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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 245 KB, 822x1008, the man who destroyed america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49650808 No.49650808 [Reply] [Original]

behead those who (embed) edition

>Stock market dictonary:

>Risk management:

>Live Streams:

>Educational sites:


>Free charts:


>Pre-Market Data and Live data:

>Boomer Investing 101:

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) calculator:




>> No.49650861
File: 325 KB, 1080x1350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well did you do today?

>> No.49650934

Cramer calling for a massive dump

>CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Tuesday said that there could be a “key moment” for investors to do some buying in the S&P 500 this week, leaning on analysis from DeCarley Trading market strategist Carley Garner.
>“Eventually the bears will run out of firepower and some of the money sitting on the sidelines will come back into the market,” the “Mad Money” host said. “This is a bullish scenario, people.”

>> No.49650948

fake quote I love the fed

>> No.49650954


>> No.49650978


>> No.49650982

He touches the tree branch
He touches the bear cave
He bought himself some siga
'cause janny's a gay 'ger.

>> No.49650984

AAPL puts clawing their way back from the depths of hell

>> No.49650986
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Nice op pic faggot

>> No.49650996
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50 bps is baked in the cake

>> No.49650998

>The mogul is dying and that means the protection he offered to dozens of horrible people will die with him. The things he has covered up will shock you. Well, not you, but the general public. (((David Geffen)))
UMG bros...

>> No.49650997
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>"I can't believe that Bryce prefers Van Paten's mixtape to mine."
>"But wait, you ain't heard nothing yet - 120 bpm, mumble rap, samples from the twilight zone"
>"Impressive... Very nice, Let's hear Paul Allen's mixtape"
>"Listen to that subtle bass line, the perfectly timed hi-hats, - tastfully bussin' - oh my god it even has a Travis Scott hook - straight goated with the sauce"
Which stocks are the best positioned to profit off of zoomers? Are zoomers even going to be a profitable group or are they just going to be living in vans eating wild bugs for the next 20 years?

>> No.49651004

There should be a script that automatically reverse image searches pictures of women then outputs whether it's a man or not based on search results.
One of you fuckers get on this.

>> No.49651012

In case you missed it during the yen meltdown this week, Japan quietly announced its plans to double defense spending over the next five years. Japan already has the world's second-most powerful expeditionary navy.

>> No.49651013

He's saying to buy before opex on friday, which is probably a bad idea. Unless I'm missing a big event next week or the week after, we'll probably see things go up next tuesday until after July 4th

>> No.49651024
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SIGA chads, what price we selling at?

>> No.49651042
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i sold

>> No.49651046

>or are they just going to be living in vans eating wild bugs for the next 20 years?
100% this. And let's not even get started on generation alpha.

>> No.49651063 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49651061
File: 260 KB, 1240x1682, 5cd4f7f9cfb50505983c0818cd8d0efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought

>> No.49651072

$400 minimum

>> No.49651074

100$ and I'm out

>> No.49651078

It really has been stupid easy to make money in this bear market. I have doubled my portfolio while you retards continue to try and convince me that everything is le “priced in” and hemorrhage money. Continue thinking a bull run is around the corner you bulltards, diamond hands no?

>> No.49651085

Why is SIGA posted so much here? It looks like some trash pharma stock? Its done nothing but lose money lately.

I've made more in puts on one day than this piece of shit.

Also tomorrow is going to be a HUGE pump

>> No.49651092


>> No.49651099

I was reading MUHBLOOMBERG today and this hedge fund manager said that the bottom is about 5-10% from today's lows. Coincidentally anon said he would buy if we dropped 5-10% from here.
Is this a sign? Do I simply set a few limit buys now?

>> No.49651098

>living in vans eating wild bugs for the next 20 years?
Boomers and Xers aren't going to leave them any inheritance so yes.

>> No.49651106

Sticks or crypto?

>> No.49651113


>> No.49651115

Depends on if it can even be contained whether I sell anything.

>> No.49651119
File: 512 KB, 1080x868, Screenshot_20220614-121449_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: Buy the most interesting stocks imaginable tomorrow

>> No.49651122
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Because I said Infectious disease will be the greatest risk in the next two years.

>> No.49651139

Based on what?

>> No.49651156
File: 572 KB, 819x545, emergency SIGA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit spacing
>wrong information about everything
>thinks its a trash pharma stock

We are still early

>> No.49651179

Unless I see Biden sitting cross legged in a Saudi tent eating Kabsa with his hands im not shorting oil yet.

>> No.49651184

doctors who do this shit are going to hell

>> No.49651185
File: 44 KB, 360x360, 1642618887995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy SQQQ, go short another way, or buy energy/oil ETFs (long)?

>> No.49651188

None, they will never have any money. Invest in boomers only because they'll end the world on the way out.

If somehow a generation comes along that is larger than the previous, followed by a total implosion of birthrates, put everything on them. They have the political power to extract all resources from all generations for their entire lifetime. You want to wait to replicate the boomer phenomenon, not fight it.

>> No.49651193

A lot of these women regret cutting off their breasts. I feel bad for them sometimes. These "doctors" are disgusting.

>> No.49651210

I dunno, I don't have alot of money but I bought a little of this dip.
Now time to wagie slave and pray my car lasts a few more months.

>> No.49651226

Options my good man, puts after retarded pumps on a index of your choosing. After that calls if you think it over corrected, or you can just wait it out until the next retarded pump to buy puts again.

>> No.49651235


>> No.49651251

>All zoomers are one person.
Nice one, homo.

>> No.49651266

10-25% for semis.

>> No.49651275

Good we need the japs armed and ready to defend themselves from chinks. Afterwards we will nuke them.

>> No.49651283
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Friendly reminder if you have no tits you're not a women.

>> No.49651302

What expiration date do you use?

