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49632331 No.49632331 [Reply] [Original]

How do you handle midwits customers?

I work in retail and I see picrel so often. I get alone with the dumb ones perfectly, they don’t understand what I say and simply trust in my words. And I get along with the high iq autists, who understand and know what they need.

It’s the midwits, /pol/cels, and schizos, that make all the trouble all the time. They think they are smart, when in reality they are not and that’s why I usually end up in customer complaint shit which is super annoying.

>> No.49632382

brick and mortar or online? if it's online just blacklist their account.

>> No.49632879

brick and mortar

>> No.49633208
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The only way to handle them is to ignore them or to ridicule them.

>> No.49633275


>> No.49633691
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I mean I want to solve their problems accordingly and give good customer service. Be a good wagie.
Yet they bring up the worst cases up and always ask stupid questions. I don’t want to loose them as customers tho

>> No.49633764
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Well then be a good wagie and dance, you can't please /pol/tard midwits.

>> No.49634095
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>/pol/cels, and schizos
do you talk politics and religion with everyone you see or something? How would you know they were either /pol/tards or schizos?
>Greetings consoomer, Yaldobaoth bless you and vote blue no matter who! how can I help you?