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49628651 No.49628651 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin will never ever ever EVER

be this cheap again. Just buy buy buy

by 2030 it will be 250k and above and then 1million eventually

for fucks sake this is your golden opportunity

>> No.49628722
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>> No.49628752

crypto and btc is dead for real this time. environmentalists killed it for good

>> No.49628765

Reminder bitcoin only existed for like a decade or so and has never been through a real recession.

Everybody saying "it cant go below previous ATH" are literal retards or are trying to get their bags bought by you by spreading false information.

We are looking at recession levels like we had in 2008. Bitcoin wont be worth shit. If we hold $6k to $3k per bitcoin this is very conservative, we might even go lower.

Alot of cryptos are gonna be worth Dust.

People think they know the future of bitcoin when it has only existed for 10 years in extreme good market conditions were there was infinite money printing and everyone staying at home bored sitting behind their computers trying to earn money.

Soon reality will hit and you will see real despair

>> No.49628797


>> No.49628805

>OP is doing his best to make sure people lose as much money as possible buying a dead asset
fucking based

>> No.49628809

i think the chances of doge hitting 55 cents from .055 cents are greater in the short term than btc going from 22,346 to 223,460 no cap frfr

>> No.49628831

bitcoin will drop to 10 - 12k minimum.
there will be no recovery till june 2023 at a minimum.

>> No.49628849

yes please listen to this guy, btc/eth will rise up again, but nows not the time to lose all your savings and money. It's pure copium and naivete to think we won';t be going lower possibly.

>> No.49628892

I remember when you dumb niggers were saying this at 60k, 50k, 40k and 30k.

Bitcoin will be at 10k by the end of year. I'd be shocked it is still above 20k by the end of the summer.

>> No.49628897

>complains people know the future of bitcoin
>acts like he knows the future of bitcoin

Even if bitcoin drops to 5k in 10 years we will see it bounce back as market conditions improve.

>> No.49628913

That will be a suckers rally. I'm unironically thinking that it will be a 5 year crypto winter. This could be a lost decade for crypto.

>> No.49629014

This is definitely the bottom

>> No.49629063

this might be the bottom. even if it is though, i think after a rally it will come back here. i doubt we have a v shaped recovery and just go up forever now. we could spend a lot of time in this region.

>> No.49629092
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Bitcoin has no utility except as a pump and dump. People aren’t buying Bitcoin to use, they’re buying it in the hopes that they can leave someone else holding the bag.

>> No.49629093
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Yep, this one's going into my cringe folder.

>> No.49629354

literally gold and real estate
i dont need a lump of yellow rock or 100 houses, they have no utility
but there are people out there that can utilize these things. i want to give them my useless yellow rock and useless 100 houses for their money

>> No.49629392

Yeah, gold and real estate are also speculative gambles if you’re thinking of buying them to then sell to someone else.
Were you trying to make a point?
At least gold has usage in electronics and jewelry, and people can live in houses or rent them out. Which is more than what Bitcoin can do.
The only utility Bitcoin had was for anonymous transactions for illegal goods/services, like drugs and prostitution.

>> No.49629442

I did buy half an Ether. Will buy whole one if it crashes more.

>> No.49629481

gold has limited niche use cases for specific clientele
an individual housing unit has limited niche use cases for specific clientele
crypto has limiited niche use cases for specific clientele

>everyone who bought gold and has "lost money" is down because someone else cashed out ahead of them and left them holding the rock
>everyone who bought houses and has "lost money" is down because someone else cashed out ahead of them and left them holding the house

>> No.49629491

It was literally born in the worlds greatest recession idiot.

>> No.49629501

Btc is going to 3k

>> No.49629503

Wait for the fucking market meltdown.
BTC could easily go back to 10k.
You're right, by 2030 it WILL be at new ATHs, but since now we're still in a descending phase, why aren't you waiting for it to bottom and bounce?
You'll find a better buying point slightly after the bounce, than who knows how much before it.

>> No.49629517

It's already been mathematically proven it will reach 3k. I'll buy then

>> No.49629534

Next you'll tell me value is subjective, how absurd.

>> No.49629538

>Wait for the fucking market meltdown.
uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm anon

where have you been the last few months?

