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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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49694510 No.49694510 [Reply] [Original]

>stepn gets literally DDOsed multiple times
>uhhh yeah this is our new DEX goy, we thought you’d like it instead of simply withdrawing your funds to an external wallet >;^)
The absolute state…

>> No.49694655

>The absolute state…
yeah no shit, the market is going to shit and these dying companies all they do is coping doing stupid bs

>> No.49694715

Cope and go run with your worthless NFT shoes

>> No.49694799

Releasing a DEX is a coping mechanism?

>> No.49694819
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>> No.49694883

Why bother ddos a shitcoin when the market is already in shambles?

>> No.49694979

Wait, what happened?

>> No.49694999

what the fuck is stepn's DEX for?

>> No.49695014

I suppose it is used to exchange GMT for other currencies.

>> No.49695030

They want to make it a serious coin? stepn is basically a game.

>> No.49695043

In fact they are very cheap, I think it is worth it even now that GMT is dumping.

>> No.49695054

your mom is cheap and worth it

>> No.49695093

it was obvious that it would happen when they gave so much importance to their two coins, and they both have different businesses.

>> No.49695102

eat shit op

>> No.49695108

self inflicted DDoS probably

>> No.49695160


Denial of service? lmao, these fucking attacks aren't a truly thing right now. You got stuck'd on the 2012 nigger lmao

>> No.49695197

It's a swap. That's what it's going to be. A simple swap... And that's not bad, because, imagine this, you have a game that can make GST, those GST can be withdrawn or can be swapped for any other pairs with no trouble and with low fees and prices on the same platform.

This sounds nice, at least to me

>> No.49695261

Sounds like something that would make a ton of money. A year ago.