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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4966699 No.4966699 [Reply] [Original]

You guys ready for tomorrow?

>> No.4966715

How do you know it'll be tomorrow?

>> No.4966722

Wanted to buy in but it’s too late :(

>> No.4966731

NO Fucking delay launch till over 2 days.


>> No.4966765

It's not too late, it's actually kind of dipping right now.

>> No.4966807

>it's too late for a project whose true value if adopted for usage (which is likely given there are no credible competitors for many problems it solves) is potentially 10-100bn, because it reached 100m.

Yeah dude it's too late. I'm sorry, you lost the train.

>> No.4966916


fuck I knew it :(

>> No.4966949

what is tomorrow? xD

>> No.4966951

We're about going back up lads. Join us!

>> No.4967188

Tomorrow? It's going to happen tonight.

>> No.4967209

it happens now

>> No.4967225

wt the fuck y tomorrow ?

>> No.4967249

Not yet, there is a million REQ sell wall.

>> No.4967261


>> No.4967288
File: 220 KB, 1355x988, REQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you in space, anon

>> No.4967295


> New to crypto coin
> Saw a lot of people a few weeks ago were saying they believed REQ would do well in 2018, no shilling just seemed to be a consistent opinion
> Decided to go all in

/biz/ I fucking love you guys

>> No.4967505


There’s literally two or more orders of magnitude growth potential in this.

In the end, the size of your bags will matter more than the initial price.

There won’t be many 1000x moon missions left.

>> No.4967531

Where are you all storying REQ?

>> No.4967549 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 609x343, not the soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes alot of people have been getting on the train this week
choo choo !!
>if your not already in the discord
>large up coming alt pumps



>> No.4967595

Country flags please

>> No.4967680


Binance mostly. Though you can configure a Ledger Nano to take REQ.

>> No.4967690


hardware wallet like ledger nano s. you should 100% absolutely own one if you hold crypto.

>> No.4967699


>> No.4967782

REQ is going to .22 today or tomorrow, meme lines dont lie

>> No.4967814 [DELETED] 

might wanna figure out how to make some real money here discord.gg/dwBNmtD

>> No.4967826

Trips of Doom.

>> No.4967869
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It hasnt even started. Dont sell any before $1

>> No.4967885



>> No.4967954 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 480x360, aw shit nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQ will hit large gainz in 2018


>> No.4968054

It's over...

"...ING does not associate with the Request Network or the team behind it, due to the dubiousness of their fundraising methods. All communications with the team and any of their affiliated projects have been seized."

>> No.4968144

you're fake news

>> No.4968147

Stop the FUD, they have the support of ING but ING isn't allowed to support ICO based coins legally and officially.

REQ is accelerated by YCombinator that's all u need to know. Seriously.

>> No.4968177
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Your discord group shouldn't have fucked with me so viciously in my anonymous discussion threads last night about Mana and BTG. When you do these things, I will quietly back away, then sit and watch and wait. When I see a chink in your armor, I will move in quickly for the kill. I will, quite Literally, Destroy You, and All with You. good Day.

>> No.4968247

Happened to me with AntShares now NEO, got in at $5 thanks to incessant /biz/ shilling. If you see a lot of something on here like LINK, REQ, IOTA, ETH you fuckin buy it

>> No.4968275

Anon, never EVER do that again. You might get lucky (and I do own a lot of REQ as well), but NEVER EVER go all in.

Apart from the blue-chips, no coins should make up more than 10 - 20% of your portfolio.

>> No.4968300

Worked for me with NEO, I literally put in $1000 of my savings because I had faith

>> No.4968324
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>mfw 100% into REQ with 200k coins
risky? yes. stupid? yes.

>> No.4968460

Guys plz answer do you need to register erc20 tokens like req and link even if u bought them on binance ? I'm holding lots of both and some sites are saying your tokens get vaporized June 2018 if u don't register.

>> No.4968544
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i go 50/50 in two coins, i like to live dangerously.

>> No.4968623

TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4968661
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>> No.4968688


Most of your post is solid advice, except for the fact that you should have a significant holding in either BTC or ETH so you can get out as quick as possible should shit hit the fan.

>> No.4968694

Should I buy this shit?
It's not just chainlink again right?

>> No.4968762

Seriously, just hold this to atleast 20x, dont sell a single one before that

>> No.4968798

Chainlink has been shit for months anon. Meanwhile REQ is still only just beginning.

