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49649085 No.49649085 [Reply] [Original]

Rat poison squared

>> No.49649281

The Gestapo can't get my crypto even at gunpoint, but, from him, they can take everything

>> No.49649302

He took those underage boys in Omaha though oooff!

>> No.49649315

Buttcorn on suicide watch

Boomerchads stay winning

>> No.49649324

If he owned all the bitcoin in the world it would have no utility and be worthless

>> No.49649332

He's kinda right, Bitcoin wouldn't be worth anything if 100% of the supply was held by only 1 person.

>> No.49649427

Aside from "muh hyperinflation" and "government bad" what are other reasons to buy crypto? Please explain like you would to a child or a golden retriever.

>> No.49649446

uh, im just buying ok, i just am

>> No.49649469
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>> No.49649489


>> No.49649534

It has no utility and IS WORTHLESS.
No army is backing it with guns. No one is really adopting an electricity wasting, unregulated, NEET Ponzi tech lmfao
USD has a lot of guns and oil backing that useless, worthless slip of paper. Crypto has a bunch of loser, NEETs creating heat with their stupid fucking gaming GPUs backing it lol No one wants to be involved with reinventing the wheel (currency) to benefit loses.

It'll be a slow decline as you losers keep trying to pump and much more intelligent Pajeets keep withdrawing.

>> No.49649546

If he owned all the cash in the world or horded anything that's basically still the same shit.
He didn't say shit

>> No.49649549

This is a dumb move. How could this not end in a profitable trade? even if you 2x and sold it all for 50 its better than wagecucking for that 25

>> No.49649559

because he'd rather own XMR

>> No.49649606


>> No.49649608

will we get at least another bull run? I havent made it yet ;-;

>> No.49649646

This isn't even his final form

>> No.49649666


tomorrow fed will increase interest rates above market expectations or possibly open the door to more hikes

>> No.49649684

I am russian and right now the only way for me to pay for foreign stuff like vps/vpn is crypto

>> No.49649736
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the only correct answer

>> No.49649769

with what? Watching poor wagies get conned by third world Pajeets? Kinda pisses me off because I probably will have to bail them out one way or another via taxes. Now I see why dems like to regulate stupid people.

NO. You might see more stupid pumps but people have caught on. The bullrun was purely due to banks "adopting" it aka putting a bit in to pump and dump themselves plus recognizing the technology (blockchains) as being potentially useful for NWO regulation of everything. They eventually figured out that its scalability is, in fact, worse than current fiats and it's ultimately more expensive and useless. There's no practical value.

Now you get to watch Pajeet from Bhar trying to convince zoomers that this is their chance to make it big. Putting on stupid conferences to try and rope in old, senile idiots (which are smarter than them unironically). It's just going to slowly spiral. No mass adoption (because it's literally impossible from an energetics perspective), no bullrun, no making it. Best thing would be for the Leftists to just outright ban it to save stupid zoomies from sending their pathetic wagie bucks straight to India.

>> No.49649779

It has properties of money and you can transfer it anywhere in the world without regulation needed. It’s p2p digital money. You can remember your seed words and not have your assets seized or stolen. You can buy things over the internet anonymously that are illegal.

>> No.49649829

He is correct.

>> No.49649852


>> No.49649856

My god, he's the happiest I've ever seen him. And for only 25 bucks

>> No.49649878

No one wants your tulips

>> No.49649900

It's over

>> No.49649953
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>No army is backing it with guns

neither is the us if you consider this an army

>> No.49649978

Not true, if I had all the stocks in the world I would own every company, I would make an enormous sum of dividends every day. If I owned all the gold in the world, every time some rapper wanted a gold chain or a roastie DEMANDED a gold ring, they would have to get it through me at a price that I could negotiate personally with them. If I owned all the Bitcoin in the world someone could code up another crypto that would accomplish the exact same tasks.

>> No.49649982

because it goes up every 4 years

>> No.49650008

>They eventually figured out that its scalability is, in fact, worse than current fiats and it's ultimately more expensive and useless. There's no practical value.

lol, you realize you're describing the entire technology sector, right?

