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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49705240 No.49705240 [Reply] [Original]

We need a 6-12 months crab market in order to correct this atrocity, I'm looking at:
>DOGE/SHIB sub top 20
>XRP finally sub top 10
>LINK back to top 10
>AVAX to top 3-5
>ADA to stop being the second most valuable L1 for whatever reason
>ATOM to top 20
>AAVE to top 25
>XMR to top 20

>> No.49705303

so many people are saying deterministically we need to wash all the shit out of the market, I'm starting to think we're just gonna giga green dildo one day and V shape recovery because thats the furthest thing from consensus rn

>> No.49705307

AVAX will never be top 5. Zcash is better then XMR.

>> No.49705451

Market never wash out garbage in panic sell off, That's a meme. We need accumulation phase

Well i think it should, Idk what will happen. Zcash is good too yeah

>> No.49705883

why? it has the best technical fundamentals of any project in crypto, has a solid team, fixed cap, fees burned, zero-downtime, working scaling solution....

>> No.49705909

i own algo, what do

>> No.49706613

Juno top 20 (in cosmos ecosystem)

>> No.49708009

Algo will surpass link because it is needed, link will die out after next bullrun when the world realizes banks already chose their coins years ago and they all have CCIP or multichain and have smart contract features that are ISO20022, linkniggers will realize their cayman island token is actually not iso20022 and will only be used by future shitcoins.
Also XRP will surpass bitfuck and Ethereum will dump below top 10 when it’s revealed they have no idea how to bring staking and they get ass ravaged by law enforcement after the SEC vs Ripple lawsuit.

>> No.49708279
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>LINK back to top 10

>> No.49708327

Says who? You? Lmao

>> No.49708477

>xrp finally
Are people so retarded that they can watch an orchestrated break down of the entire crypto market and still think XRP is not going to win this?
Have they used the ledger?
Do they follow ZERO financial news?

Really what is this?
Total retards or years long orchestrated fud?

You were warned. You were told. And you hate XRP for what?
It really is the most illogical thing I've ever witnessed.
Same people will hold LINK cause they read a 5th grade level book by an 85 year old.

>> No.49708873

XRP is scam. Old /biz/ hated it so I also never looked into it and that god for that no ATH for 4 years and counting.

>> No.49708941

>xrp good link bad bad bad
why is LINK making you seethe so hard?
you're talking to a literal moron who worships Brad, Jed and that fat fuck David

>> No.49709015

>DOGE/SHIB sub top 20
>XRP finally sub top 10
>LINK back to top 10
>AVAX to top 3-5
>ADA to stop being the second most valuable L1 for whatever reason
won't happen, will remain top 5 or 10
>ATOM to top 20
top 10 actually
>AAVE to top 25
top 10 actually
>XMR to top 20
to top 100 actually

>> No.49709017

>never looked into it
Apparently not.
You have a chance now.
You sound like a shill or a total koolaid drinker.
Look at the chart.
It mooned for like two days in 2017. The "2017 bagholders" is fud and a meme.
There are like ten of them.
Almost everyone else loaded up under .20 in 2019 and 2020 and maybe in 2022.

It's not even traded in the USA.
You are going to watch them regulate everything and XRP is the most compliant and already in line to be cleared for the go ahead.
Not telling you more. You sound actually stupider than OP.
>muh gains
Literal mongoloid tier low time preference drooling retard.

>> No.49709113

I made money on LINK and almost wrote "it's literally the only coin or token that does anything beside LINK".
But I decided to rip on people instead.
The "dots" for XRP are a million X the dots for LINK.

The irony is that one moron level book will get a million linkies to go crazy, but a thousand banks using the XRPL and Xcurrent is nothing and makes you shitcoin.