>> No.4968799

This shit is going to dip hard at some point between now and the beta release, I wouldn't touch it right now.

>> No.4968823

Fuck off guys. If i just held LTC or BTW i would have made twice the gainz. Ive never held an alt while it mooned. I hate you all and your ability to manipulate my emotions.

>> No.4968893

Drop Iota for REQ? Thoughts?

>> No.4968907

Link is another rocket waiting for launch. REQ, as well as many other projects in crypto, won't be able to fully develop if ChainLink doesn't succeed. LINK will be huge. Just a matter of time.

Lol no. Nobody is going to risk their position when the release can be at any moment. I do think a dump after the testnet is inminent... If the thing is absolutely underwhelming. Anything different and this goes $0.25 minimum.

>> No.4968928

This will dip again soon.

>> No.4968986

I sure fucking hope so. Planning on buying 1k when it does.

>> No.4968996


>> No.4969024

You already missed the dip

>> No.4969043

I hold 20k of this and hope that one day it will moon but there are a lot of ups and downs to go yet. This is all still in its infancy and a lot could go wrong. If your wanting to buy in wait and see how they do with the testnet. It might dip after that..

>> No.4969077

already made 4.5k go to 18.5k with req. plan on holding for a long time.

>> No.4969109

Me too

>> No.4969143

the dip already occurred idiots. It touched 16 cents this morning. Now we're off to 25 cents

>> No.4969146

Hope you meant 10k

>> No.4969170

Hell to the fucking no its dipping back to these levels after testnet. Atleast 2x after testnet

>> No.4969177
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Ok bro

>> No.4969189
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>> No.4969218

Why are you waiting for a dip if 1k is all you're going to buy? You're only saving like 30 dollars, chump change if you want to make it here.

>> No.4969245


>> No.4969258
File: 28 KB, 627x594, upyLalR_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what request needs 30 million for? It's already on bitexplorer.

>> No.4969262
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>> No.4969263

Newfag here. Planning to buy req. Is it too late already?

>> No.4969265

because im tight as fuck

>> No.4969268
File: 18 KB, 300x168, IMG_0662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we moonin soon

>> No.4969276


tell us what ICO you invested in

>> No.4969294

>a coin that could be one of the biggest moon missions in crypto
>still below 20 cents
yeah too late bud :^)

>> No.4969304

no. buy and hold until at least q2 2018. don't get weak hands

>> No.4969307


I bought 500k ICO and I just dropped another 60 eth on it at 17 cents. No.

>> No.4969317

Cmon bro, without sarcasm. I am really new in this shit

>> No.4969333

Vertcoin in 2015.

>> No.4969337

id still buy without a doubt

>> No.4969351

You're still early, but there isn't much time anon. Things can go really fast with low marketcap coins.

>> No.4969358

Req will reach $1 before they even have their first major customer. I think most of us understand this by now.

But this will literally be a Crypto Ponzi scheme once token burning takes place... people don't fully understand the exponential financial benefits of such an action.
Tokens can reach $5-$10+ and still maintain a healty/steady market cap

>> No.4969372


it's by far not too late.

>> No.4969376


things were different then. 30m is now the standard. If you've bought a coin that was released in the last 6 months then you seem to be ok with them raising 30m+ for ICO

>> No.4969414

Redpill me a little bit. How much should i buy if i am bot poorfag and newfag?

>> No.4969430

go all in

>> No.4969431

Where can I even buy REQ?

>> No.4969445

>Ponzi scheme
>with a working product that works without the Ponzi
truly the god coin

>> No.4969446
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>only btc to usd
Have you read the REQ whitepaper?

>> No.4969456

The idea is nice, but it's still a niche market. People can directly pay with their coin of choice just fine.

>> No.4969458


>> No.4969473

I am pussyfag too

>> No.4969477


you don't even understand what the platform is, do you?

>> No.4969489

Nah, converting between currencies is usually either a pain in the ass or charges a fee

>> No.4969496



>> No.4969532

It's literally a helper that lets you
a) pay in a crypto the same way as simply copy-pasting the receiver address and inputting the sum
b) get payment requests for random shit, again, just the same as receiving a simple SMS or something containing the receiver address and amount to pay

It's nice, but hardly as revolutionary as it's made out to be for the last 2 days

>> No.4969546

crypto isn't for you then. not because you won't go all in, but because you're afraid of taking risks. if i were you, i'd just invest whatever you would feel comfortable losing and hold that for 6+ months. just consider the cash as good as gone. if it works out, great. if not, oh well it wasn't that much money. or consider safer investments

>> No.4969551

Nice bait. 7/20 points

>> No.4969576

Scrolled down and it clearly wasn't a bait. You are at the lower end when it comes to IQ distribution.

