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File: 5 KB, 259x194, mona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4963212 No.4963212 [Reply] [Original]

Why mona wasnt talked about more around here?

40x in last 2,5 months?

>> No.4963227

japanese litecoin clone
nothing more to say about it
the japs adopted it thats why it mooned

>> No.4963228

But it was, and now ssh since I'm currently stuck on another shitcoin.

>> No.4963265

Because it's a shitcoin with nothing to set it apart technologically. It mooned because japs are nationalistic as fuck and decided it was "their coin".

>> No.4963291

nationalistic japs are going to pump COMSA to $500M market cap for a 4-5x, watch and learn fags

>> No.4963298

this will unironically be worth $500 next year

>> No.4963374


Japanese Dogecoin

>> No.4963455

It was during the summer, newfag soyboy.

>> No.4963607

I hodl this shit now, not a bagholder but the japanese always go crazy after kawaii things, so this could get even bigger

>> No.4963716
File: 14 KB, 223x226, mona-is-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, MONA is a Japanese Litecoin. Not dodge, their inflation and general algo's is totally different. Tbh they have a really cute metal coin. I would really like one desu, it's so fucking cuuuute. Only in Japan though. Pic related.

>> No.4963802

Mining another Japanese coin, its a cute one and very low marketcap, recently had an massive increase in price. Lets see where this one goes. Still holding mona to see if it can go to $20 again.

>> No.4963849


No, it's literally japenese dogecoin

Go research serious jap forums. They all discredit it as being a meme coin which is why it pumps and dumps all the time

>> No.4963964
File: 198 KB, 512x723, tsuc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck is the Japari Coin japs?

>> No.4963966

But Japan is a meme, so a meme coin should do well

>> No.4964091

Holy fucking shit guys, I just remembered now I mined this back in Dec 2013 for a short while. I can't believe it took me this long to connect the dots but I verified on the webpage it got out in Dec 2013 and I am pretty sure this is it.

Fuck I hope I transferred from the mining pool otherwise I guess I am fucked.

Hooking up old HDD to an icybox today and will see.

>> No.4964124

I'm interested. Let us know and with pics little bitch if you're not a faggot reddit larper

>> No.4964155

No larp I swear. It was for approx. 2 days on a laptop with a high-end graphics card (at the time). I am counting the early blocks gave me a good payout.

I still have a small notebook where I wrote every crypto password and key so I should be good in that regard. Will report if I find anything.

>> No.4964227

it is now. before this week i never even seen a thread about it and now two or three times a day one shill is shoving this down our throats

>> No.4964235


>latest changes half a year ago
>it's just changing the Litecoin boilerplate to Monacoin boilerplate

Uh, so what are they actually gonna do with this coin?

>> No.4964274

Make more meme coins

>> No.4964313
File: 1.13 MB, 500x362, 1366868031026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like a sol anime. Nothing really happens but you get healed somehow.

>> No.4964476

Make a thread I'll look for it

>> No.4964564

Where did you transfer it to? If you have the passwords why do you still need your drive?

>> No.4964900
File: 244 KB, 800x457, 1512363651612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gook meme shit.

>> No.4965368

Anon I'm not talking about the meme potential I am talking about the tech behind it. It is more similar to litecoin then it is to dodgecoin in terms of tech. Get your shit together man.

>> No.4965398

there were a few tiny threads here and there about mona a couple of months back, even half a year ago

but there's threads about every coin on this fucking board, ofc some of the shilled coins are going to pump at some point

>> No.4965405

Nothing, it works. That's all that matters. I also has a bunch of cute drawings about a girl with a cat. That's all you need to have to convince weebs to buy. That's literally it. It's beauty lies in its simplicity (like BTC and LTC) and the community around it.

>> No.4965660
File: 379 KB, 1448x2048, Mona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le shills are one berson!

Not true at all..

>> No.4965698 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 640x619, 1508483496273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Psst* A better coin than Monacoin, its another Nip coin, a "Japanese Ethereum". Good luck to the people who can find it.

>> No.4965736

Is this still a good buy?

>> No.4965746

we will be waiting.

>> No.4965846

Nip BTC is already there, which is XEM
This is nip litecoin
SOlid buy tho

>> No.4965892

mining this, feels comfy somehow

>> No.4966404

This. 3 biggest coin in Japan are BTC, XEM and MONA. MONA and XEM have an inserse relationship though. Every time XEM pumps MONA dumps. Happening right now. Bunch if japs selling MONA to jump on the XEM moon. MONA will prob go back to 1300¥ because of this. Fucking XEM and 1800¥ walls for MONA.

>> No.4966461

ill grab some ghibli coin if it drops back below $10

>> No.4966870

You should have your chance in a day of 2 or 3 then the bubble will have popped and it's back to the normal trend line.