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File: 215 KB, 1080x1310, Alexandra-Botez-Feet-5650125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49699666 No.49699666 [Reply] [Original]

Chess prodigy Alexandra Botez gives number 1. dating tip. She is confirmed 160 IQ, as she provides a detailed and strategical strategy for acquiring the perfect waifu.


However, this strategy can also apply to finance and basic economics. If you apply this to your stock portfolio or your shitcoins, you are absolutely guaranteed to make it as long as you're not a retard. If you're not losing enough, it usually means you're not taking on enough risk.

>> No.49699682

she's weird looking. I knew a guy in college with the same face.

>> No.49699693


>> No.49699700

that's a man

>> No.49699705

this whore can suck my nuts and lick the shit out of my asshole

>> No.49699709


>> No.49699718

just gonna leave this here

>> No.49699720

>high IQ
it's the most normie tier distraction like joining mensa

>> No.49699728

>doesn't factor time opportunity cost

Feels good being 161IQ

>> No.49699761

satan, you cant do this with trading because fees kill your expectancy and fuck you up in the long run
also fuck kikes

>> No.49699765


The answer is “don’t pay her on Cash App”.

>> No.49699767

even chess nerds turning into thots.

>> No.49699786
File: 126 KB, 400x400, 1655131003952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is confirmed 160 IQ
uymh yah... for a woman

>> No.49699798

fish face

>> No.49699800

I was going to ask for a rundown but then I remembered women's opinions are worthless.

>> No.49699804

That's a man retard

>> No.49699810

She sounds like a complete retard in that video. Plus her little sister is way hotter than her.

>> No.49699813

look how this kid asserted sexual dominance over her

>> No.49699824

correct, female IQ is like dog-years, need to divide by 7

>> No.49699845
File: 63 KB, 637x651, 1652975340186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be troon
>transition to woman
>take iq test
>mark myself as woman
>go up 15 iq points

>> No.49699883

That's her dumber sister actually

>> No.49699896
File: 18 KB, 600x350, PzPq6Pbn5RqgrWunhEx6rg-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips satan
She had a semblance of a point at the beginning half but went full retard fast.
> Seek out people who are better than you
> Be the guy who asks out every girl at the bar
> Eventually somebody will say yes
> If the guy doesn't seek out/waits nobody will ask him/only lower tier women will
So far everything until 0:25 is to some degree accurate or at least sensible
> so what you want to do is ask everybody because you get the best possible choice (???)
> so if you have actually been reaching out to the people out of your league and trying to optimize for your future mate you should be at a point where you're getting rejected 50% of the time
So around 0:44 is about the point where her woman brain is beginning to overheat and spark like a cartoon villain's plans foiled
> because then it-it's good (???)
> if you're not getting enough rejections you're not aiming high enough (???)
Of course her braindead twitch chat and midwits that have talked to about 7 women that aren't their relatives in their lifetimes eat this shit up.
> 160 iq
So about 75 iq after accounting for inflated numbers due to being a woman.

>> No.49699905

>50% rejection rate

>> No.49699916

>eventually you're going to get someone who says yes, right?
>should aim for 50% rejection rate
confirmed for having absolutely no idea what being a guy is like

>> No.49699918
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>facial structure

>> No.49699935

She seems smarter than her sister, so that adds a point or two for me

>> No.49699949

sexual harassment speedrun

>> No.49699960

looking smart is 90% bullshit you don't know what is smart

>> No.49699961

This. Her sister comes off as a sorority bimbo who happens to be good at chess. Alex just acts stupid for Twitch.

>> No.49699968

All these replies are deranged. Are all biztards incels?

>> No.49699978

Thank satan but i don't care what this ugly man has to say

>> No.49699988

her sister is the equivalent of a chad, better social skills. alex appeals to incels who wish they were smart.

>> No.49700000

If she is so clever, then why is she a woman? Checkmate, Satan

>> No.49700011

Hope she reads this bro

>> No.49700028

She's pretty annoying to listen to, even for a woman, but she's got a big fat ass, so there's that.

>> No.49700032

satan vanquished by quints of truth

>> No.49700033

Can't argue with those digits.

>> No.49700051

Why the fuck would I want to "date" a woman? Women are a legal and financial liability, a liability that would be the death of me (literally) if I accepted such a risk. Seriously who the fuck still converses and associates with women in the curret era? Literally asking to get your life rug pulled.
>inb4 chudcel
Give me ONE reason why I should talk to a woman, let alone allow one into my home?

>> No.49700060

>implying i want to take dating advice from an actual troon

>> No.49700062

> No argument
> Adhom
So you either actively give her money or you're a woman

>> No.49700080
File: 9 KB, 270x258, 675deafa5e5ed1e0031eb54ab94acaa48fc7e8d534746b99c0ecdc3df675b1ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit satan OP got rekt

>> No.49700112

My rejection rate is in the high 90% the few who actually do give me a chance are either afraid that Im a psycho who will spaz out or a literal community cum dumster looking for a cheap score.