>> No.4969588

have a read


>> No.4969589

Yeah which is why I passed on REQ when it was under 10 cents. Wtf does it actually do that cant be done easily already?

>> No.4969590

the thing is normies need helpers cause they're lazy
this shit will work wonders for them

>> No.4969600

I mean i am ready to lose some sheikels, but not everything obviosly
I said above that i am newfag in crypto
Just asking for advice.

>> No.4969610

Tell me what I'm missing. And don't hide behind DYOR.

>> No.4969624

1. buy REQ on exchange
2. Send REQ to MEW.
3. Wait until Q2 2018
4. Buy a couple of lambos

>> No.4969643

Or just hold on EtherDelta r-right?

>> No.4969656

put at least something into REQ so you don't regret not doing it down the road

>> No.4969669

Yes I didn't deny that it's nice.

Yeah, I certainly don't get the masturbation over it. Most people here don't even seem to know what it does. If they did they would be able to explain what I'm missing, but they can't

>> No.4969671

Goddamint I am going full meme coins fagots.

First Chainlink now this fucking thing.

>> No.4969673

Read the white paper before you spout off.

You can pay in ANY currency on earth. This isn't some crypto only shit. ALL currencies will be transacted over the blockchain quickly, cheaply, and with no middle man.

There are also many other applications other than just payment requests. Accounting, auditing, invoicing...

>> No.4969676


do you grasp the concept of continuous payments?

do you grasp the implications of an oracalized escrow system for buyers/sellers (the most horrendous aspect of paypal)?

>> No.4969695

How much REQ do you rec?

>> No.4969711

I bought 20 bucks in Req, am I wasting my time?

>> No.4969712

bought 2500 req.
lets see if i double my 400 bucks

>> No.4969723

at least 10k if you wanna make it

>> No.4969724

He just gave you solid advice. Invest what you can afford to lose. But really think about it. If $500 is all you got, then that's all you got. But if you only have $500 because you want to buy the new Cuckbox 360 X S Plus 4k and buy your girlfriend a promise ring for your 3 month anniversary, then this game isnt for you. You already lost.

Make your girl a nice dinner and lay the pipe like a hero. Go to the gym instead of playing video games. And go...All. Fucking. In.

Be a Chad. Not some cuck who uses newfag and poorfag and pussyfag to describe himself. Be a winner. Opportunities like REQ don't come around all the time.

>> No.4969725

Where in the whitepaper does it say that it does free conversions?

These are good points. But fairly niche still, any provider can easily implement those in-house. I was focusing on the main functionality of REQ.

>> No.4969745

i have 1500 in iota still ;/ was a nice 2x and waiting so see if it go's higher

>> No.4969748

just don't freak out if it dips below your buy point. this coin is going places in 2018

>> No.4969750

>hold on etherdelta
please be trolling

>> No.4969758

>Use cases:
>Billions of invoices are shared each year between companies, with most of them still being sent in paper and
email format, which have to be copied. This results in a large number of errors, particularly when advanced
payment or tax rules are applied.
With Request, companies can share these bills directly via the ledger; there will be no more duplication,
as accounting systems will be immediately plugged in and updated.

>Request allows the
digitization of accounting systems
, where one currently spends time
to duplicate efforts through repetitive documentation and frequent checks. These manual tasks can now be
automated. Request will transform the role of a CPA into consulting and support activities. This system
leaves more time for value-added tasks, such as analysis, estimation and strategy.

>With Request, audits become a simple algorithmic check, thanks to the immutability of the system. In
comparison, in 2014, Microsoft paid $46.2 million in audit fees to Deloitte
. Similarly, Bank of America paid
nearly $100 million. In total, the 100 biggest companies in the United States paid $2.5 billion in audit fees.
Henceforth, audits will be carried out in real time
. Let’s call them Smart Audits
. Blockchain auditing
solutions (”smart audits”) will likely become a reliable and inexpensive alternative to today’s manual audits.

