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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49647952 No.49647952 [Reply] [Original]

This will be our board build on the IC.
1000 ICP stake to keep the poorfags out.
Only ICP host Dapps, NFT's, data directly on the blockchain, no other chain can host Dapps from within the blockchain.
Choose wisely, because ICP will expose the chains larping as blockchain.

ICP will melt faces
Don't ever forget that there is a massive conspiracy against ICP, it's the chain that makes other projects obsolete.

>> No.49647983

good morning sir

>> No.49648045


>> No.49648137

sorry, not a fan of italian cheese pizza

>> No.49648174

sounds stupid and smells like curry

>> No.49648182

When will this launch

>> No.49648208

if i stake 1000 for 1-2 years is that good or is it only 8 year gang allowed?

>> No.49648239

looking forward to a required ICP bag limit to keep out the filthy jeets
expect them to piss and moan endlessly about it.

>> No.49648333

1000 ICP stake ensures that it'll have a userbase of like 20 people, in other words irrelevant & dead on arrival. ICP is not fungible and if your identity is tied to a neuron then that's outright dangerous. Devs should consider this

>> No.49648365

For those that aren't up to speed on the tech...

ICP functions EXACTLY like a toilet.
Some have compared it to a rat hole, but that's not exactly correct because it leaves out the "swirling" (called "cycles" in the ICP system) as your money goes away.

Now, some say that literally burning your money is more efficient, but I've yet to see anyone make money on this, so I'm left to consider it as the best system for going poor that exists.
By 2030 there will be no money left on the planet for anyone.
It's that much of a game changer.

>> No.49648397

dev said the limit was a lot lower.
two boards: one for 1-10 icp, the other for 10+
it's a low barrier, but still enough to keep out the curry.

>> No.49648405

>if your identity is tied to a neuron then that's outright dangerous

good point

>> No.49648407

this, get rid of the tiers you fucking morons as non of the richfags will post anyway and i use richfags loosely as 1000 icp isn’t that much

>> No.49648496 [DELETED] 

we're not tieing itbto a neuron. Neuron principals are hashed and a new principal is generated when a dapp authenticates.

>> No.49648563

The Graph also has a -chan running on it.

Are there any other running on other chains I haven't heard about?

>> No.49648610

I'm a proud Icy Pee slurper

>> No.49648757

stake where?

>> No.49648843

localhost:3000 isn't loading anything
icp broke again

>> No.49648951

Its only one or two groups theyre talking about having gated .. now go away you innocent fool

>> No.49649311
File: 134 KB, 1261x895, nft-token-gated-boards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be Plug, Stoic and Ic0 log in options.
With Plug and Stoic you will be able to read-only your ICP and DAB registered NFTs to post in gated boards. Logging in with Ic0 will provide a new principal (for every new URL) so existing neuron/ICP data will not be available to seachan.
When it comes to gating, users will eventually be able to create boards with whatever gating they want (nft/tokens). we plan to open all the default 4chan boards including /biz/ to the general public. Any verified nft creator will be able to make an unlisted board that only their NFT owners can post in. The gated board screenshots are functional proof-of-concepts and the default boards are subject to change.

>> No.49649342


>> No.49649378

>why yes log in to use an imageboard


>> No.49649686

by general public I meant anonymous non stoic/plug/ic0 session IDs. Any "anonymous" user will be able to post on the default standard 4chan type boards. You will only need to web3 log in if you want to access gated boards or have access to NFT / token amount badges. Code will all be open source so users can verify the that it is read-only and that the back end canister is protected by invalid or unknown callers.

>> No.49649759


>> No.49650041

I have 1900 icp in NFTs does that count?

>> No.49650161

That's a feature we eventually want to add is pulling nftgeek floor price data and adding that to a user's balance. It's possible just no proper documentation for it yet so it might take longer to integrate

>> No.49650784


>> No.49650842

I have like 243 ICPs
Probably ngmi but maybe someday it’ll be worth something

>> No.49651019

100% never using it if I have to identify my staked neurons to your service.

>> No.49651045

>ICP will melt faces
we're all counting on it
> ICP $1k eoy

>> No.49651180

it's a chain that can make even centralized exchanges obsolete. Anyone who has any vested interests in centralized exchanges and maintaining their hegemony of course knows any fucktard can deploy an exchange with the complexity of binance into ICP with NNS integration and you will be able to hold wallets for every blockchain natively in separate canisters (eventually) and maintain that transparency for a true decentralized exchange. Of course something like this would fuck centralized exchanges and they won't be able to play their fractional reserve scam game anymore.

>> No.49651240

I hold ICP but I'm not tying it to another pseudo anonymous echo-chamber shitboard that's going to gate out half the users because they don't "believe" enough

>> No.49651401

> still enough to keep out the curry
not when it gets to .01

>> No.49651852

stay poor

>> No.49653137

Why not just do a plug wallet balance check instead of the convoluted neuron thing

>> No.49653194

imagine connecting ur wallet to 4chan HAHAHAHAHAHHA never in my fucking life u fucking sicko

>> No.49653357

Buddy you should be able to check what permissions you're giving the dapp, cryptography protects you. I probably wouldn't connect my internet identity nor stoic wallet tho, plug wallet is secure and prompts you for anything the dapp attempts to do

>> No.49653659


>> No.49654330

say that to bitcointalk too

and this board isn't a shithole? I'll happily flunk this jeet scam sewer.