>> No.49651306
File: 3.90 MB, 389x309, 1645599504388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are have a chat with dozen of them,its fucked

>> No.49651330
File: 81 KB, 1080x1080, 1645153264248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally over tomorrow isn't it bros

>> No.49651331

Sad to read
It's fucked society encourages mental illness and 18yo cutting their dick and boobs off

>> No.49651336

I for once encouraged more homo tranny shit and pedophila so long as it's pushed on Americans the hardest.
Let the clown world commence!

>> No.49651338
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Can't wait until Biden is finished draining the SPR.

>> No.49651341


>> No.49651348

>They are have a chat with dozen of them,its fucked
Go back to school you fucking dropout/burn out.
Anecdotes are indicating of a trend.

>> No.49651361

Time to be irresponsibly short Vola and irresponsibly long Vola as a hedge.
There is only vola
Everything else is a derivative of it

>> No.49651364
File: 66 KB, 763x736, 45342343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets shill this stock. Just ignore it. Buy SOXL

>> No.49651372

jpow has us looking at interest rates like its the only thing that matters

>> No.49651381
File: 255 KB, 398x398, 1654321891066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy SOXL instead of SIGA
Excuse me what the fuck

>> No.49651393
File: 195 KB, 592x551, 1655250461460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SIGA bros...

>> No.49651397

I wouldn't be surprised if we get a short squeeze rally until Friday and then red weeks towards the end of June.

>> No.49651400

>implying it isn't
The entire market has for years been an attempt at "frontrunning the Fed" that has matured to its present form.

>> No.49651404

No, its literally exclusive weird conservative white men who think the world is ending because of some esoteric homo virus

>> No.49651412

That can't be real. R-right?

>> No.49651421
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>> No.49651433
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NOOOOOOO my sweetie monkey!!

>> No.49651436
File: 141 KB, 1000x1500, 1653328835443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market always bounces between its 150 and 200 week moving average

>> No.49651443
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SOXL !!!!!!

>> No.49651465

>Checks GME ticker
>At no point was it ever in excess of three figures
Shitty fucking day tbqh, barely ended green by a third of a percent.

>> No.49651467
File: 321 KB, 680x782, 1654780068547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My my,tickled a nerve did i?

>> No.49651470

Typically about a month out, unless I have some sort of conviction things will change rapidly, which is rare, I like to play it safe.

>> No.49651472

How much money do these doctors make off these mentally ill women and men?

>> No.49651474
File: 611 KB, 910x835, c0644644fe991206310609dfefa9beb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$15 BRUH

>> No.49651479

yeah good chance of that

>> No.49651491

They don't want to increase interest rates much but they do want stocks and housing prices to dump. They think inflation will go down if asset prices dump. They're trying to do what Bernanke was doing but in reverse.

>> No.49651506
File: 62 KB, 642x654, 16535265262444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its going to be pretty funny when GAYSEXBROS goes past SOXL trannies

>> No.49651522

I don't trade stocks. Never have got one in my whole life. I only saw this image and came to this thread to say one thing.
Wilson was a pussy.
Goodbye and may you all have good luck with your stocks.

>> No.49651531

Would still smash.

>> No.49651567

Ok /biz/ let me get this straigh. Supposedly, the point of the stock market was for average people to be able to invest in some company and in doing so if the company did well they could get dividends. This is in general a good idea as you invest in the economy so it can grow more effectively but you get direct benefits more immediately. Now, your average """""investor""""" goes into this shit hoping he can just get rich by buying in selling, but for this to make sense there must be some people who are willing to buy at a higher price and hold that stock. But these type of people don't exist anymore at least for common stocks because everyone wants to be the one who out smarts the market and magically they get rich. In the end you get a zero sum game of people who do astrology on charts to try and outspeculate the speculators who are doing the exact same thing. And suddenly, everyone is dumbfounded that they lose everything in their glorified hot potato game?

>> No.49651570

Again not a single Xr in my family has a single ounce of retirement. Every single family member I have over 45 had nothing besides hoping our grandparents leave them stuff.

>> No.49651577
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10/10 tits, beautiful soft body, what a shame. Can't fix mental illness with physical attributes.

>> No.49651580

No, they really do that now because if you name something, for example, "bird flu" then all the natives get out and kill as many birds as they can find which is both wasteful and potentially dangerous (just ask China).
These days they try to avoid giving scared mobs targets, because scared mobs are fairly effective at eliminating targets.

>> No.49651588
File: 489 KB, 1080x607, 1651458083747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't trade stocks. Never have got one in my whole life

>> No.49651587


>> No.49651598
File: 91 KB, 683x537, how_does_it_work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49651608

Anon. It's almost as if. People don't solely exist for your pleasure. But for their own.

>> No.49651622
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1655081932667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess its time to invest in bug futures.

>> No.49651624
File: 734 KB, 737x800, Resized_1652104935939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your contribution

>> No.49651635

Nice. But if you're trading crypto, you're basically trading tech stocks now; they just have cooler names.

>> No.49651649
File: 34 KB, 1280x720, Peter Gabriel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monkey, monkey, monkey
>Don't you know you're going to rename the monkey?
>Hey, hey
>Rename the monkey
>Hey, hey, yeah

>> No.49651661

>what is arbitrage
too big of a word for you, bud
let’s just say you should buy btc. Now is the best time cause you can get more since it’s so cheap right now

>> No.49651683

Redpill me as to how its not simply a value trap. The divy doesnt seem that great.

>> No.49651689

>it’s pleasurable to deform myself
tell me how I know what type of hat you wear

>> No.49651691
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>> No.49651705
File: 14 KB, 194x259, 1654057398223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you exist, you are all me in different time lines. I was born alone and will die alone. This is all an illusion. The devil is hard at work in multiple realities to show me images of horrors behind imagination. I must stay strong

>> No.49651708
File: 2.58 MB, 854x480, 1655228819180.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No words for this malarkey

>> No.49651727

Talking with those "inflation is actually just corporate greed" types is beyond frustrating.

>> No.49651729

ok pajeet

>> No.49651732


>> No.49651763

Just remind yourself that commies aren't people and move on.