>> No.49709123

I personally know a guy who bought around $2 back in late 2017 and still waits to break even
I also unironically know IRL boomers who are obsessed with XRP for over 5 years, so fuck off

>> No.49709174

>le "dots"
LINK has the strongest fundamentals in the space, XRP only has "dots", breadcrumbs, larps and insiders
once again, fuck off and go shill your precious flare on your containment thread

>> No.49709231

What about Quant?

>> No.49709285

>he knows a guy
And I know a guy that made every perfect decision ever.
What's your point?
The volume and amount of people in crypto NECESSARILY means hardly anyone bought the top.

Does BTC have it's name ruined because people bought 65k?
Xcurrent is used worldwide.

You are arguing like a shill with no logic behind your posts.
Name anything with more CURRENT use than XRP and LINK.
I'm perfectly willing to accept LINK has adoption.
What on earth is the point of denying XRPs?

LINK is nearly as much as XRP from it's ATH and it's only been 10 months since that ATH.

>> No.49709365

>cripple bagholder
I would say you will gold to $0 but its already at zero. Maybe it will reach $2 again in another 5 years.

>> No.49709581

My average stack makes me still in the green.
I have bought more recently is the only reason I'm even close to even.
You are a bagholder until you aren't.
It's funny.
LINK holders are always NEET losers that ever did any real business.
XRP holders to have a long time horizon and run their own businesses or have very low time preference. By your logic SHEEB or DOHGE are actually the best.

>> No.49709714

Also, I don't care about FLR and think it's a sideshow XRP should not have gotten involved in.
FLR shills are horrible.
Nice try to associate an XRPL shitcoin with the ledger that it runs on.

Is ETH judged by the worst of it's shitcoins?

>> No.49709765

xrp is the normie/twitter coin for the gullible, get off biz retard no one is falling for the scam here (besides the containment thread that started because xrp retail investors who fund brad's mansions thought biz might be able to pump their coin after link pumped in 2020)

>> No.49709797

do you want his name?
LINK is blockchain agnostic, it literally runs on 5 different L1 as we speak
>Xcurrent is used worldwide
by whom you mong? Moneygram? BoE? BoA? who the fuck is using XRPL/ Ripplepay/ Xcurrent?
NOBODY after 9 fucking years
>Nice try to associate an XRPL shitcoin with the ledger that it runs on
>xrpl shitcoin with xrpl
are you retarded?

>> No.49709958
File: 78 KB, 744x843, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never been on Twitter in my life except to click a link from here.
These are just lies and anyone can just google it.
Again, WHAT IS THE POINT? At a certain point it becomes impossible for people lurking to not think you are paid or invested somehow don't you realize?

Your second part...
Yes, the ledger is not the shitcoins on it.
It's the same for ETH and their THOUSANDS of shitcoins.
Does it discredit ETH that shitcoins run on it?
I'm asking.

>> No.49709991

he forgot KDA to top 10...

>> No.49710063

>source: an article from Ripple dating back in the peak of the last bullrun
try again, how about any statements of these banks themselves admitting they're utilizing the network?
>Does it discredit ETH that shitcoins run on it?
for fucks sake YES, YES IT FUCKING DOES
ETH is an unscalable clusterfuck full of vaporware scams, so yeah
Having said all that, FLR and SGB were funded and promoted by Ripple themselves, so it's not even comparable, it's actually even worse!

>> No.49710148

I'm looking to buy $500 worth of XRP, just because I don't want to be proven wrong by the schizos. Is this a good time to invest, or should I wait for things to drop more and stabilize first?

>> No.49710156

just DCA you retard

>> No.49710161

Again, both lies.
Both links in my screenshot go to AMAZON.com and then a site called "usethebitcoin.com" which I've never heard of.
I did the first thing that came up because it was to prove a point.

Why do you lie? What is it doing to you soul?

>> No.49710177

Go back

>> No.49710207

DCA is fine and dandy, but I would grab a chunk now.
Spend $250 now.
30 cents is a good XRP price imo.
But who knows. Things will get very rough.

