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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2 KB, 275x183, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4967666 No.4967666 [Reply] [Original]

Let's make biz great again... Pic related

>> No.4967685

Would honestly really help people not buy shitcoins

>> No.4967686

Fuck off

>> No.4967691

Signed. 3rd worlders must be exposed.

>> No.4967692

is this the logo from the rupee ico?

>> No.4967724

t. Pajeet scammer

>> No.4967739

Yes. Please do, so I can filter out these know-nothing flyover state Americans

>> No.4967768

Support. Let's make this happen.

>> No.4967775
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>> No.4967786
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i unironically never thought whats bad about nignogs and pajeets, thought they are fine

than i started at a international university

nignogs ( only west african, rest is super chill and pretty smart )
> have this black humor like in the bacl movies
> sometimes chimp out
> cant understand theire pidgin

> super autistic
> girls are mega ultra autistic

> naive
> believe everything
> always fall for the fiver entreneur and how to get rich youtube videos memes
> always pajeet like

the rest of asia is pretty chill guys

>> No.4967788



>> No.4967797


>> No.4967804

/biz/ BTFO!

>> No.4967810

Damn that's genius I vote in favor

>> No.4967824

How much you wanna bet all the people shilling ARK are pajeets

>> No.4967840

we should ban murrican posters. they have low iq and feel easily pray to weaponised advertisement. Then they go militant to whatever shit they baghold.

>> No.4967841
File: 448 KB, 629x454, b0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4967878

Fuck off:
- Anyone can change his flag with a simple script
- Your pajeet meme is not the reason why biz is shit, it's because of human greed

>> No.4967910


This would eliminate so much spam.
Also make it retroactive so past threads can be examined.

>> No.4967959
File: 93 KB, 1142x971, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4967965

im indian i disagree

everyone will know where im from . indians have shit reputation on internet . i always have to use fake accounts everywhere and disguise myself as murican.

>> No.4967989


>> No.4968023

No reason for country flags in here, fuck off.

>> No.4968046

>Indians have shit reputation
>shit reputation

The jokes write themself.

>> No.4968049

YES. very good idea, fuck off poojets

>> No.4968066

competely useless.

back to /pol/ you go

>> No.4968074

Signed. I am a proud Indian and would like to see my country's beautiful flag every time I make a post.

>> No.4968076
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Signed. Expect pic related.

>> No.4968142


>> No.4968167


if you look closely india is literally shitting a country from its ass

>> No.4968183

yeah sure

>> No.4968202

Flags ruin every board they're implemented on.
The only board that should have them is /int/ desu.

>> No.4968230

fuck you OP, most of pajeets you are dreading cone from burgerland anyway.

>> No.4968312
File: 96 KB, 640x786, E154A3A9A0C74A998A5CF829CECFA6D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4968370


So just ignore them then. Some of us would find them useful

I started with pol like a normie in mid 2016 but haven't been there in months. It's a waste of time. All I do is lurk here with some occasional posts and it's paid off.

>> No.4968412
File: 13 KB, 206x214, 15941077_1320491158013668_6759290777089381488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.4968453


>> No.4968469


>> No.4968471
File: 75 KB, 900x900, pepe_pejeepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am an American pajeet and I am the most obnoxious street shitter shit coin shill of all.

>> No.4968476

satan has spoken
don't test him

>> No.4968488

I'll post this every day, others should do the same until we see action

How the fuck will it happen though? Mods stopped the begging threads, are they paying attention now?

>> No.4968512

Pajeet in America here. What are you fags going to do about me?

>> No.4968537


>> No.4968540
File: 1.80 MB, 318x222, 1469557669004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4968547

>begging threads
Those aren't pajeets; those are Americans.

>> No.4968569

join pajeets

>> No.4968598
File: 45 KB, 600x605, shiva_pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. people who fucking fell for a pajeet scam, literally gas yourselves you're less human than fucking pajeets because you lose money to them

>> No.4968639

We can finally see who posts the discord invite constantly

>> No.4968651
File: 435 KB, 795x1022, happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also make it retroactive so past threads can be examined.
pls mods

>> No.4968700
File: 610 KB, 1080x945, Totally_Not_A_LTC_Shill.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirs, if u wil be so gracious and kind n send me 200 thousands rupees i will be able to pay the taxes on inhertiance and i will pay to you sir 50 thousands rupees very thankful sir

>> No.4968720

we really need this, being able to check if a post is worth reading would be great

>> No.4968741

No. Fuck off.

