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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4967039 No.4967039 [Reply] [Original]

The fact that this shitcoin goes up 100% while dozens of technologically better alternatives exist out there shows you just how much dumb money there is in crypto.

Fact: if you want your coin to be taken seriously, you have to suffix it with "-coin," "-cash," or something else that sounds professional. Wtf is an Iota, a Cardano, or a "Stellar Lumen?"

>> No.4967072

It’s on coinbase that’s why. Your logic doesn’t apply to ether the past year

>> No.4967082

LTC is basically a upgraded Bitcoin created in 2011
it's pretty decent especially compare to the flood of shitcoin shilled here 24/7

>> No.4967085
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I'm mining LTC right now, so I know the technology works.

Can't mine LINK or IOTA so I have way to prove its not just World of Warcraft money (which probably has more value because I can buy virtual pixels with that).

>> No.4967093
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Meh, it's still an improvement over Bitcoin. I only paid $0.03 transaction fee to send it from Coinbase to my private wallet.

>> No.4967101

you have to realize that this is the betamax/vhs of our era

>> No.4967915
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No one cares about technology.

Otherwise, BTC would be worthless.

>> No.4968028

Yes, but the tradeoff is that it's less secure unless you wait for like 24 confirmations.

>> No.4968037

This guy will make it, only thing that matters is how much money it will make you.

>> No.4968083

It had the first lightning network implementation and got segwit before bitcoin it's a bitcoin test bed and its been around long enough to be trusted.

Also it was very stable a few months ago during a few crashes when everyone was posting pink wojaks

>> No.4968091

I can wait for 6 and it goes through

>> No.4968244

Exactly I've just recently realized this. Getting on decent projects very early isn't really that beneficial when overall mcap is flooded with new money. Still I don't sleep well keeping loads of money in name coins which I don't believe in and know of better alternatives for them

>> No.4968308

uh, that's not because it's technologically better, it's because the network simply doesn't have enough traffic. that's like saying having a short lineup at a restaurant is a positive thing, problem is, it's because nobody wants to eat there.

>> No.4968388

>the absolute state of this retarded fucking board

>> No.4968499

How so? Mine says it took 9 confirmations, how is it less safe?

>> No.4968531 [DELETED] 

litecoin is going nowhere
shillcord here get in if your not
Large alt pumps


>> No.4968542


i want everyone to take a step back and just imagine how different their lives would be if their brains were as tiny as this posters right here

>> No.4968566 [DELETED] 

you can make real money if you follow the crowd discord.gg/dwBNmtD

>> No.4968648

Litecoin has a block speed of 2.5 minutes, so at an equal hash rate it will always be 4x easier to mine a LTC block than a btc block. You could theoretically fake transactions if you can mine 6 blocks in a row (AFAIK it happened once for btc), and this is always a lot easier for LTC.

It's a good tradeoff for small transactions though.

>> No.4968663


fuck you dude Litecoin is better than all other shitcoins. Fast transaction times and low as fuck fees. How can shitcoins even compete?

>> No.4968675

>bought 18 a week ago
>portfolio was at 3.6k
>now at a comfy 6.3

top jej we mirror lads now

>> No.4968686

shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill

>> No.4968709

>Fact: if you want your coin to be taken seriously, you have to suffix it with "-coin," "-cash," or something else that sounds professional. Wtf is an Iota, a Cardano, or a "Stellar Lumen?"
lmao this is too true, OP.

>> No.4968726
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get them ready. christmas came early

>> No.4968736

See you at $200 boys. Next stop Pluto

>> No.4968779
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Everythings gonna be alright anon, we've all made shitty investments. HeY at teh very least you can still buy in on litecoin

>> No.4968830

if 1/5 of bitcoin users convert to litecoin then it's gonna be a huge payday for earlier adopter. face the msuic

>> No.4968863

tfw sold 66% of my ltc 4 days ago

i want to die

>> No.4968894

buyback @ 201

>> No.4968916

Pssssst you made a good choice, shh don't tell anyone

>> No.4968972

My dumbass fingers slipped and I sold all my LTC at 190 rather than half.

It's now at like 198.

Should I just put a limit buy in at around 190 to replace 50% of my coins or is the only way up from here? Should I just bite the bullet and lose like 8 dollars a coin?

>> No.4968982
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>> No.4969000

Wait until 250

>> No.4969010

so many dips you'll find a right moment but it won't matter all that much when it reachers 250 by end of the year.

>> No.4969012

>I'm mining LTC right now, so I know the technology works.

