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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49648647 No.49648647 [Reply] [Original]

You had 13 years to make it. What's your excuse?

>> No.49648739

Didn't have money.

>> No.49648772

I was 10 and my parents were poor retards

>> No.49648785

I didn't want to invest in anything that doesn't produce, and I prefer to avoid excessive risk.

>> No.49648796

Same, 6.9 million USD.

>> No.49648798

honestly? i just don't care. i can't be bothered to play these fucking kike games. it's like nails on a chalkboard for me any time i have to so much as sign my name on some paperwork, letalone deal with a bank or pay taxes. fuck this system i don;t want to make it in it.

>> No.49648800

Didn't have money

>> No.49648822

>Buy 100 bucks worth of BTC.
>Put into wallet.
>Wait ten years.
>Multiple millions of dollars.
>High risk.
Okay, retard.

>> No.49648825

I was 6 years old in 2009
fr fr no cap on god bussy bussin

>> No.49648831

Post tax forms

>> No.49648851
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I boughted 2 years ago but most of that is now gone like tears in the rain because I didn't solded half a year ago

>> No.49648853

I want money so I can buy a house in rural ass Quebec, learn French and travel the world.
You guys are lame.

>> No.49648862

You missed the first part of my statement. I am wary of putting money in things that don't produce, and I try to avoid pump and dumps on principle.

>> No.49648876

legitimately? because I live in a small caribbean country and until last year none of the exchanges would bank me (FATF black / grey lists etc), and there was no local crypto scene.

i was in on bitcoin from about 2012. didn't have any real money to invest until 2018, but still, i could have made a fortune from that point on as well.

if there's a crypto crash in the next 12 months, however, i'm ready and waiting with over 250k liquid cash, and an exchange ready to bank me

so... that's my excuse

>> No.49648957
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You had 13 years to lose all your money and end your life. What`s your excuse?

>> No.49648961

i hate you faggots so much. you all complain about how boomers are the worst thing to ever happen but all you want is to own a house, be rich, and say fuck you to the world just like them. you are a spiritual boomer and you're just butthurt you didn't get to play on easy mode like them.

>> No.49648973

I always thought things would get better if I just worked hard.

>> No.49649060

they will but you have to actually work on the right things instead of just playing a rigged game expecting to win.

>> No.49649241

Jesus will send me to hell

>> No.49649264

I was 9 years old 13 years ago. Also I spent all the sub 1k BYC I bought on drugs when I was a teem

>> No.49649508

No, I didn't get 6 million retard, I'm saying if you bought 100 bucks of BTC ten years ago you would have 6.9 million at BTCs all time high.
>Same, 6.9 million.
Retard, stop making assumptions.

>> No.49649557
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>all you want is to own a house, be rich, and say fuck you to the world just like them

>> No.49649562

I know that now. 4 years of college, a distinction in Japanese language and business degree led to a stagnating career. 2 months of working hard to teach myself programming and I'm earning more than double my old salary within a year and a half.
If only I knew back then.

>> No.49649629

>don't produce,
Lmao, 69k all time high, kill yourself.
When I say house I mean trailer/hunting shack.
>but all you want is to own a house, be rich, and say fuck you to the world just like them. you are a spiritual boomer and you're just butthurt you didn't get to play on easy mode like them.
The fuck you want me to do with money? Feed niggers and kiss Jewish ass? Like you?
Kill yourself, you sound pissed and sounds like you're projecting.
No shit I want a fucking house in the middle of butt fuck nowhere far away from nigger Americans.
I rent a fucking shoe box in the burbs, pipe down you fucking nigger faggot cuck.
I want money so I can do what I want and not fucking work all week.
>You just want it east.
I've been working manual labour since I was 14, I'm 24, going on 25.
Suck my fucking cock, working 60 hours doing manual labour sucks fucking dicks and having to stress about bills sucks even more dicks.
I haven't updated my prescription glasses since I was 18.

>> No.49649727

woah calm down boomer-wannabe.

>> No.49649734

>Lmao, 69k all time high, kill yourself.
Just because number goes up doesn't mean it really has any useful goods and services provided to society. Bitcoin is not an equity. It does not impact the utility of making transactions at all whether it is 1 dollar or 1 million dollars. The utility is the same. On the other hand, if I invest in a company that provides rare disease treatments, those people reduce their need for prolonged healthcare and can produce more for society while enjoying themselves.

>> No.49649737

what degree? how is your career shit with a business degree?

