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49694490 No.49694490 [Reply] [Original]

Can you actually make money playing slot machines? Is it possible to turn slots into a full time job?

>> No.49694502


>> No.49694521


>> No.49694534

That Las Vegas shooter basically made a full time job of it. What a comfy life. Just play slots all day and get shrimp cocktails comped.

>> No.49694541

odds are much better with a game like craps. If you play it smart and just do pass line bets the house has virtually almost no edge.

>> No.49694558

I got wrecked by a slot addiction and turned to crypto afterwards. Thank god for the bear market.

>> No.49694570
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>virtually almost
The house always wins, anon.
Just wait for verifiably fair crypto backed gambling

>> No.49694589

No. The odds are not in your favor. Slots are huge money makers for casinos.

>t. works in the gambling industry

>> No.49694593

Yes. They're not random you can just observe the streaks and swoop in when it's hot. Also tricks like zapping the machine with piezo sparkers or hitting it with magnetrons are known to have worked in the past.

>> No.49694598

No, you can't make a living doing it. Vegas has really jewed everyone. The best video gambling games were Video Poker because it required a modicum of skill whereas slot machines are pure chance.

The first video poker machines were rolled out in the 1970s. Throughout the 80s and 90s if you knew what you were doing, you could actually make a living playing video poker. You had play fast, and smart, but you could actually make like 30-40k a year if you did it full time.

They started changing them up 10-15 years ago. Now it is much harder to win, much harder to get a royal flush. Pro-tip, if you want to play video poker, don't play anywhere else but Fremont street in old vegas. Particularly the casion called 4 Queens. They still have a lot of the old video poker machines and they still pay out pretty regularly. I won $500 sitting at the bar last year after putting in 20 or 40 bucks. 4 Queens specifically has the best odds for video poker anywhere in the USA

>> No.49694619

Its possible for slot machines with progressive jackpots to be EV+ but other than that, no.

>> No.49694620

honestly at this point in time your best bet for making money gambling with video-gaming systems are probably the electronic roulette or electronic baccarat games.

>> No.49694633
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Definitely not.

Anyways, DYOR and see if you can learn the difference between gambling and speculation. We're into speculation here at /biz/.

>> No.49694676

You can scrape web casino promotions like deposit x get y free spins. You are not always guaranteed to come out positive but it follows an EV with the promotion swinging the odds slightly more in your favour. There is an element to identifying which promotions are actually valuable/high risk etc.

Sports betting promotions can be taken advantage of with zero risk but the profits are more slow and steady. Made a healthy 2k on matched betting last year.

I would not say either are really a full time job, more of a nice side income.

If you just rawdog irl casino slots you're retarded.

>> No.49694692

Yes, but only if they're coin-operated. They're programmed to give out more money once the coin container is full. A former girlfriend of mine had a good ear and was able to tell how full the container is by throwing a single coin into it and paying atte tion to the sound it makes.

>> No.49694730


Only play if you can max bet every spin

Also stay away from slots connect to any sort of network.

>> No.49694733

What gambling games do you see people making a full time living playing?

>> No.49694767

No. Google math.

>> No.49694793

Sports betting and poker.

>> No.49694812

Sports betting. If you do enough research you can have an edge. However don't stick to just one online casino since if you are too good they may ban you. Also poker if you are smart enough and have the patience to learn counting cards and statistics (eg. according to the cards that I have and are already on the table, what are the odds of a certain card dropping and what are my odds of getting winning cards as opposed to other players)

>> No.49694824

Last time in Vegas I was playing this bingo type slot, I would just snipe machines people left with the bonus almost filled and I won more than I lost doing that

>> No.49694867
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How does Trainwreckstv afford to play slots @ 3k per second for 30 hours straight? He burns through a million in 20 minutes

>> No.49694890

Google algorithm. Midwit.

>> No.49694915

>DO NOT GAMBLE YOU WILL LOSE disclaimer in the top right
This fucker is just trying to keep people from turning slots into a full time job like he did

>> No.49694919

Google assplay faggot.

>> No.49695592

Do we have any slots pros here?

>> No.49695643

He's being sponsored by the casino. The wins and losses on his stream aren't real.

>> No.49695767

Ive won 3 times in a row. Last time I lost so Im quitting for a few weeks. I will only play if I win.

>> No.49695805

Isn't that false advertising then?
He claims he's down 40 million. It might be more now since I stopped watching a week ago.

>> No.49695838

it's 1000000% impossible to make money off slots unless the slot has an RTP (return to player) above 100%
this would mean the return to the player is higher than the amount the player has dumped into the slot. This is also non existent because the casino would go bankrupt.
Another possibility is the slot having a high RTP and the slot following some algorithm you can take advantage of but I'm pretty sure most slots don't follow an algorithm and it's probably impossible to even do that.