>With Request, expense reports are easily shared between employees and businesses, without getting lost
or altered. A system of expense management will allow employees to select and send, in real time, their
professional expenses to their manager, who can accept and refund them when ready.

This is bigger than just paying for shit online using crypto. Stay poor though.

>> No.4969791

i have a total of 2k in crypto so i thought i had to little to diversify. was just looking to find a few 50% or 2x's to get up to 10k so i can get some eth for long term hold

>> No.4969805

Who said free conversions? Cheaper and faster is what I said.

>> No.4969808

>hurr hurr duurr

>> No.4969824

dont be that guy anon. take your profits and roll them into something that will give you exponential gains. IOTA mooned but that's in the past. Hype is gone and growth will be limited. REQ is 10x bound

>> No.4969825

Nice sum up. And that's not even a shill copy pasta.

You can thank this guy, that he spoonfeeds you.

I understand that you cannot comprehend a payment network. Even REQ shillers only think in one "tiny" use case and that's PayPal 2.0

>> No.4969856

10x on what term? i dont reall ycare for 10x right now. i need to find a few 2x's before i can put it in a long term hold.
y i almost bought req at 9 cents last week but thats then.

>> No.4969877

>invoice sharing
Can't accounting companies can do this right now? I expect most of it to be in digital format already.

> With Request, audits become a simple algorithmic check, thanks to the immutability of the system.
This one actually is a good point

>With Request, expense reports are easily shared between employees and businesses, without getting lost
Sounds like email all over again

I didn't see a mention about conversions at all when I skimmed the white paper.

>> No.4969884



>> No.4969910

You will be a millionaire if you have hands of steel.

>> No.4969939
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>> No.4969940

I have some 8k REQ already, just for shits and giggles because it seemed like a convenient and undervalued platform a month back, but I think this current shilling is blown out of proportion

>> No.4969949


Request will be currency agnostic so it doesn't matter at all how you pay, aslong as a REQ fee is paid for the transaction you can send ETH and the other party could receive $.
I could create a Request and send it to you for $5 - you could pay in crypto, the oracle would convert that to $ and then sent to me.

FIAT > Crypto and vice verse is something on the roadmap. It'll work with Oracles that would handle the conversions (same as a Bitcoin oracle) - CC fees still need to be considered.
When you click the Pay with Request button you'll be promted to choose your payment method e.g. ETH, FIAT etc Crypto payments will automatically be handled with Kyber / Oracles and the FIAT payments will get handled with an Oracle too, there is also a possibility to have tokenized versions of each currency too.

quoted directly from the team

>> No.4969967

double dip man, learned my lesson from XLM.

I'll get this shit when it goes back down to .10 each.

>> No.4969995
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lowest it will ever go any time soon is 12-13 cents

>> No.4970002

Shit, isn't that the killer feature? How come they barely even mention it in the white paper and the website?

>> No.4970026
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>> No.4970051
File: 95 KB, 1078x510, REQ'D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scam Trips of Doom. You got a bump out of your world record shilling threads in which to dump your bags on fools. It's over. Price dropping, volume dropping .get out while you can. I haven't seen this much scam shilling since The Top of Link.

>> No.4970061
File: 92 KB, 400x482, 1488180211605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw literally dropped REQ at 0.13 cents for IOTA

>> No.4970104

Because a whitepaper is a whitepaper? Gives you an overview about the project. If you wanna dig deeper, read the blogs, read payment plattform, do a competition analysis, check vitaliks blog post about the burning mechanism, check out payment plattforms overall. There is ton of research you can do.

>> No.4970121

Yes, dropping the coin that's about to get huge news for the coin that just mooned is surely a good move.

>> No.4970137

just bought 800

hype as fug

>> No.4970145

What bags are you talking about anon, i've only been making money with this thing.

>> No.4970185

Huh, I was clearly mistaken about this then. It's baffling that they don't highlight inter-currency as their core feature.

>> No.4970319
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What the fuck you people even thinking selling your req right before test net launch
I do not understand it all like do you not put any thpughts into your trades?
Fucking hell

>> No.4970344

$1000 EOY 2018
Screencap this

>> No.4970347
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1509036846422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everything goes in REQ's favour what will it be priced at in say, 5 years time?