>> No.49654823


>> No.49655370

It's still in development, duh.

>> No.49655403
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On localhost? You fucking serious?

>> No.49655512
File: 119 KB, 1440x587, the future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Didn't the icp nns go down, again & also its chain? Kek

>the future

>> No.49655656

that happened 6 days ago it didn't happen again today

>> No.49656079
File: 326 KB, 1079x1023, 1600840722080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. also they should have a little indicator showing how much ICP you hold to the nearest 10th. that way i know if the person im talking to is a 1000+ ICP chad or a filthy 10 ICP pajeet

>> No.49656151
File: 188 KB, 800x451, 5_5 burger pee .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You bagholders are mentally ill. You deserve to never make it for being low IQ brainlets.

>> No.49656336

meanwhile everything you bought last cycle was a scam hahahahaha

>> No.49656339


>> No.49656373
File: 763 KB, 830x596, 147926599785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, There was an issue in the deployment of a boundary node which made serving front-end content unavailable in some regions. Transfers, backend code, etc all still worked perfectly fine.

Weird that ICP fudders didn't go nuts spreading this everywhere, I guess the script they're given only has talking points centered around the price

>> No.49657115


>those other chains are a scam! (yet they made their retail money)
>icp isn't a scam! (yet everybody in retail outside of VCS are in extreme red.)

You piss bros literally are mentally ill. Go get checked in & take your meds schizo

>> No.49657168


Not only is the shilled claim of this chain being uncensorable false as we saw with Mario kart its other toted claim of never having "downtime" also failed. Under zero load. You guys just can't stop winning.
>should never have happened

>> No.49657235

When does ICP become illegal because someone posts illegal shit on this board

>> No.49657669

Way too confusing for a board with zero users, good luck bringing people over when half of them are going to think they have to log in to use it

>> No.49657820

Why would they think that? There will just be a link to a board, and people will start using it.

>> No.49657821
File: 351 KB, 1200x900, 1653949364084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah believe it or not, people develop software locally, then deploy it. Crazy, I know

>> No.49657890

Not that encouraging that you're developing it locally on localhost instead of on a server, you know, where it actually matters. Anyone serious, especially with some kind of idea of how long development will take, will have a domain idea.

>> No.49657916


>> No.49657948

Make a board you can post on without needing ICP. Name it /toilet/

>> No.49657961
File: 307 KB, 450x450, smirky dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not me, I'm not developing it. But regardless don't go spouting nonsense and making assumptions like the man behind this isn't doing what he needs to to test it.

>> No.49657994

>the man behind this isn't doing what he needs to to test it
You don't test something that's going on a server locally, you test it and develop it in that environment first.

>> No.49658017

motoko dev here
you don't know what you're talking about
there are no "servers" with icp. this isn't web2
sell your bags, you don't deserve it

>> No.49658043

>ic marines buy the bottom
>animal farm retards like (you) buy the top of worthless scam coins and get rugged back to 2020 levels
seethe lol hope you lost everything kekkkk ugly gay ass nigger

>> No.49658044

It costs money to host. Why wouldn't thy develop it locally first? Makes sense to me.

>> No.49658057
File: 128 KB, 600x562, redditjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can create a server to test locally retard. I am a front end developer. I do this as a profession. Do you know what an IIS is?
Thanks, I don't do IC development so I don't know how that works, but regardless. What an example of the dunning kruger efffect.

>> No.49658132

the nfts are burning out, stop trying

>> No.49658219

lace is still considering nfts, they are working around them and seem to be doing something really interesting lmao

>> No.49658821

>you test it and develop it in that environment first.
First? The fuck are you talking about? Here is your (You) anyway

>> No.49658944

Are you retarded or autistic? It's literally the same code running locally or on a server hosted on AWS with just config differences. There is no reason why you shouldn't develop first locally then worry about live deployment later, especially if you know what you're doing.

>> No.49659105


>> No.49660152


Do you not realize the majority of buyers with legit amounts of cash 5/6 figures bought in during Sept to Jan most likely dcaing down on this board? You jeets with your 500 dollar buys are insufferable. ICP will never reach its previous ath nor half of it. Enjoy your bags as VCs are still up 100x on their initial buys. ICP is a textbook pump & dump with absolutely no chance of obtaining ico gains you mongrel. Enjoy your bags & obsolete tech.

>> No.49660422

Hey champ, every commit in every project is developed and tested on a localhost before being committed to a server. How can you draw the conclusion he doesn't have a server to deploy to from the fact that he develops and tests on localhost before deploying to it, like everybody in the world does?

>> No.49660841 [DELETED] 

Thank you for you input, very useful advice.