>> No.49649740

Boomers are based, Jews are based. You? You're cringe.

>> No.49650661

Was broke and on top of that didn't even know what crypto was

>> No.49650714
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I'm autistic

>> No.49650794

>I want money so I can buy a house in rural ass Quebec, learn French
We don't want you here.

>> No.49650816
File: 1.38 MB, 1052x740, 1651010253101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasted all my time playing video games

>> No.49650969

What programming language did you learn?

>> No.49651903

my lingering homosexuality and excessive niggerkneeling. 2 issues every mutt copes with

>> No.49651906
File: 5 KB, 168x300, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a young farmer obsessed with pussy. Now I have a busty brunette wife, two strappin' young sons, and 210 acres of land paid for thanks to gambling on shitcoins. I've already made it.

>> No.49651959

My parents lost all the money they actively invested, and I assumed I would be as bad as them at it

>> No.49652121

Implying you can't make it in a recession
During recession is when the real ones make it anon, only fakers made it in the past few years

>> No.49652334
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I stayed ignorant and relied on my parents to manage finances (they did horribly) well into my late 20s and missed the entire bullrun. Now I'm waging and buying crypto/stocks/pmg in the hope that I'll make it when I'm 50. Will never have a gf, not starting a family thanks to this shit, decided that I'm too lazy to do the traditional corporate ladder climbing and satisfied being a bottom rung WFH wagie for now. Needless to say parents are horribly disappointed in me for this.

>> No.49652428

If you don't have any hard assets the next 10 years are going to be brutal for you. We are going to have debtor prisons again, or they may start forcing you into military service. I wouldn't put it past those J*ws

>> No.49652435

>severe schizophrenia
>no money
>several suicide attempts
>homeless for much of it
>couldn't find a job
>couldn't find a home


>get a home
>find a career
>have the most savings I've ever had
>start looking into crypto/investments
>global collapse happens


>> No.49652529

>no way I would trade $100 and my morales for a shot at making it.

Give me a break. You probably spend that much on getting stuffed with nigger tranny dick

>> No.49652919

Was extremely young. Dad poor. Fell for the “ponzi scheme” Reddit takes for awhile. Believed stock market was safer. I got in at 2019 though when I stopped listening to those retards and studied everything about investing.

>> No.49652989

Parents lost it all in the '08 downturn and we were homeless and I was depressed as fuck. Still got them into Eth @ $7 though and bought two houses

>> No.49653017

drugs and mental illness

>> No.49653123

These, speculative gambling on crypto is only a good move in hindsight. 20 years from now it might be seen as as a modern tulip mania. The only surefire way to make it with minimal capital is to start your company and take out loans continually imo.

>> No.49653168

I am a midwit

>> No.49653261

I had to much faith in link to sell at 50. Never crossed my mind. Didn't realize how early I was.

>> No.49653613
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My grandparents on both sides of my family were millionaires but my dad and uncles pissed it all away because my grandparents never trusted my advice. You have no idea what it's like watching a fortune getting wasted by retards going on Disney vacations and buying overpriced cars while the greatest bull run in history is happening

>> No.49653628

I was just an underage

>> No.49653632

kek, i tried to buy $2000 worth of LINK when it was under $1 but my shitty credit union wasn't letting me do it so i gave up. i'm not even butthurt because i know i never would've sold a cent or i would've sold it and yolo'd into something else and lost it all.

>> No.49653866

Waiting for crash to buy some prime land and use the cheap labor to build a house with.
Also I have a nasty shitcoin habit

>> No.49654545

It's your fault for wording it so weirdly

>> No.49654597

my excuse is not finding matic earlier lmao, but its never too late to onboard polygon that's taking over the market

>> No.49654727

>I haven't updated my prescription glasses
Bro you need an actual prescription
Meds now schizo

>> No.49654777

Based zoomer faggot

>> No.49654788

i didn't start with millions

>> No.49656329

>he fell for the ponzi scheme is a meme meme

>> No.49657395

Making it is a broad expression. About as broad as ya dad's gaping asshole.

>> No.49657751

13 years is not enough, I perceive time differently.

>> No.49657766

i'm thinking dangerously based

>> No.49657784

98% of the 13 years was bitcoin in a bear market though

It doesn't really count as 13 total years because the GAINS are made in 2% of the last 13 years, where as 98% of the time people lost money

>> No.49658936

I acc meant 13 years since the great recession ended