>> No.49629543

Its not that it cannot recover, but it will be a while until it recovers (just like everything else). We are certainly headed for a recession, not an apocalypse. Either way, crypto is most likely gonna lose a lot more value and will probably stay at such levels for a while. Will it recover? Likely. In the next 3 months at least? Absolutely not

>> No.49629588

Yeah, very close to the bottom of that recession. It was a part of a 10 year bull run and anything before that was the time when nobody gave 2 shits about it and would send 10k btc to order pizza. For all intents and purposes, it never went through a recession

>> No.49629690

It also doesn't help that btc is old and useless. That every other crypto is 1000x better now

>> No.49629694


new copypasta?

>> No.49629716

Exactly, it lost the tech edge over other crypto a while ago. The only thing holding it up is its unmatched popularity and investments from institutions

>> No.49629753

>unmatched popularity and investments from institutions
>the only thing that holding it up is everything that matters

>> No.49629811

If you think that is everything that matters in determining the value of an asset, I feel bad for you

>> No.49629813

"Hey this new building is earthquake proof"
"How do we know this building is actually earthquake proof?"
"Well we built it after the last earthquake happened and flattened the previous building"
"So this building hasn't actually experienced an earthquake itself?"
"Um no, b-but..."

>> No.49629870

I'm enjoying this story please continue. What happens next

>> No.49629884

well the view is now pretty much spread on all alternative financial media that the fed will pivot back to massive printing soon enough and risk assets all go to the moon with it
not saying we wont crash to 5k in the interim, very real possibility, but calling the obituary of btc here is way premature in 4 years we will probably be sitting at another peak in valuation that people will call impossible

>> No.49630006

The children die in the collapse.

>> No.49630434 [DELETED] 

>btc is old and useless
>even older and more useless
>old as time and totally useless

>> No.49630532

won't be there a point when the market runs out of paper hands and newfags selling btc because oldfags and maxis won't give a flying fuck if Bitcoin drops under 10k because they are still in the profit 1000x? it's logical that point will be the floor, it's always been the case

>> No.49630722

While bear fags are cerebrating, degens are stacking up BTC with ALBT toppings... Will never happen again.

>> No.49630828
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Your ignorance is much fool .... Must BTC pump for people to be rich? ... There are many opportunities like liquidity mining, Futures trading, binary options.... You can still earn from them in a bear market...

>> No.49630870

The one thing i just don't understand, why are (you) all convinced that btc will appreciate in the future?

>> No.49630877

that wasn't the case in 2018, based sir arthur had to save the market with some tether injections when we broke from 6k to 3k
at that point even among veteran holders there was panic

today we are in a situation much much worse
it isn't about paper handed newfags who bought the last top that move the price, the past 6 months was hedgies and vc shops mimicking the nasdaq that moved the price
good news is they are mostly sold out
but we hit price levels so low and destabilising that certain custodian entities in the market will be made to be forced sellers at any price, thats the whole mess with luna and celcius there operation force them to sell collateral at any price, such a liquidation can push us very low indeed
to make matters worse now there is a big futures and options market against crypto, and they have to hedge all their positions again at any price, if 20k is reach gamma convexity will rekt the market good if that pushes us to 17k the celcius final liquidation price say hello to 4 digit btc again

now the third order problem on this is that smart hodlers know this game theory and are cashing out even if long term hodlers, for from a risk management perspective it is better to be in cash for the next 2 weeks
there is only very limited upside in 2 weeks of macro hell and the downside is bottomless so you must sell if you have brains

>> No.49630883

If he's in doubt, refer him to Allianceblock liquidity mining as a Service pools ...

>> No.49630936

current interest rates are killing everything in every market
going all the way to the national budgets of the major economies, at the current rate the interest payments on the national debts will be the majority spend of tax income for the year
this is a situation that cannot hold, rates must come down and the fed must do another qe and it will not be long before they are forced
at that point its crypto to the moon
the alternative is a deflationary collapse which no government willing ever lets happen as that means the end of fiat the end of gov control of currency supply and the forced running of balanced trade and budgets so no more imports and no more gibs
no matter what any retard on here says that will never happen

>> No.49631072

>old and useless
Is it useless if i bought some years ago and sold a fraction of it and got back my initial purchase? Isn't that what a savings account is supposed to do? I hate to say it but time in the market beats timing the market everytime. I'm an absolute retard and I've increased by buying power 400% just by "falling for the hodl meme". Buy low, sell high, repeat. It will go lower, but it will go higher.