>> No.4968786
File: 178 KB, 823x500, amerimutt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the flag determines the post's worth

>> No.4968813
File: 2.88 MB, 1536x1152, amerimutt4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4968856


Please no that would invite the shills to respond with 'le hilarious 56%' to every white poster

>> No.4968864
File: 433 KB, 989x5094, amerimutt8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.

>> No.4968869

Yet you are speaking American. Fucking retarded pajeet.

>> No.4968884

>turning /biz/ into another /int/
I personally dont enjoy Europeans screeching about irrelevant statistics, and I would rather see a bitcoin threads than Americans ruined btc threads

>> No.4968890
File: 464 KB, 900x506, amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an American just like you xDDDDDD

>> No.4968921
File: 1.01 MB, 1838x1195, amerimutt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ wants to come to /biz/ and shitpost about race, well (you) get everything that goes with it.

>> No.4968941

We should ban euros who spend all day posting about Americans, it's pretty obvious they all came from Reddit anyways

>> No.4968957

>t. increasingly anxious pajeet


>> No.4968981
File: 85 KB, 600x487, amerimutt7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. You think flags give you power?

>> No.4969003
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>> No.4969005

This would really help figuring out the popularity of alt coins in each country

>> No.4969038
File: 29 KB, 741x566, 2017-06-24 18_52_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes please

>> No.4969039

business and money are different in every country, so it would help put posts in context.

>> No.4969050

I want to know what niggers are constant pushing ark and chainlink.

>> No.4969066

I don't understand why you would want to be white over Indian.

I'm Indian, and I scored a 170/165 on my GRE after studying for 10 hours while smoking weed everyday.

Indians have godlike intelligence, which is why we are taking over every industry in the world.

It would suck if I had dark skin, but it's light and I'm tall and decent looking, so I'm happy.

On top of that, I have 2 million dollar houses to inherit and $1 million in stocks that is mine, while white people get kicked out of their houses at age 18.

Furthermore, my brother is a doctor, so I can literally lose everything and move into his beach house as long as I have a job.

BTW, no Indian in America cares about India itself. Same as chinks not caring about dog-eating China.

Life is so fukin comfy.

>> No.4969079


>> No.4969086

These are good reasons but nobody will use them for that; the moment flags get added this will turn into /pol/. Shit, this board might even stop talking about crypto all together and just become an echo chamber for "how do we establish white businesses for the white ethnostate"

>> No.4969113

yes pls

>> No.4969137
File: 84 KB, 640x480, prabhas_640x480_81493811760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>170 on GRE
175 on my LSAT.
>dark skin sucks
Being Tamil sucks, being chocolate-colored just means you're exotic and you can't sunburn.
>white people get kicked out at 18
kek I graduated from undergrad and will graduate from law school 100% debt free; white people talk about "family values" but they don't know shit about what that means.

>> No.4969174


Props, bro.

White people just don't understand how intelligent Indians in America are. No one gives a fuck about village people in India who are illiterate.

It's such an amazing feeling knowing you can pick any subject or field to pursue and you will absolutely 100% crush it.

>> No.4969209

If it were to go like /bant/, everyone will shitpost on the Canadians first, then the Britons, then the Americans, then various European countries and for some reason finally Romania.

>> No.4969251
File: 193 KB, 1024x1448, krishna_smug.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are dumb low caste Indians here that the low class whites have to interact with, like at gas stations and such. People just don't appreciate that Indians have basically run a gigantic breeding experiment for ~5000 years and so there's 90% literal genetic trash and 10% demigods.

But I don't like fucking Americans making fun of any Indian person, because Americans are literally the niggers of white people.

>> No.4969253 [DELETED] 

Flags are the cancer that ruined /sp/ and /pol/. Kill yourself.

>> No.4969278

Nah dude I'm just in it for the memes. I hope everybody makes it.

>> No.4969305

I'm not entirely sure how /biz/ will break down; everyone knows the Americans and Canadians are the dumbest money but since there's no Asia except Indians there isn't really any exposure to the major crypto markets. Australians on /biz/ would probably be legendary though.