>> No.4970359

plz dont bully

>> No.4970374
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worked well for raiden

>> No.4970383

I'll look for you telling stories in next weeks REQ thread about how you almost bought at 19 cents

>> No.4970391

>almost at $0.20

dip pls

>> No.4970392

I think you Boyos are going to have to find something else to pump before the 22nd, the planned end of this coin pump. Judging by The Pattern of this particular pump group, this thing is running out of steam. In about 40 minutes will be the third and final dump of the day, incrementally steeper than the last two. Then, it's downhill from there. You are forming the second shoulder of a head and shoulder formation in both price and volume.

>> No.4970401

req may go up in the long term, but this is getting shilled hard on the dump of a pump. Better to wait

>> No.4970407

anyone else having trouble logging into binance? The login page is not redirecting to 2fa page after i clicked login.

>> No.4970474

that 463k sell wall at 1135 sats

>> No.4970494

>req is raide

Req has been heavily undervalued for weeks

>> No.4970497
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How do I get in on this?
I am totally unaware about cryptocurrencies or even stocks for that matter, I have no understanding of wallets and storage and keys. Apparently I cannot buy this with cash.

I smell opportunity though. If I am correct, Its market cap has more than doubled over the past week alone. It' on an upward Trend.

How do I get a hold of some? Pls dnt bully.

>> No.4970501

nvm refreshed a few times and it worked

>> No.4970512

It's literally on the home page. Sadly no one reads, and just assumes that REQ will be used to request crypto payments.

>> No.4970526

$50-$200 depending on adoption

>> No.4970529

dumb money is here boys, dump on them and run away

>> No.4970534

DYOR ffs

>> No.4970543

But i bought at 700 satoshi anon.

>> No.4970551

buy etherium on coinable (credit card) transfer to finance, buy req on binance

>> No.4970557

Buy Bitcoin on Coinbase and transfer to binance. Then you buy REQ with BTC. Only place you can get it right now.

Or I'll sell you 5k for a .5 BTC if you don't want to go through an exchange.

>> No.4970568

Fake scrub is obvious.

>> No.4970577
File: 353 KB, 1275x1650, iwrequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy and hold REQ until at least february.

>> No.4970586

I wish.

>> No.4970587

I really am ignorant about this stuff.

>> No.4970592

Well, then you can afford to hold until the next pump and dump in 2 weeks, and hopefully it ends slightly higher than this incoming dump.

>> No.4970620

>Or I'll sell you 5k for a .5 BTC if you don't want to go through an exchange.
god speed you magnificent bastard

>> No.4970655



>> No.4970667

Where do you guys store REQ? Do you just leave it on the exchange?

>> No.4970696

if you leave on binance make sure to have 2FA enabled

but the smart and highly recommended thing to do is store it on a hardware wallet like the ledger nano s or a trezor.

>> No.4970712

I have it in MEW

>> No.4970761

Will 100k REQ make me king of pajeets in 1 year?

>> No.4970766

bought 150k, and buying more monthly, if this goes to even $10, ill never have to work for the rest of my fucking life

>> No.4970798

I used MEW to generate my main eth wallet
if the price keeps increasing I might split up my REQ and keep it in different addresses

>> No.4970809

Wish I had this much. Feel poor with 20k

>> No.4970869

m8 I have 1k

>> No.4970880


>> No.4970882

keep buying

>> No.4970935

3k here
waiting for gemini to confirm my identity so i can buy more

>> No.4970941

Only a limit I can afford San wagecucking

>> No.4970982

i took a second job to buy crypto

>> No.4971032

Are you autistic? This is the most dedicated LARP I've ever seen

>> No.4971044

Your crazy bro. If I can get to 40 or 50k if be happy with that and just HODL

>> No.4971111

what LARP mean in this context

>> No.4971147

Live action role play. Guy keeps pretending to be an veteran who lives in alaska, where he claims holds the greatest crypto purchasing power in the world.

>> No.4971175

only option is to believe him

>> No.4971182

AAAaaand here comes your dump.

>> No.4971237

Alright faggots I FOMO'd into this... Think there's some correction due? Looks like 950sat is a good number....

>> No.4971282



>> No.4971320


>> No.4971335

yeah likely but who cares, just keep buying

>> No.4971347

good....good....now i can buy in

>> No.4971351

Bitcoin is surging hard yet again. Everything is about to go red.