>> No.49651767

Yeah, all the corporations in the country suddenly decided to become greedy right after Biden got "elected"

>> No.49651777
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>Small group of dominant men

>> No.49651782
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Can you convince them to redirect their hate from big corpos to big bankers?

>> No.49651786


>> No.49651806
File: 79 KB, 1200x883, 1648246740114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.49651817

I agree, but I can understand why they think that. They're so ignorant about how the world works it's the easiest thing to blame.
I'm sure those oil companies that were losing billions when oil went negative we're just doing it for teh lulz

>> No.49651821
File: 47 KB, 680x542, 1654951691675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies are retarded and will believe anything if their preferred political party tells them to.

>> No.49651835

Tell me a single person that you know that said "I'm going to buy this stock at this high price because I expect to hold it for the dividends to pay out!"

>> No.49651843
File: 145 KB, 519x878, 8EE217E5-162B-499A-8AE7-5DB1EDD1A54C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeets cannot formulate sentences or into grammar and vocabulary like me
you would know that if you weren’t a bot forcing memes and a huge faggot

>> No.49651853


>> No.49651855

Dividends come out of the company's earnings. If the company has a room to grow they will reinvest their earnings back into the company. If the company has no room to grow, they will give you a greater share of their earnings in the form of dividends. There is nothing nefarious about companies not paying a lot of dividends.
If you want to look for something actually nefarious about what has been happening in the last few decades watch this:

>> No.49651871

If only scared white males could be scared of the government again.

>> No.49651872
File: 41 KB, 473x473, 4E217D6A-B134-449A-9C23-570FB234534E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it stupid to take adderall over 27? i started a company and find myself wanting a little edge. im not an addictive person. diet is top tier and i only drink water and exercise 3x a week.

>> No.49651883

After hours trading is a fucking scam

>> No.49651886
File: 127 KB, 956x1024, 1654386843123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lock downs when?

>> No.49651905

Just take lions mane mate.

>> No.49651910

as someone who has chased value traps for awhile, often an attractive PE means the market is correctly pricing in a drop in earnings, in which it goes back to 20 PE.
While it should stop dumping, it doesn't mean its going to rocket up any time soon.

>> No.49651919

Does anyone else use Fidelity's option scanners for trading ideas? Been finding tickers with high open interest and volume, and buy otm options with extended expiration dates. 5 out of 5 of my last trades have been very profitable, seemed almost too easy.

>> No.49651920

I'm not buying BTC you nigger you fucked up.

>> No.49651949
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when it starts killing children

>> No.49651957

I'm not saying it's nefarious, what I'm saying is why would anyone had any incentive in holding a high value stock if it wasn't for that? They are just waiting for it to get higher until some other schmuck buys it?

>> No.49651961
File: 108 KB, 760x843, 2DD4153E-F408-49FB-8805-727B7B80DE46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I told you, anon, that YOU are the nigger I fucked up?

>> No.49651964

Guys, I'm still waiting on my advisor's fees. When are you going to pay up your 1%?

>> No.49651966
File: 91 KB, 657x401, 1652826731774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick reminder that Chyna is still locked down and not at full production capacity. Imagine what will happen to oil prices once they come back into demand.

>> No.49651969

had a phone call with my mom over the weekend where when discussing inflation she unironically called it 'putin's price hike'
30 minute conversation ensued explaining why it was the federal reserve's fault and theirs alone
I did not think that people unironically believed the bullshit narrative lmao. It made me depressed to hear that she actually believed it was due to putin.

>> No.49651972

It'd have to start killing people outside of African mudhuts first.

>> No.49651995

American "left" "liberalism"=Midwit the ideology, ignore anything they have to say

>> No.49652008
File: 816 KB, 760x821, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading Ideas -> Market Scanner, right?

>> No.49652033

I think I tried taking that meme or some other nootropic and it made my head hurt. I feel as if most of that shit is snake oil, conversely I've tried 10mg of adderall in the past and its legit

>> No.49652039
File: 109 KB, 513x571, 1652210132610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your parents got the updated npc firmware. Now they think you are a conspiracy theorist. Time for them to turn you in to the authorities using red flag laws you white supremacist.

>> No.49652038

Already killed one dude yesterday

>> No.49652050
File: 682 KB, 896x1216, 1648591861130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After hours trading is a fucking scam
>NVDA earnings
>next day market open share 164/share
>rallies to 190 in a week
yeah sure

>> No.49652056
File: 226 KB, 646x680, 1618015540786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the weakest thing possible to get the level of result you need.
Maybe that level is adderall, maybe you could get away with just caffeine or an afanil, work your way through the more mild options first before moving to stronger things.

>> No.49652070

anons i think we're going to crab downwards until the jews dump it in September.

2007-2008 was also a shemita year

>> No.49652072

It's good to make note of what they're saying though, just to know what level of nonsense their on.
Outside of a mudhut? Figured I would've seen it on the news.

>> No.49652084
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>> No.49652093
File: 47 KB, 147x464, Holdings June 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, all this panicking. All this "OMG our generation is fucked".. It don't bother me a bit. Why?. Zero debt, house payment is locked in, rock solid job, getting a 8% raise next month, and uh a tank of gas will last me a whole month.(Corolla). I simply live life and don't let the shat bother me.

>> No.49652097

Imagine a lemonade stand company just starts. You invest in them and as they open new lemonade stands you expect them to spend their earnings on new jugs and such. Once they corner the lemonade stand market, you expect them to pay you a share of their earnings. Imagine you buy their stock for $1 per share and they grow to $100 and at that point they corner their market. Say they start paying a dividend of 1%. Now you're getting a 100% dividend yield relative to your initial investment.

>> No.49652104
File: 97 KB, 1251x727, FVPFLUDWUAAZ1XY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's both sides of the retarded American political (autism) spectrum.
Left wing retards will say that it's corporate greed
Right wing retards will say that it's Biden's economic policies

None of these fucking dipshits understand how supply and demand works, nor do they get how money supply (le printer go brrr hahahaha) works.