>> No.49631122

Imagine still trying to make it off the crypto Ponzi scheme, thank god I work in IT making 120k

>> No.49631257
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>Bitcoin will never ever ever EVER be this cheap again.
you sure about that op

>> No.49631279

Will be a lot cheaper on Wednesday

>> No.49631312

The copium is stronk in this cryptard!

>> No.49631349

Do you know what a marketcap is?

>> No.49633002

>by 2030
might as well go to 0, nigger

>> No.49633407

KEK adjusted for inflation you're making a $50k salary in the 90s. If you want comfy need to be in like $280-320k like the real tech bros

>> No.49633553

for all intensive purposes*

>> No.49634470

I dunno, I wouldn't be too worried if I held thousands or even 100s of bitcoins

>> No.49634537

unless I would be levered ofc, but why would I do that to any significant amount, I simply don't see any reason to panic sell as a whale or maxi even if they go red temporarily

>> No.49635178

I don't believe we can tell for sure where the bottom is, therefore it's best to buy in gradually so that we can enjoythe green whenever it decides to pump.

>> No.49635242
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Yea, this is why I'm DCAing into BTC and others like UTK and XPRESS which I believe in their projects

>> No.49635596

Bitcoin outcompetes gold

>> No.49635727

The same could be said about gold or even fiat money. Gold and fiat are both worse than BTC but remain as kings

>> No.49636202

> $250K 2030
I cringe so hard when I hear 6 figures by 2030. As soon as BTC breaks $70K it’s going to $500K. Sure you can not believe in BTC, but if you do every model literally says 6 figures now is reasonable.

>> No.49636327

How dumb are you?
Every exchange is firing people and announcing the start of the crypto winter. And you massive retarded want to buy?

>> No.49636377

Golds are used in jewlery, industry, tecnology and chemistry.
You can live in a house.

What can you do with negrocumcoin?

>> No.49636442

Bear market started a year ago. You supposed to buy low not high.

>> No.49636503

>by 2030 it will be 250k
by 2023 you mean

>> No.49636547

I got a offer to tell my used car for 22k should I do it and buy one BTC

>> No.49636579
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>Stock market continues to dump
>Bitcoin drops below 20k
>Liquidation cascade ensues
>Price drops to 17k where Celsius' liquidation price lies
>Celsius getting liquidated causes another cascade down to 10-14k

Whether that is the bottom depends on whether the Fed continues to tighten or not, but 14k is an inevitability

>> No.49636603

im predicting $2400 for btc this year. and it wont recover for a long time. i'd sell now and buy in around 2k. i work for an investment firm.

>> No.49636659

another copium post that warms my heart. keep delivering OP and trap more retarded bizniggers with your cringy hopium. im loving it. remember march 2020 low ? it will go alot lower. that was just a little teaser. no more stimmi checks , no more cheap money.. it's over. it was all an elaborate hype scam to financially ruin the vast majority of normies that got in at 40k + and it worked. you are a massive spastik niggertard

>> No.49636703

Wait for BTC to go lower, now is not the time to be buying, though XPRESS is a good token to have

>> No.49636718

Maybe when BTC is at single digits I will buy some just for the Keks.

>> No.49636751

>buying in for long term, before Powell
The only reason to buy in now is going leveraged long or short.

After Powell has his say there's room for long term thinking, now is the time for gambling.

>> No.49636760

>Bitcoin has no utility except as a pump and dump.
amusingly, bitcoin is the only crypto that can be argued to have some additional use case beyond pump and dump, namely that it can get enough people to believe in it as a 21st century store of value. Everything else is literally just a worthless casino chip in a zero-sum degenerate gambling house, and every 'crypto innovation' beyond bitcoin (and maybe monero) to date has essentially boiled down to a bunch of innovative new ways to gamble and/or take leverage.

>> No.49636799
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should of*
diamond dozen*

>> No.49636914

I think it'll go down to 6-8k depending on what else is going on in the world

>> No.49637079
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I'm just buying some here and there to store on a wallet regardless of price. I guarantee some exchanges will go down in the coming years and just having btc on wallet will be priceless. I will still be able to swap btc for xmr anytime I feel like it and that is power. Fiat is very easy to obtain don't care if I lose some fiat here and there. Biz is too wrapped up in the portfolio game and ignores the pursuit of power. But go ahead and chase those altcoin pumps and meme line astrology if that makes you happy nothing wrong with wanting be the next Richard heart.