What a retarded question. DO NOT GAMBLE! YOU WILL FUCKING LOSE! If you ever walk into a casino stay as far away as possible from slots.

>> No.49695991

He makes 7 figures per month from Stake. Stake makes an insane amount of money so they can afford to do that and they know he's a degenerate gambler so the majority of that money gets dumped back into slots and right back into the company.
I don't know how much he gets from his contract but he stated me made 1M the first month and someone asked him about how much he makes and he said he makes "MUCH MORE!!!" than 1M per month now because I think he's over a year into his contract.

>> No.49696111

they give him fake credit and also pay him 10 million a month, he then uses the fake credit and his real money to play

>> No.49696269

Family has a few slots in our venue and even in a small town we are taking hundreds of thousands every couple of months off these people. You might be lucky but you'll never beat these machines consistently

>> No.49696399

prove it's fake credit. that should be illegal.

>> No.49696418


>Is it possible to turn slots into a full time job?

yeah buy a place and set it up with a bunch of slot machines, watch the idiots roll in with free money for you

>> No.49696443

it's all just speculation. It's likely real because anyone who knows train knows how addicted he is.

>> No.49696533

I’ll play any machine that gives me 9/6 jacks or better. Very hard to find

>> No.49696555

You need to have psychic abilities to influence the outcomes of the slot machines to your favour

>> No.49696574

>You might be lucky but you'll never beat these machines consistently
>it's 1000000% impossible to make money off slots
>Do we have any slots pros here?
>No. Google math.

All of this, slots are a RNG on a % based payout table with a house edge.

It is IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN in the long scheme

Play for fun if you want (I enjoyed the Star Wars and Jaws slots when they still existed) but know the casino will get your money

>> No.49696583

No, unless you’re rigging them somehow or waiting for people to win and robbing them. Directly from playing though, no.

>> No.49696595

in the uk you as they are actually skill based

>> No.49697095

Slots with a progressive jackpot can become mathematically profitable after reaching a super high jackpot amount. I guess you could go around all casinos in Vegas and find a profitable slot to play, then you still need to be extremely lucky. I dont think its viable as a source of stable income but maybe.

>> No.49697100


>> No.49697171

Yes, but chances are not you. If you gamble long enough you realize some people are just luckier than others. If you ever worked in a casino, you'd notice that after a while. A lot of retired glowies or people with gov connections end up making gambling a job believe it or not. They're successful at it of course. That type of luxury isn't reserved for the normie.

>> No.49697257

Nah I'd rather play darkside and mint money on my DCs

>> No.49697289

you gunna get your legs broke anon

>> No.49697464

Theorically if the machine has no limits for bets, no limits for prizes and you have infinite money, then yes. You just have to start doubling your bet everytime.

But considering that after 21 bets you'll be betting +1 million and after 31 you'll be betting +1 billion, I don't think it's possible.

Some people use progressive series (1,2,3,4... or 2,4,6,8,10....) that only works if you retire after winning at least 6x times your last bet (Ideally 10x or more). However many casinos can track this behaviour and kick you out, and also remember machines are programmed to give a certain amoutn of money (Usually 90~99%) so if the machine already gave a huge prize before, no matter if you put a lot of money, chances are you won't be getting your money back.

>> No.49697497

no, they're not and you are a moron.

>> No.49697510

He's paid by the casino to stream
He's given money to continue the stream
He also gets money from people's losses who registered using his referral code. Yes. He makes money off of his fans directly through the website

>> No.49697529


>> No.49697586

This, plus a lot of streamers picked up BTC and ETH when it was dirt cheap relatively speaking

>> No.49697626
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My brother lost his marriage, wife, son and house to his gambling addiction. Now he tries to borrow money from his friends and family. Tried to commit suicide a few weeks ago and refuses to get help

just dont please.

>> No.49697645

Is the wife hot and available? Asking for a friend.

>> No.49697672

Look around Vegas, look at the buildings, the fountains, the architecture. Do you think you are going to come out ahead? Best I have done with Vegas was investing in casino stocks. There had been a rumor that slot machines nearest the hotel lobby pay more often. Maybe, the only time I ever came out ahead on slots was dropping a $20 in a machine with direct sight to the check in counter and getting $200 out.