>> No.49700118


yeah I'm gonna need some sources to backup that claim otherwise imma call the disinformation tranny cyber police

>> No.49700129


>> No.49700150
File: 279 KB, 220x220, kermit-frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% rejection rate. I'm almost 31. I just gave up to save my self esteem.

>> No.49700205

Blessed thread

>> No.49700373

Imagine listening to a woman about anything.

captcha: PPSAY

>> No.49700422

Mostly crossboarders from /pol/ /v/ and /fit/

True /biz/tards have grown beyond such incel behavior

>> No.49700439

> Be the guy who asks out every girl at the bar
> Eventually somebody will say yes

Well no shit, the problem is actually doing this, having the emotional fortitude to deal with the constant rejection and humiliation.

>> No.49700456

Actually good video, solid advice in there.

>> No.49700469

Correct. I was just passing by looking for salt. I never got quint zeroes before though, so that was nice. Glad I dropped by. Where's the salt? There's a distinct lack of pink wojaks. Up your game /biz/raelis

>> No.49700478

Based based based

>> No.49700483

Was about to say this. I've been lurking biz since the early 2018 and lets just say the board back then used to be way different, but so was the majority of chan
Now the true biztard has or has had a gf and is actually seething entirely from the weight of his bags, not because a woman gives him attention, which speaks to me of a higher more elevated plane of business consciousness.
So back to it, when is the promised cardano pump, why aren't my lace bags pumping

>> No.49700529

God wins.

>> No.49700535 [DELETED] 
File: 2.75 MB, 435x250, 1557231622132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan and women completely BTFO once again.

>> No.49700555

BRO just feel nothing and have an iron will. Study mental patterns in order to know how to best catch and manipulate your prey that is the woman. It's that simple to get a cute gf you can cuddle and kiss

>> No.49700561
File: 47 KB, 350x427, 1655270654762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP on rope

>> No.49700569

Your forgetting the part where someone tells the bouncer that some creep is harassing women and then he promptly throws you out by your collar.
Its more like a russian roulette with there being a minor chance that confetti will pop in your face.

>> No.49700594

>Well no shit
It isn't true though. The probability of being rejected is conditioned by previous rejections and reaches 1 pretty fast regardless of what each woman would think of you in isolation. The opposite is also true, if women see other women have accepted you they're also more likely to accept you.

>> No.49700617
File: 2.75 MB, 435x250, 1557231622132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan and women completely BTFO once again.

>> No.49700624

GMEchads are about to be green as fuck

>> No.49700629
File: 128 KB, 936x924, 1655263597213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting rejected 50% of the time

>> No.49700630

Alexandra "Hitler did nothing wrong" Botez

>> No.49700641
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>> No.49700676
File: 80 KB, 1000x1024, 1608108423529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rejection rate is 0%. can't get rejected if you don't try.

>> No.49700680

Not really, it is true that if you keep trying, eventually one will say yes, for whatever reason. The whole problem is that people aren't machines, we have emotions, and getting rejected constantly will fuck you up emotionally. Either you'll slide into a depression, or go the other way and become an emotionally jaded pick-up artist type. Fuck that.

>> No.49700690

I kneel.

>> No.49700728

Not even gonna watch it since every dating app has it's own algorithm so 1 tip to rule them all makes absolutely no fucking sense

>> No.49700734

Checked and imagine dating intelligent women kek

Intelligent women are the worst. They’re no fun at all. I’m intelligent and boring enough on my own. Need a tard woman to bring in some stupid fun and spontaneity in my life

>> No.49700747

She's not saying to use dating apps, dating apps are useless if you're not good looking.

>> No.49700764

Still not taking advice from a woman sorry. An IQ of 160 means nothing if resides in a woman's brain

>> No.49700765

>cold approach woman
>eww get away from me
>cold approach woman
>I have a boyfriend creep
>cold approach woman
>... you? With ME? haahhahahAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>cold approach woman
>I'm calling the cops!

>> No.49700766

If they're in the same room they won't, which is the scenario I was commenting on. "Asking every girl at the bar" isn't like rolling a dice n times, it is a conditioned probability problem. If she (or the Anon quoting her) had said "asking a girl at every bar" I would have no problem with the statement.

>> No.49700775

why is it when a female has a high tested iq she never does something really worthwhile with it like research physics dumb bitch and build something good. dumb bitch like all them nigger intellect skanks dont know shit bout modern shit society and non shitlib non faggot non nigger male problems

>> No.49700776


what the fuck is she looking at ? the ceiling?

>> No.49700787
File: 25 KB, 483x400, 1655250631594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it. Too bad her amusing personality ended up developing into actual schizophrenia.
>the person you loved is gone

>> No.49700789

Of course you'll look like a turbo-spaz if you hit at every woman in the room. But if you play the numbers game, eventually you'll hit a win. Don't get hung up on semantics, what she's saying is true if you regard every person as a meat robot, but in reality it's infinitely more complex.

