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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 148 KB, 1768x1086, FSazlPOWQAUqlMg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49641013 No.49641013 [Reply] [Original]

2 more weeks r-rright guys?

>> No.49641055

Wtf are you on anon? Is this "delay" in the room with us? Did you forget your meds again?

>> No.49641199

nigga, fuck this piece of shit blog chain
I have had enough of being conned by dawnmonique and his cyberjannies that do sudokus and call it cryptoesniffography.
I am tired of Motoko as their faggot programming language, nobody knows it and nobody will use it. Their documentation is nonexistent so developers, even if they tried, would have no idea where to begin with, and don't get me started on those .png nfts, these are the most retarded looking, low volume stinking bags of shit. I download .pngs from here all the time, why would I pay money to "own" a hyperlink to a .png I don't even want to download for free??
I am tired of that spic nigger ducklard with his colored plates begging for food donations on entrepot with images slurped from bizrael salt licking mineshafts and making it required to discover a fart-mixing lounge where the only thing you can do is smell other niggers' fraudulent flatulence in an airtight echochamber, typical beaner
I am tired of all those prolapsing asshole trannies infesting the ecosystem with their sassy sissyness thinking they are clever, competing for who can take the biggest dookie and make a 10k feces jpeg collection, and cash-grabbing some icp only to leave those steaming piles of crap forever staining the marketplace catalog
fuck off with your icp ponzi scheme, wow 20-year-old roadmap, NO FUCKING THANKS, you can lie to other brainlets; omg amazing lock icp and stake for 8 years, surely our cloudservers will pay you dividents and dominic dicpic nfts, muh disruptive technology, me farting in a tranquil lake is more disruptive than this computer crap.
what fucking conmen have the nerve to lie and reassure "investors" (LMAO): yeah bro just 20 more years for smart contracts, web speed bro
I have had enough of this, there have been red flags stacked upon red fags from the start. anyone still holding this is a complete lost cause

>> No.49641227
File: 61 KB, 976x850, 315169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

icp is a scam and dominic is a scammer

>> No.49641762
File: 69 KB, 646x341, 418FD0DF-849C-4D13-8B6D-654A691AA610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49641921

Please no one buy ICP crypto COIN

>> No.49642904

You forgot to take another dosage of Dominic’s cum in your mouth hahaha coping retard. Integration isn’t coming out in this red fucking market, it’s delayed again.


>> No.49643809
File: 2 KB, 121x125, 1647484931190s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP is a scam and moonman is a scammer

>> No.49644729

there have been no new delays and you're an emotional idiot if you think anybody releasing anything in a bear market is going to bring ICP back to the $400 you bought them for

>> No.49645275

what is your most optimistic take of ICP during the upcoming 3 year bear?

>> No.49645715

there's no point releasing shit in these panicked market conditions right now you fucking retard

>> No.49646494

> Please sell !!!!!!!!
No, get the fuck out if you don't like ICP, go to the dogecoin thread