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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49640604 No.49640604 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the protocol has shown beyond a reasonable doubt that 10 cents can not be broken (otherwise 300 million GRT get sucked into the queries). How much are you boys stacking?

Report in GRT marines.

>> No.49640646

>lower than ICO price

>> No.49640680

It broke 10c yesterday though.

>> No.49640719

I am seriously tempted to sell my bags at a 90% loss because of this faggot I swear to god

>> No.49640748

got 40k, working my way up to 100k

thinking i need 200k to be comfy

>> No.49640754

He's just trying to pump his bag so he can exit before the unlock in 4 days time.

>> No.49640812

For how long though. Once those cheap girthies starting getting sucked up it popped right back up

>> No.49640875

We'll see, the 12% supply increase in a few days with price at ATL should be entertaining.

>> No.49640914

You do realize markets price these things in. You will be pleasantly surprised as this will be the LAST large unlock that this coin will EVER have again

>> No.49640959

>priced in
I doubt that.

>> No.49640977

the FEES are FAKE

>> No.49641164

>priced in
Ah yes, same as back at $1.
Please shut the fuck up forever.

>> No.49641216

It's over.

>Priced in
Famous last words.

>> No.49641220
File: 177 KB, 663x507, F3AAFD56-C861-4DDC-AA61-354739B492C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a position about 2 weeks ago with a .15 cent average. My positions are usually very very close to the bottom. Follow me and I’ll lead you

>> No.49641221

the thought that this low iq faggot is in with us, makes me wanna puke

>> No.49641765

What makes you smarter then me?

>> No.49641914

If I see this tranny faggot in one more post, I'm selling at 60% loss.

>> No.49642224

He abandoned his thread this morning after some pertinent questions he seemed unable to answer.

>> No.49642292


>> No.49642360

He always does that. Disappears or just outright ignores you if you as much ask anything about where the fuck he's pulling out his bullshit from.
He's honestly the strongest fud I've ever faced, I seriously reconsidered my investment once this faggot got involved.

>> No.49643017

Don't let the presence of a misguided moonboy fud you out of your bags. We deal with them from time to time, but they're far from representative of the project. GRT has a way of sobering overenthusiastic speculators.

>> No.49643857

I don’t abandon anything. I’m usually spending my 30 million in gains throughout the day.

Ask me any questions you might have. I’ll answer them easily

>> No.49644018

Current queries following projected?
Source for your speed claim?

>> No.49644292

The speed quote was fed to him by a parsnip troll, and he's been echoing it since because he doesn't verify claims or really understand what he's shilling to begin with.

>> No.49644338

I would laugh but that's actually quite sad.

>> No.49644499

Current queries are around 1.4 billion a day.

Speed of the daily queries can be found on their LinkedIn account. The idiot spewing prq troll nonsense is exactly that an idiot who doesn’t do his own research

>> No.49644873


>> No.49644899
File: 67 KB, 1814x821, 1655178575312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, less than half the projected query volume you were trying to insinuate in your last thread?

>> No.49644938

Do you have any concerns around GRT?

>> No.49644939
File: 7 KB, 641x83, Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 21-07-51 _biz_ - Screenshot this (GRT) - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idiot spewing prq troll nonsense is exactly that an idiot who doesn’t do his own research
It was you though?

>> No.49645001
File: 7 KB, 562x99, Screenshot 2022-06-14 at 21-09-58 _biz_ - Screenshot this (GRT) - Business & Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You never answered this one either?

>> No.49645179
File: 102 KB, 684x1024, 1645127584771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking stand the generals these days. If we hit one American Dollar at some point again I'm using my newfound wealth to find and eliminate Omega so we can go back to Carlos-posting in peace
>June 5
At this point I think you're posting outdated graphs on purpose, you insufferable twat

>> No.49645379

If my PRQ gets back over $1 I will join forces? I too detest the fecker.

>> No.49645495
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What you and the parsnip both fail to understand is that the point to The Graph is not realtime bulk retrieval of txn data, but the performant custom aggregation of event data attached to those txns for realtime querying.

In short, the parsnip is shilling an oil field, while The Graph is a vertically integrated petrochemicals conglomerate.

>> No.49645701

Now that OmegaFaggot has shown beyond a reasonable doubt that he as a buck can be broken (otherwise he will suck 300 million cocks).

>> No.49645765

stop trying to pretend you're the assblaster of grt. It's cringe af. Besides, your posts are full of inaccuracies whenever you pretend to be technical.

>> No.49645832

Regardless, is it a good time to invest in GRT?

I would like to pick up a big that might go somewhere later on, but I don't know if it bottomed out yet.

Even a modest 2x/3x is good enough for me.
I'm considering either this or ALGO

>> No.49645847

I actually do understand that. I just came across Omega and had to query his nonsense. DESU, I am mostly looking at how Parsiqs Tsunami will compare to GRT.

>> No.49645930

It's at its ATL, so
Could also dump to 1c idk

>> No.49646138

summer is coming. If last year is any indication, the team will go into holiday mode from mid July to September. I wouldn't expect anything until then.
From September onwards, there should be news about L2, substreams, integrations with more chains on decentralised mainnet, and first stage of sunsetting the hosted service will be initiated at the end of Q3.
But autumn is also the time when the macro shit is about to go down. It wouldn't be surprising if we're still in the $0.1-$0.2 range or below that by EOY.