>> No.49637255
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>golden opportunity
Yes, to be early on PrecogFinance (tickr PCOG)
Not late for Bitcoin (tickr BTC)

>> No.49637596

another cryptonigger scammed by the eternal Jew. lmao enjoy your 'cold wallet' while sucking niggercocks in the subway so u can buy a club sandwhich gullible nig

>> No.49637836

1 btc = 1 btc

>> No.49637964

Why would I want dollars in a world recession in current year? To buy corn? Russian grains are cheaper.

>> No.49637973

Ok, bag holder.

>> No.49638028

>mathematically proven
show me the numbers or youre a fucking faggot

>> No.49638483

>Responds with shitpost no substance
Yes I will go ahead and sell this parallel economy asset for something I can get easily. I don't base it all on crypto but not having btc on wallet is going with your pants down into the future. Smart money running exchanges dont care if latest yield farm stablecoin 100 percent return scam collapses. Smart money will just use it as excuse to lock the altcoin gamblers out of ever accumulating btc/xmr easily which is what they should have been doing. Link/xrp schizos just make up their bank mastermind conspiracies in their own head and of course big players on wall street love it when they do. Just keep chasing imaginary citadel rich fantasies while they hold real financial power of the future they got for free off doomer/schizo daydreams.

>> No.49638541

I love the smell of red candle copium in the morning. It smells like...desperation. And sour milk.

>> No.49638629

"Yep, those beanie babies in the attic will pay off any year now. Yep, soon, you can smell it."

>> No.49638709

>"i dont understand the utility of blockchains, therefore they have no utility. yes, i am very smart"

>> No.49638724

Retard take

>> No.49638753

Only few investors still earn in a bear market and defi has brought an array of opportunities with staking and yield farming. For me stablecoins farming would be a safe bet to hedge against volatility while earning.

>> No.49638756

btc isn’t really the best crypto desu.
right now its holding back crypto as a whole.
btc needs to die for crypto to succeed.

>> No.49638766

blockchain has no utility

>> No.49638902

this is an ignorant post.
there has been plenty of innovation in the crypto sphere.
alot of it is indeed pump n dump though.
the idea is to take the best parts of each innovation found in each crypto.
the accessibility,scalability,speed,safety,stability,privacy and interconnectability of each new crypto.
the only actual negatives recently are from things like governance which we found is almost always centralized and controlled much like fiat which is a huge no no and allows far too much fraud.
only one crypto will truly succeed its a zero sum game most likely it has yet to be born though seeing as there isn’t a crypto trying to do all of this at once yet properly.

>> No.49639052

checked, but you are very dumb

>> No.49639282


>$2400 for btc

Only if some unexpected shit happens. I don't believe it will go under 18k.

>> No.49639511

Will it go down even more? Before I buy.

>> No.49639524

Which one of you is gonna sell me their 3080?

>> No.49639740

>crypto and btc is dead for real this time. environmentalists killed it for good
Fucking retard shitposting biz. This is just the time to add up to your asset.
Shit ain't rocket science, your mancunts stinking curry just like the dumps. I'm going all in for kolnet and other promising assets. Gonna offer me an opportunity to snap up multiple assets from DeFi opportunities

>> No.49639771

After what went down with ust don't think people would be doing anymore stablecoin staking.

>> No.49640515


>> No.49640730

Agreed. There has been notable innovation in so many sectors in the crypto space, especially privacy and security and as to governance, many platforms are DAOs to ensure fair and decentralised system of making decisions. One of the ones I've observed is Railgun privacy protocol which has been deployed by its DAO on several blockchains including Etheruem and Bsc.

>> No.49640818

this recession fud is getting kinda cringe now, you do realise that a "recession" is just a made up term by jewish economists right? it doesnt actually make today any different from tomorrow

>> No.49640972
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If the EU and US ban it then nobody will be buying it since YOU CAN'T (outside of crypto casinos on tax havens)

This whole shit is retarded. Bitcoin went up because the FED pumped a gazillion dollars.