>> No.4971373

Not a Vet. Semi Retired Contractor. Vets have their own Glory, which I am claiming no part of. It is your collective assumption that I am a Vet. Once again, I am not.

>> No.4971415

Some wale try to make volume for next pump?

>> No.4971431

Yup but waiting for a good entry point before I purchase in. My ETH is sitting on Binance right now just waiting.

>> No.4971802

When will we hit $1/REQ?

>> No.4971900


>> No.4971948

Im in for 40% of my bankroll, should I just throw it all in REQ?

>> No.4971957


>> No.4971976

same here niggers, what's your entry point?

>> No.4971992

my entry point was below ICO

>> No.4972037

6c cant remember how many satoshis....
Holding this one long time

>> No.4972059

if youre waiting for a dip you may be waiting a while

>> No.4972069

Up over 60% this past week. Some correction is due. 850-950sat looks reasonable but with the testnet release being any day now this shit could just be starting up...

Are we still at BUY RUMORS???

>> No.4972248
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Rundown plz. Why tomorrow or tonight? I have serious cash in REQ, so that'd be awesome. But why.

>> No.4972259

Thats like 2011 request a payment. Requests will provide recurring billing, bullet proof accounting, oracles and lambos. If you think blockchain.info and btc's stupidly slow transaction times and high fees are bleeding edge then you should move back to the 1800's

Machine to machine payments are about to be a huge thing too. Don't miss the boat anon.

>> No.4972306

Wednesday before noon

>> No.4972336



>> No.4972443

Will we ever pass this 0.0004ETH sell wall?

>> No.4972563

yeah, after it dips to .00037


>> No.4972601

if we ever reached that point, interest would peak, sparking increased number of buyers that are currently dormant or will be late to moon party

>> No.4972678
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Lmao at poor faggots. big boi 21k reporting in

>> No.4972726

Big rush of small buyers on the dip lads! Get in now!

>> No.4972800
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>> No.4972844

Thoughts on IOTA?

They claim to solve issues with the blockchain by implementing transaction approval into new transactions. No fees and no blockchain.

Is the technology really worth considering, or will they never replace the blockchain?

>> No.4972960
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It's not that I'm poor it's just that coinbase has those fucking limits and it takes days for a fucking transfer! Fuck the fucking limits! WHY ARE THEIR LIMITS!!! It's fucking me over yes I mad

>> No.4972988

this, fuck coinbase and bitpanda

>> No.4973245

Lol 21k, i trzded Some shit and just got a free 26k of req,

Stay poor you noob

>> No.4973363
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For real. Really sucks for me because I can't use bitpanda in my geolocation.

>> No.4973388

fuck this sell wall dude

>> No.4973392


>tfw 10k shit-smeared peasant

>> No.4973548
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bought a lot, lets hope you are right guys

>> No.4973619

What's a lot? 10k? No that is clearly not a lot. So chill.

>> No.4973728

whats a good desktop wallet? I can't tell if they hold all currencies or just bitcoin

>> No.4973768
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fuck off pnd group please.

>> No.4973787

>transaction approval
>no blockchain

so paypal/venmo/square cash/chase quickpay? sounds innovative.

>> No.4973794

Exodus is a good one if you want something that holds a bunch of different cryptos. If you wanna store REQ though you'll have to use MyEtherWallet, which is done through a browser.

>> No.4973809

lol another all inner here. Used to have a diversified portfolio. Realised that shit is kinda useless in crypto. It pretty much all goes up or down together, apart from BTC. This isn't really like stocks. You gotta pull the trigger and risk it to make it. At $1 I'm a millionaire.

>> No.4973839

will myetherwallet hold dragon chain?

>> No.4973891

dont know senpai, you can add custom tokens to it tho so probably

>> No.4973932

Oh my /biz/... You sure love your coins with whitepapers with less than 30 pages.

Jesus. REQ and Skycoin, two coins I see here are both PnD's waiting to happen. I could've wrote the whitepage in a week.

>> No.4973953

this desu
With 500usd to spare you can't make serious money with diversified portfolio unless you spend 14h a day ready to trade and read charts and whatnot.

>> No.4973985

Wtf is Skycoin? Nice try pajeet.

>He cannot comprehend a payment network. Poor guy.

>> No.4974005

What does x100 mean from the current price? I’m a nooob - don’t be mad!

>> No.4974015

140k req reporting.
If it's not 1bn before EOY I'll be surprised.

