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49669017 No.49669017 [Reply] [Original]

>Tether confirms Celsius has been liquidated
So Tether leaked the information about Celsius that Celsius was intentionally hiding from its customer base. What are the odds I can get like half my money back, at least?

>> No.49669076
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>> No.49669110

They used your money to move their liq price on their $500M position on makerdao down to 14k. Once they get liq’d, your and everybody elses money will be gone forever and they will declare bankruptcy

>> No.49669165

based celsius reking faggots on a level i could never achieve

>> No.49669187

source ?

>> No.49669215
File: 2.39 MB, 640x360, cool it with the antisemetic remarks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49669253

gone where

>> No.49669263

who's she, she hot

>> No.49669287

>no link
as always OP is a massive faggot

>> No.49669299

Japanese Jpop star "Lee Hyori", former member of the Jpop-Cpop duo "Crayon Pop". She's huge in Thailand. Look her up.

>> No.49669328

they already hired the most sucessfull bankruptcy lawyers on the planet , after they stopped people from withdrawing their own money. I dont think its a secret that they are fucked.

>> No.49669331

thats a man

>> No.49669354

>She's huge in Thailand
Why did you feel the need to mention this?

>> No.49669364


>> No.49669382

What are the odds I get half my money?

>> No.49669434

IU is a nympho

>> No.49669443
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>> No.49669489


>> No.49669494

>Celsius position has been liquidated
>Tether's lending activity with Celsius has always been overcollateralized
This is written in such a confusing way. Is Celsius borrowing money from Tether and Celsius has now been liquidated, or is Tether borrowing from Celsius and was overcollateralized? If it's the latter, then wouldn't Tether also have lost money?

>> No.49669529

It's not your money to get back. Celsius has the keys it is their coins.

>> No.49669545

your moneys gone.
Retail investors/consumers are always the LAST in line to get their money back when a company goes through bankruptcy. The seed investors/other banks who loaned/fronted the company money will get theirs first.

>> No.49669558

I had USDC with them. The whole reason for choosing USDC is to avoid risk of Bitcoin/other crypto price fluctuations. Fucking retards gambled away my money.

>> No.49669646

I have 0.3 BTC in Celsius, kind of forgot it there. Pretty much have it crossed off already but we will see

>> No.49669781

I pulled out $140k exactly 1 day before they stopped withdrawals, on a fucking hunch with no reason, but I still have $68k left in there.

I had about $820k in there a few months ago, my entire life savings, but weirdly enough I pulled out almost all of that to put $250k into LUNA, which is now gone. So losing 250k in LUNA ultimately saved me from Celsius.

Still that's 318k lost in total. I'm down to about 540k now and considering suicide.

>> No.49669798

It's been a rough 2 months.

>> No.49669871

how old are you? that's pretty much the determining factor if you have time to rebuild

>> No.49669941
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>> No.49669949

how do you lose bitcoin with celsius? it generates yield and gives you bitcoin


>> No.49669991

I'm 27

>> No.49670058

This shit is a fucking nightmare.
Given that I'm 27, give it to me straight.

>> No.49670126

Dude you're gonna make it, one more cycle and you'll be laffin

>> No.49670160

540k at 27 your crushing most people your age. You got plenty of cycles to run yet, just learn to take some of your profits next bull run.

>> No.49670200
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>> No.49670204

You see, I pulled out my full 820k at the top, when Bitcoin was about 66k. I then waited around doing nothing but keeping it in Celsius for a year.
I've learned a lot about risk management from all this though. I completely trusted Celsius up until this point.

>> No.49670292

I'm literally sitting at break right now surrounded by people 40+ who have no savings and li e paycheck to paycheck. Literally 5 figs+ under 30 puts you ahead of the majority of people so stop crying nigga.

>> No.49670308

in the metaverse etc

>> No.49670324

IU is fucking bitch. tayeon my queen

>> No.49670342

I already told you that's Lee Hyori from Mumbai

>> No.49670346

Exchanges are the wild west, people who treat them as on and off ramps have the correct mentality.

>> No.49670376

I appreciate the kind words, really I do. I'll pick myself up I guess. I make a decent salary anyway. I was just in a good place for a while but now it feels like I've fallen back down to Earth.

>> No.49670540

Celcius borrowed money from Tether and posted collateral which was over the value of the loan. The loan has now been liquidated and tether no longer has any outstanding liabilities towards Celcius. Celcius also owns some equity in Tether which they still own.

>> No.49670571

Thanks. So more evidence of Celsius going bankrupt. It really is over

>> No.49670928


sucks bro

I too thought I was pretty baller when I pulled my UST from Anchor the day before it got unpegged. Too bad I put all of that UST into Luna instead....

>at least I'm not retarded enough not to be diversified

lost 1/10th or so of my crypto holdings, it was sad because I liked Luna, not so much because of the money - this isn't the first time one of my cryptos has gone to essentially nothing - but then again, I bought bitcoin at $250 and $400 (before and after the first time it hit $1000) and used the later gains to diversify (and take gains. dont forget to take gains, no matter how retarded you are)


>> No.49671043

I want out. I thought I was almost done.

>> No.49671385


bro you're gonna be fine lol

>> No.49671489

I have a wife and kid whose future is basically all this. I'm just glad I didn't lose more of it and I have learned my lesson about not diversifying my son's future, for fuck's sake. Thank you

>> No.49671886

nigga I know people at the top companies in the world who have less in assets than you do at that age
chill out you'll be fine

>> No.49672712

you're good bro , dont worry. it's nothing compared to what you're gonna get in the years to come. My top was 365k, only have 72k left lol and I'm 31