>> No.49700808

she thinks a rejection rate is 50% is realistic and that's hitting on women that are better than you she lives life on easy mode

>> No.49700816
File: 62 KB, 960x944, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49700827

Yes, women are delusional, that's nothing new. Women will NEVER understand how tough it is in the dating game for the average man. I know a girl that thinks women and men have an equal chance of getting laid when going to the bar, because she only compares with the Chads at the clubs (average men are invisible).

>> No.49700831

It's statistically so rare for a woman to have a 160 IQ that they become a celebrity just for having it. One day we may even see a nigger with 160. He'll be more famous than Kunta Kinte. Statues of him will be erected just for dropping by and saying henlo

>> No.49700893

>160 iq
>Chess pro
>Access to female only tournaments
>Sub-2100 rating
>Fat ass

Dear lord.

>> No.49700899

she’s just Dutch anon don’t be mean wtf they are good people

>> No.49700950

>>Access to female only tournaments
kek it's like making an xp farm out of a mob spawner in minecraft

>> No.49700957

Optimal dating strategy is population density dependent. Botez probably lived in high density cities, and consequently gives the optimal strategy for the city environment. This strategy is far less effective in other areas where people know each other, talk about one another, and need to uphold their reputation.

>> No.49700966

>good people

>> No.49700985

There can't be a more female disgusting insecure faggoty tranny fake masculine self proclaimed high t alpha male faggot nigger fake numale plebbit behavior than to directly attack the appearance of someone you just saw. Gay men do this all the time.

>> No.49700997

her face is gross but i would suck a fart out that ass.

>> No.49701075

Get over yourself, numale faggot. Imagine having to virtue signal on an anonymous Nepalese Yak forum. -1.

>> No.49701096

Those digits.

>> No.49701107

>if you're not getting enough rejections you're not aiming high enough

I think the idea here is that if you don't get enough pushback you haven't really left your comfort zone. I don't think this applies to women as much, but for a sales job or even deep value investing this makes sense.

>> No.49701119

Arent IQ tests pretty inaccurate once you get above 130 or so?

>> No.49701142

That's just Ted Kaczynski faceaped as a woman. Nice try Satan.

>> No.49701206


>> No.49701222

she's ugly and the only reason she's popular is because she chose a niche group of nerds with low standards as her target demographic. she's high IQ so she knows she never would have made it streaming as a normal thot. in the chess world she's probably a 12/10 though.

>> No.49701233


>> No.49701308

She perma banned me when she was doing a stream with her sister and I asked them if they ever make out

>> No.49701315

i guess that confirms that they do huh

>> No.49701324

cause they're all cute and soft and smell nice

>> No.49701332


Her sister is unironcally 1000x hotter

Also her IQ isn't 160 kys. Chess is not a good way to measure IQ

>> No.49701352

She's also not a strong chess player, on a competitive level

>> No.49701356

>Chess is not a good way to measure IQ

>> No.49701365

>For a woman
Ye, this sentence alone confirms how stupid you're

>> No.49701396


>> No.49701403

they are men disgusting

>> No.49701414

IQ isn't a good measure of much anyway

>> No.49701451

The US military disagrees. Then again, maybe that explains their recent successes.

>> No.49701460

>Get rejected 100% of the time because even fat single moms now expect the best males
>Get mentally fucked up because of it
Yeah, I'll get right on that...

>> No.49701621

She’s Romanian.

>> No.49701676
File: 1.95 MB, 1020x1645, Screenshot_20220614-230338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice get. Literally the go out there and be yourself advice. Which is all cool and valid, but why not study what increases your odds of women saying yes to your romantic/sexual advances.
In my lookist studies this pretty đuvh always boils down to two things, for both genders.
What makes someone attractive to the opposite gender is
>aesthetic beauty
boils down to having a good looking face for both men and women
>dimorphic qualities
for men it's height, muscles, big hands, deep voice, big fat cock, nice stubble, etc.
gor women it's big tits, wide hips, soft skin, shiny hair, cute voice, etc.

Other than that, things like personality, fashion, money, etc. play minor role in attraction maybe 5% at most and even that is much. Social status only matters if it's world wide like a hollywood A-lister so for most of us it isn't worth obsessing over. And even people with huge status and money often get a shit hand in life if they don't have beauty and dimorphism.

>> No.49701686

Number 3 is half true, you should become the kind of man that women chase, but the more trad a girl is the more she will want you to chase her.

