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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4967108 No.4967108 [Reply] [Original]

Why dont asian girls lurk and post on biz? Do you know how we can get more of them to come here?

>> No.4967186

By changing the language of this board to Chinese.

>> No.4967247

>community full of racist asshole
>constant white supremacy talk
>wants Asian girls to belong to community

>> No.4967285

get lost faggot

You have to buy them

>> No.4967307

>racist projection
kys faggot

>> No.4967408
File: 29 KB, 600x494, reverse asshology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot here call them chinks and gooks. So obviously if you neg them more and use even more racial slurs to destroy their self esteem, they'll eventually come over.

>> No.4967643

Nobody was talking about racism until you racist made it a big deal. Now fuck off nigger.

>> No.4968627
File: 87 KB, 807x1077, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's literally 3am and here i am on biz

>> No.4968656

>gaijin kuk

not biting the bait

>> No.4968672
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>those nails

>> No.4968699

How much MONA do you have?

>> No.4968722

please be in tokyo

>> No.4968734

how many neo for you to be my gf

>> No.4968743
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Why didn't you write it in kanji and is that a kotatsu?

>> No.4968790
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>> No.4968926
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how do I meet girls like you irl!? Every girl on tinder/bumble/cmb are basic bitches. I want to date someone that has actual fucking hobbies besides partying with her sorority and if she likes reddit/4chan like I do that'd be swell

Tl;dr where the fuck yall at???

>> No.4968978

implying this trap is even cute

>> No.4968993

How many MONA to be my girlfriend?

>> No.4969028


>> No.4969049

Show benis open bob

>> No.4969061

Learn korean/Japanese get on live.me app go to korean/Japanese section tell them you will give them all the diamonds if they post here. Lots of kawaii chicks on there, but careful some are only like 12

>> No.4969082
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>but careful some are only like 12

>> No.4969108

kys rice plower

>> No.4969128

i had only 100, but sold last week
but you need those neo anon
i am
yes, it's very cold outside
こんばんは is written in hiragana

>> No.4969168

She's white for sure. I live in Tokyo and the number of absolutely dog faced white girls who try their best to be kawaii as fuck almost outnumber the number of creepy white guys. It makes you lose faith in humanity.

>> No.4969206
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>> No.4969233

you guys are pathetic

>> No.4969271
File: 10 KB, 900x900, 1500852610011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you nip? I hope you're not some white weeb. Only Asian qties allowed here.

>> No.4969391

if i was some rich weeb, i wouldn't be lurking on biz i guess

>> No.4969412
File: 161 KB, 573x430, 1503854126797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.4969435

Show blockfolio

>> No.4969442

say what? I'm here

>> No.4969503

>she ignores your question

epic, just like in real life :*)

>> No.4969574

seems like she really was a real grill

>> No.4969698

don't use it
i mainly trade btc/jpy
i just had an impression, that foreigners who came here because of anime/manga/jfashion already made it in some way, so they are not very interested in crypto
umm i think there a lot of good people out there, so idk i don't judge people by their social media choices etc

>> No.4969729


>> No.4969844


Uh, even if i had millions of dollars i would still come here from time to time because i'm a legit autist. I'm not a weeb tho.

How's the crypto scene in Japan? Is it something that is already normal and all people talk about it?

>> No.4970032

i had never discussed crypto with people i know, but btc is mentioned in variety shows/news sometimes
i think it became normal after crypto was legalized, but taxes are still very high

>> No.4970421

I hear they like rich boys who are good at League of legends. Only if their parents approve ofc.

>> No.4970476

>asking to show blockfolio instead of tits
/biz/ is full of absolute madmen

>> No.4970546
File: 840 KB, 1000x1333, grey-alien-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asians and whites begrudgingly accept each other as the only two species of human with the ability to at least act civil on average. the other species of human are retarded and we all know it. no better than apes. Asians are probably superior to even whites which is why in the future humanity looks like <pic> as they are the Asians from the future. The Japanese are the eternal tourists and they come back to sightsee. The reason they look like that is because they evolved alone for thousands of years after the rest of humanity interbred itself back to the stone age and accidentally nuked itself. Think idiocracy except it didn't affect Japan.
t. White boy.

>> No.4970648

We can work with them, but they are ant people and you should never forget that.

Also they have slightly higher IQs, but they kind of suck at innovation in comparison so I dunno, it kind of balances out.

>> No.4970724


perhaps because every time a grill posts people treat the girl and everyanon who is nice to the girl like shit

>> No.4970779

There's been an influx of girls on /biz/ in the last few days. The ark redhead is the most notable example.

>> No.4970850
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>> No.4970852
File: 133 KB, 736x981, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't japan have legalized crypto to some extent, like you can pay taxes with it and so forth? It must be like living in a futurist wonderland

>> No.4970879

Because they're dumb sluts.

>> No.4970885

Agreed. Being angry and pissed off is no way to go through life at women. I've done it before and it just made me more miserable.

>> No.4970898

How long before one of the crypto millionaires makes cyberpunk real?

>> No.4970909
File: 211 KB, 1113x961, howaito piggu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How high? I thought it would be reasonable in nippon.

t. curious

>> No.4970985

do people use any crypto to purchase anything retail wise in japan? im moving to kyoto next year for school and I saw there is only one BTC atm in osaka,none in kyoto. I wanted to withdraw some btc into JPY when I arrive

>> No.4971048

it is real fag

>> No.4971133

>paying taxes on crypto