It's the money supply going up by 40% in a very short period of time. Of course prices have gone up. It's not fucking that alzheimer's retard Joe Biden's fault and it's not the evil corporatist lizard people either.

Normies of ANY political alignment will fail to grasp this

>> No.49652107

Wrong, subs exist only for their dom's pleasure and all women are subs

>> No.49652112

Does Brasil count?

>> No.49652131

Why'd they skip 2015?

>> No.49652147

Nigga if it is to them what the hell does it matter to you? It's no different than investing is soxl. Some in people like to fuck themselves

>> No.49652152

Ehhhh, maybe.
I'm a registered independent and Biden's policies (both economic and geopolitical) have no doubt impacted the state of the global economy ffs.

>> No.49652159
File: 630 KB, 2500x1549, anf92a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I forget about Shemita

>> No.49652169


Not really, more like I use the scanner to find stocks with the highest open interest and steady volume and then gamble. I've been shorting shit I never heard of before like HYG and garbage tech companies. Usually, pick up 5-10 contracts and sell them before expiration.

>> No.49652171
File: 614 KB, 1146x1125, C8FC6E3A-4925-45E5-B2C7-32852F32E289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49652192

Ok, but it seems that most people who enter the market don't care about dividends, they buy because line goes up hoping they can quickly sell that and get profit.

>> No.49652198

Sarcastic "Imagine" and "almost as if" posting from you types is so unpleasant to read

>> No.49652216
File: 120 KB, 1024x1013, 1655037673436m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, it's impossible for normies to grasp where inflation comes from. Its a level of abstraction beyond their capabilities.

>> No.49652223

Well have you tried peepee or poopoo posting methods yet?

>> No.49652230

people who have a lot of money care about dividends

>> No.49652234
File: 813 KB, 660x645, 1654875407521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100$ siga is closer than you think

>> No.49652236

he never said that lmao

>> No.49652255
File: 174 KB, 674x672, 2B64E8E7-7AF2-4109-9DF7-556CFEBA6283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn how to type english, kike
you’re posting in a based quotes edition smg.
short siga

>> No.49652256
File: 535 KB, 1206x1473, Byron Dale letter from US Treasury.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Woodrow Wilson quote is a fake. But these documents proving that banks create all money are legit.

Banks create new, digital money out of thin air when they issue loans. Banks create new money to lend with need for deposits or reserves.

>> No.49652263
File: 74 KB, 1077x796, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was more asking which tool on fidelity's website you were referring to

It's the one that looks like this, right?

>> No.49652267

>I'm a registered independent and Biden's policies (both economic and geopolitical) have no doubt impacted the state of the global economy ffs.

Huh? Any political economist worth their salt will tell you that it was the Trump admin who shouldn't have fucking injected trillions into our economy when unemployment was under 4%. Any economist worth their salt will tell you that it was Trump's duty to not let upper income brackets write off a gargantuan amount of taxes and let lower/middle classes foot the bill.

Trump/RNC has contributed to inflation just as much as Biden's moronic executive branch personnel have.

Remember: under Trump, poorer people ended up paying MORE taxes while the rich actually got to write off more taxes.

The worst thing Biden is doing as far as I can see is his stupid fucking climate teams saying things like this: https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1536797759419867136
Which no doubt contribute to energy inflation

I cannot fathom how /smg/ likes to shit on Brandon for his stupidity with oil but likes to overlook interest/fiscal policies that Trump encouraged on top of dogshit RETARDED tax policies.

>> No.49652281
File: 585 KB, 2482x1224, 2 Money, Banking, and Credit in Eastern Europe 1966 Fed Admission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation comes from too much money creation.

And all money is created digitally by private banks issuing loans.

>> No.49652286


>> No.49652290

>You can't constantly blame Jews for your own shortcomings.

Shits becoming unhealthy bros.

>> No.49652300
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>> No.49652306

Cheap fast fashion brands and affiliated companies
Skincare and hygiene companies

Any product/company that would help make a hot girl seem rich on social media

>> No.49652308

I agree with you lol, we weren't talking about Trump fwiw. He listened to too many cuckservatives and neoliberals.

>> No.49652309
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>> No.49652310

fatten up the goyim before harvest?
They did do a mini dump in September that year.

>> No.49652315

Adderall works, for sure, it's amphetamine. Your dopamine receptors will be flooded and you'll feel great. But it's just legal speed and is neurotoxic with repeated use. Lion's mane, conversely, is neurogenic and will actually make you smarter over time, but doesn't have the high that actually pushes you into overdrive.

>t. lion's mane farmer and took 20mg adderall this morning

>> No.49652317
File: 434 KB, 1700x2200, Library of Congress money creation admission 1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the stodgy Library of Congress admits that money is created out of thin air by bank lending.

When you get a loan from a bank, the money is created digitally in their computer AFTER you sign the loan contract.

>> No.49652321

I explained to you why stocks that don't pay dividends can potentially be worthwhile to buy and hold. If something is worthwhile to buy for non-speculative reasons, someone will try to trade it for speculative reasons like olive oil.

Here's a story about Thales of Miletus.
“The story is as follows: people had been saying reproachfully to him that philosophy was useless, as it had left him a poor man. But he, deducing from his knowledge of the stars that there would be a good crop of olives, while it was still winter and he had a little money to spare, used it to pay deposits on all the oil-presses in Miletus and Chios, thus securing their hire. This cost him only a small sum, as there were no other bidders. Then the time of the olive-harvest came, and as there was a sudden and simultaneous demand for oil-presses he hired them out at any price he liked to ask. He made a lot of money, and so demonstrated that it is easy for philosophers to become rich, if they want to; but that is not their object in life. Such is the story of how Thales gave proof of his cleverness” (The Politics, Book I, Bekker page 1259a).

>> No.49652323

>he thinks the purpose of existing is pleasure
NGMI, find a new dogma hedonist.