>> No.49701729
File: 943 KB, 2700x1800, 2way-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to me, a virgin, discuss percentages of attraction

>> No.49701791

>Everything is a transaction, you need something other people want
God I hate this mindset so much, it's so incredibly sociopathic and manipulative
People who act all friendly and shit because they're trying to get something out of you are snakes that should be discarded

>> No.49701834

protip: it's basic human nature

>> No.49701862

>New Gay

>> No.49701865

Imagine a girl on a guys body doing this

>> No.49701893

people only care about themselves, especially women. Sad but true

>> No.49701903

How to get pussy 101;
>Be attractive
>Don't be unattractive
>Have a dollar, preferably enough dollar to be stable and have a place to live but this part is optional if you're following the first two rules like you fucking should be
>Vehemently reject any media, forums, or people that are demoralizing as they are doing it on purpose
Congratulations, if you can't get laid after following this advice read it again and pull your head out of your ass

>t. several kids in different states from knocking up thots after giving them a fake name

>> No.49701925

>several kids in different states from knocking up thots after giving them a fake name

This is a bad thing

>> No.49701928

>People who act all friendly and shit because they're trying to get something out of you
You are more than likely autistic.

>> No.49701936

What's the non-incel behavior to do here anon seriously asking
>eh, that doesn't work that way but whatever she does she kmow anyway
Or what, help escape inceldom, i know is not right but life isn't fair and it keeps throwing punches to beating down people like me

>> No.49701961
File: 29 KB, 600x447, 30AMINE1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49701979

She's not Dutch at all? Nationality is American/Canadian, ethnicity is Romanian.

>> No.49701993

Hanging out with the boys isn't because i want to loot favours out of them, its because its chill and fun to sit at a bar talking shit

Yes I am autistic, but even so here's just one example, if people like something you made and compliment you they're being nice, not reaching for your wallet

>> No.49702021

found the african american gentleman.

>> No.49702025

How to not be an incel 101; >>49701903
Don't care, reproduced.

>> No.49702027

>Hanging out with the boys isn't because i want to loot favours out of them
>its because its chill and fun to sit at a bar talking shit

Ponder these two sentences

>> No.49702033

you are very based fren

>> No.49702042

>Don't care, reproduced

You made the world worse. It's people like you the world does not need. You've just created the next generation of niggers.

>> No.49702050

women should give dating tips to other women. men should give dating tips to other men.

>> No.49702054
File: 124 KB, 577x749, EquivalenciaCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an idiot. Only Cattell, that stupid metric used by Americans, goes to 160 IQ. 160 in Cattell is utterly unremarkable, even I have a 169 in Cattell.

>> No.49702069

>>Everything is a transaction, you need something other people want
Its true and your post proves it. You posted a shit take with the expectation of getting (You)s in return and you got the (You)s that (You) wanted. Transaction complete, faggot

>> No.49702091

She's explaining elo. First you got to talk to a high numbers of diversified women so stats apply. Then, once it's about 50% success rate, that's the hottest you're probably gonna get.

It's a bit different in dating since it's subjective unlike chess (i.e. a girl can have high demand and not interest you) but it's a rough idea that works to maximize chances of getting the perfect partner.

>> No.49702096

You can talk shit with anyone at a bar, your close friends you've known your whole life since you were in kindergarten and you all click together aren't a transaction

>Posting your opinion is a transaction

>> No.49702103

Basically, she explained hypergamy

>> No.49702121

humblebrag: the post

>> No.49702132

she wouldn't touch you with someone else's dick

>> No.49702136

>She's explaining elo.
kek you're right. what a fucking retarded nerd.

>> No.49702139

It's not a transaction? So you are not getting anything out of spending time with them? Why do you do it then? I'll clear it up for you: You give them your time and good company, they give you their time and good company. It's a transaction, an exchange.

>> No.49702162

A corollary is if you want to get laid no matter what for free, just go to the girls with lowest elo (addicts, insane women, sluts, or otherwise desperate)

>> No.49702172

it's not an exchange if you don't lose anything.

>> No.49702196

You lose time

>> No.49702204

What if I tell you that I'm a complete human waste and an incompetent at everything?

Cattell sucks dick.

>> No.49702209

A transaction is an exchange of goods and services, i'm not selling my time and good vibes with any fucking contract, we are literally just chilling doing whatever

How is that the same thing as "be nice to someone so you can lay hands on their money or holes"

The way you word it just being in the same room as someone is a transaction because you both choose to spend your time there, its casting the net so wide that the word loses all meaning

>> No.49702276

>all this thread
I want to kill myself

>> No.49702286

You and me both

>i'm not selling my time and good vibes with any fucking contract, we are literally just chilling doing whatever

You can kvetch and whine all you want, you are still engaging in a transaction with your friends whether or not you realise it, and whether or not the state has written legal rules regarding the transaction. Everything is a transaction, nobody does anything out of pure selflessness, because it doesn't exist. A buddhist that donates half his salary to starving orphans every month does so because in return he gets good feelings and karma-points.

>> No.49702380


>> No.49702395

My god. Even a genius chess master woman is still a fucking retard approaching love like a business transaction. Also what she says isn't even insightful.

>> No.49702417

Who cares? Not his problem.

