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File: 331 KB, 1440x1801, 147426850_450615859308332_7867392975766109487_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49683015 No.49683015 [Reply] [Original]

You might think you're in a 1 trillion dollar market, but in fact you're in a hundreds of trillions of dollars market.

>> No.49683072

monero thread?

>> No.49683081

get this nigger out of my screen not failing for your bait rabi

>> No.49683193

Already balding

>> No.49683254
File: 23 KB, 500x500, 1645051610389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cryptobros.... how much for a wife like this?

>> No.49683372

27 yrs in prison

>> No.49683446
File: 1.11 MB, 1821x1290, 1643550617271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I buy a hole like this my frens?

>> No.49683472

legal in Japan fren

>> No.49683566

>legal in Japan fren
>japan is about to collapse economically
yes it's all coming together

>> No.49683671

Lmao the whole crypto market is under 950bi now. It's so fucking over

>> No.49685235

sorry but white specimens as these are becoming more and more scarce. made by and reserved for ice dwellers ONLY

>> No.49687465

You forgot the part that all japs look like subhuman monkeys and 1% of fuckable jap women are BWC sluts.

>> No.49687771

wtf is biz the new cunny board?

>> No.49687826
File: 33 KB, 531x531, 1445425871295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ is too much lefty/pol/ subhumans now.

>> No.49687877

>he hasnt seen the feet and icecream thread
Its slowly becoming one

>> No.49688042
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>> No.49688193


>> No.49688311
File: 21 KB, 696x608, 1648227329222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a sara daughter(gf) bros

>> No.49688340

I thought the left was supposed to be the groomers. Are you telling me it's actually the right?

>> No.49688504

Groomers tell cunnies to take hormones and chop their genitals off. Cunnie connoiseurs keep them natty

>> No.49688558

roasties hate lgs because they can't compete
the left also love shitskins and troons who are known for being overly lewd towards lgs
the best way to spot a cvnnychad (who are mostly right wing) is for their wholesome posts

>> No.49688567

So pedophiles are not the groomers.

>> No.49688604

Sergey said that not too long ago

>> No.49688644

the left wants to make children as physically and mentally ill as they are so they can feel better about themselves.
they want to put mentally ill adults first before children.

>> No.49688815

Ah I get it now. The left wants to make children physically and mentally ill so they can make adults feel better about themselves. The right just wants to make children physically and mentally ill so their adults feel better about themselves sexually.

I get it now.

>> No.49689340

the difference is there are very few pedophiles in the world, about the same number as those with other sexual illnesses like trannies or homos, while the need to harm children to coddle adults is a rote requirement for the left.

>> No.49690135

>the difference is there are very few pedophiles in the world
Sounds like cope to side with pedos to me.

>> No.49690289

sounds like you don't actually understand what you're arguing about, which is very typical for your kind.