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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49627988 No.49627988 [Reply] [Original]


Gentlemen its been a pleasure shitposting with you all.Tomorrow I'll be jobless as will many people so I'm going to go get drunk now. God bless you all.


>> No.49628012
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what does this mean ?
eli5 like im a frogposter redditor

>> No.49628049

I think it's just schizo posting, anon. Bonds are for boomers and jews, we need not worry about them. Hodl, dca and diamond hands only.

>> No.49628053

A black swan is an event that comes fast and goes fast. This is not a black swan but a trend. The trend leads towards you will eat the bugs and there is nothing you can do against it.

>> No.49628054

its 2.8% from what i see. I'm not seeing 5% yet

>> No.49628083

Bold of you anon to assume that i wage cuck

>> No.49628095

what does this mean? asking unironically

>> No.49628110

you cant afford a mortgage anymore

>> No.49628120

You are not allowed to share dark pool data you might want to delete your post op.
If what he's saying is true then the market is going to crash tomorrow because when bonds lose value yields increase and it drags stocks down and when stocks go down so does crypto and everything else. I think he's just a schizo though.

>> No.49628148

shit's fucked, that's what it mean

>> No.49628219

>Bonds are for boomers and jews, we need not worry about them
Bonds are how capital is preserved, if you don't have to worry about them then you just tipped your hand that you're a poorfag. I swear to God it feels like you faggots have $2000 in shitcoins and think you're a high roller.

>> No.49628233
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What's a bond and/or yield?

>> No.49628345

It's a receipt you get when you give your money to Jews for a period of time, the yield is the reward. A bond that will be $100 at its maturity with a 1% yield would be $99. A $100 bond with a yield of 2% would be priced at 98$.
You notice as yields increase price decreases. A one-year treasury bond with a 5% yield would be VERY cheap.

>> No.49628409
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>> No.49628445

So why are smart people buying bonds with yields at 5%+ below inflation?

>> No.49628568

>So why are smart people buying bonds with yields at 5%+ below inflation?
Because when you have tens of billions of dollars investing that money somewhere becomes much more difficult than you or I trading crypto and stocks. American treasury bonds are considered very low risk and therefore attract large institutional money managers that want a low risk asset.

You can also do what is called "ride the curve" where you buy a longer dated 5year+ bond that has decent interest hold it for a short while and then sell it. But that can be dangerous because if yields increase and the price drops on your Bond you are forced to bag hold that Bond till its maturity or sell it for a loss.

>> No.49628716

>So why are smart people buying bonds with yields at 5%+ below inflation?
Also it's important to know a lot of bonds are sold by central banks from and to themselves that is the main way they "print money".

>> No.49629075
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>Hodl, dca and diamond hands only.

>> No.49630070


>> No.49630277

is my USDC going to be okay. I didn't plan on there being a full meltdown, just a recession

>> No.49631248

It means you can make decent money just holding cash again. So Unironically it's a good thing but it also means the speculation that goes on in the markets (stocks/crpyto) no longer have cheap cash to pump them.

Basically we are heading into boomer village and you need to invest like a boomer.

>> No.49631316


>> No.49631337

it means james bond has to yield to you in traffic for a year

>> No.49631480
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What about buying PMs?

>> No.49631856
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>> No.49631923

Its like staking for a BSC shitcoin

>> No.49632286

>HODL DCA and diamond hands only
You sir are evil

>> No.49632350

>OMG IT'S HAPPENING THE 5907324723907th TIME!!!
nothing ever happens

>> No.49632443

Because returning 5% but taking a 8% inflation hit is better than losing 25% on stocks and adding a 8% inflation hit to that.

>> No.49633280

The collapse of western societies is all due to us putting narcissists in charge and never ever checking their behavior with public lynchings.

>> No.49633460

And it's also important to know that if you try to start your own central bank you will be killed by the US military

>> No.49633489

1yr doesn't mean shit. Gimme a call when the 5yr passes 3.5

>> No.49633535

>never ever checking their behavior with public lynchings
Christianity made us passive

>> No.49633664

That concert was moving beautiful.

>No Homo

>> No.49633665
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A r-real happening? A-after all this time? Could it be?

>> No.49633709

Very true. It taught us to obey authority no matter how absurd the requests or how unethical the means and ends.

>> No.49633736

I actually have $3000 in shitcoins so fuck you
Anyway no one cares about bonds

>> No.49633802
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>> No.49633877

Okay but nothing is happening. There's no credit freezes, my cards still work, no crazy shit. What gives? How long does it take?

>> No.49633955

>How long does it take?
2 more weeks

>> No.49633963

>just 24 more hours
might as well call it the nothingburger yield

>> No.49634025

You can, but real estate prices have to come down first :^)

>> No.49634115

Needs to stay above it for a while.

>> No.49634188


Capital preservation in risky times. Losing 5% due to inflation beats losing 60% of your stocks during a bear market.

Not everyone is a day trader so if this continues expect a massive flow of money from stocks into bonds which will make the stock bear market even worse.


>> No.49634332
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Not like this, bondbros. Not like this.

>> No.49635915

>you got a loicense for that cutoff mr bond?

>> No.49635943

those boobas were beautiful

>> No.49636201

>using the 12 month note as a barometer