
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pls be true

>> No.4973037

Holding 175K. I must be in top 25%. Bitch better have my money...

>> No.4973159
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They will write stories of the sacred council of 35,000

>> No.4973348

Wallets 218-221 have between 175k and 176k.
If you aren't larping you are in the top 2.5%

>> No.4973531


check etherscan. Binance is now the no2 wallet and in that one alone they have 11% of all of the link plus they have other wallets, so thats well over a third, plus etherdelta and okex. that's a fuck ton of link

>> No.4973534

What are the odds that you will be able to hold till $10 at least?

>> No.4973590

Can you LINKIES confirm that news will come? Isn't Slack announcements dead since the SWIFT conference? Any hints so far from rory? Just give a me a quick rundown.

>> No.4973610


do you all not realize that only 1/3 of the link is circulating? There are only 11500 holders total rn plus rory

>> No.4973624

yea, but it's not their LINK, it's just Links of people who store it on binance instead of on mew etc

>> No.4973724
File: 809 KB, 894x774, 1511870105911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not going to moon in December. It's not going to moon with this announcement. Can we get this out of the way, please? Before all the excitement and hype and shilling gets dialled up to 11 and then everyone has a pink wojak meltdown when the news isn't what they wanted.

It has already been confirmed it's not an exchange listing, and knowing how this team works they wouldn't have an announcement for an exchange listing anyway. It is extremely unlikely to be a partnership listing. Why would a large institution stick their neck out for this project 6 months before main net launch? Why not just wait until launch, see how the mainnet goes, and then announce your use of ChainLink once if has been firmly established that the system actually works?

So what will it be? Most likely the announcement will be something to the effect of "things are coming along well". Nothing Earth shattering, nothing we could not have gleaned already, but great news to all the people who are invested in this long term and see the trajectory of this project on a multi-year timescale.

And guys, even if it IS media friendly news and LINK pumps to 5k sats, we still have 6 months+ until launch anyway so there's plenty of time to retrace. Just manage your expectations, and hope to fuck it's not an announcement saying that main net launch is delayed, or a major problem has been discovered.

>> No.4973750


There's literally confirmed insider in this thread telling us this will make it rocket harder than iota and ripple combined. the news next year will just be the icing on the cake.
your fud is mud fag

>> No.4973793

they wouldn't announce negative news right now, makes no sense.

>> No.4973863

>confirmed insider

they would if it's real

you keep saying we're 6months away from mainnet, where did you get that from?
As far as we know the mainnet could be ready already

>> No.4973866
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>literally confirmed insider

>> No.4973912

>haha, i really hope it goes down so i can buy more :DD

the ultimate coping mechanism

>> No.4973974

what if we buy everything and there are no more tokens left on the market. Shortage would drive up the price.

>> No.4973989


he's more credible than someone who's trying to discredit rory. Rory literally said he was excited about the news so I seriously doubt it's "the mainnet will take six months" or "happy holidays"

Between the Insider and Rory I think we're all gonna have very happy Hannukahs this year

>> No.4973999

it fucking works though

both for coping and averaging down your buy-in price

eventually you always win

>> No.4974032
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there's so much fucking bullshit surrounding this project, it's honestly hilarous...

>they finished the project a long time ago, they can announce it any moment!
>they're porting to GO, that's all they need to do now!
>the project is almost done
>this will take at least 6 months to finish
>this is a very long hold, it will take until 2020

>> No.4974058


You just have to consider the fact that the news could be exciting from a project development standpoint, but not an investment standpoint.

Take the Intel SGX/Town Crier announcement. Super exciting to anyone that is really engaged with the innovation behind the project, but it went way over the market's head, and the price didn't do shit. This could be exactly the same.

>> No.4974066


>rich beyond all comprehension tomorrow
>rich beyond all comprehension 15 years from now

It's like arguing over how many angels fit on a pinhead

>> No.4974067

Does anyone have a screenshot of Rory's reply saying this? We need to analyze it.

>> No.4974127
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>they finished the project a long time ago, they can announce it any moment!

The middleware software is finished and operational for the SIBOS PoC.

>they're porting to GO, that's all they need to do now!

That's not all they need to do.

>>the project is almost done

The node network is separate to the software. It's like saying McDonalds has a complete menu and recipe but doesn't have a bunch of outlets yet.

>this will take at least 6 months to finish

The node network will take 6 months to finish

>this is a very long hold, it will take until 2020

It will take a couple of years for the ecosystem to grow into a behemoth, although partnerships are likely to be announced relatively soon after main net launch.

So all of those statements are true in their own way, and refer to different aspects of the project.

>> No.4974168

I didn't say it was ready... I said that we simply don't know at what stage it is

and the fact that it might take 6 months to finish dosent mean is not a long term hold

like a finished product dosen't mean everyone will instantly start using it

you sound like a retard honestly


>> No.4974301

He gets paid in link

>> No.4974354

where did they state this?


that was my point

>> No.4974401

that was my point...

>you keep saying we're 6months away from mainnet, where did you get that from?
As far as we know the mainnet could be ready already

>> No.4974470

>that was my point

that was my point

>> No.4974503

Just went all in link+request meme

>> No.4974557

>that was his point

that was your point

>> No.4974600
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I don't know why, but this thread is hyping and pumping me for the news. I am already 50% in LINK and have 10k$ more ready just in case this drops further before the news, then I buy more.

>> No.4974601

no, salt will moon in december. dont say we didnt tell you when it happens.

>> No.4974608


did you just ASSUME the gender of that individual?

>> No.4974931

no, but I bought when people said to buy and I panicked and sold at a loss. fuck this shit.

being ignorant sucks dude

>> No.4975070

got me :(

>> No.4975081

A new exchange starts trading Link at 4pm Beijing time tomorrow. Will this stop the Binance fuckery

>> No.4975167


check their volume on basically all alts, it's like in the tens of thousands. So I doubt it.

>> No.4975197


alts of a similar or mcap to link I should say

>> No.4975203

It does seem to signify they don't have an exclusivity arrangement with Binance at least.

>> No.4975231

>low volume chink exchange

nope, useless.

>> No.4975290
File: 33 KB, 408x406, 1507638367168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the sixth exchange, just below binance and two places above Polo


>> No.4975647

No it isn't. Their Etherium and Tether pairings are in the tens of thousands because they mainly deal in Bitcoin

>> No.4975908

Shit is dumping as we speak

>> No.4976322


They have more BTC and LTC volume than Bittrex and Poloniex

>> No.4976519

Will McDonalds be using chainlink in honor of Sergey's Big Mac consumption? No wonder he gained weight...he did it for us.

>> No.4976685

He gets cucked for free. Rory is the perfect symbol of link holders