I have already been commended by my friends because I told them repeatedly at dollar that it could be at 30 cents or a quarter again easily.
No one can tell with the shitshow that's coming.
I just buy dips and hold. I don't need the money for a long time.

>> No.49710214

FTM to the top 25.

>> No.49710251

>nooooo it's all lies!!!
thanks for playing, here's the AWS source
their own source is the article I linked here>>49710063
next time, try reading your sources before posting
LINK obsession on /biz/ predates /xsg/, the first schizo general was created in August 2020, coincidental at the peak of LINK's private bullrun, so fuck off back to your shitty inorganic containment larp thread
>buy NAO!!!
this is how I know you're a paid shill

>> No.49710266

Xrpfags are the biggest retards I see on twitter and they blindly believe some old niggas youtube videos just because he has a deep voice lmao.

>> No.49710350

>I have never been on Twitter in my life except to click a link from here.
yeah so you've been here since sometime after 2020 and fell for the schizo containment thread

It's an incredible bad sign that xrp didn't reach anywhere close to it's 2017 ATH during the latest bull run, and if a "thousand banks using XRPL and Xcurrent" does nothing for the price action for xrp then nothing ever will

>> No.49710382
File: 7 KB, 1053x528, bell-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will come a day when you will realize where you, these "retards you see on twitter" and me belong on this chart.

>> No.49710436

>just because he has a FAKE deep voice lmao
they have an entire army of "influencers" both on twitter and youtube, most of them are bagholders from 2017 trying to unload on retards, it's insane
btw I was here back then, the only reason XRP pumped that much was these insane larps from the company themselves like this>>49710063
and the constant shilling from MSM all day long, along with the low price which acted as bait for clueless morons who thought
>huuuuur BTC is in 3 digits, ETH already mooned, XRP must be next!11!
again, I was here and I saw everything unfolding infront of my own eyes, XRP was shilled HEAVILY everywhere

>> No.49710445
File: 102 KB, 1404x793, bitcoinist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSG had somewhat of a general well before that.
But yes, LINK was first.

You like and are disingenuous repeatedly and you think people can't see?
You just admitted to lying.

On the "buy now' part. The dude literally asked me a direct question.
I told him NOT to buy with half of it you realize.
It is not my concern either way.

Pic related. I am just going down the list of results from that VERY SIMPLE google search.

>> No.49710447

yeah bro you're a genius a no doubt, go watch some xrp youtube vids with epic music and cool graphics to reassure your investment decisions

>> No.49710459

"oooh blockchain backer, PLEASE GIVE ME A PICKMEUP VIDEO!!! i was hoping to retire on ripple this year!!"

>> No.49710463

>xrp mommy, bearable bull and alex cobb are actually 180 IQ

>> No.49710472

kek this guy holds xrp for sure.
Your fud is too dead on.

>> No.49710491

>lies lies lies
read your sources nigger

>> No.49710536

you are extremely bad at this fyi

>> No.49710550

Is the entire front page of Google for "banks using ripple" filled with lies from a wide swathe of places?
That is possible. I'm asking what you think.

>> No.49710608

>AVAX to top 3-5

>XMR to top 20
You mean top 10.

>> No.49710618

the entire front page of Google is filled with Ripple articles, yes, it's only logical if the only people claiming xrp has adoption is the company behind it lol
again, where are the statements from banks themselves verifying all these grandiose claims from 2017(lel)
>appeal to authority of muh jewgle
kek the absolute state

>> No.49710625


Alright, it's getting pathetic. There are LITERALLY ten sources ahead of that link to .gov website and bank website announcing their partnerships.
Is this turning troll now?
Was it always?
You should off yourself or someone should fire you.
You are basically achieving the exact opposite as people click the links and read.

>> No.49710650

post them instead of reposting articles based on articles issued by Ripple the company

>> No.49710661

>the entire front page of Google is filled with Ripple articles
So I'm a schizo, but all these articles, on websites that aren't Ripple.com and link to tens of other official websites are lying?