>> No.49702425
File: 10 KB, 268x268, 1652942488919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 100% correct but she's also romanian + they named blundering your queen after her so fuck that

>> No.49702438

Imagine dating someone who you can't have an actual conversation with. Imagine being with someone who doesn't challenge you and help you grow. Your post reeks of incel.

>> No.49702445

I care. People like him should be castrated or euthanized.

>> No.49702456

She's retarded. A relationship isn't a 30 minute game of chess. You want a much higher rejection rate than 50%. An approach takes moments. A relationship lasts years. If a higher rejection rate actually does result in a better partner than you want something like a 99% rejection rate.

Except high rejection rate DOESNT mean your partners are better. She is being retarded.

>> No.49702465

>>50% rejection rate
lol its written from the point of a woman to get a Chad.

>> No.49702474

> female disgusting insecure faggoty tranny fake masculine self proclaimed high t alpha male faggot nigger fake numale plebbit
that's a lot of words
made my small brain freeze

>> No.49702476

His life does not revolve around if incels on an anime image board care about his decision. Neither should yours.

>> No.49702479

>Except high rejection rate DOESNT mean your partners are better

This. If you go for the absolute top tier of woman while being an average male, you'll get a really high rejection rate. Imagine then that one accepted you and married you. Why the fuck would a top-tier woman marry an average male? Something is wrong with her, maybe she's a psycho, she has baggage in some form.

>> No.49702482

its not even. Its written from the point of view of someone who wants to fuck multiple times a night. Maximise both volume and quality. Thats where 50% rejection rate makes sense.

>> No.49702484
File: 557 KB, 1440x1800, amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister is hotter

>> No.49702497

pointy chin

>> No.49702500
File: 9 KB, 714x179, intuitiveFatness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women know jack shit about the challenges to get laid as a man
they give the worst dating advice and shouldn't be listened to

>> No.49702501

Sure. And your life does not revolve around that either, but still we are here typing at each other. You gain nothing from white-knighting him.

>> No.49702505
File: 23 KB, 894x773, 5bb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got rejected 100% of the time so far.

>> No.49702513
File: 83 KB, 865x598, 1655175188699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan BTFO
And fuck niggers

>> No.49702523

>chess prodigy
>160 IQ
>Standard FIDE rating 1988 and she's 26-27
hahahahahahahahahaha this is legit comedy gold to anyone who knows anything about competitive chess.

>> No.49702530

nigger I have intelligent friends for that
why the fuck would I want to talk to holes?

>> No.49702534

this is disgusting

>> No.49702537

White knighting year 2022. She wont fuck you bub

>> No.49702539

just keep doing it until 50% win ratio bro

>> No.49702553

Where are her tits?

>> No.49702562

Yeah...you've never dated anyone

>> No.49702568

What a fucking depressing worldview

Being unconditionally nice to your friends or even randos on the street isn't transactional, i feel bad for you

>> No.49702572

holy checked

>> No.49702578

She's right and I see how you can sort of prove this if you model the dating market like a dutch auction.

>> No.49702608

She is just applying skill based match making to dating which hilariously over simplifies dating. She has either never gotten good at approaching women or she is just trying to encourage her loser male audience to try the volume approach to getting a woman. Both are equally likely.

>> No.49702616

good video, brother.

>> No.49702619

It's not a world view, it's just the way things are, whether you like it or not. Not more depressing than saying the sky is blue.

>> No.49702625

fucking midgets in this thread. She is sittinng on bleachers, photographer is standing and her eys look up to the camera. In Holland our average length is 6'2" you race mixed mutts.

>> No.49702634

>Being unconditionally nice to your friends or even randos on the street isn't transactional, i feel bad for you

Oh really. Riddle me this: why do you do it then? I'll answer for you: it makes you feel good (or in reverse, not doing it would make you feel bad)

>> No.49702639

so what's the right approach?

>> No.49702653

How do i get her sister to fart in my face

>> No.49702665

She's really cute otherwise but damn she has a massive chin

>> No.49702671

>be the guy who asks every woman out at the bar
>the guy
>the bar
this implies theres "that guy" at "every bar", which then implies he is known to do such things and women talk alot, which implies they will stay clear because he is "that guy" and is most likely annoying. her logic is terrible...

>> No.49702685



>> No.49702702

not to mention she's implying "the guy" wants to date every woman at the bar. sorry girly, men can say no and have standards too.

>> No.49702706

its literally not the way things are, and i'm really sad for you that you live with those beliefs

>> No.49702730

It is exactly how things are, and it's irrefutable. I don't even understand what there is to be sad about.

>> No.49702736

Being tall and not grossly overweight, the taller the better

Oh you're not a basketball player? I hope you are insanely funny, have 100k followers on social media and infinite money anon

>> No.49702740


>> No.49702755

What is this basic bitch advice? Kek.