>> No.4969344

>hope everybody makes it
Then nobody made it because if everybody has lambos they're not worth anything.

>> No.4969422
File: 344 KB, 621x416, LINK fan boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all, ARK is the anti pajeet coin, its for real niggas, its the millionaire maker for white people, christians and national socialists who know how to HODL

>> No.4969452


>> No.4969461

I don't include a lambo under the definition of making it; for me it's just escaping wagecuckery permanently.

Besides, there are a comparatively minuscule amount of people in crypto right now; obviously I don't wish for the normies that will be continuing to flood in during 2018 and onwards to make it.

>> No.4969502

>23% other
holy hell

>> No.4969567

Pajeet shills all drive taxi in NY
They also use VPN
Better to get in their discord pump and dumps
accumulate knowledge on them
then call ICE and have their shitskins deported.

Don't actually engage in their pump and dump.
Shitcoins are not their target
you and your money are the target.

>> No.4969642
File: 61 KB, 1024x637, sanji_yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize most of the normies flooding in 2018 are more likely to make it than /biz/
Normies are the chad we all strive to be.

>escaping wagecuckery
Tonight I have a meeting with a few normies who have each agreed to pony up $50k for a total combined $250k that we are opening a bitcoin mining facility with. What's my stake in that? I came up with the idea and shared it with /biz/: >>4927538

Of course I told the normies the idea first (they're my "friends", everyone knows /biz/ is my only real friend), but they didn't show any interest until I said I posted it on /biz/. Once I shared it on /biz/, now they got greedy and said we have to do it first. That's the secret - normies only want things if it will ruin /biz/

>> No.4969739

found the pajeet

>> No.4969753

this. all the poor fag 3rd worlders just come here for the 'gibsmedat' threads.
fuck these shitskins

>> No.4969766


savage af

>> No.4969812

holy fuck this made me laugh out loud in public

>> No.4969857

The fuck you talking about retard. You all speak English coming from Britain/Europe.

>> No.4969887

Find you
report you to ICE
have you deported

>> No.4969901

wtf is this. is this bait?

>> No.4969905

Yes yes yes yes yes

>> No.4969924

>What is standard deviation of IQ: the post
>I do not understand statistics: the post

By large the country with the most smart people in it is China. Because they have a bigger sampling pool.

>> No.4969934


>> No.4969955

No, I'm good. We're not /pol/, don't try to make us like them.

>> No.4969970

signed satan

>> No.4969998

found another pajeet

>> No.4970047

Not sure why 3rd worlders are being singled out ITT when I can guarantee you implementing flags will reveal that the most retarded posts on this board come from American and Canadian flags.

>> No.4970075

Yes please I just want to filter all the Indians haha definitely not filter all the fucking burgers haha can I just please filter the burgers already

>> No.4970079

thats because thats the majority of who posts here period

>> No.4970107

Maybe man, I'm not too sure what the average portfolio is like here. I have managed to scrape together 11 BTC so if people are in a similar situation right now I just mean it's a huge leg-up on people only just coming into crypto / will be coming into it next year.

Good luck with your mining facility anon - I don't have any RL friends so kudos.

>> No.4970144
File: 450 KB, 960x687, janitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dogs ruined /sp/ not flags

>> No.4970175


>> No.4970177
File: 59 KB, 645x729, e09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4970197


>> No.4970226

Right, but I'm talking about dumbasses who use their student loans to buy shitcoin of the month. Pajeet doesn't do that

>> No.4970420

Your nation's flag has an anus in the center of it.

>> No.4970604
File: 41 KB, 657x527, 1512826621397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only newfags fall for pajeet scams, pajeet scams are obvious to anyone who's been around. Removing pajeets would ruin the fud/fomo ecosystem.

>> No.4970651
File: 133 KB, 247x277, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pls sirs

>> No.4970799


>> No.4970892

t. "Mike" from Microsoft's support center

>> No.4970973


>> No.4971153

this lol. Fuck flags on /biz, I come here to unwind.

>> No.4971230


>> No.4971265


>> No.4971276

Let’s get it done mods

>> No.4971280

yes yes this me too thank you very much sir, please to not put the country flag on the forum, thank you very much, sir very racist yes.

>> No.4971341


>> No.4971424

actual bump

>> No.4972074

flags are a good idea