And no one is lying about LINK?
I'm trying to get the story here.

>> No.49710698

bro, the "official websites" you speak of, where are they? post them

>> No.49710723

>an article about Ripple and their massive adoption features a link to Ripple ten paragraphs in
It's over.

>> No.49710724

>And no one is lying about LINK?
in stark contrast with Ripple, Chainlink integrations all have been verified by the companies themselves, and not Chainlink labs

>> No.49710764

So you've given up and just gone troll. Got it.

>> No.49710766

not exactly, it actually features exclusively links to Ripple
are you going to post these official sources now or you're just keep on sperging out?

>> No.49710800


This link was BEFORE the Ripple link you dug so hard to find. But you missed it?
It's quoted VERY largely in the article you dug through for the Ripple link.

>“We’re excited to be working with CIBC and have already partnered with them in using Ripple’s blockchain technology to complete international payments transfers between our banks as a proof of concept. We believe that the technology has the potential to not only deliver real time international payments, but also improved security and efficiency of our payments systems, so this is an important piece of work.

>> No.49710840

Satan digits versus mine.
Done and done.

>> No.49710876

I asked you from the beginning of the thread to source your claims about XRP adoption with sources outside of Ripple Labs, so far you have failed spectacularly
finally, about fucking time
>e’re excited to be working with CIBC and have already partnered with them in using Ripple’s blockchain technology to complete international payments transfers between our banks as a proof of concept.
kek, so you've managed to find ONE source out of the HUNDRED banks allegedly using XRP, and the ONE source you manage to dig up talks about a fucking PoC, just like Moneygram from 2018

>> No.49710927

Aren't you embarrassed at this point?
I guess it's anonymous so you can just go back to gooning and no one will really know.
Cheers lad.

>> No.49710963

stellar argument, brb going all in XRP
give up and crawl back to your containment thread

>> No.49711021

>proof of concept

well I guess that means that chainlink is already being used by swift and its thousands of bank clients too if that's the evidence you require

>> No.49711855
File: 260 KB, 794x910, 1653485621470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what about motherfucking Quant
>Husband, Wife, Brother family scam
>Gagik Alaverdian, President Americas at Quant Advance Computer Care Inc, Previous experience his own Computer Repair shop
>Peter Marirosans - Chief Technology Officer of Quant (previous experience a company with 1 employee)
>Chief Technology Officer Company - MAYFOURTH HOLDINGS LIMITED (past 3 years) 1 Linkedin employee KEK
>countless scams are associated with this quant address which is just a mail forwarding service address
>Quant Network achieved Technology Partner status with Amazon’s AWS Partner Network (APN). A move that will enable more than a million active customers to benefit from our Overledger blockchain operating system
>https://aws.amazon.com/partners/find/results/?keyword=Quant%20Network&size=10&start=0&sort=Relevance&view=Grid (no product, now removed from AWS)

>> No.49712367

NAB innovating
Fucking kek.

>> No.49712410

You know, when the top, the middle and the bottom ranks are full of shit - maybe the entire thing is just shit.

>> No.49712887

Yea...someone is telling them to do it. Right?
They are acting autonomously?

>> No.49713569

Multichain > cross-chain says multiple crypto geniuses, including vitalik and Schwartz, Schwartz being into DLT for over 35 years so QUANT will do good

>> No.49713699

>Multichain > cross-chain
>retarded semantics
CCIP aims to do L1-L1, L2-L2 as well as L1-L2
QNT is an obvious scam, fuck you for pushing it>>49711855

>> No.49713702

Zcash doesn't even have privacy by default, it's a joke

>> No.49713828

Telos will surprise many, still under the radar of the majority, but the superior coin and is gathering more attention all the time Telos should be the top 10 coin

Telos is one of the few legit projects with value in use The price of telos easily rises to at least $100 and above

>> No.49714570

99% of L2 is going to 0, all your shit token does is provide price feeds for literal 0 use ase shitcoins, most of which are literally nothing, are already worth nothing, and will be delisted once regulations comes. SirGay is a fucking philosophy major and he will never sit at banks, he will never sit at central banks, he will never sit with regulators, he will never sit with government agencies, he will never set foot at the White House, he will never be working 2000 miles from the IMF and the BIS. Literal shit coin made for shitcoins. Stay in your lane nigger.