>> No.49652332

I did great. I went in on BOIL pretty aggressively and all of the beaten down tech shit I bought yesterday that I expect will moon in the coming relief rally starting pumping in AH. I'm up 7% on the day.

>> No.49652338

I don’t blame them for my shortcomings. I blame them for the state of the western world.

>> No.49652347

But you seem to be attributing a lot of *global* economic issues with Biden's fiscal policies.
Can you tell me which of Biden's specific policies have yielded such dramatic knock-on effects?

Trump impacted the global economy as much as Biden did (so, not much)

>> No.49652353
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>Right wing retards will say that it's Biden's economic policies
But it is. I mean, its not ONLY Biden's retarded policy decisions - obviously the fed has an impact, and geopolitics is a major factor right now as well. But most of our current problems stem from the dem green agenda push. Granted, not all of that is directly Biden - such as California's retarded green policies around trucking that caused the port bottleneck in LA during the covid lockdowns. And then there's the moneyprinter go brrrr from the two covid bills.
So I guess its only like 60% Biden's fault.

>> No.49652360
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>the global financial system is teetering on irredeemable collapse
>personal shortcomings

>> No.49652366

>Fed can't solve inflation
>Rate hikes are just making things worse but not solving a single thing
>Demand destruction not happening
>MBS's no bid
>Treasury yields pumping past 2018 highs
>Layoffs and hiring freezes already
>Consumer debt pumping and will get more expensive with each hike
>None of the actual causes inflation are actually being solved
>Bobo thinks Jpow will just hand them 2008 + 1970's stagflation because "h-he has to even if it doesn't fix inflation he has to pretend like he's doing something even if its bad!"

>> No.49652368
File: 208 KB, 1176x392, The Story of Banks 1979 Federal Reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an admission by the bank-owned NY Fed from 1979.

Banks create new, digital money out of thin air AFTER the borrower signs the loan contract. The new money created by private banks is called "customer deposits" and "demand deposits".

>> No.49652382

ah a fellow lion's mane enjoyer. I put that and chaga in my coffee, highly recommend

>> No.49652384
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Jesus fucking christ /smg/ absolutely suckles corporate cock sometimes. How did they win you idiots over? Saying "Putin's Price Hike" isn't the same thing as blaming some/most of this "inflation" on corporate greed. Corporations largely raised prices in 2020-2021 simply because of the pandemic, and people kept paying the higher prices because yes, they are dumb as shit.

The Fed/governments of the world unironically need inflation to offset national debt. That is their real goal and you're so fucking dumb if you don't get that. The Fed will do pretty much whatever it takes to maintain the reserve status of the US dollar, meaning they absolutely will let inflation run "high" for some time. Oh weird notice how "for some time and then returning to previous levels" sounds a lot like "transitory"?

>> No.49652385

Because most of /smg/ skews conservative, hard, and would happily kill themselves if it meant the bullet would pass through a liberal skull once it exited their own. Plus it's only been fiscal policy for half a century at this point that reds pump the markets and blues dump them and they're both working towards the same end goal while providing cover for each other with easily hatable figureheads selected with the same kind of calculus that determines how pop songs sound to generate the most possible revenue and radio listens even if they're shilling degeneracy with the lyrcis (which also sells, as most humans would rather be absolutely repugnant degenerates than ever contribute anything of value).

We're all fucked, it's our own fault regardless what tie we wear, just kick back and open a six pack and enjoy the show. I'd recommend the roof since it means more rioters you can see at any given time.

>> No.49652405

Insanity to attribute 60% of this to Alzheimer's Joe.

Bottlenecks in supply chains were because of the CCP going batshit (they still are going batshit) with Chinese ports.
LA ports have been very active.

>And then there's the moneyprinter go brrrr from the two covid bills
Again, another /smg/ conservative white guy who only pays attention to money printer go brr when DNC politicians advocate for it but not when Trump OPENLY ASKED FOR THE FED TO CUT RATES IN....TWENTY FUCKING NINETEEEN. WELL BEFORE COVID.

>> No.49652416

Or they got time to let it all compound.

>> No.49652433

Didn't read. Fuck centeal banks, fuck the federal government, and fuck commies.

>> No.49652439
File: 337 KB, 1878x1109, Screenshot 2022-06-10 at 19-47-16 https __www.tradingview.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking specifically about his impact on oil prices. Do I really have to go dig up a bunch of links again to prove what is accepted as a fact by everyone not a pathetic NPC at this point?

>> No.49652461

>under Trump, poorer people ended up paying MORE taxes
Not even fucking true. Trump's tax plan raised the standard deduction for the first time in a century, doubling it from around $6,000 to around $12,000. That instantly lowered the tax bill for millions of the poorest people in the country. Sure rich people got out of paying their fair share but that's literally happened forever

>> No.49652468

anyone who parrots a media talking point on this board is a guaranteed shill. Mass replying for more (you)s

>> No.49652482
File: 18 KB, 678x585, 1588252670821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my plan boyos
>cash out at the top (already done)
>short the shit out of the market (in progress)
>sell my shorts & slurp the bottom starting around 2500 spx
>DCA my entire portfolio into SPY, VTI, VOO, etc.
>quit my wagie job
>sell covered calls for income

>> No.49652485

OK this is very bullish. When a company is a scam (think aqb) it's usually impossible for investors to get answers to inquiries.
There are exceptions if it's a lifestyle company (like bhs), but that is easily filtered by seeing the dilution history.

>> No.49652498

Are you fucking kidding me? Take your schizo bullshit somewhere else

>> No.49652505

SARK and TMV tomorrow?

>> No.49652508
File: 9 KB, 236x236, 1655247814079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the two covid bills was under trump you nonce...
And I was talking about LA ports DURING lockdowns not now. And that issue was caused both by a lack of workers - but to a larger degree the green requirements for trucks and stacking regulations for empty containers - basically they couldn't offload new containers because the empty old containers couldn't get taken away fast enough because they couldn't get enough trucks to the port that adhered to the green emissions requirements...

