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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49634912 No.49634912 [Reply] [Original]

It's time game plan bros, we are obviously heading towards great depression 2.0 what do we do?

>> No.49636194

buy your stupid gold and see how that pans out for the next 10 years.

>> No.49636696

Calm down cryptard

>> No.49636753

take the guns before the SADS deaths become too prominent

>> No.49636777

The Great Recession was in 2008, the gold bubble was 2011. If the financial issues we have now started in around 2019-2020 then there should be a gold run next year.

>> No.49636797

Hoard shiny rocks and larp that the Great Depression 2.0 is coming

>> No.49636800

We need a solution. Something final, so this doesn't happen again.

>> No.49636804


you seem upset. How is your portfolio doing friend? If you need a hotline, I have the numbers.

>> No.49636837

Indoor shrimp farming

>> No.49636852
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buy hockey masks, wear bondage gear and lift weights.

>> No.49636929

Abolish the government
Depression will be over in 8 months

>> No.49638967
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We get depressed

>> No.49639993

supreme gains, an endless supply of gasoline, and a full revolver barrel will come to you in the wasteland beyond the walls if you reply to this post saying
>thank you Ayatollah of Rock and Roller

>> No.49640092

The weak die and the strong get stronger.

>> No.49640173

just suffer

>> No.49641447

Grow your own food
Keep goats and chickens as a long term buffer of protein
If you dont have your own land by now, eat the bugs and earthworms you will
In that case my advice is to prepare some earthworm Noke rn so you have experience when it will be your main protein source 3 years from now