>> No.49697695

>loses wife
>loses son
>loses house
>has no money, cant even borrow from friends
>commit seppuku but fail, can't even do that right
nice family you got there anon

>> No.49697924

You can. Even with the BSC casino you can make a lot of money if you just follow the right accounts at the right times. VINU did a lot of airdrops and gifts last week before their bybit listing and oh boy did i won a pretty penny. More than 350 usd from just watching their lives and following their accounts, i assume if you replicate this you can make a living from crypto by basically free

>> No.49697952

Is he good at gambling?

>> No.49698089


>> No.49698265

Will you share your secrets?

>> No.49698311


poker and counting cards??

>> No.49698468
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Anon staying in Vegas for work here, AMA. I started with $10 and now have $53, only played video poker, only played blackjack. Overall I have won $253 from casinos in my lifetime lellll.

The value of the drinks I've had while sitting at the table? Unknown lmfao

>> No.49698678

They are hard to find, but luckily there are resources. Here's a list of all of them, most are in Las Vegas


>> No.49698720

based Peppermill enjoyer. Shame that there's so many niggers there now

>> No.49698804

it's 99% driving and speedwalking

>> No.49699122
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Of course you can. Random number generators are not truly random. Gotta be gigasmart though and no one who knows the flaw of the day is going to talk about it.
Actually, if you were serious, that would be your best bet. Go hang out at bars in Vegas and listing for loud mouths.
That or take a couple tabs of acid and hit the slots. Could make some stuff click.

>> No.49699470

I'm learning the hard way that it's not possible.

>> No.49699877

>Staying in Vegas
>Napkins say Peppermill Reno
What did you mean by this?

>> No.49699959

You think all those marble mosaics and Jeff Koonz statues are there because they give away money?

>> No.49700052

From what I've researched you have way better odds when going max bet straight away only prob is it kills the fun cos your money will be gone in ten seconds if you don't hit

>> No.49700070

You could until the casinos figured out people had cracked the pseudo-random code and were milking them. Now they're on the lookout for that shit and they'll kick you out.

>> No.49700071

>That or take a couple tabs of acid and hit the slots. Could make some stuff click.

I've tried gambling on psychedelics before...it's generally a bad idea. At least for me, when I'm tripping, money has no meaning to me. It's literally just green paper with funny faces on it. The one time I tried gambling on LSD I lost $200 in under 15 minutes. Never again

Then again there was another time I played craps on acid and won $500 because some guy in a chicken suit was on a roll for 30 minutes before going bust (it was halloween)

>> No.49700086

Do not get it twisted, do not gamble. Do not start gambling. Gambling is entertainment and entertainment only. You won't break even, you won't win. I gamble because I can afford it. I AM DOWN MILLIONS!

>> No.49700307
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No. Just play blackjack for fuck's sake

>> No.49700359


>> No.49700377

Sleep deprived anon here. Can you break down the initials for me?

>> No.49700418

S - Stand
H - Hit
D - Double Down (double your bet and draw 1 more card)
SP - Split (add a matching bet to turn a pair into 2 separate hands)

>> No.49700445

That sounds like FUN

>> No.49700475

Crypto will never not be a scam.

>> No.49700489

Consider the question from the Casino's point of view.

>Can we actually lose money by letting patrons play slot machines?

The answer, is no. The casino would never let you play a game where you have an edge over them, i.e. your odds of winning any game will always be <50%. It's the only way the casino business model works.

The exception to this is counting cards in a blackjack deck and then increasing your bets when your odds of hitting blackjack are higher (because blackjack pays 3 to 2 on a good table). This is of course not easy to do, and the casino can kick you out if they are suspicious.

>> No.49700933

That shit has been around since years ago. There used to be verified gambling dapps posted on this board constantly.

90% of crypto is gambling when it comes down to it, with better odds than casino, more plausible to game the system and win.

>> No.49700978

This makes me wonder, has there been casinos that went broke because patrons kept winning until the law of large numbers kicked in?

>> No.49701039

They care about having better chances than the sum of all patrons. Obviously the results of each individual patron and roll are going to follow a probability distribution with about a bit under 1/2 being positive and a bit over 1/2 in the negative. That's the fun in gambling and why people have always and will always continue to do it, you can win. On top of that slot machines aren't pure RNG and follow an algorithm that a savy patron , usually a chinaman, can exploit (at the cost of other patrons, not the house obviously).

>> No.49701305
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Slot machines have made a lot of people lose money though with the possibilities of winning pretty slim. I'd rather pick Crypto where I can earn through diverse protocols with more probable results like defi yield farming protocols with APYs so you could estimate on how much you're getting back.

>> No.49701558

I doubt it.