>> No.49652511

people who have a lot of money don't invest in meme stocks.

>> No.49652522

no (you) for you. Maybe you can screenshot this and send it to your boss for 25c

>> No.49652528

big if true


>> No.49652535

>Nooo you can't disagree with my retardation that means you're defending corporations
Why does everyone to the left of Biden do this? Kys, didn't read the rest.

>> No.49652543

Is inflation just the cost of capitalism bros?

>> No.49652545

tell mr henry ford that boomerkike

>> No.49652559

>listening to pol on financial issues
shiggy diggy

>> No.49652563

>Guys if you are smart enough you will predict market shifts no one can see just like that philosopher one time
I suppose that explains why people who invest have huge egos lmao.

>> No.49652576

if that were true indexes would be crashing in after hours
they aren't

but I can hope Im holding VIX overnight like a retard

>> No.49652586

Who thought a company that sells the only approved anti viral for smallpox was a scam? Lol. A p&d, overvalued, speculative, sure. But a scam?

>> No.49652598

Thoughts on TMV? Already priced in?

>> No.49652604

For the specific issues with energy inflation, I do agree that it's objective fact Biden has done nothing to alleviate those supply chain issues and has only made it worse.
Trump's tax plan raised the standard deductions for upper class folks who have more diversity of assets rather than just income taxes to pay. Re-read my argument.

Rich people were able to write off taxes way more under Trump and that was why we saw "net savings" for America when reality was that under Trump more middle class folks and poorer folks foot the bill. instead of focusing on the challenges of low- and moderate-income people, the 2017 tax law boost the after-tax incomes of households in the top 1 percent by 2.9 percent by 2025, roughly three times the 1.0 percent gain for households in the bottom 60 percent per Tax Policy Center estimates. the tax cuts that year will average $61,100 for top 1 percent - and $252,300 for the top one-tenth of 1 percent. the top 1 percent will already have after-tax incomes averaging $2.1 million that year, while the average incomes of the bottom 60 percent will be just $41,800.

Trump fucking DOUBLED the estate tax exemption. That tax policy doubled the amount that the wealthiest households could pass on tax-free to their heirs, from $11 million per couple to $22 million, or many times the lifetime earnings of a typical high school graduate. The few estates large enough to remain taxable - fewer than 1 in 1,000 estates nationwide received a tax cut of $4.4 million per couple.

Trump's shitcore tax plan encouraged rampant tax gaming and undermined the integrity of tax code.

>> No.49652605
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>Insider tips about the fed
Don't believe his lies.

>> No.49652613

Only if you're a Keynesian

>> No.49652637

And that's when you stopped reading. Money is destroyed when the borrower is freed from his bond.

Meanwhile magic internet money is just a ponzi scheme and has less intrinsic value than MMO video game money.

>> No.49652646

Depends on how you think yields are going to move. I'd say the averaged rate hike that's priced in tomorrow is around 65-70bps. Please take a moment to consider what that means before you tell me they only hike on quarter percentages.

>> No.49652651
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>we’re all keynesians now
born too late, bros

>> No.49652659

That would be pretty cool. I’d lose thousands in a day.
What are smg’s favorite inverse etfs right now? I’m seeing DRV and TMV mostly around here.

>> No.49652663

The cost of fascism.

>> No.49652676
File: 84 KB, 750x709, 1584904715105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J.Pow goes off script and announces a 200 bp hike only to be immediately assassinated live on air

>> No.49652683

High inflation was historically due to wars and governments printing money to fund them starting with the Chinese who invented paper money.

>> No.49652685

Boomers, for the first time in their life, would rise up and tear JPOW apart if their future rental income was threatened.

>> No.49652695
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tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day bros

>> No.49652715
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>green futures

>> No.49652747

they're gonna raise rates really high arent they

>> No.49652762

idk anon my bobo positions got raped in ah, h-heh…

>> No.49652787

>Trump's tax plan raised the standard deductions for upper class folks
Yeah okay see you just don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. The standard deduction for single filers is $12,550.

>> No.49652791

Yet here we are anon

>> No.49652799

Rental income is not threatened when rates go up.
It's home equity that is threatened. Owner-renters will be fine.

>> No.49652810

I doubled down on SPXS.

>> No.49652812

Buy puts at open or wait and buy put when JPowell starts speaking?

>> No.49652818

That's the only form of home ownership that actually makes sense is investment properties anyways. Homefags will always hold the bag

>> No.49652821
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>> No.49652850

I mostly agree. Homefags still make out well if they live in really nice markets and can leverage themselves up with HELOCs.

But investment property chads will always come out on top because rentoids only increase when liquidity is sapped from the economy.

>> No.49652866
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>short siga
Smg really loves gay sex

>> No.49652889
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>> No.49652904

The deficit blew up by almost $8 trillion under the Trump administration as a result of tax cuts and spending increases. Biden cut it by $350 billion last year and is on track this year by $1.3 trillion — the largest one year reduction ever. That is something that Biden did not because he's actually a good president, but rather because Trump's tax plan was so abhorrent.

The single filer deduction amount is a useless metric that is inflated for obvious reasons - upper income brackets got to write off more.

>> No.49652905

The example was to show that market speculation is at least as old as the Greeks. The stock market as it is right now is not much different from the Amsterdam stock market in the 17th century.
There are different levels of speculative risk and reward in whatever we do in our lives, like choosing your major, spending years in university and finding out there are no jobs in your specific field of study. What makes the stock market unusual is that you're dealing with contracts and you don't have to commit to a bad investment.

>> No.49652911

Space your buys into the release.
The volatility moves will make almost any option profitable for a split second.

>> No.49652940

The funniest part about these schizo 200 bps rumors is that 200 bps is actually what it would take to get this economy back on track.

100 bps is the only realistic but still barely helpful amount.