>> No.49702798

She's using womeme numbers. Even Chad gets rejected 80% of the time

>> No.49702815

I literally explained how its not, starting to think you're a sociopath or grew up in a place filled with extremely shitty people

>> No.49702839


>> No.49702841

No you didn't, you just said "nu-uh" and then apparently didn't read my replies. You don't have to be mean to people just because you recognize that everything is a transaction in some form, anon

>> No.49702846

post tits and parents networth

>> No.49702862

if shes such a chess prodigy lets see her beat a male grand master or even master

>> No.49702876

Gonna have to agree to disagree then, in your worldview selflessness and unconditional love don't exist which is gonna taint every interaction

>> No.49702878

this. it would be nice of you to do, unconditionally :) no transaction required :)

>> No.49702904

>selflessness and unconditional love don't exist

It literally doesn't, not if you take the words at face value. Selflessness implies you have NOTHING to gain, and in every case you do things for a reason. Do a selfless act, receive positive emotions. The same argument applies to unconditional love, which is a retarded concept anyway (you should never love anyone unconditionally, that implies you'd love someone even if they were treating you absolutely terribly).

>> No.49702914

unconditonal love kek. this is how abusive relationships last decades.

>> No.49702945

a ladyboy who photoshopped his ass bigger and gives advice how to get pussy

>> No.49702985

You're more autistic than me if you think chemical responses in your brain to any stimuli at all is exchanging goods and services
Your definition of a transaction is so broad and autistic that just existing means you are having a transaction with the air you breathe

Yes unfortunately nice people have a tendency to be taken advantage of, see every scam based on goodwill that ever existed

>> No.49703005

Why are you so violently opposed to the simple fact I'm arguing? It changes literally nothing.

>having a transaction with the air you breathe

Can't really have a transaction with a non-sapient entity

>> No.49703038

so put your unconditional love to good use and send me some bitcoin faggot, better yet - date that guy at the bar who's 50, obese, and a rapist. if you knew all this in advance would you date him unconditonally?

>> No.49703039

The chemicals in your brain aren't a sapient entity either, i feel like i'm just getting trolled at this point, i'm out

>> No.49703070
File: 86 KB, 960x960, Alexandra Botez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you need a strategy for dating? I just go on tinder and put my dick in some pussy there. Dating isn't a strategy game, you don't need a fucking plan wtf

>> No.49703095

No it is not. You are deliberately using language to force an analogy between human interactions and the way a market works.
Introducing a style of language in a context to which it does not belong influences people to act differently to start considering interactions as exchanges which is what you are after you soulless objectivist bugman

>> No.49703111

Nobody has claimed that you are having a transaction WITH the chemicals in your brain. The chemicals in your brain are the reward, more like the currency. You do a good deed (you spend something, be it time or money), you receive positive emotions. You wouldnt' do it if you received negative emotions, would you?

>> No.49703127

You are making things way to complicated. Answer me this, why do people do selfless acts for others?

>soulless objectivist bugman

Even if I was deeply christian, or whatever else, the argument still holds true. Christian people act a certain way because they expect a reward in the end.

>> No.49703137

>reaching out to the people out of your league
>you should be at a point where you're getting rejected 50% of the time
Much love from Kazakhstan

>> No.49703158


Wow I've never actually seen the end of that gif. Thank you for the closure

>> No.49703193

>how stupid you're

>> No.49703221

She's actually nice and funny for a wamen. I respect her as a human being.

>> No.49703226

was this shot with a fish eye lens? Her head doesn't match her body

>> No.49703257

old dude is probably diamonds based on the way he's stretching his pants. He can't even pay attention to the game

>> No.49703258

nice toilet on this bitch

>> No.49703262

How are you not getting this brainlet? Why do you hang out with your fun friends but not with boring people? Because fun friends PROVIDE to you fun, chill times, banter etc. Boring people don't do that.

>> No.49703285
File: 23 KB, 600x400, 66E5FCDC-1BBD-469F-AE8E-3A033A51C79F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to a woman at all
>listening to a woman about dating as a man

Topkek you're too funny anon

>> No.49703356
File: 426 KB, 755x339, 324234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to a woman at all
>listening to a woman about dating as a man

>> No.49703360

This thinking has been widely propagated amongst young american eceleb men seething at weimar tier conditions their country is currently facing so this is some type of cope mechanism they've developed to explain said conditions by framing basic human interaction as a zero sum game.

>> No.49703362

Iq is a meme.

>> No.49703384

>tfw no bote waifu

>> No.49703394

its because she's a lesbian. if only you could take lesbian humor and ideologies and put them in a straight woman.

>> No.49703401

I don't understand why people get all spastic and spout "YOU MUST BE A SOCIOPATH!!!" and "COPE!", when it's just a simply stating the fact that people do things for a reason.

