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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49691435 No.49691435 [Reply] [Original]

You didn't sell, right?

>> No.49691446

nope all in NFTS

>> No.49691467

The internet actually IS a passing fad. Most people in the coming decades are going to realize that it’s a complete waste of time if your not using it to buy things.

>> No.49691469

That want the bottom

>> No.49691475

they may be right given a long enough time frame

>> No.49691491

>Daily Mail

>> No.49691502

I sold @40. If bitcoin start to recover, I may buy again.

HODL is retarded, you guys are losing sanity to at the end, maybe, maybe break even.

>> No.49691515

Yup, with all the time I've lost on it I could have done a lot of better things

>> No.49691629

you'd have to be a dumb fuck to sell right now, enterprise adoption is only beginning on hedera's network with the help of the hbar foundation that's giving grants to new projects

>> No.49691688

It was just sharing what an academic report said.

>> No.49691745

People used to look at the monitor sideways

>> No.49692162
File: 276 KB, 959x1049, gates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 23 in the year 2000 and this was totally not the sentiment at the time. The internet was getting more popular year by year.
2000 was when napster was getting big, this started attracting new waves of normies because free music downloads.

Crypto is boring as fuck. It's just number go up and down, just like it was 10 years ago.

>> No.49692192

Many people still lost their house on internet stocks despite the internet being revolutionary.

>> No.49692441
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1654443216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the level of retardness these post emanate is astounding

>> No.49692502

It's like talking to AI, it's plausible, but the more you look the worse it becomes.

>> No.49692573

Except thats not at all the case. In 2012 the value and massification of cryptos wasn't even a speck of what is today. NFTs weren't even a thing in the mind of the casual trader. Considering the rise of platforms and projects like lovelace that actually have a very efficient way of bringing NFT use-cases to regular projects and deliver services i would say that the blockchain is far from dead

>> No.49692649

>crypto is a b-big d-deal
>uses NFTs as an argument
what the fuck

>> No.49692702

How stupid.

>> No.49693014
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I sold cause I need more money for surgery anon. My gf got tumor inside her titty. So tough titties for me.

>> No.49693407


>> No.49693930

Talking about NFTs, FUFU NFTs are proposed to have utilities on the platform and that makes it cool.

>> No.49694499

They will never recover their eth.

>> No.49694563
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>> No.49694615
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>t. logged 100+ days /played before the age of 13