All it needs to moon is awareness of what it's trying to do.

>> No.4974027

Bitcoin's white paper is 8 pages.

A long whitepaper is a bad fucking sign.

>> No.4974059

Can you elaborate?

>> No.4974106


Did you ever go to schools nigga?

>> No.4974139

reqs yellowpaper is where its at
100 * the price

>> No.4974144

Buy the rumor, sell the news, newfag.

>> No.4974175

Thank you, anon!

>> No.4974199

Fuck you, racist pice of shit whit trash

>> No.4974234

Don't help this retarded nigger! let Darwinism take it's course...

>> No.4974241


>> No.4974258

I’ve got another 300 euro in Ethereum but haven’t touched it.
leave or turn to req?

>> No.4974316

Hahaha! Du dreckiger Hurensohn.

>> No.4974348


Well that is an expected answer from an uneducated nigger

>> No.4974374

nah brah you could turn that into $70 and buy the new call of duty and a 2 liter of mt dew

>> No.4974625
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Nigger get out. Go back too worldstar hip hop

>> No.4974630

Can you dumb cunts stop shilling this amazing coin you ruin fucking everything, delete this

>> No.4974893
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Oh look, a self-hating Germcuck who desperately wants to be replaced by black and Muslim immigrants

>> No.4974967

This is a bad advice.
Go all in don't go at all. That's what this Q3 is showing us all.

>> No.4975802

chinks incoming soon

>> No.4975847

how do you even bitcoin on a xbox?

>> No.4975881

Soooo we mooning again?

>> No.4975904


>> No.4975905

well it started mooning each night around that time

>> No.4975951

I'm getting really nervous, these pumps can't go on forever. I mean the product is good, but the hype is just unreal atm

>> No.4975993


>> No.4976008

xfuel and xby will save you

>> No.4976024

same, it would probably correct hard at testnet release and then grow slowly till mainnet

>> No.4976035

You bought a coin while it was +70%? The problem isn't the coin man. It's your trading skills....

>> No.4976036

The only Altcoin I have invested in right now. Holding 200k at the moment, hopefully it goes beyond 1$. As soon as it hits 0.5, I'm gonna seel couple to invest in other coins (started from 0.04).

>> No.4976100

Look you wanna buy a coin while it's still doing that long flat line before it takes off into the stratosphere. Research new coins, buy at least a month ahead of any releases/major updates, then sit back and enjoy the ride.

I'll even gives you a heads up. Check out ChainTrade and ask yourself if it will make you rich as fuck in 2 years.

>> No.4976187

So what can we expect to see it in a few hours/tonight and tomorrow morning (5 hours for me, have to wage slave to earn crypto money) will it reach 30 cents? or is that extremely optimistic?

>> No.4976198

sorry mr gatekeeper

>> No.4976234


>> No.4976261

Fuck i hope it remains stable or drops somewhat , my cheque doesn't clear til Friday for some reason.

>> No.4976307

Anyone know when this is going to be added on any big exchanges other than binance?
Bittrex, Poloniex, Bitfinex add = easy 2x I think. Many people are starting to become aware of Req and it has reached the point where FOMO can start happening. The biggest bottleneck is lacking exchange support.

>> No.4976337

check out how sharp the incline on that moon was. Not sure if thats a good sign or bad but if it keeps going .30 is a real possibility

>> No.4976370

realistically, when can it hit $1? (if it does) I want to know when I should just accept a final pump and bail. Their website shows a lot of promise for Q1 2018 but also seems overly optimistic and if it's priced in already...

>> No.4976392

It's been fun the last few days to convert my REQ to BTC, watch BTC go up $500, convert back at the top for double the REQ, rinse repeat when BTC goes back down.

>> No.4976450

> BTC goes up $500
> Double profit
> MFW BTC is only $1000

>> No.4976556

Is this gonna go up any more or is it realistic to sell once it goes up a couple more SAT? Bought in at sub-1100

>> No.4976567

I bought IOTA at .80 and it seems to have stalled out now.

Keep it and see what happens? Sell for REQ?

>> No.4976650

iim in same boat

>> No.4976651


You know what I mean. I've been getting hundreds of REQ just for clicking a few times. It adds up.

>> No.4976681

I knew you were German before you even started talking german. Fucking cringe man, please stfu and stop disgracing your country.