>> No.49703412

>Christian people act a certain way because they expect a reward in the end.
Sure, isn't that how it's supposed to work? 'Objective morality' has been around for so long that it would be hard to argue there are people who haven't been influenced by it in some way throughout their lives

>> No.49703434

> I just go on tinder and put my dick in some pussy there.
but you're not trying to get the cheap whores off tinder to commit to you

>> No.49703451

>says a low IQ tard

>> No.49703474

>Sure, isn't that how it's supposed to work?

Yes, but some people ITT seem to have problems with it

>> No.49703487

It's probably a habit from playing chess so much. Chess players often look up when they're trying to remember something, like the best move from a certain position in the opening.

>> No.49703532

Seething tranny hahahahahahahaha
No amount of surgery, medicine or therapy will ever change the fact your a mentally fucked, butchered sub human
Just rope and save everyone the earache mate

>> No.49703713
File: 104 KB, 663x500, 6F0A3F08-B51D-4DDE-96DE-F2E083CC320A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked Satan will never recover

>> No.49703762
File: 50 KB, 706x419, 64264631-EC59-4F4C-85EF-C002FDDA8C13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her upper lip gives the illusion of a moustache, no thanks

>> No.49703810

made me audibly kek

>> No.49703877

found the ugly girl who lurks biz in hopes of getting rich

>> No.49703891

holy shit nigga you must be using a script

>> No.49703908

It's like they have a mustache without having one.

>> No.49703918

in her 20's
has no kids

Great dating tips biz

>> No.49703994

She's nice but she's not funny.

>> No.49704005

I bet u my entire networth she will end up with an 80 iq buffed nigger rapper prodigy

>> No.49704076

Your rejection rate should be way higher than 50%, for starters you and everyone else only needs one win so you can afford many losses. So your strategy should be to go from top to bottom until you find one that says yes. Also this only works as long as they don't see you asking everybody because otherwise your expected success lowers each time you ask someone out.

>> No.49704117

This board really is turning into dog doo. You opies who make these threads get away with it by adding some invaluable financial hogwash dog turd sentence in there to escape the Jannie removal. In reality this is a veiled attempt to turn this board into another rotten wormy apple cored 4chan board full of non-biz threads by nocoiners.


>> No.49704182

She actually says "ask out every girl you talk to" with the "asking every girl in the club" just as a metaphor. Remember your ABCs, kids - Always Be Closing. Always ask for her number or to go on a date before ending the conversation.

>> No.49704227
File: 1.20 MB, 480x238, you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49704269
File: 15 KB, 334x506, 1609053343741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop caring.

>> No.49704290

Waiting to emerge during pregnancy

>> No.49704317

If this chick is so smart why didn't she figure out she needs plastic surgery on her man-chin?

>> No.49704458

Damn, Vitalik is even more retarded than I imagined. He had a great setup but failed to take the initiative with Bishop->D5 and let her bend him over. What an absolute cuck.

>> No.49704737


Thats a woman tactic. Even if you are fat or ugly you can get someone out of your league. For a man thats pretty much impossible. Women aim higher than men.

>> No.49704799

thanks satan, thats actually a really good point

>> No.49704805

>160 IQ
> Unaware that her experience with dating is rigged
>Thinks she can help men and average people

>> No.49704987

you don't think there's a transaction being made in that setting? if you and your boys didn't something out of meeting and shooting the shit, you wouldn't do it

>> No.49705119

alex is for marriage
andrea is for cheating on your wife with

>> No.49705141

very solid advice right there. would've benefitted as a younger man

>> No.49705147

You will die soon, have fun.

>> No.49705152

There's no way that thing has 5 more IQ points than I do.

>> No.49705153


>> No.49705158

You should have used (?!) because that's the chess blunder symbol

>> No.49705211

absolutely based

all the soulless NPCs are seething

>> No.49705354

She sounds like a pseudo intellectual. Am I actually 170+ IQ?

>> No.49705388

Both of Botez sisters are proof that women hit the wall at 18, please someone post the photo of her playing chess at child, teen, 18 and post-wall?

>> No.49705423

her advice is based because it gives hope to ugly incels.
so these ugly incels ask out more sluts out of their league.
which leads to more of sluts being depressed, because thots hate being asked out by ugly incels.

t. literal Chad

>> No.49705465

Problem with hitting on every one around you is people start to recognize you as that weird guy who only hits on hot women.

>> No.49705485

>just center all your actions and existence around being a trophy

Lel, this is such typical talk for pseud teens that think they have "game".
How about you stop giving a fuck about what others think about you and start measuring yourself by your own standards. Be your own judge, but be strict with yourself, but fair. Always try to improve just a little bit more. Love yourself, don't become lazy and let yourself go but allow yourself to rest.

There are a lot of interesting and fun things to be experienced, built and discovered. Let's try not to mold ourselves just based on the perspective of ejaculating. Any woman that would be manipulatively attracted to such sociopathic behavior wouldn't be someone I would feel comfortable sharing my life with. It's better to be alone that badly accompanied.

