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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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49625348 No.49625348 [Reply] [Original]

We are finally here. And we were right. This is the cumulation of being force-fed culture war and propaganda for 15+ years. The Patriot Act was just the tip of the iceberg in the slow strangling of our privacy and freedoms. Manning and Snowden showed us proof that it was only going to get worse.

Those in power did the best to pull the wool over our eyes. Every voice had an agenda, a motive. We used this site to vet out the noise by mercilessly cutting away at each other's opinions until what was left was only truth. We tested our organization through raids and then sharpened our steel in-person against Scientology.

The path wasn't perfect. There were and still are the failures who took our memes and filtering literally. In the wake of the 2008 recession, lost souls who became blinded by the rage of their stolen futures took out their frustration on the public. On average citizens who might have otherwise been friends, family, and allies.

But it was always about us, the "powerless" versus the liars. It was always about the little guy. And by grabbing onto the coattails of Adam Back, we saw a glimmering light of hope that maybe we could the change course of our slow march towards totalitarian doom.

And yet... here we are.

>>On the brink of nuclear war
>>Hearing the first whisperings of the largest financial collapse since the Great Depression
>>Constant use of astroturfing and Pegasus to manufacture violence which is then "busted" and used as an excuse to remove our rights

No more points for calling the rain. Now only points for building an ark.

Biz, the next decade will require your absolute focus. Hold onto those you love most. In whatever capacity you consume media and engage with your fellow humans, remember that the real threats are the same that existed decades ago. Abolition of anonymity. Corruption of financial institutions. The deep state war machine. Campaign funding.

Don't fall for the NPC meme. Instead teach others. Decentralization. Anonymity.

>> No.49625372

Itty bitty baby, itty bitty boat

>> No.49625388

habeeb it

>> No.49625395

I don't believe it

>> No.49625410
File: 292 KB, 899x904, innermonolouge stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't fall for the NPC meme

Kek fuck off. 80% of the population should be culled.

>> No.49625421
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Am I a meme yet?

>> No.49625481
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>The sample size was 30

>> No.49625964
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>> 80% of the population should be culled

Some who would agree with that statement are the same who hold the power to act on it, anon. If $40 billion in weapons sent to foreign aid while the state suffers in poverty shows us anything, it's that they intend to do just that.

So who is the one truly lacking an inner monologue? Did you fall for their bait?

>> No.49626595
File: 20 KB, 898x106, fbi personnel gestapo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take what you can get.

>> No.49626652


>> No.49626696

What is the probability of 24 of 30 responding no, but the overall population being majority yes? You need to argue the surveyed group does not reflect the overall population, not that the size is insufficient.

>> No.49626778

I agree with the elites unironically. Just hold your crypto and you'll be fine and past the final test

>> No.49627034
File: 603 KB, 1272x863, 1648118224803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let us now make universal conclusions based on a nonrandom sample of two dozen white 20-something psychology students in the corresponding author's class who were told to complete sixty tedious surveys by their professor this semester in addition to their normal work if they wanted their credits. Naturally, in the finest tradition of science, we've p-hacked the results to show there's exactly a 95% chance they're correct, and the suitability of the methodology is proved by the high h-indices of the authors.

>> No.49627387
File: 12 KB, 287x176, 1632633239068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when people mocked the idea that the internet was serious business or that anything that happened on here really mattered irl. Well that all changed in recent years and I even had to buy a dog to protect me from Anonymous. I never imagined things would go this far, but here we are. I miss the days when communities were actually organic, as opposed to the modern internet where everything is astroturfed to hell, and where everything you say/do is constantly being monitored by 3-letter agencies.

>> No.49627614

what is the probability that all three of the brave soldiers who attacked Rittenhouse were Jewish? nothing is coincidence

>> No.49627769

Love these posts. You are not special faggot
This was a meme pushed on here to make incels feel superior
You dumb nigger

>> No.49628253

oh an actually interesting thread, shame it can't be flooded by bots and people spamming their shitty agenda in order to keep it well bumped. yeah OP i do feel for the newfags but worse still the younger generation. my whole life we had to deal with the fact that our generation didn't have it as easy as the one(s) before but we at least had this - the internet. we had the most powerful freedom and machine of truth and reality in the history of mankind. but it has been compromised and there is no taking it back. all we can do now is carefully try to use and support technologies that preserve what power remains before there is nothing left. happiness doesn't lie in the right laws or a protective daddy gov, it lies in freedom wherein humans feel safe to be and say and live and do. and the internet is the last island to do that. is it any wonder real life is so wrought with anger and feae

>> No.49628652

2021 oldfag here. It was nice being with you my kekerinos. In the end my diamonds hands couldn't hold anything.

>> No.49628753

>sample size

You could make an infographic about how the sky is purple and someone on /pol/ would buy it. Retard brain.