>> No.49652952

nobody would say that because you described the stock as highly priced. If I buy a div stock it's because I think it's near its low

>> No.49652954
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>> No.49652957
File: 572 KB, 1242x1240, 1655228916577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On God da market finna pump bruh. Fuck dis inflation shyt frfr

>> No.49652965

im expecting something goofy
i dont know, just have a feeling

>> No.49652976
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Imagine believing any of this besides the cash injection.

>> No.49652986


Cool. Might go short on WTI March 2023

>> No.49652988

Volcker hiked like 400-500 bps at once, multiple times

>> No.49652990
File: 300 KB, 609x662, 18DFCD5E-F071-4A3C-90E6-859784D32318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so it’s gay to short a company that helps sodomites now? thanks for sharing

>> No.49652999
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These guys are right though. Smaller increases mean the pain just gets drawn out for longer. Higher increases mean the market is healing.

>> No.49653004

Because that worked so well the last 3 times Biden did that this year

>> No.49653036

And Volcker caused price shocks that literally shaped the entire modern derivatives market (put skew/smile). Shit isn't happening.

>> No.49653037


I'm in the 100 basis points hike camp. It's better to overdo it now and then lower rates later, versus dragging this slow downward trend out for months. Low volatility, constantly down days sucks for everyone

>> No.49653042
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>Biden cut it by $350 billion last year and is on track this year by $1.3 trillion

>> No.49653046

Ackman is shorting the market. Fuck him and his doom and gloom. He’s a faggot

Zero hedge has been wrong 99% of the time

>> No.49653056

Yes you speculate because of reasons.

>> No.49653081
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When you lose all your money shorting gaysex you will end up selling your bussy for gaysex, thus making you gay and ironically needing TPOXX

>> No.49653100

I love being lectured about the dire state of the U.S. economy, and the (undeniable) hit on Americans’ wages from inflation, by conservatives who don’t support raising the minimum wage, forgiving student debt, providing affordable childcare, or guaranteeing universal healthcare.

It’s almost as if conservatives don’t actually care about improving the living standards of ordinary Americans. It's almost as if conservatives do not understand the supply/demand dynamics of Fed policies, but just want to use ‘the economy’ and ‘gas prices’ as cudgels to beat Biden and the Dems with

>> No.49653104
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>> No.49653107

>Demand destruction not happening
>MBS's no bid
Did you not read what you were writing?

>> No.49653118
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My short-term savings are all in PSTH treating it as a zero-coupon bond with possible surprise upside, so if he pulls off a last minute miracle and bags a unicorn at a fair valuation then all the better.

>> No.49653119

That was a different, and less shitty, era

>> No.49653126


Fuck off back to >>>/pol/

>> No.49653130

Kys you mouth breathing liberal retard

>> No.49653134
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>/leftypol/ detected
Keep seething

>> No.49653162


>> No.49653169
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>> No.49653170

Yes. MBS's went no bid as of Friday and no one is consuming less gas or food to make inflation go down. Jpow is going to have to back off because he's not fixing anything and just causing problems.

>> No.49653171

They can’t. Level up your understanding of the US national debt

>> No.49653175
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Yikes, got another one for my cringe collection.

>> No.49653201

MBS no bid is literally evidence of successful demand destruction you fucking clown

>> No.49653215
File: 2.84 MB, 576x1024, 1655253720845.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futures aren't looking too hot

>> No.49653217

It simply can’t happen. The US government would implode with higher interest rates on new debt

>> No.49653225

This image goes hard, mind if I save?

>> No.49653227

which round for john rocker?

>> No.49653232

>support raising the minimum wage
So you want more inflation?

>> No.49653234

Just caught the latest episode of my boy Tucker Carlson so now I have opinions that aren't my own

>> No.49653238

why cant they

>> No.49653241

They can, but they gotta be quick about it. 1000 bps at this meeting, 900 bps cut in July.

>> No.49653243
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>> No.49653246

demand destruction for commodities retard. Jpow is trying to bring down inflation for COMMODITIES LIKE OIL AND FOOD YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGER

>> No.49653277

feel free to funge ma g

>> No.49653280

Anon, do you actually think that raising the minimum wage impacts inflationary pressures? Tell me which specific Fox News dipshit / RNC congressperson told you this?

>> No.49653283

Based. Being a Democrat on 4chan is epic bait and guaranteed (You)s even if true.

>> No.49653294

The only time raising rates deflates oil prices is during a recession.

>> No.49653308

>raising the minimum wage
Meme metric, doesn't do shit
>forgiving student debt
I'm actually okay with this but only for debt owed to the government, I think most student loans are owed to the government anyways
>providing affordable childcare
Not the government's job
>or guaranteeing universal healthcare
Shouldn't be the government's job either, turn medicare into a voucher program and deregulate the medical industry

Also fuck the GOP, you're just a retard

>> No.49653311

If I may interject, once MBS fails, investment banks suddenly have a liquidity problem, and this means that bagholders there will start to liquidate other assets, which fuck up other completely unrelated sectors

>> No.49653315

I think rising wages go hand in hand with rising prices as we have just seen for the past 2 years. The minimum wage is just a wage like any other

>> No.49653321
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>by conservatives
>if conservatives
>if conservatives

>> No.49653326

inflation is the cost of being economically engaged. cost might be a misnomer though. inflation is a benefit if you have debt.

thats why its particularly tough on retirees and the reason why politicians are so terrified of it.

>> No.49653335

We're in a post GME /biz/, the chance this is a redditor who genuinely believes this is like 50%

>> No.49653351

That’s fucking nutty enough to work, right? How do I profit?

>> No.49653359

Pathetic bait, try harder next time.

>> No.49653368
File: 337 KB, 1920x1200, 1623413325514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After thinking and reading I have come to this conclusion about tomorrow and this week:

>50 we go green because its not bad and they tried
>75 we priced in and they took inflation serious- goes green
>100 or more is not gunna happen but would be epic to see

>thus, all common sense says it goes green tomorrow

therefore: I shorted everything

am IGMI?