>> No.49705493

Gigachads with meaty dongs are the only people I know with %50 rejection.

>> No.49705517

>seek people better than you
>ask out everyone at the bar

You idiots can't even detect a basic logical inconsistency?
Nice 160 IQ

>> No.49705549

Satan's trips, fitting for Satan's advice.
Everyone in this thread needs one simple cure for the woman sickness(women most of all need this) in the form of Black Phillip Show. Go watch those 13 eps
Watch this enjoy, then listen to the rest of the show

>> No.49705563


>> No.49705580

i'm not giving you a view alexandra.....

>> No.49705625

>She is confirmed 160 IQ
Source on this? I've watched her play chess and talk, and I very much doubt her iq is above 130-140.

>> No.49705627

This sounds fine and logical, but then you realize every rejection has social consequences.

>> No.49705649

Also this is what women do. This is a great example of female dating strategy and what attracts them. Listen to this bitch admitting that women want WINNERS. She wants someone better than her, while MEN DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT.
A man will uplift his woman, while a woman will attempt to tear her man down so he constantly has to proove he's a WINNER. Women don't want to win, they want winners.
Another classic woman thing she does is equalize what's good for HER, a WOMAN, as what's universally GOOD. Bitch you wanna marry up cause you're a bitch, men don't really give a fucking shit about your status if you LOOK like shit. We don't give a shit if you're smart, we'll make you smart cause you sure as fuck won't do it yourself. You never needed to so you didn't evolve the process behind it. Year 1 you realized you could trade pussy for whatever, year 10000 we're still doing the same. Year 1 men realized they needed to compete and evolve to actually get pussy, so now we're millennia ahead of women and have to be their teachers

>> No.49705673

130 is way too high for her. I would say she's 105 at best.

>> No.49705687

?? is for blunders, ?! for inaccuracies

>> No.49705695

Around here, we just say "that's a man".

>> No.49705714

>She is confirmed 160 IQ,
She is not.
She was given this test as a child where IQ is extremely fluid.
Her actual IQ is likely no higher than 110.

>> No.49705729

be tall and attractive

>> No.49705794


>> No.49705795

>10 seconds in
>improve in pick up

video dropped, you idiots fall for the dumbest shit.

>> No.49705873

somebody told me the same thing in 8th grade
my friend in high school was an unironic schizo and used to just go up to girls and ask if they wanted to fuck and it worked
this shit doesn't fly if you're a weirdo, dont understand how booba chess brain can't fathom that

>> No.49705898

She's an ugly mtf tranny looking weirdo.

>> No.49705934

This the Ewhore who promoted Luna days before the crash btw.

>> No.49705950

>t. midwit loser with an 'inteligence' with nothing to show for

>> No.49706010

This, the whole video is pretty much like the "BE A KWEEN U GO GURLLL!", just for men. Extreme cringe.

>> No.49706014

nice trips but dont need to watch this outdated shit. im already blackpilled at this point

>> No.49706082

Damn. Do you think she would date me? I can dress well and shower regularly

>> No.49706110
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, ab5akk5xucfcmg3slcs5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if there were no simps...

>> No.49706139

I shower every other day but I guarantee my cock is bigger and blacker than yours so tough luck.

>> No.49706158

nobody on 4chan is high iq except me
thats how i know

>> No.49706173

have sex

>> No.49706186

I’m white but my cock is unironically 8 inches on the dot and girthy as fuck. 5’11 though so would prefer the extra height. Not like women are gonna see your cock before they’ve already decided to fuck you anyway

>> No.49706187

already failed at step 1

>> No.49706203
File: 299 KB, 1280x885, tumblr_inline_pg1j8ypShs1vnvqrg_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49706225

And thats because 50% of the time the woman thinks hes sussin when in reality shes bussin for his sussin.

Imagine being so unaware that as a chess player and one thst is considered "good", in a game of foresight and probability, the percentage she comes up with is 50%... bruh...

>> No.49706261

disgusting scars on her leg i bet she cuts because she can't fit in with others

>> No.49706289

Chess isn't a game of probability.

>> No.49706344

this site has ruined me. i cannot tell whether this is a tranny or just a snu snu slut.
aynway, nakadashi

>> No.49706353

Just keep her sister around so Alex doesn't sound so annoying by comparison.

>> No.49706483

ever notice how women parade their accomplishments around like they're inherently capable of achieving at the same level as men?

>> No.49706488

lmao you guys need to be told some dumb shit huh?

1. Treat her like an employee and you are her manager
2. Rough sex in the bedroom 75% of the time and 25% of the time you "make love" when she's too sore to fuck hard
3. When she acts like a child, and she will act like a child, put her back in line like she is a child.
4. Your priorities come first, hers come second. When you have kids your priorities that enable your kids to have a good life come first, hers come after.
5. Any girl that wants to play games or does this wavering back and forth shit about you at all, you dump immediately and never take back (but fuck her hard in the ass before you tell her its over).