>> No.49646330

Apples and oranges.

As far as the realm of blockchain data goes, PRQ's value prop in historical data competes with that of CQT, while CQT is attempting to transition into more direct competition with GRT. GRT's use case, meanwhile, has market competition from ALEPH in the Solana ecosystem and SQT in the Polkadot ecosystem, but leads the way in overall adoption, ecosystem participation, R&D momentum.

>> No.49646383

ETH was supposed to merge in 2018. what makes you think a project that has been over budget and behind schedule will launch this next year? the hosted service was supposed to sunset last year lmao even

>> No.49646463

Yep, the tsunami overlap with GRT is what I'm looking at. Truth is Parsiq has a lot of other things going on and the historical data isn't the biggest of it. Obviously, as a PRQ maxi I hope we steal some of the GRT customer base but I'm really just looking for an understanding of how all this just plays out really.
It is incredibly difficult to find speed of GRT services though.

>> No.49646511

I gave >>49645832 this year's roadmap with the implication that even if executed on time, it might not help the price. Ofc it can be worse.

>> No.49646536

does anyone know why Nader quit?

>> No.49646630

literally went to 9 cents yesterday retard

>> No.49646761

Buying an alt coin is like paying for a lifelong research grant to these jackasses to tinker with blockchain bullshit.

>> No.49646782

Why won't you show hand withnl time stamp?.... I ask every time I see you.

>> No.49646886

The team's holiday mode followed the delivery of curation, and even then they were closely monitoring the situation and tweaking mainnet infra afterward. There are a tremendous amount of deliverables that need to be rolled out before the ETH merge and hosted service sunsetting. All hands on deck likely until Q2 2023.

Despite the optimism last summer, the way things have played out has been a lot more realistic and pragmatic. Sunsetting the hosted service last year would have been ecosystemic suicide.

If you want to determine the speed of The Graph, deploy subgraphs of varying complexity to mainnet and observe how long it takes for them to sync. Fire off a ton of queries at them and gather statistics on the requests/responses. It still won't be an accurate long-term performance indicator though, since StreamingFast tech will be replacing things in the future.

Given The Graph and Parsiq serving different kinds of data needs, I don't really see them poaching each other except where there's a better match in use cases rather than performance concerns.

>> No.49646986

we'll see. I've got used to seeing members of the teams posting vacation photos when they were supposed to work hard.

>> No.49647104


>> No.49647550

Probably satisfied with his DevRel contributions for The Graph.

It'll be interesting to see where he goes next.

>> No.49647726

Can someone explain the hosted service and why it exists in the first place? Why is it taking so long to migrate from it? Technological reasons or political?

>> No.49647919

Hosted service is being used to make the entire crypto rely on the service. Once we have them all relying on us we pull the plug and make them pay. It’s genius really

>> No.49647961

Imagine offering a service for free that a multitrillion dollar industry absolutely depends on and can't easily or inexpensively replicate and then turning around and charging for it this year, and then distributing the revenue to stakeholders. Just imagine how much money will be siphoned from these clients to the network. Extorted out of tens, hundreds of millions of dollars per year soon.

But because the industry has no other option, they'll pay to keep using it, and because the industry is quickly growing, more people will pay to use it. What choice do they have?

>> No.49647975

I remember when photobucket tried that.

>> No.49648100

You mean PRQ provides raw data and GRT processes it?

>> No.49648364

I'm still waiting to get more info on the new Parsiq suite but between Tsunami, Data lakes, Data hubs and the SDK it seems Parsiq is becoming a one stop data shop. They can interrogate, deliver, process and action from data. Historical or live streamed. Obviously it is still being tested but testing seems to be going well.
I'm still learning about capability of both projects.

>> No.49648669

Bro can you fuck OFF! You’ve been Shilling that hacked fork of a shitcoin every thread.

>> No.49648774

You're shilling yours with dodgy info. I'm still waiting for your answers. Evven GRT holders don't like you.

>> No.49648775

Before it existed, the only thing The Graph offered was graph-node and the subgraph standard it indexed. The hosted service was the next step in the evolution of the project, a centralized solution built around graph-node, offered for free in order to reach market first and establish compounding network effects until mainnet was ready.

The 3.5 years since have been spent iteratively building, testing, and polishing the decentralized network to ensure a smooth transition to it.

Photobucket absolutely gutted its user experience without bringing anything new or improved to the table for the paid service. It was a convenience with mediocre service, a low moat, many competitors, and utter failure to capture its network effects, like Imageshack before it. I'm surprised that Imgur is still going strong, but its UX has been declining in recent years as well.

Pretty much, as far as historical data goes. Parsiq is a centralized entity though, while The Graph is working towards decentralizing its service and operations.

>> No.49648932

anons please stop buying into shitcoins left and right. Maybe for once in your lives invest in something useful like MATIC.

