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49625735 No.49625735 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.49625749

Get woke go broke

>> No.49625762
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Oof, tough luck buddy, guess you'll think twice before voting trump huh sweaty

>> No.49625780

Saw news recently that Zimbabwe is going for another inflation boogaloo. A dude was saying that whenever he gets paid, he immediately buys bricks and builds part of a house. Eventually you might have a complete house instead of worthless paper. Others were doing the same

>> No.49625807

They had to call military to guard fuel stations in srilanka, and rioting mobs burned the house of their prime minister who had to resign, fuel and food became unaffordable.

One of the reason for their food crisis was the govt banning use of fertilisers and promoting organic farming or something.

>> No.49625836

Govt "promoted" organic farming because they couldn't purchase enough fertilizers.

>> No.49625839

Future of usa and other green retard countries

>> No.49625867

They banned the import of fertilizers. And without fertilizer, you can't afford agriculture today. It's just a hobby in this case.

>> No.49625884

Centralized retardness. Who could have guessed that governments are retarded

>> No.49625889

Nah they actually passed an anti-chemical fertilizer act in the parliament back in 2019 , way before the shortage and supply issues started, later they lifted the ban but, but the govt no longer subsidised them.

>> No.49625890
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>One of the reason for their food crisis was the govt banning use of fertilisers and promoting organic farming or something.
you're kidding, right, this is a plot of a dystopian alternative history novel where a deadly pandemic starts spreading from China in 2019

>> No.49625904

Covid completely fucked monetary policy for the world and we're about to pay a very deep price for it

>> No.49625912

kek, I wish I was joking lmao


>> No.49625939

Have a friend from over there, chill dude. Rolls really nice joints. His dad is some high ranking dude with the government there. According to him the country is controlled by one family for the last decade and the family has stolen the country blind. Send some of the money in to uganda and converted the rest to crypto. Basically they are getting fucked over by one greedy family.

>> No.49625943

Don't worry, someone will wander by and snitch and the city will come out with cops and a bulldozer.

>> No.49625987

For some reason all turd world countries are like that, there is one influential family that keeps wining the elections. I have seen this shit across Africa, India, many South east Asian countries.

>> No.49626024

>centralized bankers were afraid of nationalists
>so they destroyed global economies and made nationalist uprisings even more popular
Big brain shit.

>> No.49626047

Not covid. Disasters happen. It showed the world that governments dont have emergency funds or plans for anything. Yeah dude just print money and call it QE. Imagine the money printing levels that so absurd that even with all of the world demanding USD, you still have inflation. All central banks need to burn with their arbitrary decisions.

>> No.49626090

so basically like every other country on earth

>> No.49626124

Sri Lankan govt saw the dollar amount dropping in the reserves and decided to go organic to save money on chemical fertilizer import. Which backfired spectacularly as organic farming completely failed and they had to import even more goods.

There is nothing "woke" about this government. Murdered 270 Christians in 2019 during Easter and blamed it on the Muslims to gain power.

>> No.49626149

> blamed it on Muslims
It was an Islamist terror attack achmed

>> No.49626191

UN already announced 50M $ assistance, after srilanka ran out of fuel and had severe 10h powercuts

>> No.49626255

Must be why the case was efficiently buried and there is no clear culprit identified after three years other than the big ISIS boogeyman.

Why the fuck would ISIS pick the most obscure pajeet country in the Indian subcontinent for an attack?

>> No.49626316

I don't think Zimbabwe is too big on building codes but it might happen out of pure spite that you're only consooming bricks

>> No.49626423
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>> No.49626588
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I can post links too.


> Last month, while addressing the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, the head of Sri Lanka’s Catholic Church, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, called for a UN-led mechanism to probe the 2019 attacks, which he said earlier appeared to be purely the work of “Muslim extremists” but now suggested it was a “grand political plot”.

>> No.49626630

Why would soldiers bother guarding anything when they're not getting paid?

>> No.49626645

ISIS is a Mossad pitbull. Follow the money trail.

>> No.49626730

>ban/limit something
>create a shortage
>woah dude, maybe try this cool unproven energy efficient method instead
>people starve
>Yeah but it's not the government's fault. They did it because they had to.
>rinse and repeat

>> No.49626811

Take fucking NOTES. Every government everywhere can commit any evil they want by simply printing money to give to the police and soldiers. You think the soldiers care that the resulting inflation steals from their friends and family? Fuck no, this is true for all government jobs and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.49627037

I mean its the same here too, guess the difference is. There more for the hairy bushes, clit-tons and the turd-ru to steal over here than in a tiny island. So we don't feel it as bad.

>> No.49627091
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they deserve it for choosing China instead of India, maybe we should annex Sri Lanka

>> No.49627143

Piss off, I don't want you pajeets shitting on Sri lanka's streets

>> No.49627187

your country's a bigger shithole than ours, stop falling for pol memes
Sri Lanka will be renamed Sir Lanka and be a Union Territory with mainland people not allowed to go and settle there permanently

>> No.49627269

the West is doing that on a larger scale with trying to drive out fossil fuels

>> No.49627326
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Words cannot describe the hate I have for street shitting curry niggers.
I unironically hope you get carpet nuked until your shithole country becomes a shit coloured sheet of glass.

>> No.49627331
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>this faggot got scammed

>> No.49627426
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Nope, I just had to interact with curry niggers when I was a wagie.
I swear to god, they are the filthiest form of life on the planet. What I have stuck to the bottom of my shoe is far more "human" than all indians will ever be.

>> No.49627468

Impressive, very nice. Let's see El Salvadors economy

>> No.49627552
File: 96 KB, 702x472, Swindlers List.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the presidents investment choice rn

>> No.49627570

Yen is getting buttfucked too rn

>> No.49627585

> shit coloured sheet of glass

>> No.49627605

Dude your people are literally fleeing to India rn

>> No.49627608
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>crash the rupees
>make them invest on memecoins
>after 3 years the local currency is vinu, and you have leeway for mass adoption in the rest of the world

>> No.49627681

> conspirachud bs by Al Qaeda HQ
Nigga the main culprits were identified, they and were arrested. Info about who they are, their family, their history and belonged to which group is out in the open.

>> No.49627699

Come on, anon. There are a lot more important problems than Sri Lanka to worry about.

>> No.49627795

Eh. I've been to Sri Lanka you sound like you don't really know the history of the country or the sizable Muslim population

>> No.49627811
File: 42 KB, 866x609, 57BAD521-694A-410F-9DCA-CE2304CE99EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have found that westernised poos are the only good ones. If you were born over there you’re fucked. Sorry but that’s a fact. You pick up they’re horrible scamming ways and bring it over here to the west. Fix your shithole country’s before coming over to the west. It ain’t any better having your mob here poo.

>> No.49627831

Its Ok. I've read these pajeets now go on boats to Australia.
They will take them in.

>> No.49627835

>superpower candidate
>can't resist advances of a great power right next to its border

>> No.49628310
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Hey that affects us anon.

>> No.49628436

ISIS isn't all muslim terror cells retard. There are hundreds or thousands spread out all over the planet in shitholes that have muslims in them

>> No.49628514

Europe banned the sales of fossile fueled cars by 2035. It's unironically over.

>> No.49628655

Literally Germany this winter

>> No.49628866

Kys abdul

>> No.49628914

they wanted some of that sweet esg rating.. but then the crops failed... funnily enough the esg retards have that planned for everyone...