>I'm playing World of Warcraft so I know how C++ works

>> No.4969021

desu I'd still be in profit at 250 but I'm salty I'm such a careless fathead

>> No.4969048

fuck u i was forced to sell at 150

>> No.4969112

Forced? Why?

>> No.4969151

>tfw sold some btc at $15000 yesterday
>sold some LTC at $150

Shit blows.

>> No.4969160
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Pajeet hates LTC because it it is widely distributed and widely owned
He can't get together with his fellow street shitters and shill it for a pump and dump.
Pajeet is no whale.
Furthermore because of his nature he has entirely missed out on big HOLD with BTC ETH and now LTC.
Heck he probably even sold his EOS for quick gains months ago.
He has weak hands even with a small HOLD high risk position.
Lastly he requires newfags.
That is you anon.
You just came in looking for intant gains and dreaming of having the talent to catch falling knives consistently.
Pajeet does not catch knives. He cons newfags into holding just a bit longer then him as he dumps.
And even with this forward knowledge of when exactly the pump starts and when the dump begins he still is not living in LAMBOland.
Yet the newfag thinks he can beat that.
You can't.
There are millionaire nazis here anon
and zero millionaire pajeets.
Time to stop listening to the thugee who only want to rob you and start listening to your Fash brothers who want you strong rich getting laid on the regular and out from under the thumb of the Jews.

>> No.4969180
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It said filled now it just says pending, its been 10 fuckin minutes wtf

>> No.4969202

First mover
Superior tech
Naturally recognized brand
Strong partnerships build on trust and functionality
Crypto when it wasnt cool
From 3 to 200 USD, humble

Late shill
NY Times and Bloomberg, Talmudvision
No working product, not even a wallet
Political belief : cuckold
Kneels before old world ruling class
Clit swinging corporate partnerships
From 3 to 5 USD, chimping out

>> No.4969254

gdax is glitching out?!?! im stuck in pending as well

>> No.4969281

mine just went through but now my USD balance isnt updating

jesus christ this is some jewry if ive seen it

>> No.4969312

whew shit okay it went through

hodling now till we get back down to 160

>> No.4969328


have you looked at the volume of trades? the line at the restaurant is definitely not short

>> No.4969352
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"tecnologically better"

Nobody gives a shit about smart contracts. People just want to do transactions you piece of doodoo.

>> No.4969366

Litecoin is THE dumb money coin.

>> No.4969374

Mine was stuck pending also, network crashing like it did on the 7th during 19K BTC spike. After 15m of "pending" it went through.

>> No.4969379
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order went through but it took a while

coinbase app is shit, gdax is better but i guess its still run by the same people after all. seems like they are having troubles with all the people today.

>> No.4969449


They need to fucking invest in better servers if they wanna compete

>> No.4969457

>"bcash is the real bitcoin"
kek. fuck the cashies

>> No.4969468
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>> No.4969475

He probably had rent.

>> No.4969518

in relative to bitcoin is the context. litecoin is at 66k transactions per 24 hours, bitcoin is at 350k.

both coins have the same problem, scaling. if litecoin ever hits bitcoins popularity it will suffer the same problems as bitcoin like transaction costs and confirmation times. litecoin is no different then bitcoin in the technological sense, it's benefits are the fact that it isn't as popular, thus the faster and cheaper transactions for now.

>> No.4969649

to be fair it'll be slight better than bitcoin at similar levels. which makes it good enough for in every situation compared to the current tech

>> No.4969675

What coin is actually the best for scaling? Monero?

>> No.4969696

Monero is worse than BTC for scaling.

>> No.4969702

Probably Ark desu.

Monero currently has scaling issues but is working to fix them.

>> No.4969709

is this going up any further anytime soon?

>> No.4969713

they are both speculative assets for now, there really isn't a 'need' the faster confirmation or a unclogged mempool. i mean, it helps if you are arbitraging but let's not kid ourselves. bitcoin and litecoin aren't being used for micro transactions right now so the benefits are pretty much non-existent in the real world.

>> No.4969751

monero is one of the worst for scaling at the moment until they have a fix for it. scaling? none of the crypto's have a working product that scales in comparison to visa. there are some that have things in development but none have a true working product yet.

>> No.4969903

>coinbase not allowing litecoin selling right now

Well, that sucks.

>> No.4969984

Coinbase released statement that they were doing maintenance at 10 PT

>> No.4970069

It's tomorrow

>> No.4970242
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>> No.4970270

When is 10pm PT

How many britbongs is that

It's god they're at least trying to stop the exchange shitting the bed anytime more than five people want to sell memecoins.

