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49639611 No.49639611 [Reply] [Original]

How do i cope bros? I'm literally shaking right now, my folio went down from 530k to 240k. Quit my job too and the bottom is nowhere to be seen. I'm going to lose it all isn't it bros, bitcoin is on the trajectory to 1k. I should have sold bros, no bully pls

>> No.49639659
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consider working

>> No.49639696

You should always have some petty cash for a year or two in case. Why the fuck would you let it all ride?

>> No.49639843
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I have PTSD from my previous job in BIG4 bros

Its all so obvious in hindsight anon, I'm kicking myself over it. To make the matters worse I saw the XCN drop in the morning and didnt do shit about it, would have ben 10x by now i have put in some money

>> No.49639913

nigger that's a lot of money
sell and rebuy after the bottom

>> No.49639937


>> No.49639970

Protest in front of Jerome Powell's house

>> No.49640044

yeah you got shilled by typical crypto VC stuff because you relied on your cuckheuristics from your bigly4 days.
cash out 50-100k, go to vietnam/greece/croatia/portugal and chill out for 6mo-1yr. learn some TA, maybe some basic coding. learn more about real shit that matters in this market. buy back when Fed turns around
you can do it anon. I had to do a spirit journey from 18-19 because I went from low 7fig to maybe <400k. all worked out in the end but I had to learn a few things and smarten up a bit.

>> No.49640048

run you fucker ,run like gump and buy at the bottom ,btc is going to 7k-10k

>> No.49640053

i fell from 10m to 6 figure hell. lord help us

>> No.49640152

400k to 30k here. Assuming you’re not in scam alts, just hodl nigger. Next time learn to sell while you’re ahead.

>> No.49640217
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I regret not buying buy the XCN drop at near absolute bottom anon could have 10x

Thanks anon do have valuable programming skills which i can continue working on

feel you bro

anon i feel you, 10m is tonnes of money anon. I wont say why you didn't cash out but hope things work out for you at the end

5% CRO, 70% BNB and rest BTC
Lets hope anon

>> No.49640308

>valuable programming skills
plug it into exchange socket api. check for liquidations. it's pretty much a strategy that will always work trading in this market, until the regulation that will never come comes.
the more you can do actively with calculated risk the less random all this will feel. most people never get it but with 1 cycle under your belt you have the right fundamentals

>> No.49640356

you still have $240k? sell everything and move in with your parents until it's clear crypto has bottomed out.

>> No.49640374


1. plug it into exchange socket api
2. check for liquidations

what do next anon? sounds interesting, mind sharing a little more

>> No.49640666
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yes anon i do have 240k usd still and I have the choice of hibernating in a low income country and can go on <1k per month till i exhaust my investment. But that would mean breaking up with my gf

>> No.49640889

snipe straight down wicks for quick 5-20% bounces. it's the only real trading strategy that pretty much always work if you execute it properly.
forced selling is very inefficient in this market with no regulation and high leverage.
this trade is going away with all the HST coming in but in bull markets it's all I do. whatever extra tether I make i buy shitcoins with it.
after you do this trade enough you can identify a "real bottom" with more accuracy.
read up on what happened in march 2020 crypto crash. it's just a mini version if it happening every few days in anything there are perpetual futures available

>> No.49641209

Thanks anon, i believe liquidation data is freely available via API on binance/kucoin?

>> No.49641317

Just in case anon, if you have some more details which you dont want to write here. This is a temp email sajoh11850@runqx.com

I am keen to learn

>> No.49641318

This isn't very helpful anon because liquidations happen all the time. What value are you talking about? What timeframes should you snipe the wicks? How exactly can you tell if the candles are going to do a reversal?

>> No.49641437

What did you start with? How much is enough for you?

>> No.49641539

yes i believe so but i have a system that's built from other enterprise data aggregator now, which can cost $xxxx a month. i haven't really done this in a while because i've been taking a break.
it's worthwhile for you to research now during bear and turn it on when things are running up together
for example, defi summer 2020, alt rally before BTC broke above 20k in Q4 '20, then it was on crack mode in Q1 '21, summer 21'
it's worth it for me to be able to risk a leveraged position of low 6 fig each time.
my net worth now forces me to do more portfolio management/hedging

it's only a beginning. it's up to you to add more logic to detect what type of liquidation is a "useful" signal vs. a random liquidation.
for example: amount liquidated vs. daily trading volume, vs. historical amount liquidated, # of people liquidated at the same time.

>> No.49641548
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some anon emailed me

>> No.49641582

and btw i think exchanges will take it away now because it's SUCH a valuable data
I believe FTX doesn't have it on their API endpoints anymore, but you can still buy it from whoever they have packaging their data

>> No.49641763
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Lets no divulge more anon. I feel like your sharing my future trade secrets away kek

>> No.49641861

there are too many retards in this market and more will come each cycle
plenty to go around im not worried
gl to you anon

>> No.49641985

Thank you anon. All the best!

>> No.49642028

started with 5k, 5m is enough.

>> No.49642387

>Buy 5 acres of arable land with hook ups already present (just look for a lot with a old house that already has hook ups)
>Buy a single wide mobile home
>Have a foundation poured
>Have the mobile home moved to your foundation
>Have the mobile home hooked up to utilities
Congrats you've spent $200K at most. Get starlink and get a wfh job or start a wfh business. Too easy faggot.

>> No.49642478

You fucking nigger. I literally only have 5K to my name and you have 240K. Cheer up.

>> No.49642553

>I'm going to lose it all
Get out while you still can you sperg.

>> No.49642728

This. With that much money I'd be able to relax for a decade.

>> No.49643508

as long as you have money you can always get another woman. lose the money and your woman will get rid of you anyway.

>> No.49643619

240k? mines at 1000$

>> No.49645054
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Well, you still have the 240K. Some faggots like yourself went all the way down to Zero last month. Diversify with spool, that's the only way you'll stay afloat

>> No.49645156

Deep breaths and meditation
Let go of attachment to the outcome

>> No.49645533

You cope by selling, at least you then have the money in your pocket.