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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 180 KB, 980x653, cart-e1533666925648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49628786 No.49628786 [Reply] [Original]

Not my fucking problem

>> No.49628818

if I see you doing this I will key your car next time

fuck lazy and selfish people

>> No.49628835

>next time
So you're not going to key my car the first time you see me, but the second time you see me?

>> No.49628872

usually people that do thsi leave it cause they are gonna drive out

would be hard not to get caught that way

>> No.49628886

fuck wagies

>> No.49628922

get your asshole ready for the Cart Narc

>> No.49628925

I just key cars randomly, maybe I'll get lucky and get yours one day

>> No.49628934


If people didn't do this then trolley collectors wouldn't have jobs.

We are selfless altruists and philanthropists providing employment for the most vulnerable people in society

>> No.49628967


>> No.49628971

Dont they have dedicated staff that go and collect trolleys over there. It was good money parttime job for me when i was in highschool in my country

>> No.49628977

>umm excuse me sir

>> No.49628980

n i g g e r

>> No.49628983

Literal nigger behavior.
>Cart Narc
The Buffalo supermarket shooter was the biggest cart narc of them all. You know everything he shot never returned a cart.

>> No.49628992

They absolutely do but stray carts makes 4chan seethe for whatever fucking reason.

>> No.49629000

This must be an American thing only.

>> No.49629120


>> No.49629181

You're a fucking faggot

>> No.49629210

So do you enjoy doing unpaid labor?

>> No.49629244

Because it's nigger tier and is indicative of lazy and disruptive behavior. We live in a society, faggot

>> No.49629250
File: 106 KB, 694x1200, c1c2170f-f039-4c84-adb8-d031c6a58acb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that "not my problem" is code for "I am a worthless nigger."

>> No.49629272


>> No.49629299

>We live in a society
Normgroid mentality

>> No.49629326

>nigger behavior upsets non-niggers
wow, imagine that

>> No.49629375

What are you talking about? Rap and hip hop are literally the most popular genres of music in the world

>> No.49629412

>shit is tasty, millions of flies can’t be wrong!

>> No.49629474

Anon, you are arguing that non-blacks are upset by black behavior, which not doing unpaid labor is, in your mind and all of reddit's. Hip hop and rap is black behavior. So basically your claim that "nigger behavior upsets non-niggers" is objectively wrong

>> No.49629513

you do all realise that collecting carts is like skipping work for a wagie, because it's one of the easiest jobs, right? by dumping carts all over the place, you're giving them an excuse to be out wandering round outside, out of sight.

i used to try sneaking onto the checkouts when they put tannoy calls out and the fuckers would actually come looking for me within two to three minutes to shift me back off there.

>> No.49629591

Society is collapsing, let it collapse. Loot like a nigger, leave your shopping cart out, be a nigger. If you're White, it's time to go full nig mode because this society doesn't care about you, why even uphold a society that would rather see you dead? I will put the cart back one day, but not this day.

>> No.49629600

helping your (((society)))

most of these peasants would sell you out for saying nigger. Saying nigger as a White person is the ultimate Litmus test.

Abandoning the shopping cart is just an employment opportunity for someone else

>> No.49629609

didn't read nigger

>> No.49629611

Lazybones itt

>> No.49629634

Someday you will key someone's car and they stab you in the kidney with a solar yard stake.

>> No.49629641

But society 'collapsing' is just shit getting worse and the government being more abusive. People don't actually get held accountable in a collapse and nothing changes.

>> No.49629648

Boomers on facebook said they do this to keep trolley boys in a job

>> No.49629712


>> No.49629718

in my country to take the cart you need to put a coin in it so if you want that coin back you gotta return it

>> No.49629739

Why don't you just violently yank the chain around until the coin comes back out? That way you won''t have to return it

>> No.49629759

It's funny the cart narc flew to the UK but couldn't do any clips because no one acts like a fucking spoiled baby. What's wrong with mutts?

>> No.49629767

because im not a stupid nigger that cant use a simple concept?

>> No.49629776

1. the chain is too short
2. too much effort
3. actually in some cases a 2.5 cent coin will work instead of a 10/25 cent coin soooo... I still leave the cart in the middle of nowhere
They also have a jannie that goes around the parking lot gathering the carts

>> No.49629809

Why not smash the coin holder with a hammer repeatedly?

>> No.49629950

i dont carry around a hammer

>> No.49630021

Why not?

>> No.49630090

Would be fun to spend a day waiting to see what kind of people leave the shopping carts. Then interview them for their motives. I have always wondered.

>> No.49630135

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.49630388

Here shopping carts require you to put a coin into it before you can unchain them and you can only get it back if you put it back. To discard the cart is to lose a coin.

>> No.49630569


What if the wheels lock up as a customer
reaches their vehicle.
Should the carry it back to the cart corral ?
asking for a friend .

>> No.49630579

I always put my own trolley back, but if I see one someone else left there I'm not putting it back. Not my problem

>> No.49630594

>woop woop woo woop

>> No.49630681


>> No.49630792

Ah yes. All 4 wheels of thr cart suddendly lock up after you shoved it around the whole time.

>> No.49630884
File: 208 KB, 1228x1299, 735517E5-2AEE-4282-A8B2-7C037217190B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just shoot the chain to break it?

>> No.49630917


>> No.49631540

No guns country, also property damage

>> No.49631584

You'll do nothing but take the cart back for me. That's what you will do. Seethe somewhere else subhuman whos only value in life is pushing around plastic bins like a retard.