>> No.49653385

>Jpow is trying to bring down inflation for COMMODITIES LIKE OIL AND FOOD YOU STUPID FUCKING NIGGER
Lol, you are a donkey, everyone knows thats supply side and he has literally acknowledged in press conferences that he has no control over that. All he can do is destroy demand at home, and demand destruction is as blunt a tool as they come. Youre retarded if you think HE thinks rate hikes are going to surgically bring down oil or food prices specifically. Its going to crash everything. He knows that

>> No.49653393

>don’t support raising the minimum wage
The business will pass the cost on to the consumer and lay off 50% of its workforce.
>forgiving student debt
Not our fault (people who actually pay taxes. My bill was $9,000)some retard went in to debt for a useless degree.
>providing affordable childcare
You had kids with no plan. I had a plan. Again, not my problem.
>guaranteeing universal healthcare.
What is Medicare and disability? If you’re young and able bodied and can’t afford healthcare, you’re doing it wrong. Please refer again to your 2nd point ^

>> No.49653399

It's the pajeet

>> No.49653407

>your ID

Aside from that, uh, no an immediate 1000 bps hike would crater a lot of stuff all throughout the financial system. We wouldn't have a hard landing, we'd have a 9/11 landing.

>> No.49653412

How do they know those mxn identified as such?

>> No.49653413

Lmao prices double yet again. Federal minimum wage still the same. They blame wages because it's easier than blaming the constant need for increased earnings every quarter that I love so much

>> No.49653433

underrated thought

>> No.49653446

It’d have ramifications on interest for new US government debt issuance, and we already spend like 15% of the US tax revenue on interest yearly. Imagine what’d happen to US military spending and welfare if we needed to pay 50%+ of tax revenue on debt interest alone. Not possible, they won’t let it happen. Most realistic way out of the existing debt problem is hyperinflation

>> No.49653457

not going to work because there is no spare capacity for oil and our reserves are being drained hard by brandon and yuropoors. all he's doing is insuring that the Fed is going to be holding the bag on MBS's and Treasuries while everyone flees to real assets, keeping inflation high while causing a meaningless economic collapse

>> No.49653476
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bought more GME

>> No.49653506
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Just hang in there bros.

>> No.49653513


>> No.49653514

How the fuck does everyone here larp that they don't like or want government intervention. Yet the fed backing off pumping the market with debt making the market fall is also bad thing?

>> No.49653522

>real assets
Like what? Almost nothing
Hes engineering a recession and once it is realized it WILL crash oil as everything crashes together and all correlations become 1
Oil wont stay down but it will get a fat haircut
And then normies will re-enter the labor market. Thats what he wants

>> No.49653555

>ess em gee is one person

>> No.49653576
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I don't want the fed to exist but if it does I might as well make money off it
It's that simple

>> No.49653578

commodities like oil, and no he cannot crash oil they'll just stop production again and we're back at square one, there is not enough oil sitting around to consume at low prices if we go into a forced recession.

>> No.49653585

Yet we are all the same

>> No.49653601
File: 2 KB, 199x94, Anticipation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorting oil in any timeline less than a decade

>> No.49653616


>> No.49653627

>These guys are right though.
how do you not recognize sarcasm? In the same article they show that hedge funds are dumping stocks faster than post-lehman
Im expection a crash tomorrow bros.

>> No.49653634

jacked to the TITS on siga + selling covered calls

>> No.49653639

Dont know what to tell you. When a recession is confirmed and/or we get a real capitulation, oil is going to $85. Ill be loading up there. Dont say i didnt warn you when it happens
Fundamentals do not matter in a crash. This is currently NOT a crash

>> No.49653642
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>> No.49653648
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>Joe Brandon dumps 10% of SPR in a day
>Oil drops $3
>pic related

>> No.49653651

Shouldn’t Jews be posting BBC on /gif/? Why are you here? We hate everything the Fed does

>> No.49653653

I’m shorting oil by buying electric.

The money I save is insane, plus every time I drive I stick it to Putin and help Ukraine just a little

>> No.49653656
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What did DIS mean by firing Peter Rice for being an "ill fit with its corporate culture"?

>> No.49653668
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>> No.49653670

I'm not a conservative just racist

>> No.49653671
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lol, apparently 3ac (3 arrows capital - crypto hedge fund) blowing up

>> No.49653688

i bought an electric bike and they said the demand is so high im not getting it for 2 weeks

>> No.49653693

His son still has a dick. No place at Disney for such a bigot

>> No.49653718

found the retard

>> No.49653737

There are tons of similar companies that have the only X or Y but are complete scams, e.g. they dilute anytime they make any profit or their business model is not profitable at all and they rely on gibs just to survive.

>> No.49653756
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which one did you get? mid-drive is the tits if you're not in a super flat area. i own one of these

>> No.49653763
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>> No.49653791
File: 2.84 MB, 854x480, monke_kitty.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only reason i'd purposely invest in ESG is to save monkey frens

>> No.49653808



>> No.49653834

its just another data point that chapek is probably not a great CEO

>> No.49653863

i got the lectric 2.0 step since im going to use it to get to the beach to fish and i dont want to spend more than 1k on a bike thats guaranteed to rust thanks to the ocean

>> No.49654058

please be true

>> No.49654079

im all cash so i just lost whatever inflation is for the day.

>> No.49654098

Who says it was a bad thing? We're all net short here.

>> No.49654173

the US had way less debt back then

>> No.49654204

>Smaller increases mean the pain just gets drawn out for longer
it will just keeping going up, they should have done 100bps a year ago

>> No.49654242

why own Paraa and not para?
jw whats the difference

>> No.49654337

no, it will pump tomorrow and then during Corpus Christ

>> No.49654391

we like money

>> No.49654594

higher interest rates only affect new debt

>> No.49654928

You can't reason with someone who is brainwashed to that extent. Just let them think their retarded thoughts and leave them be