>> No.4976691

That's a viable strategy if you're a poorfag then? All i have is a meager 1k Req

>> No.4976807


>> No.4976815

REQ is my favorite long term hold right now, would buy more but I didn't want to miss this BTC train. Planning for BTC to get some more gains this week then move it into REQ while BTC is high. I really hope we see BTC get another pump week before it dumps.

>> No.4976871

Just sold half my stack for MOD guys. Just had to take some profit with the chart as it is and knowing how low YC managed to buy in... Also MOD is looking pretty lit right now, check volume

>> No.4976887

1160 sat a good buy point or should I just wait??

>> No.4976907

Honestly, I wouldn't go all in on Req, hold it yes but it IS an all or nothing coin and it's a long term hold. Daytrading req will fuck you.

>> No.4976926
File: 277 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171211-180231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would just have to put in a lot of work if you don't plan on investing more fiat but it's deffinitely possible. I've been doing the same thing over the last few days.

>> No.4976928

when would be a good selling opp?

>> No.4977023


I am similarly a poorfag but it has been working for me. As soon as btc didn't tank after the futures thing yesterday I converted into it, converted back at 16.5k, made a healthy amount of REQ. I've done this several times and enjoyed my free REQ, just gotta have somewhat decent timing.

Going to do the same with RCN before the 18th when there's supposed to be an announcement and it skies. Lots of good backers on that one too.

>> No.4977063


Just looked into Chaintrade. I’ll reserve $5-600 for it and watch the exchanges.

Looks like a great project with legitimate leadership so far.


>> No.4977078


Right, it takes some vigilance but if you're just sitting around at home it's easy enough to have BTC/USD and REQ/BTC charts open to keep an eye on.

>> No.4977096
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You tell me. I wish I went all in on this but oh well.

>> No.4977140

As a german you cant imagine how hard i actually cringed i think i legit turned red by shame

>> No.4977147

What's it like getting cucked whenever BTC moons or crashes?

>> No.4977346

When BTC is stagnant, my portfolio is amazing. When BTC grows slowly my portfolio does great. WHen BTC moons, some of my coins moon with it. When BTC tanks, I want to die.

>> No.4977374

About to pull the trigger on a $300 buy. Should I do it anons, it's $0.19 right now

>> No.4977393

go for it

>> No.4977409

how much does $300 get u? ... whats the heighest this coin can get?

>> No.4977421

Nobody's here to sell at 0.25 dude, 0.19 is still a good price

>> No.4977422

>ETH shoots up $40
>all eth based tokens drop
>REQ goes up

this shit has a mind of its own. just hold fast.

>> No.4977435


>> No.4977438

it gets you $300 dollars worth?

>> No.4977448
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>> No.4977451

Do you understant that this shit is just a pump/dump?

>> No.4977457

Look at the depth chart first, you'll get a better price if you wait a bit

>> No.4977479

So should I have bought under the yellow line? I figured it wasn't worth it for like 2 more tokens.

>> No.4977492


Pretty high right now, I'd wager there will be a quick dip where you can get more for less, pretty steady all day overall with dips and highs.

>> No.4977520

Eh I gotta sleep now. If I'm in the red tomorrow it doesn't matter I'll be green later.

I'm playing with house money anyway, I've cashed out my initial investment

>> No.4977562

I've got another buy order for ~150 ready @ 0.00001110 if it dips tonight, too low?

>> No.4977589


>> No.4977802

If you're buying for a safe dip, 1100 is fine, 1080 or 1060 'possible'. Seems the floor the last day or two

>> No.4977936

should I dump the rest of my XLM for this

>> No.4978002

XML has done its thing already. But REQ didn't even start it yet, it only starts when testnet launches.

>> No.4978072

Bought ~300 REQ @Binance yesterday, strongly contemplating selling $500 in LTC and buy a few thousand REQ. Yes/No?

>> No.4978160

Sell the LTC, buy REQ with half of the proceeds, keep the other half in Bitcoin or, sigh, fiat. Always have something to show for your wins.

And remember, this game isn't about making money... it's about acquiring more bitcoin

>> No.4978171

Yes. So much yes. LTC is good, so still hold some, but absolutely buy more REQ

>> No.4978413

how much do you have to earn to "make it"?

Personally if this coin hits $4, I believe I made it

>> No.4978590

May be a stupid question but do we know at what starting price it will be listed?

>> No.4978901
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>10k meme