>> No.49631647

Absolutely based and fact pilled. These soft faggots on this board will deny it.

Fuck all you kvetching niggers wanting people to do your work for free.

>> No.49631685

Why the fuck did you ...nevermind. Take the cart and put it up your ass, that's what you do. Fagggggggg

>> No.49631742

It's funny how this pisses so many people off, if you leave your empty food packaging and tray your table in whatever fastfood place you're in nobody will bat an eye because it's expected that a worker will come along and clean it up, but everybody loses their mind when it comes to trolleys even though there's a worker whose job it is to do this

>> No.49631881

By leaving the cart you are ensuring that someone has to be employed to handle it and are creating jobs. Never return the cart

>> No.49632461

The cart test is a simple test to see how good a town/neighborhood is.
>Go to open house
>Visit shopping center afterwards
>If all carts are put back, make an offer
>If carts are all over the fucking place, find a different house

>> No.49632497

It's a rich flex to leave the quarter in the cart, for some other sucker to put the cart back and earn their quarter.

>> No.49632555

juden detected

>> No.49632569


>> No.49632609
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>It's funny how this pisses so many people off, if you leave your empty food packaging and tray your table in whatever fastfood place you're in nobody will bat an eye because it's expected that a worker will come along and clean it up,
The fuck are you on about? I always put my fast food shit in the bin and so does everyone else in my country. Do Americans really not do this? Dirty fucking uncivilised filthy niggers lmao

>> No.49632619
File: 302 KB, 1354x1087, sAaIbnW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49632768

Yeah people do put it away, but I'm saying nobody gives a shit if you don't

>> No.49632801

Weep woop worp woorrrrrrp excuse me sir that's not where the cart goes. Sir! Sir! Hey Mr. Lazybones the cart goes over there!

>> No.49633108
File: 81 KB, 640x632, radiation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine that putting a cart into a square near you is unpaid labor. ngmi.

>> No.49633151
File: 43 KB, 500x321, band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the problem lol

>> No.49633187
File: 58 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first job was pushing carts for a year
I could wrangle 80 of those birches at once
I never put them back in the corrals now.

>> No.49633287

You're not white, simple as

>> No.49633308
File: 136 KB, 661x570, 1614471264350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rap is good just like any other genre of music. The only people i have enocuntered in real life who argue otherwise are weird white nerds

>> No.49633361

>Comfy early 2000s before all cars were hideous deformed blobs of shit

>> No.49633435

too bad you say that about gun control and shootings

>> No.49633673

thats the cycle of life, old sport, it feels good to do the impossible, someone explain me why please.

>> No.49633732

Because of one post that got reposted all over the internet. It's a fake balm for people's egos, a justification of their "morality." Without the chaotic cart leavers of the world there would be no break from the hellscape of a supermarket interior for the lowly wagie. No cheeky one hitter break or an extra cigarette or a moment of a sunshine or cool breeze. No power tripping manager younger than you micromanaging your actions. The cart dilemma is a litmus test for anyone who has ever worked a minimum wage job. It's like when someone shoves their trash in a glass at a restaurant and thinks "Im helbing clean up :)" now I'm not saying that you should throw your cart around the parking lot but scorning those that do isn't in defense of the common man only themselves

>> No.49633742


>> No.49633754

Rap is not music if anything it's just mumble poams

>> No.49633765
File: 255 KB, 1080x1867, 1624626916992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.49633775
File: 45 KB, 474x474, ald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>laughs in aldi

>> No.49633789

>If people didn't do this then trolley collectors wouldn't have jobs.
>It's better to potentially damage cars so zoomers can make 7.25 an hour even through the major of their job isn't collecting carts.
Lmao, Americans, my man.

>> No.49633804

why do americans think its cool to be an apathetic, inconsiderate asshole who doenst care about anyone?

>> No.49633809

You don't own a car, the fuck do you care? Your parents literally feed your ass.

>> No.49633838

I park next to the cart correl, it's literally right before I get to my car.
Holy fuck.

>> No.49633885

I'm native American and I don't really like rap.

>> No.49633902

Clean it up wagie

>> No.49633954

Some stores have carts that lock up if they go out of some range, and I've had them lock up just as they reach my car

>> No.49633957

Ps: ideally if everyone was so concerned with "doing the right thing" you would hide the carts instead of putting them all in one spot

>> No.49634013

>I am proud of my nigger-like behaviour because someone is paid to put up with it

>> No.49634139

g i n

>> No.49634412

I’m going to rape u next time

>> No.49634462

It create jobs, when im old and retired, im gonna push carts to pass time.

>> No.49634545

All outside shopping carts I've seen here can only be redeemed with a coin. So either they want their money back or someone wants easy free money. No rogue carts lying around ever.

>> No.49634610

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
I love this board

>> No.49634787

based. I never put my cart away and you must be fucking retarded if u think I ever will. if u didn't want to push carts u shoulda finished school and not smoke weed instead u fcking scum. ive put my hands down my pants and wiped them on the handles of those things when I'm done idgaf u push carts bitch now smell my cock and balls on ur hands while u think about ur actions

>> No.49634990

Last Black Friday I grabbed like 6 carts that were around the parking lot and pushed them to the corral and the girl that was working didn't even say thank you just nervous laughed and looked at me like I was weird ummmm guess I can't help but have an incel moment

>> No.49635036

Sorry wagie but it's your JOB to put these carts away, not mine.

>> No.49635227



ohhh you're retarded