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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49703494 No.49703494 [Reply] [Original]

Who is responsible for this market crash?

>> No.49703520

putin literally started the war so he could buy the dip like a true faggot

>> No.49703526

it was me, sorry. I went all in on mcdonalds stock

>> No.49703531

This movie plus Moneyball are my favourite movies these days.

>> No.49703538

>>49703520 NATO made a coup in Shitkraine back in 2014. NATO started this war.

>> No.49703543

Well, technicially Nato started the war but that's neither here nor there

>> No.49703545

Nobody. Recessions, poverty, scarcity, wars etc are all built into the capitalist system. They arent glitches they are intended and necessary functions. Capitalism is inherently unstable, unsustainable and exploitative.

>> No.49703550

Us state department aka deep state aka Hunter Biden Maisma aka Ukrainian oligarchs aka Schwablord aka WEF aka the jooos.

It's been in the pipes since 2008 and if this things starts to unravel, oh boy.... You're in for a treat.

>> No.49703570

It's only exploitative because some people work harder than others and want compensation in relation to others doing similar but less work.

>> No.49703596

Only 1 faggot invaded and thats putin's dying of cancer ass

>> No.49703600

It's jews you stupid nigger.

>> No.49703608

Sorry this has been debunked by independent fact checkers.

>> No.49703620

No it is exploitative because it requires by definition the formation of 2 oppossing classes with contradictory interests (property owners-non owners, boss - employee, master-slave)

You should unironically kill yourself crypto parasite

>> No.49703649

Sorry you're a delusional commie fuck

>> No.49703672

Same as 2008. Unironically, Obama

>> No.49703682
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You are, you grumpy fuck

>> No.49703725
File: 7 KB, 205x246, stažený soubor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describes socialism and central planning
>blames capitalism

>> No.49703742

Zoomer faggots and their Jewish masters

>> No.49703778

scarcity is reality mong nigger, why don't you ask your DSA trannies to "abolish scarcity" ?

>> No.49703819

Yes, that is true. But as long as the slaves can rise up to become the master then it's a decent system that favors hard work. But as soon as the balance is borked out of what, then you end up with Neo-fuedalism...

>> No.49703946

I didnt argue that a slave might someday become a slave master himself. I argued that by definition capitalism requires slaves and thus is exploitative. All the other adjectives i used are also easily provable to be requirements in capitalism (unstable and unsustainable). Also it is easily provable that the vast majority of people HAVE to be slaves (non property owners) while a small minority can be masters at a given time.

Imo besides the moral questions (i understand that you are in 4chan and therefore every single one of you are evil parasites with 0 concerns about morals) the biggest pitfall of capitalism is its unsustainability feature. Capitalism operates on the basis of growth for growths sake and even requires an ever ending EXPONENTIAL growth. This is the exact function of a cancer cell. Capitalism commodifies everything and incentivizes maximum consumption therefore exactly like a cancer cell it will not cease until all is consumed and the host body (mother Earth) is completely consumed

>> No.49704244

ok. sell it all.

>> No.49704266

>Be born Jewish
>Be rich and everyone worships you
Wow that was hard work, bow down now you stupid goyim

>> No.49704323

The idiots who bid up shit

>> No.49704985

Yes, that is the root of the worlds current evil. That you need to produce roughly 3% more shit year of year to maintain your current standard of living.

>> No.49704986

The Federal Reserve and US Government debt.
Imagine how insanely awesome our economy would be if there was NO welfare, and everyone had to work to make a living? We'd have at least 10 cities the size of Shanghai.

>> No.49705311

3% more each year for 100+ years. Do you understand how an exponential function works or are you this braindead? This 3% is added on top of previous 3%. Also standard of living argument is moot since standard of living has been declining everywhere. Food,water and shelter insecurity are running rampant everywhere. But i know what parasites like you mean when they say "standard of living". You mean my smartphone parasite? Or maybe what? What exactly is my standard of living? Because from where i am standing there is a whole generation (and more to come) who will live in perpetual poverty, eternal renting, ever increasing food prices, ever declining ecosystems, pollution, and many more.

But I dont fear because God is great and will liberate us sooner or later, one way or another. As i said it is mathematically provable capitalism is unsustainable so this hellworld wont last long

>> No.49705363
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Generally it's just stupidity, arrogance and a har-on for power.
Specifically it's jews.

>> No.49705399

First post mutt post
The answer is Babylon. They created money magic. They know the power of greed and debt, the power of scarcity and famine in order to force your plans on less fortunate nations.

>> No.49705426
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Move to the paradise that is Venezuela then, faggot.
Capitalism is the great equaliser.
Consider spewing your communist bullshit on other boards, apart from the one about business, you retarded homo.

>> No.49705468

Biden made sanctions which Putin said would cause him to act. US warmongering via proxies started it as usual.

>> No.49705557

I too am a national socialist

>> No.49705703

I appreciate you

>> No.49706844

Crony capitalism aka Corporocratism/Neo-Feudalism. Ism ism ism. Just abolish the state and you'll be fine. No usurper can do anything without the state (I don't see small communes of <1000 people as a state). The state which goes hand in hand with central banking is the real parasite.

>> No.49706939

Could work short term, but you end up with generations of bootlickers. Germans still suffer from centuries of bootlicking and cock sucking of the state because of their recent past. In the past past they've been living in decentralized tribes, that collaborated on mutual interests. Until the gay Romans came and introduced butt and child fucking and everyone became gay and feminine like the Romans.

>> No.49707008

Fuck off kremlinbots.
Putin started a war of choice and is conducting a genocide. Russia is a textbook fascist state.

>> No.49708247

why the fuck do I see this shit bot thread
It contains 4 multiple filtered words