>> No.4970333

tfw my mistake has made me money with the BTC price going up

Fuck I got lucky

>> No.4970451

Litecoin is technologically superior to all the other coins. The most important thing when evaluating tech for real world use is track record and ltc is one of the oldest and has never had any issues. People have had almost a decade to exploit it but no one has. Even before high fees people were using ltc to transfer between exchanges because it's faster. It's had the most stable price out of any coin which is what you want for a currency.

Advanced smart contracts are not ready, ethereum isn't ready. Is there anything mature and stable for dapps?

>> No.4970493

Everything is times 4 with litecoin. So you can overwrite the bitcoin blockchain if you mine 6 in a row but for litecoin you have to mine 24 in a row. In addition you have to have at least 51% of the mining power so that your chain stays the longest.
So lets just round it to 50%. Chances to score 6 in a row to overwrite bitcoin: 1/2^6th or 1 in 64. Since you have this chance every new block (every ten minutes) time to mine 6 blocks in a row during 51% attack is on average 10 hrs 40 min.
Now litecoin, chances to mine 24 in a row: 1/2^24th or 1/16777216. This probability occurs every block or every 2,5 min so time needed for a succesfull 51% attack is 79,8 years.

This changes off course when you have e.g. 70% of hashing power to just over 9 days.

>> No.4970530

Its dropping on every exchange just as soon as 10 ltc topics crop up

>> No.4970549
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>> No.4970572

Yeah that's why I specifically mentioned unless you wait for 24 confirmations.

>> No.4970612

oops wrong thread

>> No.4970650

You have to think of normies. This guy is right!

Normies won't take your algorithmic currency without it having a name that makes them feel safe...
Actually I get it now! SafeCoin! Im going to be rich!

> $ git clone ssh://shithub.com/m00ney/shitacoin

>> No.4970661

>Nobody gives a shit about ordering books online. People just want to read at the library you piece of doodoo.

>> No.4970846



>> No.4970904

Coinbase up and running

>> No.4970990

Are you retarded or just a shill ? Bitcoin's tech is awful yet it's the undisputed king.

Litecoin is actually one of the few coins right now that could work as a currency.

>> No.4971180


>> No.4971240

I have 6001.99 of lumens. Im HODL 4eva

>> No.4971523


processing 100k tx and up tlo 4B$ wealth per day,
did you call a shitcoin . wich of the your described better coins really work under heavy load?

IOTA just went down again with its stupid central server

>> No.4972133

>be dnotes
>have a dedicated development team
>be around for more than 3 years
>devs that stuck to their promises
>devs that recognize the evolving crypto environment
>have an upgraded version coming out soon
>have a working website and wallet
>have investors that believe in it's long term value and developed a website dedicated to getting more women involved in crypto
>have and education platform to teach newfags the ins and outs of crypto
>have an online vault(wallet) with every single coin deposited backed by secured cold wallet stored backup in case the deposits are stolen
>have various investment and savings vehicles integrated with the vault platform
>have devs that continue to work, develop, and stick with the coin even after it's 99% crash and subsequent delisting from pooloniex
And people unironically call it a shitcoin while shilling shit like ark iota and all the other shitcoins.
All this really shows the absolute insanity of the crypto world and fact that nobody invests in any coins for any reason besides it's the flavor of the month.

>> No.4972285

Lightcoin is unironically better than 90% or the scamcoins, and those have value. So I don't see anything wrong with it being at $200.

>> No.4972359

>Fact: if you want your coin to be taken seriously, you have to suffix it with "-coin," "-cash," or something else that sounds professional. Wtf is an Iota, a Cardano, or a "Stellar Lumen?"
IOTA is literally worth more than Litecoin ya dribbling cunt.

>> No.4972644
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>> No.4973050
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Digibyte maybe? I hope. I really want my 400 Digibytes to take me somewhere other than down. I placed all of my money on that coin in hopes that it would one day reach $1.00 value.

>> No.4973938


we /rich/ bois

>> No.4973980


>> No.4974016

yeah, i especially like the creators plans for "smart refugee centers".

>> No.4974216

it's 100% because it's on coinbase. every idiot I know is buying LTC "because it's cheaper than bitcoin". No other reason. Once they start adding other coins it will drop like a rock as the normies move on to the next thing.

>> No.4974414

>tfw refusing to FOMO bites you repeatedly
Someone stop this coin.