>> No.49701660

What do you mean

>> No.49701665
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I only play 20 Card Keno, this is the actual strategy I use. Has a nice win/loss ratio

>> No.49701700

What are the best crypto casinos

>> No.49702546

Its mathematically impossible to beat any casino game in the long run so no, its not a viable living option. You'd be better of doing compound value-bets in sports-betting in a sport you've studied and know alot about. Say you draw a realistic 150x odds bet coupon with 5 entries and you bet 5 dollars. How many times are you willing to lose 5 dollars on a regular stock? The potential gain in betting using value entries is so massive that 1x succesful bet will immediatly off-set all your losses. You can simply do 1 dollar bets and spread them out over 50 random value bets.

>> No.49702644

>Can you actually make money playing slot machines? Is it possible to turn slots into a full time job?

Sure it is if you know what you're doing.

All the machines have predictable patterns, you just have to play them enough to learn it.

>> No.49703092
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>slot machines
Save your money dumbass, PrecogFinance (tickr PCOG) is soon to be launched

>> No.49703143

> house has virtually almost no edge.

ie the house has an edge and you will eventually lose all of your money

the absolute state of this so called "finance" board LMAO

>> No.49703163

>sit in casino watching machines
>wait for someone to lose a lot of money on a certain machine
>play that machine

>> No.49703611

Sports betting is the bomb. Avoid soccer, pick a few teams, and study their performance.

>> No.49703637

That’s not how it works anymore

>> No.49703646

>all these people saying it's impossible
once the jackpot reaches a certain number it's +EV to spin on it until the jackpot is hit, professional slots players have contracts who hang around at casinos and tell them once a machine reaches the right point, it requires a decent amount of capital though, and it can be very hard to find machines with that high jackpots because even normies will try play on those.

>> No.49703657

even if you are correct which you aren't there are plenty of old slot machines still in operation

>> No.49703668

>he calls it soccer
more like you don't know shit about the sport

>> No.49704397

soccer was invented by europoor women to keep themselves occupied while their husbands were cooking supper

>> No.49704642

Yes the old ones are largely fine.
The casino doesn’t really give a shit if it pays out 5 jackpots in a row, so long as it still makes money over a period of months / years (which it does). The days of hanging round waiting for someone to give up are gone, it’s just delusion.

But there are much better strategies anyway, for instance just playing the ones right next to the dining areas or right near the entrance, since they pay out significantly more often.

>> No.49704742

Considering it is random, then your only chance of consistently churn out money from it would be some sort of bet-adjustment scheme e.g. martingale system.

>> No.49704928

The doubling is the problem, since you will either have to start very low or have insanely deep pockets.
Maybe if you played 10 games and considered that one event (100%). say you loose 6 games and win 4, you would then have to increase your bet size with 10% on your next 10 games. If you where to have more winners than losers, you pocket the difference and start over.

>> No.49705939

>t.watched kaiji once

>> No.49706065


>> No.49706920
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they literally have 6 billion dollars in cash https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/coin/financials

>> No.49706951

no dumbfuck

>> No.49707428
File: 705 KB, 1242x889, 7C57FAEA-A94D-42FF-9F74-FF968BD21E0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole concept of “gambling” started as a means to trick overly confident pompous drunk bastards at the bar into wagering away all their money on dice, cards, wether or not some guy could shoot 6 bottles with his revolver blind folded. It’s also where most lotteries and shit were born. Because drunken gluttonous pigs could be talked into wagering their money into anything, because drunken assholes always want something for nothing. People did learn that some things could be strategically beaten, so there’s a niche in the whole world of “gambling” for pros at certain card games. As for your choice in gambling, slot machines, these were designed for the biggest chumps of the whole gambling world. You really think someone is going to develop a machine let it sit at the corner of their bar and it just hands you money for nothing if you “strategize” properly? Fuck no. They put them there because there’s enough drunks, fools, and low life’s out there to literally push a button for 50 cents a push hoping that the machine will spit back a fortune one day.
Learn to play poker.

>> No.49708015

Slot machines have the worst odds and are certainly for the most retarded of gamblers. Extremely pathetic. At least lose your money at craps or blackjack.

>> No.49708163

I blew 8k on gambling

just don't do it, its not worth it.
If you got a limit of like 100 or 50 bucks for low cent spins on slots, go for it, but expect to lose it all, and if you double your 100 into 200, fucking with draw, dont keep playing

>> No.49708529

Only way to make money with slots is to stream and through affiliation links. It's like sending out rev links for those crypto farms. Gather enough idiots who use your links and lose money and you will get a part from their loses.

>> No.49708543

all the fucking casinos in my area use constant shuffle machines for the poor tables
if you want a 6 deck shoe, you need to be on the $100 minimum tables.