>> No.49714830

>QNT shill triggered hard
enjoy bagholding your LITERAL ERC-20 vaporware shitcoin all the way to $0

>> No.49715288

Accumulation phase will never come if the market keeps dipping, i"d rather wait for it to bottom out before buying while at it i'll just make a list of what I'd be accumulating at a more comfortable price and ETH will be high up on that list while MATIC and ORE will follow.

>> No.49715627

More like top 5. With full FVM release no one will compete and our community is already the most fanatical in the best way. It's hard to bet on anything else in this space.

>> No.49715697
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1648772880834s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, AAVE, ATOM, ADA, and AVAX will probably make it to the top 50 in the next bull run. SCRT is also among the gems that I believe can make it. The flexibility it offers to privacy and NFTs is one of a kind.

>> No.49715979

Link was the worst performer during the entire bullrun, it was basically dragged to 50$ only because of bitcoin

>> No.49716121

I see HBAR, CNDL, NEAR entering the top 10 and BNB chain, ETH, and SOL falling out.

>> No.49716205

so? XRP has been the worst performer in the entire top 100 for at least 4 years

>> No.49717007

Look at me look at me
Its a market buzzword, theyre just saying it to stay relevant.

NABs technology stack is still in the 90s. That goes for all of the banks in Aus. To be fair they are marginally better than europe.

>> No.49717255

I believe AVAX, ADA will make it to top 50 in the next bull run. Also TXA because of the Decentralized settlement layer they offer to exchanges which facilitates seamless and smooth trading.

>> No.49717601

And the AVAX ecosystem also houses quite a number of good projectslike cross-chain capital and talking about good projects TXA is one i'll consider good though the market might say otherwise but I think the DSL tech its introducing into the exchange niche will show how effective and useful it can be especially for day traders and volume trading.

>> No.49717687


>> No.49717782

stop ebing delusional we are not anywhere close to a bottom. first we need a bottom which will take months/years then we can start crabbing and rebuild. fucking MONG , holy coperonis!

>> No.49717824

Look forward to seeing LTC back in the top 10 and Tezos in top 15

>> No.49717839

Devs moved on to starkware already

>> No.49718284
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>Also TXA because of the Decentralized settlement layer they offer to exchanges which facilitates seamless and smooth trading.

Hello ser.

>> No.49718969
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BNB and ETH falling out, hey channer you really need your meds besides I havent heard about these shitcoins mentioned. A worthy ,ention like ORE,MATIC or FTM might even be considered.

>> No.49719053

>ADA to stop being the second most valuable L1 for whatever reason
I agree, it should be first around the start of the next bull market

>> No.49719132


>> No.49719176
File: 149 KB, 1086x1200, 1655228857006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The market can go back up and all of your hopes can become reality at the same time.

>> No.49719320
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1654785342684s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you better wait because the market will drop more. I have $300 to place on BNB and TXA, but I'm not buying now till market stabilize

>> No.49719623

We all have our wishes but after this dip, i see new projects taking up new positions especially those in the exchange niches like upgraded DEXes including ALBT,XPRESS and TXA all three projects are stepping up the game for DEXes but personally I think TXA stands out because its product the DSL can be integrated into different exchanges and utilized to decentralize running of their SDO.

>> No.49720575
File: 2 KB, 200x200, api3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lank back to top10
Not before API3 flips it

>> No.49722338

It's community focused since they are transiting into a DAO governance and members being able to determine the SDO running fees makes it interesting anon