Only and ONLY if people really believe in this, it will go up. But 99% just want more fiat, they don't care about stateless money or any of that. Most people are sheep so trade accordingly.

>> No.49641726

>Beanie Babie FUD

Fuck man, this analogy never had any weight, I have no idea why people bring this up. And I say this as a person that collects pokemon cards. Beanie Babies, for as long as I can remember (and I'm remembering 1999 when people were remotely thinking of holding pokemon as an investment), were always the example of a failed speculative investment.

Did Beanie babies ever rise in price and make people rich? Did they ever hold value? Did they ever rise in value steadily over the years? Could one hold beanie babies and make a profit? No.

Bitcoin (and pokemon) answer "yes" to all the above questions. Beanie babies are "no" on each.

>> No.49643140
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The best is to start DCAing into good gems and stake them as no one knows the bottom. I'm DCAing into ETH, RFOX, and NEAR. Trannies will fomo when the time comes.

>> No.49643569

This thread is fucking hilarious. I bet all these people calling for sub 20k were the ones hodling for 100k 6 months ago. Look at the volume on any exchange; smart money is loading up at these prices.

>> No.49644111

BTC dumped yesterday and an hour after it happened I had 3 fake snapchat accounts add me lol

>> No.49644222

Wait for few exchange to bankrupt then the fun will begun you dumb faggot

>> No.49644296

if you are holding and it goes down, then it goes up in 5-10 years how is that losing money? you don't have your whole net worth in BTC, right?

>> No.49644711

Regardless, there is no point liquidating. I've settled all in into Spools. At least the passive plusses are quite something

>> No.49644793

They won't listen, they're too much of irrational bitches. Let em cry and rope

>> No.49644852

>for real this time
Npc-tier talking kek

>> No.49644911

>Reminder bitcoin only existed for like a decade or so and has never been through a real recession
Reminder that you are delusional if you think your own fud can single-handedly give you cheapy BTCs, disgusting poorfag. Not sorry, you'll die poor

>> No.49644924
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>Le upwards bull trend will continue forever, it just will okay!

>> No.49644981

>bitcoin will drop to 10 - 12k minimum
It's curious how at every bottom spawns the idea of another new bottom. When we was 30k the fud was 20k, now this. Like it will go down forever am I right?

>> No.49645067

Just ask yourself, did we decouple from the economy? If we haven't, there's more poo to poopoo

>> No.49645079

>It's pure copium and naivete to think we won';t be going lower possibly.
And this, gentlemens, is the infamous despair. What should you do when you see /biz/ pestered with this shit? Come on you got this

>> No.49645089

When XRP flips its marketcap in 5 years, BTC will go to zero.

>> No.49645129

>I remember when you dumb niggers were saying this at 60k, 50k, 40k and 30k.
>Bitcoin will be at 10k by the end of year
If it was for you, eventually you would be prone to believe that it can go to -10k kek. Not even kidding

>> No.49645248
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>> No.49645251

>He still thinks BTC is bitcoin

>> No.49645252

The final redpill is actually recognizing that most if not all of what we put value on is indeed done in a subjective manner. Animals don't have this concept of value unless we condition them into learning it

>> No.49645273

>recession levels like 2008
If only

Bitcoin could crash down to the cost of mining a coin. If it goes below that then it could drop to near nothing and eventually fade a way.

>> No.49645286

>I'm unironically thinking that it will be a 5 year crypto winter
You know what's funny? That you didn't came up by yourself with this narrative, you're just parroting the actual fud in its new flavour. That's why your opinion is not relevant, maybe the opposite makes sense

>> No.49645322

>we could spend a lot of time in this region
Correct, something like 2 years. Nothing new btw

>> No.49645336


>dis nigga talking about pokemon being an invesment

Yep this is going in my cringe collection

>> No.49645363

>Bitcoin has no utility except as a pump and dump
This stands true for literally everything in the free market so what's your point. Even your job is a ponzi, your whole life is a ponzi.

>> No.49645394

Show me your astrology

>> No.49645442

Now, enough with your bullshit, do what the fuck you want. Buy, sell, rope, it's all part of the price action. I'm out.

>> No.49645549

>I cringe so hard when I hear 6 figures by 2030.
So you're saying sooner?

>> No.49645553

Check da volume

>> No.49645589
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what about it?

>> No.49645604

Eh, many commodities have utility value. Gold in electronics, oil for combustion, lumber for building.