>> No.49650030

less friction way to trade nasdaq correlation 24/7

>> No.49650031

OOOOOOOOooooooo well said anon. Mmmmmmmm I like that. Yeaasshhjhhhjjmmmhhhhjj ajhhhhhhh very niiiiccee mmm lavely jubely hmmnnng yesss mm AHhhh I LOVE THIS.. ANON WELL DONE. BRABO BO YOU SARR BBUOOUTIFULH AHHHHhhh Mhmmnnn. PAT yourself on the BACK ANON MMMMHHMMMMNnnnnngggh yeassss mmmmh

>> No.49650039

Who needs an army when you have the US Airforce? The army is just so the special kids can technically say they were in the military too

>> No.49650042
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>He bought fake internet money

>> No.49650086

"Has the properties of money..."
Is literally digital garbage backed by nothing. No state, no army, no common value to be obtained nor regulated/enforced.

"can be transferred..."
Is regulated. Is taxed. Isn't available when the power is out. No one accepts it.
Can be easily stolen (aka they just lock the baggies here out and prevent them from withdrawing into real, useable currencies).

"can buy things...that are illegal"
Only XMR does that, and again, it's not a speculative asset but is backed by trust in a small community who have operated in this fashion long before XMR was a thing. Of the shitcoins, this one is the only one with true use value.

>> No.49650107
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Here's the Chad and uncensored version.

>> No.49650106

>half a trillion dollar marketcap asset for $25
>Nah bro, I'm good
Ayo isn't this guy supposed to be a financial genius? Lmaooo

>> No.49650136

only a boomer or a jew could say something like this with a straight face

>> No.49650166

and he is supposed to be a value investor? i wiped my ass with $25 the other day, imagine not throwing $25 away to end the entire crypto industry forever

>> No.49650203

wtf are you talking about zoom zoom? Wtf do you even mean by, "then entire technology center"? Are you talking about the scalability of human ingenuity or distributed systems??

Everything has limitations; some are more expensive and impractical

>> No.49650275

I can use it to buy drugs.

>> No.49650298


(you) >bitches about muh extreme costs
meanwhile technology will develop unabated, energy supply will meet demands, and a digital asset that will match the new techno ecosystem will take the place of destroyable ill-liquid physical goods. I am not carrying gold around to assuage your fears of legitimacy. Crypto is the future.

Tell me, what is wrong about a hyper-portable crypto currency that rides on the infrastructure of humanities insatiable lust for technocratic power?

>> No.49650405

so fucking angry lmao

>> No.49650461

If someone bought all the world's bitcoin for any amount it would instantly become worthless because its distribution model (mining, difficulty adjustment etc.) is a central feature, fucking boomers think they know anything about technology because they bought tech shares and lived the dotcom bubble but really all they know is how to build prisons and destroy everything in their wake.

>> No.49650592

it's not liquid or fungible lmfao

I don't own any gold. I own guns, ammo, land (and by extension people). Energy is the most precious resource as it can do work on a system. You're exchanging energy for heat and creating what? A open ledger record that gets exponentially expensive over time? That's the most optimistic outlook as well, Pajeet.

No one is buying into the garbage anymore because it's just recreating the wheel. "Well, how do make it scalable??" Oh, I KNOW! Let's create lighting networks or do away with the PoW completely! Yes, we'll have validators and!...oh wait, that's centralization... literally cyclical, reinventing the wheel.

Difference is, it's not based in reality. It demonstrates zero value even as a medium of exchange.

The original concept (if your stupid ass ever read the papers) was for it to be a decentralized medium of exchange similar to Hawala. Save all the stupid, wasteful, unscalable elements, but at its core, it was to function as a medium of exchange, not a speculative asset. The PoW was to give it standardized value as it requires energy to produce a block- thus demonstrating value. The major issue is that no one values (as biological organisms) fucking digital tokens and a bit of heat. You value what keeps you alive, puts calories in your body, improves your life. There's not tangible link here, nor is there a guarantee of backing. People who buy this shit don't understand how currency first came about in the first place. You need backing and insurance of value. You need scalability.

>> No.49650680

It has historically gone up despite massive ups and downs. The ups and downs follow a consistent pattern (in sync with halvings). The potential upside outweighs the risks.

>> No.49650837


Eh, interesting. Despite your straw-man caricature you default toward, you have some heart-felt and thought-provoking answers. I'm not sure if your'e sincere (probably) or just bait.

IDK, I see a luddite argument. "Unnecessary expenditures, etc." I mean can you really accurately vouch for the entire systems unviability based on energetic requirements when you aren't capable of objectively measuring said system?

>No one values [crypto] (as biological organism) ... You value what keeps you alive, puts calories in your body, improves your life.

Maybe you just suck at converting that form of exchange into something that is biologically viable? Here is my conclusion: you are pathetically limited with your liberal model of human nature.