>> No.49648964

>Pretty much, as far as historical data goes. Parsiq is a centralized entity though, while The Graph is working towards decentralizing its service and operations.
Aye, Parsiq are moving to a new 'hybrid' model of partial decentralisation but will retain an element of centralisation. There will be a DAO etc. It's an interesting concept and still watching to see where it goes.
I get what you are saying about the differences in photobucket and GRT approach. I was just having a dig at omega who seems to suggest holding an industry to ransom in a similar way photobucket did with users forum photos is a viable business strategy.

>> No.49650160

Bro nobody cares about that hacked shitcoin that forks at any given notice you idiot

>> No.49650243

Like I told you last night. Parsiq was never hacked. In fact, as data and security specialists they have been involved in major hack mitigations.
You really are a spacker.

>> No.49650390

We've done it, we've reached the polar opposite of GRTSux
A GRT fan that posts lackluster shilling in full sincerity, easily torn down by competing shills and even GRT owners themselves, drives away both new and old investors alike, most likely a signal of another price drop
If I weren't already so deep in the red I'd sell my bags because of you

>> No.49650734

What's a sui stack though?

>> No.49651391

10k grt

>> No.49652409

I was u.. and then on Sat morning I decided to get to 100k (bought all remaining stack for .15 per GRT).. we all know what happened right after.. do not be me.. 10c is not the bottom. We are all fcked

>> No.49653626

Tip of the morning Sirs

>> No.49654207
File: 50 KB, 516x323, Screenshot_20220614_203037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you smoking? And can you please share?


>> No.49654748

Look guys this shit literally can’t drop below 10 cents it’s in the damn protocol.

>> No.49654835

please stop

>> No.49654862

when's the supply unlock?

>> No.49654967

18th. 12% of supply. 6bn tokens iirc? Another one in Dec I think.

>> No.49655116

Last major token unlock. Will put us at 8.5B tokens out of 10.3b. Practically max cap.

>> No.49655159

well why the fuck would anyone touch this before over a billion tokens are unlocked

>> No.49655194

Because they aren’t given to random idiots that will dump. Unlocks are used to grow the protocol through indexers who lock their tokens. I’ll be surprised if even 1% of those get dumped.

>> No.49655258

You do also realize 40% of the entire circulating supply is locked for atleast 28 days. Once the free service gets destroyed the supply shock will make this moon so fucking bad.

>> No.49655280

So who's been dumping all year then lad?

>> No.49655313

Dumb question. Take a picture of your 100K+ car with time stamp or fuck off poor fag

>> No.49655331

Post willy.

>> No.49655409
File: 20 KB, 668x862, 28d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop trying to pretend you're the assblaster of grt. It's cringe af. Besides, your posts are full of inaccuracies whenever you pretend to be technical.

>> No.49655645

Holy shit it's these two dumb asses again.
Shorting both of your shitcoins

>> No.49656014

You won't do shit.

>> No.49656823

Bumping for GRT

>> No.49657297

Well liquid staking is coming so I don’t think we’ll see a supply shock

>> No.49658138

I'd argue the opposite, as it allows delegators to access capital that would otherwise be staked, offering an incentive to remain staked. What's your rationale?

>> No.49658773

Actually this coin was made to go down. Imagine being app owner and needing to pay for queries. Just buy big stack and deegate and cover your payments with the fees. But the protocol would not make any money. So they are dumping the price artificially to keep apps paying the fees with more and more GRT. Cost for app devs stays flat (pegged to dolla).

>> No.49658880

Slurped 152,000 GRT at .097
Not selling until $5 minimum.

>> No.49660160

Oh look it dropped below 10c and you're a nigger as usual

>> No.49660251
File: 43 KB, 1170x269, PNG image 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is no btw

>> No.49660448

We will suffer through 2023 and be rewarded on the other side

>> No.49660521

I will continue to DCA anyway, fundamentals have not changed

>> No.49660595

I will be buying below 5c as much as I can
Not touching it at higher price though

>> No.49661654

never have I been so happy to lose money, thank you omegafaggot

>> No.49662795

i am europoor and i just dca in this nightmare. is there really chances for this to drop to 0,5-0,7 range? i really need couple thousand more but i already burned all i have in this pile of shit. i am too deep in this already to back off. i would want to buy something else with my meager income but this fucker just ruined me. i am at the point i would almost suck a cock at 10k gurts anons. i am ass fucked by this

>> No.49663766

>and because the industry is quickly growing
not anymore

>> No.49664785

GRT at under 10 cents is magnificent.

>> No.49664810

2-3c is the absolute bottom, it will go there eventually

>> No.49664839

i hope you are right anon, thanks for hopium. i have 100$ and it's all i have left and i will buy this with it

>> No.49664996

just be patient and don't fomo into bounces. BTC is going to 10k at least maybe even lower

>> No.49665000

What's the essence? Just stake it and forget about it for the next 5 five years. I'm 30% down already on RFOX but I'm not moved as I staked it for 40% APY.

>> No.49665114

thanks anon. i will keep cool and just wait for the 2-3c. if it doesn't happen it doesn't. i have 8k delegating and need to accept that's it

>> No.49665388

You spent over 10K on this very bullish
Just make sure that falling knife don’t cut ya hands too badly