Id say bitcoin is a bit like a late 60s ferrari, everybody agrees its worh millions, bit in pure metrics its a pile of shit next to a camry.

>> No.49645703
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1 btc = 1 btc

>> No.49645804
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Hmm, a year ago? Your brain in a good state anon?

Whether it does or not, my confidence has shifted away from it. I have more confidence in my dai and usdt staked on spool than btc to be appreciate anytime soon

>> No.49645807

>Id say bitcoin is a bit like a late 60s ferrari, everybody agrees its worh millions, bit in pure metrics its a pile of shit next to a camry.
Don't buy Ferrari then, but with that mindset that won't be a problem in the first place

>> No.49645867
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People still buy this overpriced bitscam????
Yea your Confirmed NGMI

Only crypto.com bros GMI

>> No.49645912
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>> No.49645922

Good one but not very smart

>> No.49645949
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Will go all in at 15k

>> No.49646015

Currency that isn't back by state military power is worthless.

>> No.49646032

Curious how you got all the answers but still manage to miss the point altogether

>> No.49646053
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Actually, that's far from it. Take a look at the TVR that has been registered here over the past couple of weeks

>> No.49646103

Lot of the YouTubers I trust have said this is the bottom now so I think your onto something op

>> No.49646171

It's so tempting, but I'm not gonna try to catch a falling knife.

>> No.49646215

I would but I am unironically out of slurping cash.

>> No.49646218
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That's what I thought about Rail but it keeps going up. My order are left unchecked

>> No.49646232

Like it was mathematically proven that it would have gone to 100k last November, right? Y'all a bunch of faggots

>> No.49646437

Well, they were right the last time

>> No.49646631

Except 20k made sense since it was last cycle ath aka THE resistance. Everything under is just daydreaming and spewed bullshit

>> No.49646819

This. So much this. Let them stay poor anon.

>> No.49646949

20k is just another imaginary line in of arbitrary meaning.

>> No.49647144

At least it has some fucking narrative behind, not like the other numbers you shit right out of your ass hole

>> No.49647305
File: 314 KB, 1284x1586, 8A225760-0E91-4CE1-97CE-2CFBAFE1A905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah bro, this is enough for me to leave. This shit is ran off of hype and hype alone and everyone right now is panicking and selling. Bitcoin is going back to like 2k and that’s being generous.

>> No.49647427

>I'm walking in the wrong direction? SO what at least I'm walking.
I am happy people like you will lose money trying to find meaning in everything.

>> No.49647708

You have no idea where this person lives. 120k in San Jose is poverty level. You'd be living well in other parts of the country.

>> No.49647732

Retards try to predict the future.

>> No.49648067

Ok simple anon, first rule of investing: history tends to repeat itself. Not that it's guaranteed, but now please go look up some chart and see what happens with ATLs and ATHs. Uneducated fuck, comparing basic TA to numbers thrown around because yolo

>> No.49648343
File: 20 KB, 140x147, 1553787278636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll buy at 9k, but thanks for holding them bags while I pack mine.

>> No.49648420

It's going down to 2k

>> No.49648451

why buy now when i can buy at 3500?

>> No.49648488

why would anyone try to convince people to buy now? absolute idiot, let it go even lower, the sale will be glorious
>b-b-but I bought already, it's not fair for me I'll have to wait longer!
don't care, should've played your cards better lol

>> No.49648552

This lol

>> No.49648764

>/biz/ still shilling crypto
Never change retards.

>> No.49649723

because you are a bottom.

>> No.49650650


>> No.49650891

I literally can't, or I would. I was cursed by goxx so anything I made or lost subsequently there was always some false hope of ever getting that payout (it's literally nothing, less than half a BTC) so I got Goldman'ed in 2017 alt crash and just now, each time managing to save&trade less and less. Would if I could, and Bitcoin was my only hope of making anything without paying a single fucking dime except in sales tax on goods to my shitty corrupt greedy piece of shit government that just keeps ruining my life without any reason whatsoever. Fuck everything. Thanks OP now I feel a bit better, good luck.

>> No.49651081

he's right you know.

>> No.49651124

>by 2030
Holy fuck if I wanted to stay poor for 8 years, I'd just go get a job. Eat a dick faggot I'm market selling all the way to $500