>> No.49650927

You're assuming there's demand for it. It's effectively like buying a limited edition baseball card. You're effectively going to be some loser in the future who's trading cards that the world doesn't care for, nor covet. This shit only has value to you. Imagine when most of you figure out that it's never going to be incorporated anywhere. That anything useful coming out of DeFi or blockchain or whatever will just reappropriated by some nation to further control/streamline transactions and taxes. Your shit is going to zero. Everyone is getting out, yet tards here keep clinging to hope like the rest of the world and those far smarter haven't looked into this already? Talk about last off the ship. Just because you don't understand some to the tech behind it like zero knowledge proofs, doesn't mean it's revolutionary or patented math that's going to force the world to adopt your shit and make you rich lmfao that's not how the world works. You've never been robbed? Now imagine being robbed of nothing of value while they turn it into something of value while you rope because you never understood what value is in the first place.

>> No.49651231

those are the truest words you'll see on a board full of cope. I have no horse in the race. I just don't want more wagies to get destroyed, then somehow pass REAL debt on to me and others around them because they threw away their $$$$ to India.

I can. Because we put a number on global energy production and expenditures all the time. I care more for energy in terms of biological systems as it's my profession. So I think of these things in Calories or ATPs but ultimately there are easier means of calculating energy. Furthermore, we can calculate the energy produced by the sun. It's not easily reclaimed once converted to heat, anon.

Look up: Red Queen Hypothesis

It's a pretty simple explanation of how everything works. Unless you're trying to pull some Marxist Dialectic Materialism where you pull something out of nothing and try to claim it's "time dilation", then you're stuck in a zero-sum game competing for energy as you require it to live. Converting energy into heat is very inefficient, yet it's how we generate our electricity atm. Wasting energy to generate nothing (let's say "record keeping on the blockchain" to be generous), is far more egregious. People die over lost energy as only a finite amount is available on earth at any given moment? You think, "oh that's fine, that's others and that spare energy will get recycled back to me! I'm winning!" When in reality, you're effectively killing yourself by wasting money so yes, you will free up a lot of energy...just for others, not you.

Crypto is correct in that it models infinitely scaling energetic expenses, it's just that there's no practical use value associated with it. Generally we value energy, something that either creates it, or conserves it. Crypto does the exact opposite in that it wastes/destroys it.

This is all in regards to PoW (as PoS is mouth breather scam)

>> No.49651517


I get it, so clearly I should just invest in coca-cola stocks and mcdonalds. then converting the life-mass into gold for long term hedge against biological excess. It's almost like a play book from the previous century.

Clearly you are a shrewd business man.

>> No.49651759

>if you offered me several hundred billions $ for $25 I wouldn't take them
t. "greatest investor of our time"

>> No.49651851

Of course he would say no.

He knows that is not going to happen so why give BTC any promotion at all.

Of course if it was real we know what he would do.

>> No.49652287
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>> No.49652354
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I understood that verbally in my mind.

>> No.49652780

The exact same point cam be made by saying, "I would not buy all the world's USD for 25 bitcoin."
As soon as 1 person own all the supply, the currency becomes worthless. Even USD would become worthless if 1 person owned it all. No one would trade for it anymore.

>> No.49653304

>Even USD would become worthless if 1 person owned it all.
no because they (the fed) could always print more

>> No.49653330


>> No.49653420

Lol his arrogance is astounding, makes you think he got rich by swindling and scheming

>> No.49653431

finally we get our board back

>> No.49653451

Know whats better than the army with guns? The black market, if the black market thinks its valuable its more viable than any government since black markets are worldwide.

That's exactly how it got its value in the first place.

>> No.49653730

You should be looking into lead, nickel, wheat, and gas refineries...

Also renewable and nuclear

>> No.49653746

A man cannot live off coke and heroin and DMT alone

>> No.49653781

All these words and you said nothing. Value doesn't need to be everlasting. Some things can have value for a limited time in limited situations. Please stop posting you're just adding entropy to the universe

>> No.49653947

he looks happier lol

>> No.49654011

Nobody would take that deal. It has no inherent value, so if only you had bitcoin its market value would be zero.

>> No.49654219

Let me guess:
He'll be really interested in Goverment approved FEDCOIN

>> No.49654374

>No army is backing it with guns
BTC is decentralized retard.
>intelligent Pajeet

You don't know anything about crypto, sit the fuck down, and shut the hell up.

>> No.49654514
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> black market
The demand for guns, heroin and whores isnt as big as you think